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502 The Lie.docx

1、502 The LieEpisode 2 - The LieWritten by: Edward Kitsis and Adam HorowitzDirected by: Jack BenderThe episode commences three years ago. We see a man opening a refrigerator and taking out two long neck bottles of Jekyll Island Beer. He walks out of a galley, turns and goes up several steps. It is Fra

2、nk Lapidus. As he walks onto the upper deck of the Searcher a conversation is heard.HURLEY: Dude, theyll find out.JACK: Not if we stick to the story.SAYID: I dont know Jack. It could be a risk. JACK: Its the only way. We have to do this.There is a table on the upper deck. Sitting around the table ar

3、e Sayid, Sun, Hurley, and Jack. Kate is sitting in a chair and holding Aaron. Desmond and Penny are sitting along the side of the yacht. Frank totters toward Desmond and Penny and then goes to hand Desmond a beer.FRANK: Theyre still at it huh?JACK: Look, were running out of time. We gotta make a dec

4、ision now.Frank walks to the railing on the side of the yacht. He is away from everyone. He puts his bottle of beer to his neck. JACK: Are we all ok with this?SAYID: This is a decision that will affect the rest of our lives. Im not taking it lightly.JACK: Kate?Kate slowly looks up and at Jack. She w

5、aits a moment before replying.KATE: Yeah.JACK: Sun?Sun looks worried and just barely nods yes. She says nothing.JACK: Frank?Frank looks over to Jack.FRANK: What?JACK: Sorry you got dragged into this but we need to know that youre with us.FRANK: Whatever you guys decide Ill just roll with.JACK: Hurle

6、y, what about you?Kate is shown then Sun. Sun has her head lowered and appears upset. HURLEY: I dont think we should lie dude.JACK: We need to protect the people that we left behind Hurley.HURLEY: Hows lying protect them?JACK: It protects them from Charles Widmore. The guy hired a boat load of peopl

7、e to kill all of us. He faked a plane crash. Ya think telling him the truth hes just gonna, gonna leave them alone?HURLEY: to Penny Look hes your dad right? Cant you just like, call him off?PENNY: Theres no calling my father off.HURLEY: But, hell never find em. I mean, the island disappeared. We all

8、 saw it. Its gone. Bloop.JACK: You think anyone is gonna believe that? Believe any of it? Theyre gonna think youre crazy.HURLEY: Not if someone backs me up.Hurley looks over to Sayid. Sayid looks at Hurley.HURLEY: Sayid cmon. Theyll think Im nuts if I tell the truth but what if we all do? What if we

9、 can stick together, we can make em believe us. I dont want to spend the rest of my life lying. Do you?SAYID: No. But, I dont believe we have a better choice. pauses Im sorry Hurley but we have to lie.HURLEY: to Sayid You know what dude? Im gonna remember this. And someday youre gonna need my help,

10、and Im tellin ya right now, youre not getting it.Hurley and Sayid look at each other and say nothing. Switch to present day, on a city street. Hurley is driving a SUV while Sayid is passed out in the passenger seat. Hurley is speeding.HURLEY: Wake up Sayid! Sayid!Hurley tries to shake Sayid to wake

11、him up.HURLEY: Sayid, wake up! Sayid!Hurley is weaving as he drives. He is trying to get the seat belt around Sayid. He is not paying attention to his driving. He veers toward the curb and runs over a newspaper dispenser and some cardboard boxes. He swerves then corrects his steering and is back in

12、his lane. There is the screeching of other cars. Hurley takes a deep breath then is startled by the sound of a police siren. The patrol car is right behind him.HURLEY: No, no, no, no, no what do I do? strongly shaking Sayid What am I supposed to do?He pulls over to the curb, shuts off the ignition a

13、nd watches as the patrol car pulls in right behind him. He sees the legs of a police officer approach his car door. He tries to collect himself.HURLEY: Okay, okay, okay. Just stay calm.An officer knocks on the window and he lowers it.ANA LUCIA: removing sunglasses What the hell were you thinking?Hur

14、ly is surprised and at a loss for words.HURLEY: Ana Lucia?ANA LUCIA: You were driving like a maniac. And whyd you pull over?HURLEY: I just I thoughtANA LUCIA: Ya didnt think. What if I were real? What if a real cop stopped you? They already have pictures of you covered in blood, with a gun in your h

15、and.HURLEY: Actually, its ketchup. We went to a drive-thru, and, uhANA LUCIA: Bro. You need to pull it together. Youve got a lotta work to do.HURLEY: I do?ANA LUCIA: Lets start with the basics. First off, you need new clothes. Then you need to go to a safe place and take Sayid to somebody you trust.

16、 You getting all this?HURLEY: Yeah.ANA LUCIA: Then get to it. And stay away from the cops. pointing at Hurley Do not get arrested.HURLEY: Thanks Ana Lucia.ANA LUCIA: Oh yeah, Libby says hi.Hurley is dumfounded. Ana Lucia walks back to the patrol car. As he looks to watch her walk away, he realizes t

17、here is no patrol car parked behind him. He sticks his head out to look directly with his eyes. Nothing. He looks over at Sayid.HURLEY: Well, you heard her.Hurley starts the SUV.LOST Logo.Switch to the beach. It is daytime. The survivors are all gathered. Bernard is attempting to start a fire with h

18、and made bow and a stick. Rose is digging a hole near the pile of wood they are using as fuel.ROSE: You really think that things gonna work?BERNARD: Rose, Ive told you a hundred times, of course its gonna work. Yes, Ive worked hard on it. Better than rubbing two sticks together. Bernard continues to

19、 rub the stick along the bow trying to make a spark.ROSE: I thought that was what you were supposed to do. Rub.BERNARD: This is gonna work better. Alright?ROSE: I think you got too much wood here on the inside. Thats gonna smother the leaves. BERNARD: annoyed Rose if you dont have enough wood, the l

20、eaves just burn out.NEIL(FROGURT): Fire? Who cares about fire? Any minute the sky can light up and who the hell knows whats gonna happen this time?Rose stops and stands up.ROSE: Neil, we are trying to focus on what we can control. You are either gonna help or be quiet.SAWYER: picking up red plaid sh

21、irt Whos shirt is this?NEIL(FROGURT): Its mine.SAWYER: Can I have it?NEIL(FROGURT): What does it matter? Were all gonna be dead by sundown.SAWYER: puts on shirt Ill take that as a yes Frogurt.NEIL(FROGURT): Its Neil.SAWYER: walking away Yeah, yeah.Sawyer walks toward Juliet who is examining the Zodi

22、ac raft at the edge of the water.SAWYER: Still in one piece?JULIET: Far as I can tell.SAWYER: Figured it woulda disappeared with the rest of our stuff.JULIET: I guess whatever we had with us when we moved is along for the ride.Juliet looks off to her right toward the jungle.SAWYER: What?JULIET: Look

23、 whos back.Daniel walks out of the jungle and onto the beach. Charlotte sees Dan and they hug each other. Sawyer walks straight to Daniel.SAWYER: to Daniel Welcome back Doctor Wizard.MILES: I think its Mister Wizard.SAWYER: to Miles Shut up. to Daniel Youve been gone for two hours. What the hell wer

24、e you doin?DANIEL: Yeah. Youre absolutely right. Im sorry. Im chuckles left my pack in the jungle and I was coming back and it was a while before I realized I was just, uh, really lost.SAWYER: Well you figure out when the skys gonna light up again?DANIEL: I dont know.SAWYER: Well you at least got a

25、plan?JULIET: I think we should take the Zodiac and head to a shipping lane.DANIEL: No, no, no, no. We cant just sail out on any course. For us to leave, I need to calculate a new bearing and uh to do that takes a sextant from his pack I need to determine where we are time.CHARLOTTE: And what

26、are the rest of us supposed to do?MILES: Im gonna go find us something to eat.JULIET: And how are you planning on doing that?MILES: Dont worry about it.Miles gets up and leaves the group.JULIET: I guess well get the water.Juliet leaves. Switch to Hurley and Sayid. Hurley is standing outside the pass

27、enger door and throws water on Sayids face.HURLEY: Dude! Wake up! slaps Sayids face Cmon, I cant do this on my own. Hurley gets Sayids wallet from his pocket and takes money outHURLEY: I promise Ill pay you back.He puts the wallet back in Sayids pocket then puts sunglasses on the unconscious Sayid.

28、Hurley positions Sayids head so it is not atilt.HURLEY: Wait right here.Hurley closes the door and Sayids head falls to his right shoulder. Hurley is still dressed in the clothes he was wearing when he left Santa Rosa, including his bathrobe. He enters a convenience store of a gas station and ties t

29、he belt of his bathrobe. The radio is playing Dream Police by Cheap Trick. He starts looking at t-shirts. The first one we see is I Heart My Wirehaired. He is looking for one that fits. He settles on a yellow t-shirt that says I Heart Shih-Tzu. He walks to the counter to pay for the shirt. The count

30、er girl stops reading, looks at Hurley then looks at the t-shirt.COUNTER GIRL: Shih-Tzus?HURLEY: I like Shih-Tzus.COUNTER GIRL: It looks like you heart them.Hurley just looks at her and she looks at what he is wearing.COUNTER GIRL: Rough night?HURLEY: Yeah.The counter girl looks out the window at th

31、e slumped over Sayid.COUNTER GIRL: Your friends pretty wasted.HURLEY: Yeah.COUNTER GIRL: I know you from somewhere. Dont I?Hurley looks up and sees the news telecast and sees his face. The sound is off.HURLEY: meekly No.COUNTER GIRL: Think I do. Yeah. You definitely look familiar.HURLEY: looks down I just have one

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