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1、高考英语3500词汇F以F开头的高考英语词汇你记得怎么样?赶紧拿起笔来写一写吧!平时多记单词,考试阅读才没有障碍!2020高考英语3500词汇(F)f (缩)=female (或=foot,feet) efn. 女(的);雌(的); 脚,英尺face fe?sn. 脸 vt. 面向;面对face sth 面朝/面对.be faced with 面对/遇到.facial ?fe(?)l a. 面部用的fact f?ktn. 事实, 现实factory n. 工厂fade fe?d vi. 褪色, (颜色)消退The sun had faded the curtains. 太阳把窗帘晒褪了色。fa

2、de away (to disappear gradually) 逐渐消失fail fe?l v. 失败;不及格;衰退fail to do sth做某事失败Words failed me. 我无话可说。My eyesight failed. 我的视力减弱了。If rain fails, the farmers will suffer.I fail to see why you wont give it a try.failure ?fe?lj?(r) n. 失败Failure is the mother of successThe man is a failure.The party was

3、a failure.fair fe?(r) a. 公平的, 合理的 a. (肤色)白皙的; (人)白肤金发的 n. 集市;庙会;展览会fairly ?fe?l? ad. 公正地, 正当地;相当(程度)地a fair pricefair skina fair dayfair hairfairly pretty 相当美丽fairness fnis n. 公平;公正faith fe? n. 信仰;信念fall fl n. (美)秋季fall ill/asleep/silent 病了/睡着了/沉默了fall behind 落后fall over 跌倒A sudden silence fell.My b

4、irthday falls on a Monday this year.fall fl (fell, fallen) vi. 落(下), 降落;倒false fls a. 不正确的;假的familiar fm?l(r)a. 熟悉的family ?f?m?l? n. 家庭;家族;子女family name 姓氏famous?fe?m?s a. 著名的fan f?nn. (电影、运动等的)迷;热心的爱好者(支持者) n. 风扇fancy ?f?ns? a.想象的;奇特的fantastic a. (口语)极好的, 美妙的, 很棒的That s an fantastic idea.fantasy ?f

5、?nt?s? n. 幻想, 梦想far f?(r) (farther, farthest 或further , furthest) a.& ad. 远的;远地far from 离.远; 远远不.His work is far from satisfactory.As far as I can see=In my opinion=Personally依我看.fare fe?(r) n.(车或船的)费用, 票(价)farm f?m n. 农场;农庄farmer ?f?m?(r) n. 农民fast f?st; (US) f?sta. 快的, 迅速的;紧密的 ad. 快地, 迅速地;紧密地faste

6、n ?f?s(?)n; (US) f?snvt. 扎牢;扣住fat f?tn. 脂肪 a. 胖的;肥的father ?f?e?(r) n. 父亲fault fltn. 缺点, 毛病Why should I say sorry when its not my fault?favour feiv? (美favor) n. 恩惠;好意;帮助Could you do me a favor?Can I ask a favor? 请帮个忙好吗?We are all in favor of the plan. 我们都赞成这个计划。favourite feiv?rit (美 favorite) a. 喜爱的

7、n. 特别喜爱的人(或物)fax f?ks n. 传真fear f(r)n. 害怕;恐惧; 担忧feast fi?st n.盛宴, 宴会, (宗教的)节日feast your eyes 大饱眼福a wedding feastThe evening was a real feast for music lovers.feather ?fee?(r) n. 羽毛February febru?ri n. 2月federa ?fed?r(?)ll a.中央的(政府)联邦的fee fi?n. 费, 费用feed (fed, fed) fi?d vt. 喂(养);饲(养)They have a large

8、 family to feed.We feed horses on grass.(We feed grass to horses.)feel (felt, felt) fi?lv.& link 感觉, 觉得;摸, 触She couldnt feel her legs.他的双腿失去了知觉。You will feel better after a good nights sleep.feel oneself 感觉身体正常I am not quite feeling myself today.feel ones way 摸索着前进The blind man felt his way along th

9、e road.feel like(doing)sth 感觉像/喜欢.feeling ?fi?ln. 感情;感觉fellow ?feln. 同伴;伙伴female ?fi?me?la. 女的;女性的;雌性的fence fensn. 栅栏;围栏;篱笆ferry ?fer? n. 渡船festival ?fest?v?la. 节日的, 喜庆的fetch fet?vt. (去)取(物)来, (去)带(人)来fever ?fi?v?(r) n. 发烧;发热few fju? pron. 不多;少数 不多的;少数的quite a few 相当多a good few 相当多fibre faib? (美fibe

10、r) n. 纤维质fiction ?f?k?(?)nn.小说, 虚构的事field fi?ldn. 田地;牧场;场地fierce ?fs a. 猛烈的fifteen f?f?ti?nnum. 十五fifth f?fnum. 第五fifty ?f?ft? num. 五十fight fa?t n. 打仗(架), 争论fight fa?t (fought, fought) n. 打仗(架), 与打仗(架)fighter ?fa?t?(r) v. 战士;斗士figure ?f?(r); (US) ?f?gj?r n.数字;数目;图;图形;(人的)身型;人物;(绘画、雕刻)人物像 vt.(美口语)认为,

11、 判断.(在心里)想像, 描绘be round in figure 呈圆形have a good figure 身材好figure out 解决;算出;想出;理解figure out a problem 算出一道题I couldnt figure out who he was.我想不出他是谁。file fa?ln.公文柜;档案(计算机)文档fill f?lvt. 填空, 装满Fill the glass with water.A big crowd filled the hall.Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.fill in 填写;填充fill in

12、the blank(空白表格)fill in the hole(洞)fill up 装满film f?lm n. 电影;影片;胶卷vt. 拍摄, 把拍成电影develop a film 冲洗交卷a film of dust 薄薄的一层灰尘Everything was covered in a film of ?fa?n(?)l a. 最后的;终极的finance ?fa?n?nsn.资金, 财政, 财务find fa?nd (found, found) vt. 找到, 发现, 感到I find it necessary to find a good map.When sh

13、e came to, she found herself lying in bed.The teacher found herself surrounded by her students.I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.fine fa?na. 细的;晴朗的;美好的;(身体)健康的 n.& v. 罚款finger ?f?(r) n. 手指fingernail ?f?ne?l n. 指甲finish ?f?n v. 结束;做完fire ?fa(r) n. 火;火炉;火灾 vi. 开火, 开(枪, 炮等), 射击be o

14、n fire 着火了firefighter n. 消防人员fireplace ?faple?s n. 壁炉firewood fairwud n. 木柴firework ?fawk n. 焰火firm fm;企业 a.坚固的,坚定的firmly ?fml? ad. 牢牢地first fst num. 第一 a.& ad. 第一;首次;最初 n. 开始;开端fish f n. 鱼;鱼肉 vi. 钓鱼;捕鱼fisherman ?f?m?n n. 渔民;钓鱼健身者fist f?st n. 拳(头)fit f?t a. 健康的, 适合的 v. (使)适合, 安装be fit for 适合于.b

15、e fit to do sth. 适合做某事keep fit 保持健康fitting room ?f?t-r?m 试衣间five fa?v num. 五fix f?ks vt. 修理;安装;确定, 决定Has the date of the meeting been fixed?The car cant startcan you fix it?All the students are listening to the teacher with their eyes fixed on the blackboard.This is a fixed phrase(固定短语).flag fl? n.

16、旗;标志;旗舰flame fle?m n. 火焰, 光辉flaming ?fle?m a. 火红的;火焰般的flash fl n. 闪;闪光; 转瞬间Memories flashed through my mind.往事历历在目。a flash of lightning 一道闪电in a flash 在一瞬间flashlight fl n. 手电flat fl?t a. 平的 n. 楼中一套房间; 公寓(常用复数)flee fli? (fled, fled) v. 逃走;逃跑flexible fleks?bl a.灵活的, 可变动的flesh fle? n. 肉your own flesh a

17、nd blood 你自己的亲骨肉in the flesh 亲自,本人flight fla?t n. 航班 n. 楼梯的一段float flt vi. 漂浮, 浮动flood fl?d n. 洪水 vt. 淹没, 使泛滥The river is in flood. 河水泛滥。What a flood of rain. 好大一阵雨。Letters flooded the office. 信件大量涌入办事处。Warmth flooded my heart. 我心里热乎乎的。floor fl(r) n.地面, 地板.(楼房的)层take the floor 发言live on the third fl

18、oorhave/get the floor 取得发言权flour ?fla(r) n. 面粉, 粉flow fl vi. 流动flower ?fla(r) n. 花flu flu? n. 流行性感冒fluency flu?nsi n.(外语)流利, 流畅fluent ?flunt a. (外语)流利的, 流畅He is fluent in English.He speaks fluent Englishfluently (flew, flown) fla? vi. (鸟、飞机)飞;(人乘飞机)飞行;(旗子等)飘动 vt. 空运(乘客, 货物等);放(风筝、飞机模型等)Birds

19、 fly in the sky.A flag flies in the wind.How time flies. 时间飞逝。The door flew open. 门突然开了。focus ?fk?s v. / n.集中(注意力, 精力)于, 焦点, 中心点focus ones eyesfocus ones attentionEyes were focused on himfog f? n. 雾foggy ?f? a. 多雾的fold fld vt. 折叠;合拢folk fk a. 民间的follow ?f?l vt. 跟随;仿效;跟得上follow sb up the stairsfollow

20、 ones example 以某人为榜样follow this roadin the following yearsTheir requirements are as follows.Do you follow me?The teacher came in, followed by some students.following ?f?lw a. 接着的;以下的fond f?nd a. 喜爱的, 爱好的food f?nd n. 食物, 食品fool fu?l n. 傻子, 蠢人make a fool of sb 愚弄/欺骗某人fool sb into doing sth 哄骗某人做某事Apri

21、l FoolsDay 愚人节foolish ?fu?l a. 愚蠢的, 傻的foot (复 feet) f?t n. 足, 脚;英尺football ?f?tbl n. (英式)足球;(美式)橄榄球for f?(r), f(r) prep. 为了;向, 往;与交换;防备;适合;因为;在期 间;对于;对来说 conj. 因为, 由于ten for a dollartake sb for a foola ticket for tomorrowHe is tall for his age.forbid fb?d (forbade, forbidden) vt. 禁止, 不许forbid sb. fr

22、om doingforbid doforbid doingthe Forbidden City 故宫force fs vt. 强迫, 迫使force sb to do sthforce sb into doingforce ones wayforce a smileforecast ?fk?st; (US) ?f?rk?st n. & vt. 预告forehead ?f?r?d; (US) ?fr?d n. 前额foreign ?f?r?n; (US) ?fr?n a. 外国的foreigner ?f?r?n?(r) n. 外国人foresee f?si? (foresaw, fo

23、reseen) vt.预见.预知forest ?f?r?st; (US) ?fr?st n. 森林forever frev?(r) ad. 永远;永恒的forget frev?(r) (forgot, forgotten) v. 忘记;忘掉forget to do sth 忘记做某事(未做)forget doing 忘记做过某事Dont forget me to your mother.You must do it before you forget it.forget about sth 别再想.Forget it. 不必再提。forgetful fetf?l a. 健忘的, 不留心的for

24、give f?v (forgave, forgiven) vt. 原谅, 宽恕fork fk n. 叉, 餐叉form fm n. 表格;形式;结构format ?fm?t n. 版式;格式former ?fm?(r) a. 以前的, 从前的;(两者之中的)前者fortnight ?ftna?t n. 十四日, 两星期fortunate ?ftn?t a. 幸运的; 侥幸的fortune ?ftju?n, ?ft?u?n n. 财产;运气seek ones fortune 寻找发财的机会make ones fortune 发财forty ?ft? num. 四十forward ?fw?d ad

25、. 将来.今后.向前, 前进found fa?nd vt. 成立, 建立founding faundi? n. 成立, 建立fountain ?fa?nt?n; (US) ?fa?ntn n. 喷泉four f(r) num. 四fourteen ?f?ti?n num. 十四fourth ?f?ti?n num. 第四fox f?ks n. 狐狸franc frk n. 法郎France* fr?ns n. 法国fragile ?fr?d?a?l; (US) ?fr?d?l a.易碎的, 易损的fragrant ?fre?r?nt a. 香的, 芳香的framework ?fre?mwk n

26、.(建筑物)框架, 结构free fri? a. 自由, 空闲的;免费的be free from/of 免于;没有的,不受影响的for free 免费地free sb from(of)a tax-free shop 免税店a smoke-free room 无烟房间freedom ?fri?d?m n. 自由freeway ?fri?we? n. 高速公路freeze fri?z (froze, frozen) vi. 结冰freezing fri:zi? a. 冻结的;极冷的Water freezes at zero degrees centigrade.I am freezing.我快冻僵

27、了。Smiles froze on her face.笑容在她脸上僵住了。freeze to deathfreezing cold 非常冷French frent? n. 法语 a法国的;法国人的;法语的Frenchman ?frent?m?n (复 Frenchmen) n. 法国人(男)frequent ?fri?kw?nt a. 经常的;频繁的fresh fre? a. 新鲜的fresh air/water/color/newsFriday ?fra?d? n. 星期五friction ?fr?k?(?)n n. 摩擦fridge=refrigerator rfr?dre?t?(r) n. 冰箱fried fraid a. 油煎的friend frend n. 朋友make friends with sbfriendly ?frendl? a. 友好的friendship ?frendp n. 友谊, 友情fright fra?t n. 惊恐;恐吓frighten ?fra?t(?)n vt. 使惊恐, 吓唬frog fr?; (US) fr n. 青蛙from fr?m, fr?m prep.从

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