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1、限制性定语从句的译法教案第八部分 从句的翻译教学目的: 帮助学生掌握翻译英语从句的基本技巧。教学重点: 如何灵活处理英语中的各种类型的从句。教学难点: 如何灵活使用各种翻译技巧,摆脱英文原文的束缚,从而产生符合中文习惯的句子。英语从句的翻译对译者的英文理解能力提出了比较高的要求。所以,译者首先需要弄清句子的语法关系。然后分析原文句子间的从属关系。最后,将这些句子按照符合中国人思维习惯或中文构句习惯的逻辑顺序或时间顺序重新排列。教学方法: 任务驱动,集体讨论教学手段: 多媒体 教学情景: 参与广州外商活动中心口笔译任务(外商接待,关于广州投资环境会议)时间分配:第1,2节: 名词性从句的翻译 主

2、语从句的译法; 宾语从句的译法;表语从句的译法;同位语从句的译法翻译实践第3,4节: 定语从句的翻译 限制性定语从句的译法 非限制性定语从句的译法翻译实践第5,6节:状语从句的翻译 时间状语从句的译法 因果状语从句的译法 让步状语从句的译法 翻译实践名词性从句的翻译名词从句就是在整个句子中起名词作用的从句。名词性从句包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句。翻译这类句子时,根据从句与主句的长短和紧密程度,可以将从句译为句子的成分或者处理为与主句并列的单句。 主语从句的译法 1. Where we are today has to be one of the most commerciall

3、y dynamic places in the world. 我们今天所处的地方是全世界最具商业活力的地区之一。 2What I want to say is that the computer Internet is transforming business operation patterns.我所要说的是,计算机因特网正在改变商务运作的模式。以it作形式主语所引出的真正主语从句,翻译视情况可以提前也可以不提前。1. Its no wonder that Guangdong, with only 3% of Chinas population, produces 9% of its GD

4、P, attracts 1/5 of its foreign investment, and generates 1/3of its export.广东仅生活着中国3%的人口,生产却占国内生产总值的9%,吸引外资总量的1/5,出口在整个中国占1/3, 这并不让人感到奇怪。2. It was therefore only logical that the first thorough reform in Germany in 1948 was a “currency reform” with the introduction of the Deutsche Mark as a new monet

5、ary unit and at the same time the establishment of a fixed rate of exchange with the previous currency.因此,唯一符合逻辑的是,1948年德国进行的彻底改革属于“货币改革”,期间德国马克被作为新的货币单位推出,而且同时建立了与以前的币种进行交换的固定汇率制。3 It seems to me that the Fair has got the whole China behind it.我觉得整个中国都在支持这个交易会。宾语从句的译法1. Guangdong has about 16millio

6、n telephone users。This means that the entire traffic could be handled by four fibers.广东有1600万个电话用户,这意味着四根光纤就可以搞定整个信息交通了。2. International experience suggests that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure and services can have a substantial impact on the competitiveness of firms,

7、nations and regions.各国的经验表明,信息交流技术的基础设施和服务对于一个公司,一个国家乃至一个地区的竞争力都发挥着相当重要的作用。3. This dramatic economic progress shows what is possible when governments leave more decision-making power in the hands of private enterprises and individuals.种种巨大的经济成就表明,政府允许私营企业和个人享有更多的决策权能带来什么样的变化。4This local wisdom is ve

8、ry much in line with what we are driving to achieve at Kodak as we work to execute on our strategies.这种本地化的智慧与柯达在执行战略时要努力达到的目标非常一致。5. Last year our CEO committed the BP Amoco Group to a carbon dioxide emission reduction target of 10% by 2010, on a 1990 base and to reporting openly how and where we a

9、re achieving the targets.去年,我们公司的首席执行官承诺BP阿莫科集团要在2010将二氧化碳的排放量在1990年的基础上削减10%,而且不断公开在这方面的发展情况。表语从句的译法1. The second general message is that future growth must be sustainable.第二个原则是,未来的增长必须具有可持续性。2The good thing about our relationship is that we want nothing from each other.我们的关系中有一点很好,那就是我们都不想从对方那里获得

10、什么。同位语从句的译法同位语从句可以提前也可以保持原来的顺序1. In fact, I have no doubt that Ill learn in something today that I can take home and share with other leaders in New York State, where Kodaks headquarters is located.事实上,今天我将学到一些东西,并能将我的收获带回去,和柯达总部所在地纽约州的其他领导们分享,对此我深信不疑。2 Leadership in the digital Renaissance will be

11、about the realization that everyone on this earth is born with the potential to lead.数字复兴的领袖将要努力实现使这个地球上每个人都有成为领袖的潜能。翻译实践1. Its estimated that by the year 2010 the revenues will exceed 9 billion USD per year.2It is our sincere wish that we continue to work closely together enhance our friendly relat

12、ionship and to ensure a sustained growth in our economic, financial and trade cooperation.3. What is simple is easy to grasp, what is simple is easy to follow, what is easy to grasp becomes familiar, what is easy to follow is effective, what is familiar will become habit, what is effective is scalab

13、le, what is habitual becomes virtue, what is scalable enables the virtuous man to achieve great things. 4. It is important to realize that protection of intellectual property rights does not only benefit foreign copyright holders, it is even more important for domestic software companies.5. Im wonde

14、ring why the Guangzhou Municipal Government decided to undertake such a great project.6. I guess that the Fair was transferred to this new construction because of its expansion in scale?7. I believe that the British Government was the first, anywhere in the world, to appoint a Minister with specific

15、 responsibilities for Corporate Social Responsibility.8. You may wonder why the EU or in general terms the world economy needs anti-dumping legislation.9. My prediction is that Guangdong Province will not only remain an economic power, but will also become a major province with advanced higher educa

16、tion in the near future.10. Im particularly happy with the fact that the University Town is surrounded by the Pearl River. 参考译文1.预计到2010年广州的财政收入将超过90亿美元。2我们真诚地希望彼此之间继续密切合作,发展我们的友好关系,确保我们在经济,金融和贸易方面的合作持续增长。 3.易则易知,简则易从。易知则易亲,易从则有功。有亲则可久,有功则可大。可久则贤人之德,可大则贤人之业。4.必须意识到保护知识产权不仅可以使外国版权持有人受益,对国内软件公司而言有着更为重

17、要的意义。5.我想知道广州市政府为什么决定要建设如此巨大的工程。6.我猜,是因为交易会的规模扩大了,你们才将它搬到新馆里面来的吧?7.我相信英国是世界上第一个任命一位部长来负责企业社会责任的国家。8.大家可能会提出这样的问题:为什么欧盟,或者就更大范围而言,世界经济,需要反倾销法呢? 9.我预言广东省不仅将维持其经济强省的地位,也会在不久的将来成为高教大省。10.我特别喜欢大学城被珠江环绕。定语从句的译法 定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。前者和先行词关系紧密,决定着句子的意义,所以往往译为先行词的定语。后者主要是对先行词加以描述和说明,所以往往单独译为一句,与主句为并列关系。当然

18、,在某些情况下,第一种策略可以用于非限定性定语从句;而第二种可以用于限定性定语从句。除此之外,两种定语从句都可以在翻译中处理为句子的一个成分。另外,有些定语从句与主句实际上是条件,因果,转折,目的等逻辑关系,所以在翻译中还可以将这样的定于从句转换为状语从句。限制性定语从句的译法 1. 译为汉语定语1. Im hesitant to offer advice to a province that has been so successful.为一个已经这样成功的省提建议,我不胜惶恐。2. Sustainable development was defined by the UN Commissi

19、on on Environment and Development in 1987 as “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs.”1987年联合国环境与发展委员会将可持续发展定义为“在满足目前需求时不会对未来后代满足他们的需求造成负面影响的发展。”3The whole world is watching with great interest the remarkable chan

20、ges that are taking place in China, particularly in Guangzhou, a thriving and robust megalopolis.整个世界都在以极大的兴趣注视着中国正在发生的巨大变化,尤其是注视着广州这座蓬勃向上的特大型城市所发生的巨大变化。4A lot of effort is concentrated on maximizing the amount of information that can be transmitted using this single wavelength.研究的精力主要集中在如何使单一波长所传输的

21、信息量达到最大化。2. 译为并列结构由于某些定语从句比较长,不宜放在先行词前做定语,所以单独译为一句,和句中其他分句为并列关系。1. There comes a point in the growth of any organization or region when future development cannot be secured simply by more of the same.广东的发展已经进入了一个转折点,在这个时刻,任何机构和地区的发展,都不能再机械地依靠“更多的重复过去”来实现。2. As the leader of a global company whose in

22、dustry is undergoing seismic change, I know that no business and no regional economy can rely solely on the ingredients of its current success to propel it into the future. 我的公司所处的行业正在急剧变化,作为这样一个全球性公司的领导人,我知道没有任何企业或地区经济能够仅仅依靠其现在的成功要素而继续保持成功。3. To meet these requirements, ICT providers increased capa

23、city and introduced innovative new services and applications that allow users around the clock access at home, in the office, or on the move.为满足这些需求,提供ICT服务的机构扩充了容量,引进了新的服务和应用技术,让用户能够在居家,办公或外出时都能够不间断地随时使用ICT服务。3. 译为句中的某个成分1. It is a tribute to the Chinese citizens whose talent and daily efforts are

24、making this a vibrant modern economy.正是由于中国公民的聪明才智和日复一日的辛勤劳动,中国现代化经济才能如此生机勃勃。2. The report describes Guangdong as an economy that has been completely transformed in a little over two decades, but where officials, managers and employees are not satisfied to rest on their laurels and where there is a

25、realization that additional work is needed if the province is to continue its phenomenal growth.该报告认为,广东是一个在20年稍多一点的时间就完成了彻底转型的经济体。然而,当地的官员,管理人员和雇员们却不满足于已取得的成就,他们认识到,如果广东要继续保持其超常的发展轨迹,就必须付出更多的劳动,必须额外努力。3. We are a company that possesses vast know-how and very substantial resources.我们公司拥有大量的专有技术和资源。4

26、.Over the last decade, there has never been any place other than Guangzhou that holds so much attraction for our people in the business community.在过去的10年里,没有任何一个地方像广州那样对我国商业界产生了如此之大的吸引力。5This is the place where the Fourth Hi-Tech Fair was held.第四届高交会在这里举办。6CSR is an area to which the British Governm

27、ent attaches particular importance. 英国非常重视企业社会责任这一领域。4. 译成状语从句1Investing in those areas where local subcontractors and public and private services are not efficient and reliable means to invest in a vertically-integrated plant, which internalizes all stages of production with the relative services.如

28、果某个地区的当地装包商及外部服务,包括公共服务和私人服务,效率不高而且并不可靠,那么在这种地区投资意味着不单单建立一个企业,而是一个纵向整合的企业,生产周期内的各个环节和相关服务都成了企业的份内之事。非限制性定语从句的译法英语中的非限制性定语从句对其先行词不起限定的作用,只对其加以描写,叙述或解释。因此,该类定语从句往往翻译为一个独立的单句,和主句形成并列结构。 1. 译为并列结构1. We have commissioned the paper from Professor Michael Enright, who is a world authority on competitivenes

29、s, and who has spent years studying the economy of the Pearl River Delta.该报告是我们委托米高恩莱特教授完成的。米高恩格莱教授是一位研究竞争力的世界级权威人士。过去七年来,他一直在研究珠江三角洲的经济发展情况。2. The second general message is that future growth must be sustainable, which means ensuring that Guangzhou has the business environment, workforce and extern

30、al relationship to sustain its prosperity long term.第二个原则是,未来的增长必须具备“可持续性”。这意味着广东必须确保其商业环境,劳动力队伍和对外关系来维持长期繁荣。3. Nowhere is that more true than Guangdong, where people have poured into the major cities over the past two decades.这句话最适用于广东。在这片土地上,过去20年来人们像潮水般涌入大城市。4. On July 27, 2000, the state Council

31、 issued Document 18, which contains a number of steps to help develop the local software and semiconductor industries.2000年7月27日,中国国务院发布了第18号文件,其中包含诸多关于协助开发本土软件和半导体产业的步骤。5The current efforts of mobile communications companies focus around the shift from 2G to 3G technologies, which allow for the tra

32、nsfer of greater volumes of information at higher speeds.目前,移动通信公司正力求实现2G技术到3G技术的过渡,使信息的传输量更大,速度更快。6. 3G will allow mobile users to access the Internet, send images and videos, and enjoy a variety of efficiency enhancing services not possible under the current 2G platform, which is largely limited to voice communication.2G平台在很大程度上仅限于语音通信,而3G技术将使移动电话用户能够上网,发送图像和录像并且享受到目前在2G平台上所不能享受到的各种高效率的服务。2. 译为

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