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本文(奥鹏教育19春福师《英汉互译》在线作业二1满分答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、奥鹏教育19春福师英汉互译在线作业二1满分答案19春福师英汉互译在线作业二1试卷满分:100 试卷得分:100- 一、单选题(共50题,100分)1、It is because English is very useful _we study it hard.AwhyBthatCwhatDwhich仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B2、_finished your work so early?AHow come youBHow do you comeCHow can you comeDHow you come仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A3、The young ma

2、n made a _ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.A predictionB promiseC planD contribution仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B4、He spends most of his spare time _English.Ato studyBon studyCon studyingDstudying仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D5、Ill come , _ I dont expect to enjoy myself.A

3、ifBsinceCasDthough仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D6、Can you show me Mr. Jaffers office, please? - _. But I dont know if he is in at the moment.A ThanksB Go onC SureD You are welcome仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C7、It was _a hundred people looked lost in it.Aso large a room thatBso a large room thatCsuch large room t

4、hatDsuch large a room that仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A8、To her disappointment, her best friend did not_at her birthday party.Aturn overBturn aroundCturn upDturn in仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C9、As time went on, the theory she had stuck _ correct .AprovedBto provingCto provedDto prove仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C10、I

5、 used a computer, _it would have taken me much longer to finish the work.AotherwiseBandChoweverDso仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A11、TheForeignMinistermadeanexcellent_onthecurrentinternationalsituation.AcommitteeBcommandCcommentDcommission仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C12、We are in a difficult position in _we have n

6、obody properly qualified for this work.AwhichBthatCwhatDwhere仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B13、Whatweneedtolearnishowtoputtheoryinto_whenwebeginourfieldworkhere.AappearanceBapplicationCaccomplishDachievement仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B14、Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _your advice.AfollowBhad

7、followedCwould followDhave followed仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B15、Is it the watch you want_?Ato have it repairedBto repair itCto have repairedDto have repaired it仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C16、We neednt_. Everything turned _all right in the end.Aworry . upBworry . downChave worried . outDhave worried . on仔细阅读

8、上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C17、The secretary and headmaster of the school _present at the meeting.AwasBwereCareDbe仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A18、As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to _ the problem.A handleB raiseC faceD present仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A19、Thisriverforms

9、anatural_betweenChinaandKorea.AboundaryBstringCspotDzone仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A20、_is one of the five working language at U.N. , which _ are very proud of.AThe Chinese,the ChineseBChinese language,ChineseCChinese,the ChineseDChinese language,the Chinese仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C21、The bad weather is re

10、sponsible_the small attendance.AofBtoCwithDfor仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D22、Im sorry Im late. I got _by a friend on the way here.Aput upBhung upCslowed downDheld on仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B23、It was Allen who_with the bright idea to have a barbecue near the lake.Awent upBcame alongCwent alongDcame up仔细阅读上

11、述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D24、I had taken it for_that Sally would tell whenever she got the useful information.AinterestedBsureCcertainDgranted仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D2- cough is usually nothing to worry about unless it lasts for ten days _.A or moreB insteadC at mostD only仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A26、You _in su

12、ch a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left.Adont have to do itBneednt have done itCwouldnt do itDmustnt have done it仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B27、Weare_attherapidprogressMarkhasmadeinthissemester.AdistinguishedBannoyedCastonishedDscored仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C28、_you choose, make sure that i

13、t is a good one.AWhatBWhereverCWhicheverDWhich仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C29、The door burst open and _ , shouting with anger.Ain rushed the crowdBrushed in the crowdCthe crowd tin rushedDin the crowd rushed仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A30、The president is believed _ill.Athat he has fallenBto have fallenCto fall

14、Dthat he is仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B31、In his composition there are _errors _a few misspellings.Ano other . thanBsome other . thanCmore . thanDother . than仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A32、The_betweenthetwoplayingperiodsofafootballgameisonlyafewminutes.AinternalBreserveCintervalDradium仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C3

15、3、Most of us require an environment_outside distraction.Afree ofBfree fromCfree awayDfree without仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B34、Infact,thereisno_libertyinanycountry.AadequateBabsoluteCprivateDpractical仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B35、They said he was _holding public office, so they decided to deprive him of his

16、 post.Airrelevant toBunaware ofCinconsiderate ofDincapable of仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D36、Do you really want to study philosophy? the professor asked, slowly and_ emphasis _each word.Aplaced . inBplacing . onCbeing placed . atDto place . by仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B37、Themoderncameralensmaybecoatedwithmor

17、ethanten_foreachpieceofitsglass.AlevelsBstoriesClayersDformations仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C38、A telephone call _ him hurrying to his home town .AmadeBforceCsentDlet仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C39、Very seldom in my life _such a thing.AI have heardBI heardChave I heardDdid I hear仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C40、He ma

18、de a plea _more time so that he could get the job well done.AwithBforCtoDof仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B41、People and animals are different in their _to drugs.AactsBactionsCactivitiesDreactions仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D42、These networks are _for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can p

19、recede an earthquake.Ain alertBfor the alertCwith the alertDon the alert仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D43、His wife had only her husbands interests_.Aon her heartBon heartCat her heartDat heart仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:D44、_our expectation, the experiment turned out to be a complete failure.AContrary toBContrary

20、 withCContrary againstDContrary for仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A45、Heworksinouruniversityasavisiting_,notasaformalfacultymember.AtraditionalBscholarCnurseDpilot仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:B46、In fact, Mary would rather have left for San Francisco _in Los Angeles.Aby stayingBthan stayCthan have stayedDto stay仔细阅

21、读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C47、John_tobeapoliteman.Butinfactheisveryrude.ApretendsBassuresCaffordsDmelts仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A48、The teacher stressed again that the students should not _any important detail while retelling the story.A bring outB let outC leave outD make out仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C49、Not until the year of 1954_made the capital of that province.Athe city wasBwhen the city wasCwas the cityDthat the city was仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:C50、A Philippine maid was executed in Singapore after being _murder.Aconvicted ofBconvicted inCconvicted onDconvicted at仔细阅读上述试题,并作出正确选择正确答案是:A

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