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牛津上海版七下英语Unit 11 Electricity解析版.docx

1、牛津上海版七下英语Unit 11 Electricity解析版上海牛津版七年级下册Unit 11 Electricity一、词汇Words1.dangerousadj.危险的dangern. 习惯用语:indanger处于危险中2.servantn.佣人、仆人servev.接待,服务 servicen.服务3.electricityn.电electricadj.电的;用电的 electricaladj.用电的; 与电有关的4.butsth.inpackets成包买 习惯用语:buysth.for=spendonsth.5.flow(into,through,etc.sth.)v.流;流动6.e

2、xplanationn.解释;说明explainv.解释7.invisibleadj.看不见的,不可见的反义词:visibleadj.看得见的 visionn.视力;视野havegood/normalvision视力好/正常8.energyn.能量;能heatenergy热能 lightenergy光能 9.connectv.(使)连接;联结 习惯用语:1connectAto/withB 2connectAandB10.bury(buried,buried)v.把(某物)掩藏在地下习惯用语:buryonesnoseinabook埋头看书 11.powern.(1)电力供应apowerstati

3、on发电厂;发电站(2)能力powerlessadj.无能为力的 bepowerlesstodosth. powerfuladj.强有力的powerfulweapons强大的武器12.containv.包含;含有;容纳containern.容器 13.chemical(1)n.化学物质(2)adj.化学chemicalchanges化学变化 chemistryn.化学chemistn.化学家;药剂师 14.producev.生产 productn.产品 meatproducts肉制品productionn.生产;产量二、重要句型Important Sentences structures1.A

4、lthoughelectricityismuchmoredangerousthanwater,尽管电比水要危险得多, (1)althoughconj.=though虽然;尽管(2)muchmoredangerousthanmuch用来修饰比较级 可以修饰比较级的词much,alot,far,得多alittle,abit,一点儿even甚至,still仍然 2.Canyoutellmewhatitlookslike?你能告诉我它看起来像什么吗?3.Wecallthethickwirescables.我们把粗电线叫做电缆。 4.Wecanchangeitintoformsofenergythatw

5、ecansee,hearorfeel. Thatwecansee,hearorfeel是定语从句,修饰energy。that为关系代词,在定语从句中做宾语。三、语法MayI/we?这一类疑问句的肯定回答为Yes,please.或Certainly;否定回答为Pleasedont.或No,youmustnt.【知识梳理1】易错题梳理一单选1.A sudden noise made the girl _ to cry.A) started B) start C) starting D) to start 【误】A 【正】B 【析】考查make用法,make是使役动词,make sb do sth。

6、2.The chicken tastes _ the fish.A)as well as B) much better than C) the best to D) so good as 【误】A 【正】B 【析】taste为感官动词,后接adj 这一句表示比较,排除其他选项。3.Linda has _ one-year-old baby.A) / B) a C) an D) the 【误】C【正】B 【析】看单词发音,one 首字母为辅音。4.It _ till noon.A)stopped raining B) didnt stop raining C) rained not D) did

7、nt keep raining 【误】错误项均有 【正】B 【析】根据句意,直到中午雨才停。5.She went away through the back door _ meet him.A)to not B) in order to not C) so that not D) in order not to 【误】错误项均有 【正】D 【析】根据题意,为了不见他 in order not to do sth。6.In 2005, Aichi hosted the World Expo _ the theme “Natures Wisdom”A)of B)have C)with D) abo

8、ut 【误】B 【正】C 【析】它的主题用with结构,表示“带有”。【知识梳理2】易错题梳理一词转1. Be careful! The painting from the Tang Dynasty is _ (price)2._ goes before a fall. (proud)3. “Cats ” is one the the most popular _ in the world .(music)1. 【误】错误均有 【正】priceless 【析】句意是无价之宝,priceless结合后缀容易出错。2. 【误】错误均有 【正】pride 【析】根据句意,骄傲就会跌倒。3. 【误】m

9、usic 【正】musicians 【析】cats 不太熟悉导致出错,“猫王”。 【知识梳理3】易错题梳理一句型转换1.I left school after I finished all my homework.I _ leave school _ I finished all my homework.2.The International Flower Show opened on May 1 and ended on July 31.The International Flower Show_ _from May 1 to July 31.3.We should return the m

10、oney to the owner who lost it. We should _ _ the money to the owner who lost it1. 【误】错误均有 【正】didnt until 【析】句意是“做完作业才离开”可以与not .until互换。2. 【误】is opened 【正】is open 【析】open词性要注意,此处为adj。3. 【误】错误项均有 【正】give back 【析】return “还回”=give back。【知识梳理4】易错题梳理一写作Suppose some foreigners have come to your school and

11、 youre showing them around your new school. Write a passage of at least 60 words, introducing your school to the foreign friends. (写一篇关于你的学校的短文,词数不少于60 词) Suggested Outlines:1. How big is your school?2. How many classroom buildings (dormitory buildings) are there in your school?3. How many teachers

12、and students are there in your school?4. Are the facilities modern?5. What do you do after class?6. What do you think of your school life?【参考范文】I am a student of Hope Middle School. My campus is big and beautiful. There are many tall trees and beautiful flowers. There are three dormitory buildings a

13、nd classroom buildings in my school. There is also a big playground. We are so happy that we have over 50 kind and friendly teachers teaching us. They not only work hard and teach us well but they take good care of us as well. However, they are strict with us. There are forty-five students in our cl

14、ass. We all get on well with each other. At school, we learn many subjects, such as Chinese, Maths and English. We try our best to learn them well. I love my school because its just like my home.基础题A. Choose the best answer. 1. This is _unusual bottle but it is not _useful one. A. a; a B. an; a C. a

15、; an D. a; the【答案】B【解析】unusual前用an,useful首个音标发j,用a。2. If you want to keep _, you _do more exercise and eat less.A. health; shall B. healthily; shall C. health; should D.healthy; should【答案】D【解析】keep+adj保持健康,should do sth应该做某事,如果想要保持健康,你应该多做运动,少吃。3. His seat is next to _and the bag on his seat belongs

16、 to_. A. mine, he B. me; him C. me; his D. mine; him【答案】D【解析】his seat在我的座位旁my seat=mine,belong to sb(人称代词宾格)属于某人,可知选D.4. There _a wonderful football match between Spain and Italy next week.A. is B. will have C. is going to be D. is going to have【答案】C【解析】there一般不和have连用,next week下周,用一般将来时,所以选C.5. Our

17、 teacher asked us to write _story.A. a 80-word B. an 80-word C. a 80-words 80-words【答案】B【解析】80-word八百字的,连字符号不加s,然后eighty首个音标发音为元音,所以用an。6. The little boy wasnt listening _in class, so he often missed some important parts.A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefull

18、y【答案】C【解析】enough做副词的时候,形容词和副词放在它前面,因为listen为动词,需要副词来修饰,所以用carefully。7. In the word chatted, we pronounce the letters ed_. A. /d/ B./id/ C./t/ D./it/【答案】B【解析】t后加ed读/id/。 8. -Is there any milk in the fridge? -Sorry, there is _left in it.A. nothing B. none C. no one D. any【答案】B【解析】nothing表示所有种类的东西都没有,n

19、one指的是milk这一种类没有,所以选B.9. The report says that there are over 11_people living in Suzhou now.A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of【答案】A【解析】基数词+million表示具体数字,不加s,不加of,选A.10. - _weather! Lets go boating on the lake. -Good idea. A. What a good B. How good C. What good D.How good a【答案】C【解析】

20、省略it is,weather为名词,所以用what,因为其为不可数名词,所以用C.11. We stopped _, but _nothing. A. to listen; heard B. listening; listened C. listening; heard D. to listen; listen【答案】A【解析】stop to listen停下来听,但是没有听到任何东西,听到用heard。12. They kept the door _, so I _see what they did. A. closed, cant B. closed; couldnt C. open;

21、cant D. open; couldnt【答案】B【解析】keep sth+adj/doing,他们一直把门关着,所以我看不到他们所做的事情,一把过去式用couldnt。13. Remember _your homework here tomorrow! A. taking B. to take C. to bring D. bringing【答案】C【解析】remember to bring your homework记得把作业带过来,尚未发生,所以选C。14. I heard him _the piano in the next room at 10:00 last night. A.

22、played B. to play C. playing D. plays【答案】C【解析】hear sb doing/do听到某人正在做/经常做某事,可知选C。15. -Could you buy _milk for me, please? -Sorry, I dont have _money.A. some; some B. any; any C. any; some D. some; any【答案】D【解析】询问对方意见,并希望得到肯定回答用some,any放在否定句中,表示一些,可知选D。 阅读提高A. Read and choose the best answer. When you

23、 enter a supermarket, you see shelves full of food. Perhaps you hear soft slow music as you walk 1 shelves. If you hear fast music, you walk quickly. If the supermarket plays slow music, you walk slowly and have much time to buy things.Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on

24、 sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers(顾客) go into the meat department. The cheaper meat is 2 of the meat department, away from where the customers come in. You have to walk past all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Perhaps you will b

25、uy some of the expensive meat instead of the cheaper meat on sale. The department selling milk and milk products is called the 3 department. Many customers like milk that has only a little butter fat in it. One says 1% fat on the bottle. The second says 99% fat free. The third says LOW FAT in big le

26、tters and 1% in small letters. As you can see, all the milk has the same amount(数量) of fat. The milk is all the same. 4 , in this store the three bottles of milk have three kinds of prices. Perhaps the customers will 5 the milk that costs the most.( ) 1. A. between B. across C. into D. over( ) 2. A.

27、 in the centre B. at one end C. at the other end D. on one side( ) 3. A. countryside B. farm C. milk D. dairy( ) 4. A. Therefore B. However C. Of course D. For example ( ) 5. A. sell B. buy C. bought D. have bought【答案】1.A 2.C 3.D 4B 5.B【解析】1.shelves表示书架,所以再书架之间穿行,用between。2.根据下文You have to walk past

28、 all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat.可知在尽头at the other end。3.后面涉及牛奶,所以应该是diary department奶制品区。4.前面说牛奶都一样,后面有说了好几种类,所以表示转折however。5.Customer客户,顾客,所以是买will 加动词原形,所以用buy。B. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words: Do you like to read stories? Almost everyone does.

29、Good stories are fun to r_1_. Good stories let you share exciting adventures. They make you laugh when something f 2 is said or done. They make you shiver(颤抖) when something is frightening. They make you glad when things turn out (结果是) right. Good stories help you to learn about other times, other people, and other places . They may even help you to learn more about y 3 . What kinds of good stories do you know? There are stories about make-believe (假装的) people, such as those about Detective H

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