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1、人教版新教材高中英语必修4Unit1Unit5高效演练跟踪检测B4U1单句语法填空1_ students decide which college to go to, they should research the admission procedures(入学手续)答案:Once2Why not _(form) the habit of exercising to keep fit?答案:form3Poor and lazy, he is always _(look) down upon by others.答案:being looked4If you carry _ working li

2、ke that, youll break down sooner or later.答案:on5He has made up his mind to intend his son _(manage) the company.答案:to manage6Their_(behave) towards me shows that they do not like me.答案:behaviour7Wed better take time and money into _(consider) when making the plan.答案:consideration8Greatly _ (inspire)

3、 by the teachers words, I have made up my mind not to give up my goal.答案:inspired9Do you want to get this book _(deliver) to your house or would you prefer to come to the shop for it yourself?答案:delivered10He has decided to get a look at the house and see if it might be worthwhile _(buy) it.答案:buyin

4、g/to buy完成句子1She _(偶然遇到一位朋友) of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.答案:came across an old friend2Only when I left my parents for Italy _(我才意识到) how much I loved them.答案:did I realize3First, _(他们主张) the main reason why students go to school is to learn more subjects and skil

5、ls.答案:they argue that4The headmaster will _(发表演说) to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon.答案:deliver a speech5The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to _(继续他们的讨论)答案:carry on with their discussion【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。 1据我所知, 他是一个有成就的人。 他的一生都奉献给了无家可归的儿童, 他的行为赢得了所有

6、人的尊重。(a man of great achievements; respect)2他坚信照顾孩子是平凡的工作, 但是你不要瞧不起平凡的工作。(look down upon/on)3一旦开始做一件事情, 你就必须坚持下去, 否则你将一事无成。(once; carry on)4只有当你老了回首往事时你能够说你已经全力以赴, 你才会对你的一生感到满足。 (be content with)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version: As far as I know, he is a man of great achievements.He has de

7、voted all his life to homeless children and his behaviour has won respect of all.He holds the firm belief that caring for children is an ordinary job, but you dont look down upon ordinary jobs.Once you begin to do something, you must carry on with it, otherwise you will never achieve anything. Only

8、when you are old looking back and saying that you have tried your best will you be content with your life. B4U2单句语法填空1To my _(satisfy), he succeeded in finishing the work ahead of schedule.答案:satisfaction2What do you think of her speech last night?Just soso. She gave us too much information, so that

9、 everyone got _(confuse)答案:confused3In the 1960s, many people in China died of_(hungry) because of the natural disasters.答案:hunger4Our attention should_(focus) on the most urgent problems.答案:be focused5As we all know, it is human activity that _(lead) to the global warming.答案:leads6A deep breath and

10、 a balanced mind will help rid you_the anxiety and nervousness.答案:of7Therefore, lets take the responsibility _(build) up a lowcarbon city by riding bicycles.答案:to build8Robert is indeed a wise man.Oh, yes. How I regretted not_(take) his advice.答案:taking9Id appreciate it if you can make helpful comme

11、nts _ my work.答案:on10The government calls on the public to go to work by bicycle instead of by car _(reduce) air pollution.答案:to reduce完成句子1As is known to us all, success lies in hard work while laziness_(导致失败)答案:leads to failure2We _(我遗憾地告知你) your application has not been successful.答案:regret to in

12、form you that3I would rather you _(没把消息告诉他) that day.答案:hadnt told him the news4I hear Mr.Wang has passed the driving test._(如果这样的话), let me go and congratulate him.答案:If so5Nowadays everyone is responsible for_(建立一个和谐社会) in China.答案:building up a harmonious society【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。

13、 1我想评论一下过去中国的情况。 (make comments on)2大多数人同各种各样的自然灾难作斗争。 (struggle against)3非常遗憾的是, 我们缺乏先进的设备, 结果, 农作物的产量大量减少。 (much to ones regret; output; reduce)4那就是人们过着艰难生活的原因。 (live a hard life)5幸运的是, 新政府已关注向发达国家学习先进技术, 人们生活有了很大改善。 (lead to much progress in)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version: I would lik

14、e to make comments on the situation of past China. Most people struggled against all kinds of natural disasters. Much to our regret, we lacked advanced equipment, as a result, the crop output was greatly reduced.That is the reason why people lived a hard life.Luckily, the new government has focused

15、on learning advanced technology from developed countries, leading to much progress in peoples life.B4U3单句语法填空1The saying reminds us that so long as we have a strong will, there is no difficulty that cant _ (overcome)答案:be overcome2The businessman has achieved great success in his career, but as a fa

16、ther, he is _ failure.答案:a3_ the rain falling so frequently, it becomes more and more difficult to carry on the rescue work.答案:With4After the theft, they behaved naturally as if nothing _ (happen)答案:had happened5Up to now, more than 5,000 trees _ (plant) in and around the amusement park.答案:have been

17、 planted6Even now some universities are badly off _ qualified English teachers.答案:for7I can remember few occasions _ he was absent from class in primary school.答案:when8However _ (amuse) the story is, I have to put it away and focus on my paper now.答案:amusing9At the magic performance, I found it _ (a

18、stonish) that a pigeon appeared out of the magicians empty hand.答案:astonishing10(2014四川高考书面表达)_ is known to all, the exam with four subjects altogether is held on June 7th and 8th.答案:As完成句子1Nature has provided our country with wealthy natural treasures, _ (使之成为我们幸福的家园)答案:making it a happy home for u

19、s2He talks about Rome _ (好像他以前去过似的)答案:as if he had been there before3They sat at the back of the room, _ (低声交谈)答案:talking in whispers4_ (迄今为止), there has been no more effective and reliable way than exams for education.答案:Up to now5A good many proposals were raised in the meeting, _(正如所预料的一样)答案:as w

20、as to be expected【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。 1格林夫妇和许许多多的美国人一样都失业了, 因此他们比以前更潦倒。 似乎每个人都在找工作。 (be worse off; search for jobs)2格林先生好不容易得到一个面试机会。 在去面试的途中他虽然遭遇了大雨, 但他还是设法及时赶到了面试地点。 (seize a chance; be caught in)3当公司经理看到浑身湿透的格林先生时, 当即给了他一份工作。 格林先生是如此高兴, 以至于没有认出经理就是他的老同学。 (so.that)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短

21、文)_One possible version: The Greens, like many other Americans, were out of work.Therefore, they were even worse off than ever.It seemed that everybody was searching for jobs.With great difficulty, Mr.Green seized a chance for an interview.Although he was caught in the heavy rain on his way to the i

22、nterview, he did manage to get to the spot on time.The manager offered him a job immediately when she/he saw Mr.Green was all wet.Mr.Green was so glad that he didnt recognize the manager, who was his former classmate.B4U4单句语法填空1They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our _ (curiou

23、s) about scientific discoveries.答案:curiosity2The walls were built as a _(defend) against enemy attacks.答案:defence3John didnt answer; his _ (face) expression didnt change, either.答案:facial4As I _ (approach) the little grass house in the forest, my heart beat more and more quickly.答案:approached5As far as Im concerned, it is good for us to get _ (closely) to nature.答案:close6That means the price is _ (like) to go down because of the competition.答案:likely7Much to his delight,

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