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1、建筑施工英语常用对话建筑安装施工英语常用对话第一部分 专业会话第一课 At a Construction Site在建筑工地上第二课 Conversation about Construction of Water SupplyPipe, Central Heating and Air-condition水、暖、空调施工会话第三课 Conversation with Pipe Fitter管道技工会话第四课 Conversation about Riveter s Engineeiin工施工会话第五课 Conversation about Welding 焊接会话第六课 Conversatio

2、n with Fitters安装钳工会话第七课 Signals and Conversation about Hoisting and Mounting 吊装信号及会话第八课Transportation运输第九课Safety安全第十课Accident事故第十一课 Conversation about the Installation of PetroleumMachinery 石油机械安装会话第十二课Drawings图纸第十三课Scaffolds脚手架 第十四课 Isolation and Thermal Insulation 隔绝、保温 第十五课Anticorrosion 防腐第一课 At

3、a Construction Site 在建筑工地上A : I ll take you to the construction site我带您去建筑工地,Follow me, please.请跟我走。B: Thank you.谢谢您。A: Here we are. 到了。B: Can you in troduce me to the sectio n chief on the buildi ng site? 您能介绍我同这个工地的工长认识吗?A : Certainly.当然可以This is a Ch in ese builder, Wang Lin.这是中国建筑工人,王林。C: How do

4、 you do. I m glad to meet您好.认识您我很高兴。A: This is section chief, Mr. S.这是工长,S 先生。B: How do you do. I m glad to meet you,您好.认识您我也很高兴。C: Welcome to our building site.欢迎您来到我们工地。How long will you work here? 您将在这工作多长时间 ?B: About two years.大约两年Would you introduce me to some of the workers?请您介绍我同一些工人认识好吗 ?C:

5、Certainly.当然可以.Hello, fellow workers!喂,伙伴们!This is our new fellow,这是我们的新伙伴!A Ch in ese worker, Mr. Wang.中国工人,王先生.D,E,F, G.How do you do, Mr. Wang!王先生 您好!B: How do you do!您们好!Shall we start?我们开始吧!C: Yes, please好,请吧!Here is the wood.这是木材(red bricks, mixed cement).(红砖搅拌好的水泥 ).B: Is that hoist made in Y

6、eme n?那台卷扬机也是也门制造的吗 ?C: Yes. But that crane over there is made in Japan.是的.但是,那边那台起重机是日本制造的B: I think, in Yeme n there are many prefabricated houses like this buildi ng.我想,在也门,有许多像这栋搂这样的预制装配式房屋 .C: Yes. The prefabricated components are all made in the casting yard.是的,这种预制厂制造的B: I think so.我也是那样想的.A:

7、 Stop please. Now, time for rest.请停下来.现在休息时间到了 .第二课Con versatio n about Con struct ion of Water Supply Pipe, Cen tral Heati ng and Air-c on diti on水,暖,空调施工会话A: Before in stalli ng the water supply pipe, you ought to in spect and clea n it in side.上水管安装前,里边应检查和清扫一下.B: Yes, we have done that.是,我们已经都做过

8、了 .A: Before mounting the iron casting pipes, you should test the hydraulic pressure one by one,and then clean them. 铁管安设前,要逐根试水压和清扫.B: Yes, we re doing that是b我们正在进行中浴盆安装高n度这样可以吗 ?A: What is your idea about the height of the bathtub weB: Lift 50 mm. Higher, please.再抬高 50 毫米吧?A: Why was the cover of

9、the stool not fixed?坐便盖为何没安装B: Customarily, it should be fixed after theinternal plastering.习惯上,应放在室内粉饰工程完了后再安 .A: The flange of the ventilating pipeline is well joined. But the nuts are not completely on the same side.风管道的法兰连接很好,只是螺帽没有完全在同一面 .B: I ll correct it at on我.马上纠正过来.A: May the ventilator h

10、ave a trial run? 通风机可以试车吗 ?B: No. First you may check it up and then start it.不,先做一下检查,然后再启动.第三课Conversation with Pipe Fitter 管道技工会话A: Are you a pipe fitter?您是管道技工吗?B: Yes.是的.A: How many years standing have 您有几年工龄 ?B: I have been engaged in pipe engineeringwork for eight years. 我已经从事管道工作八年了 .A: When

11、 will the pipe engin eeri ng project of this workshop be completed? 这个车间的管道工程何时竣工B: It will be completed in three more days. And then it will undergo the stage of systematic testing pressure. 再有三天就可结束,然后进入系统试压阶段.A: Please disassemble the connective of the pumpand the pipe flange. I want to check it

12、up.请您把泵出口法兰与管道法兰连接的螺栓拆开 .我检查一下.B: Yes, O.K.好吧.A: There should be a bli nd flange betwee n the two flan ges here .In state of freedom, stagger joi nt should n 应当有盲板.处于自由状态时,不应有错口现象.B: Yes, I ll put the blind flange in and repair it at onie我马上加盲板和修理 .A: An overhanging support should be added here.此处应添

13、加一个悬臂支架 .B: You ought to fix a steel plate on the rein forced con crete pile with a expa nsion bolt and the nwelda nd an gle steel support on the steel plate, should n 在钢筋砼柱上用膨胀螺栓固定住一块钢板A: Yes, all right. Please do this way.好,可以.就这么办.How about the valve in stalled?阀门安装的怎样 ?B: The positi on and direc

14、t ion are correct, conj unction is flexible and accurate.t happen.位置和方向正确,连接牢固,操作灵活,准确.A: The pressure in piping system has risen to 15 kilogram per square centimeter.Please check up.管路系统已经升压至 15kg/cm2,请检查.B: Is the water filled in according to the network drawing? 按网络图充水吗 ?A: Yes. I ve checkedanUps

15、uch things as blind flange and discharge valves which should be added, valves which should be closed, the in strume nts and meters which should be replaced. All are right.是的.该加的盲板和放空阀,该关的阀门,该换的仪表都做了检查.全部正确无误.B: Well, let s start checking up oniceI那么,我们开始检查吧!第四课Conversation about Riveter s Engi铆工施工会话

16、A: Please check up. Is my lofting method correct?请检查一下,我的放样方法对吗 ?B: Yes. That s right. It 是的很好odA: Why didn t you make a groove before weldin为十么不开坡口 ,就焊接呢?B: I think that gen erally the butt weldi ng Of plate which is thiner tha n 6 mm. May be done by hand weldi ng. What your idea?我认为,6毫米以内的较薄板材的对接

17、,一般以手工焊是可以的.您的意见怎样?A: Please measure the thickness of the plate.请量一下板厚 .B: This is a plate of 4 mm. Thickness.这是 4 毫米的板材.A: You may weld it then.那么就可以焊了 .The steel column has some windings.钢柱有些弯曲 ,You d better straighten i要轿直一下.B: The flame correcting method may be used?可以用火焰矫正法吗 ?A: No.不可以.B: Then

18、correct it with the straightener.那么就用机械矫正.A: In in stall ing the steel colu mn, how many mm. Are the deviati on range of elevati on and perpe ndicularity?钢柱安装,标高和垂直度偏差范围是多少 ?B: The elevation deviation is in the range plus 5 to minus 5 mm. 标高偏差范围是 毫米 .The perpendicularity deviation range is: when the

19、 column length is shorter than 10 meters,垂直偏差范围是:柱长10米以内的,10mm are allowed;容许 10 毫米.if the colu mn len gth is Ion ger tha n 10 meters, 女口柱长大于 10 米,is by H per1000,则按 H/1000, but it must be less than 35 mm.但不得大于 35 毫米.A: Please give the sta ndards of the preheat before weldi ng and those of the heat-

20、treatme nt after weldi ng.请您提供焊前预热和焊后预热处理的规范 .B: Please refer to the standard of American Petroleum Institute 请参照美国石油学会 (API)的规范.A: How do you plan to mou nt the floati ng ?top oil-ta nk. 您们打算如何安装浮顶式油罐 ?B: If the source of water is ample, we prepare to con structby adopt ing water-float ing in verte

21、d moun ti ng method.如果水源充足的话,我们准备采用水浮倒装法施工 .A: The cost of water is too expensive, isn 水的成本太高吧t? !B: Mach ine hoisti ng in verted in stallati on method may be adopted, too. 也可以采用机械提升倒装法 .第五课Conversation about Welding 焊接会话A: Have you a welder s certi您有旱工合格证吗 ?B: Yes, I have obtained a certificate of

22、versatile position welding.是的,我已经取得了全位置焊接合格证 .A: What requirements are there for pipeline welded seams?管道焊缝有何要求 ?B: We must have the records of all the welded seams and the 10%roe ntge no scopic selective exam in ati on.所有焊缝都要有记录,并且要有10%的X射线的抽查.A: This welded seam is found an obvious air hole and an

23、 unq ualified un dercut with macroscopic check.这个焊口以宏观检查发现明显的气孔和超长的咬边It is unqualified.不合格.B: We ll return it to repair at once马上返修.A: Here is missi ng- weld in g, is n 此处是漏焊吧!B: No. The requirement in the drawing is gap (discontinuous) welding. 不是.图纸上的要求是间断焊 .A: The pass of sta ini ess steel n eeds

24、 mach in e-wash ing and pickli ng.不锈钢的焊道要进行机械清洗和酸洗 .B: Yes, we are preparing to do that.是的,我们正做准备.A: What in spection items are needed?要做哪些项目的检查呢 ?B: Pull test, wi ndi ng test and hard ness test are needed.要做拉力、弯曲和硬度试验 .第六课 Conversation with Fitters安装钳工会话A: Have you completed the installation of thi

25、s pump? 这个泵安装完毕了吗B: Yes, we have.是的,已经完了 .A: How about the circumstances? 情况怎样?B: Very good.很好!The foundation bolt is upright, 地脚螺栓垂直,the nuts are screwed and the moment of twisting are consistent, 螺栓拧紧而且扭力矩一致 ,the nuts are con tacted with the collars and the collars are con tacted with the equipme

26、nt base closely.螺母与垫圈,垫圈与设备底座的接触很紧密 .A: How about the pad irons?垫铁情况怎样?B: The pad-iron groups are smooth and steady and contacted closely.垫铁组平稳,接触紧密.Every group has no more tha n three pieces .每组不超过三块 .A: Please explain how many mm. is the requirement of the coupling butt end space?请您说明一下,联轴节端面间隙要求是

27、多少 ?B: It s all right that the least space comes up to 最小间隙达到 mm米即可.A: The elevati on of this equipme nt in stallation is wron g, is n 这个设备安装的标高不对吧 ?B: No. It accords with the dema nds of draw ing sta ndard (specificati on). 不,标高符合图纸规范的要求 .A: Excuse me, whether this compressor n eeds dis in tegrati

28、on for check-up? 请问,这台压缩机是否要解体检查 ?B: Yes.是的.A: May I set the machine going?我可以开车启动吗 ?B: No. I want to check it up once more. 不,还要检查一下 .第七课 Signals and Conversation about Hoisting and Mouting 吊装信号及会话Hoisting Signals 吊装信号Han ger (Grab hook) rising: 吊钩升起:Put out the forefin ger upward and do the rotate

29、d action.食指向上伸出,做旋转动作.Hook loweri ng:吊钩下降Put out the forefi nger dow nward and do therotated acti on.食指向下伸出,做旋转动作.Hook rising slightly:吊钩微微上升:Stretch out a hand horiz on tally with the palm of the hand dow nward and the forefi nger of the other hand upward to the first hand s palm and do rotated act

30、ion.手平举,手心向下,另一手食指向上,对着第一只手的手心,做旋转动作Hook loweri ng slightly:吊钩微微下降Stretch out a hand horiz on tally with the palm of it upward and the forefi nger of the otherha nd dow nward to the first hand s palm and do rotated action.一手平举手心向上,另手食指向下,对着第一只手的手心,做旋转动作.Boom rising:吊臂升起:The thumb should be upward an

31、d do a motion vertically up and down. 大拇指向上,做上下运动 .Boom lowering:吊臂下降:The thumb should be dow nward and do a moti onBe Ready to Hoist准备好吊装A: Has the brake device of the crane been examined?吊车制动装置检查了吗 ?B: Yes .It has been examined. All right.是的,检查了,很好.A: Be careful, not to break the equipment.注意点!不要把设备碰坏.You d better put it down slowly要慢慢放下.B: O.K. Don t worry abou好的,请放心.A: May this roof truss be used to hoist an object of one tonne?此屋架可以利用一下 ,吊一吨重的物吗 ?B: All right. Be careful.可以,要小心.A: Is the wire rope hoisting safety?此钢丝绳吊装安全吗 ?B: There is no problem.没有问题,There a

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