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1、错中学 易掌握 印象深 永不忘高考英语听力成绩低原因1.音标基础不好2.不良的学习习惯3.对连读、弱读等知识缺少练习2019 年高考英语听力满分技巧高考英语听力内容主要是简短的对话 和短文,很多同学认为只要把原文听懂了,就可以选出正确的答案。听懂英语听力原文是关键,但是选出正确答案还是需要 有一些技巧的。高考英语听力满分技巧1、迅速浏览问题。利用听录音前的时间,迅速看一遍题目,预测短文 或对话可能涉及的内容。2、注意听短文的首句和首段。文章的开首句和开首段,往往是对短文 内容的概括,如讲话目的、主要内容、作者、论点、故事发生的时间、地点及事由等。3、获取对话中的具体信息。注意对话中的一些具体信

2、息,如时间、地 点、人物、年代事件、数字等。4、理解领会对话的意图观点、态度及内容。要特别注意讲话者随时会 改变主意和更正说过的话。有时候,更正的话会由其他人说出来。5、立足于整体。不管听什么材料,注意力一定要集中在整体内容的理 解上,千万不能只停留在个别单词或单句上。6、重点听实词。要把重点放在听关键词即实词上,一边听一边把要点 及回答问题的关键词记下来。高考英语听力十大易错题【录音原文】【参考答案】你猜学生选的是哪个选项?大约50%的学生选择了C选项。因为这是听力录音的原话呀,管它问题是什么,就选它了。所以,这是个听到什么就选什么的问题。大约30%的学生选择了A选项。因为里面有这样一句话:

3、lead to difficulty in thinking,哇塞,这和A选项好像啊,就它了。所以,这是个断章取义、曲解原话的问题。剩余30%的学生选择了B选项。是的,这便是正确答案,恭喜你答(蒙)对了。此题正确率极低,为什么?除了前面提到了的 2个问题,还有个问题便是:对于不熟的、不认识的巧妙地避开。恐怕大多数学生都B 把 选项的disordered当生词看待了!一个如此常见的词 order,加上一个如此常见的前缀 dis,竟然会是个生词?!1听.力W原h文at is the evidence of a mentalproblem?AWA.:OWnhea t si nwkrsolni fge

4、wi si tdhi fyfoi cuu?l t.MB.:OIngee st tdhaei l yb llui fees.i sI dailswoarydse rfeede.l sadCa n d worthless.blues now and agai W.:OWne lgl,ewt setahlel get the blues now andagain.H o w ever,if the blues last for along time and lead to difficulty inthinking and make your daily life i nc当h然了a,o原话s中并,

5、没有i使t用 dicsoraderend这个b词,e而是另a一个词mchaoes,所n以t这又a是个l信p息转r换的o问b题。lem.【参考答案】【pre录se音nt原at文ion】与give a talk同义。1.What will James do tomorrow?2A0 1.8WI Ta tecxht a1 TV program.WB:B.JGaimv esa,tyaoluk.v e been watching TV f oCr.Wt hrei twe haorle eovret.ning.Whats on?M【考:点It】s考a查考s生ci获e取n事c实e性p信r o息g的r能a力m

6、。on theo【r解i g题i方n法o】f播t放h e录音u材n料iv前e,r s考e生.有I5ll 秒g的i v阅e题a时间,考生一p r定e要s充e分n t利a用t好i o这n5o n秒钟it来i阅n读m试y题c和l理a解s s试题。注意题【试题分析】男士说Ill give a presentation on it in my class tomorrow.明天要做演讲。give a干t o中m的o时r间r o词wto.morrow。A.Reading a letter.him?B.He wants to invite them to dinner.C.He wants them to

7、visit his family.A.680-6840.B.780-6842.C.780-7842.BB.Washing clothes.C.Making a phone call.7.Why does Tom ask Sally and John to call【参考答案】【返回】8.What is TomstelephoneCnumber?核心指数6.What is Sally doing?难度指数AA.He wants to meet them at the station.2001Text 6M:Sally,here is a letter for usIts from TomW:Ca

8、n you read it please?My hands are wet with all this washing.M:Well,OK.Dear Sally and John:Thanks for your letter.It was good to hear from you.Just a short note in reply.I was happy to hear that you two been in town in January.I thinkthats the first time you will come to visit us after your marriage.

9、Please do call me when you arrive so that I can pick you up at the station and then we may have dinner together in town.In case you don t have my phone number,its 7807842.I lookforward to meeting you soon.Yours,Tom5.What does the woman imply?【参考答案】A.The man is so forgetful.B.The man is too careless.

10、CC.The man is over confident.2008湖北Text 5W:Hi,John.How is your exam?解M析::I tI tccoouu llddnn t tb ebbee tbt eert.再t e好r不.过了。W:Really?But remember this:hope for the best and be prepared for the【w录or音st原.希文望】最好,做最坏的打算。2.Will the woman come to the party?B.NoC.Certainly【参考答案】AA.Maybe.2008北京Text 2M:We ar

11、e having a little party at the weekend.Can you and Tom come?解W析:BTu thIa l lthsa voeutnodcsh enc ki cwei.t hTThoamn.k you.But Ill have to check with Tom.check with(1)与.相符合(2)与.协【录商音原文】5.What does the man mean?【参考答案】AA.He had a terrible vacation.2B0.0 9H湖e北rTe me xati n5e d at home all the time.WC.:A

12、 lTahne,ywooum r ea nb a csk.dH oaws iwl l ya s your vqauceast i o n.?M:Just dont ask.I wish I had neverh解a析d:I wi ti.s h I had never had itW:What went wrong?M:What didnt go wrong?That would【b e录a音b原e文t t e】r question.10.What does the man want to talk about?B.Lucys school education.C.Lucys work perf

13、ormance.11.What did the customer at Table 4 do that annoyed Lucy?A.He praised her.B.He made a complaint.12.Why is Lucy in low spirits?A.She hasnt made a plan.AA.Lucys poor health.C.She hasnt become a good waitress.【参考答案】【返回】BB.She hasnt realized her dream.【老板与员工谈身体问题】核心指数难度指数CC.He ordered the specia

14、l offer.2014湖北Text 8M:Um,Lucy,Im getting a lot of complaints.W:Really?About what?M:Well,apparently,one of our waitresses is having a nervous breakdown.W:Who?Me?M:Yeah!Um,listen,maybe you should take the rest of the night off if you dont feel well.W:You dont understand.The guy at Table 4 said somethi

15、ng horrible to me when I was telling him about todays special offer.M:What did he say?W:He said I wasa good waitress.M:Thats not bad.W:I didnt grow up to be a good waitress!That was never the plan.The plan was to be a lawyer.M:OK.Youre a young woman.You can still do that.W:Can I?A 32 single mother w

16、ho didnt even graduate from high school?3.What do we learn about the man?doesnthave to call Peter.B.He will have lunch with the woman.C.He will call Peter after lunch.AA.He【参考答案】【返回】【时态干扰】核心指数难度指数W:Edward,could you call Peter to tell him【分a b析o】u考t查t考h生e的d推e理s判i g断n能力c。hange we made at this对话m中o女r n士i让n男g士 s通m知皮e特e设ti计n变g化?,男士中午要与皮特共进午饭。【难点分析】进行时表将来M:Im having lunch with him,so Ill tell himthen.【词义猜测】核心指数难度指数2.What does“row”probably mean in the dialogue?A.Boating.MB:BY.oQuulao or rkevl.e ry sad

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