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1、小学英语语法知识点全集小学五年级英语语法知识点汇总一、名词复数的规则变化(第一节)名词复数的规则变化构成法例 词A. 在一般情况下,词尾加-sbook books bed - bedsB. 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词,词尾加-esbus buses box - boxesdish dishes watch - watchesC. 以f 或fe 结尾的词,先将f 或fe 改成v,再加-esknife - kniveswife - wivesD. 以o结尾的单词,有生命的物质加-es,无生命的物质加-stomato - tomatoesphoto - photosE. 以辅音字母加y结尾,先y将

2、改i,再加上-esfamily families city - cities二、现在进行时构成(第二节)现在进行时构成(ing形式)构成法例 词A. 一般加-ingwork working study - studyingB. 以e 结尾的词去e后加-inglive living write - writingC. 动词为单音节:以单一元音字母+单一辅音字母结尾,辅音字母双写,再加ing;动词为双音节或者多音节:最后一个音节为重读音节,以单一元音字母+单一辅音字母结尾,辅音字母双写,再加 ingstop - stoppingrun - running swim - swimmingbegin

3、- beginning三、一般现在时(第三节)一般现在时(单三形式)构成法例 词A. 一般动词在词尾加-shelp helps make - makesB. 以s, x , ch,sh,结尾的动词在词尾加-esfix fixes teach teaches wash - washesC. 以o 结尾的动词在词尾加-esgo goes do - doesD. 以辅音字母加y 结尾的动词,先y变为i,再加-esfly - fliesstudy studies carry - carriesE. 不规则变化have has四、一般过去时(第四节)一般过去时(-ed形式)构成法例 词A. 一般动词在词

4、尾加-edcook - cookedplay - playedB. 以e结尾的动词在词尾加-dlive - livedC. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先y变为i,再加-edfly - fliedstudy - studiedD. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母加-edstop - stoppedplan - plannedE. 不规则变化swim - swamhave hadF. be 动词变化am - wasis - wasare were五、形容词比较级(第五节)形容词比较级(er形式)构成法例 词A. 一般直接加-er long - longerB. 如果以-e结尾,

5、直接加-rnice - nicerC. 闭音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母须双写这个字母,再加-er big - biggerD. 以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-erheavy - heavier小学阶段没有强调比较级的不规则变化教材四会句型汇总一、一般疑问句1. - Did you read books? 你读书了吗?- Yes, I did.是的,我读过了。/ No, I didnt. 不,我没有读过。2. - Is she quiet? 她文静吗?- No, she isnt. Shes very active. 不,她不。她很活跃。- Is she strict? 她严格吗?-

6、 Yes, she is, but shes very kind. 是的,她是,但是她很和蔼。3. - Is this a teachers desk? 这是一张讲台桌吗?/ Is it cold? 冷吗?/ Is her birthday in June? 她的生日在六月吗?/ Is this your T-shirt? 这是你的T恤衫吗?- Yes, it is. 是的。/ No, it isnt. (No, its not.) 不,不是的。4. - Can you make the bed? 你会铺床吗?/ Can you use a computer? 你会使用电脑吗?- Yes, I

7、 can. 是的,我会。/ No, I cant.不,我不会。5. - Are they ducks? 它们是鸭子吗?/ Are they eating the honey? 它们吃蜂蜜吗?- Yes, they are. 是的,它们是。/ No, they arent. 不,它们不是。6. - Is there a forest in the park? 公园里有一个森林吗?/ Is there a river? 那里有条河吗?- Yes, there is. 是的,那里有。/ No, there isnt. 不,那里没有。7. - Are there any pandas in the m

8、ountains? 山里有一些熊猫吗?/ Are there any fish in the rivers? 河里有一些鱼吗?- Yes, there are. 是的,那里有。/ No, there arent.不,那里没有。8. - Are you eating lunch? 你(们)正在吃午餐吗?- Yes, I am. (Yes, we are.) 是的,我正在吃。(是的,我们正在吃。)/ No, I am not. (No, we arent.) 不,我没有在吃。(不,我们没有在吃。)9. - Is he playing chess? 他正在下棋吗?- Yes, he is. 是的,他

9、是。/ No, he isnt. 不,他没有。10. - Is she counting insects? 她正在数昆虫吗?- Yes, she is. 是的,她是。/ No, she isnt. 不,她没有。11. - Does she / he teach English? 她(他)教英语吗?- Yes, she / he does. 是的,她(他)是。/ No, she / he doesnt. 不,她(他)不是。二、谈论时间1. - What time is it? 几点钟?- Its two oclock. 两点钟。/ Its 9: 45. Its time for math cla

10、ss. 九点四十五。是上数学课的时间了。2. - What day is it today? 今天星期几?- Its Wednesday. 星期三。3. - When do you eat dinner? 你几点吃晚餐?- I eat dinner at 7: 00 in the evening. 我晚上7点钟吃晚餐。4. - When do you get up? 你几点起床?- I usually get up at 12: 00 noon. 我一般中午12点钟起床。5. - When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?- Its in May. 在五月。/ My b

11、irthday is in June. 我的生日在六月。/ Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too. 比尔叔叔的生日也在六月。6. - Whats the date? 几月几日?- June 9th. 六月九日。三、谈论颜色1. - What colour is it? 什么颜色?- Its white. 白色。四、谈论地点1. - Where are you going this afternoon? 下午你打算去哪?- Im going to the bookstore. 我打算去书店。2. - Where did you go on your holid

12、ay? 假期你去了哪?- I went to Xinjiang. 我去了新疆。3. - Where does she work? 她在哪工作?- She works in a hospital. 她在医院工作。4. - Where does the rain come from? 雨从哪来?- It comes from the clouds. 它从云里来。5. - Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪?- Its next to the hospital. 在医院旁边。6. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bath

13、room and a living room. 那有两个卧室,一个厨房,一个卫生间和一个客厅。There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet. 那有一面镜子,一张床和一个大衣柜。The closet is near the table. 衣柜在桌子的附近。Many clothes are in the closet. 很多的衣服在衣柜里。The trash bin is behind the door. 垃圾桶在门后。五、谈论价格1. - How much is it? 这个多少钱?- Its ten yuan. 十元。2. - How much are t

14、hey? 它们多少钱?- Theyre three yuan. 它们三元。六、谈论数量1. - How many horses are there? 那有多少匹马?- Twelve. 十二匹。七、谈论人物1. - Whos your English teacher? 你的英语老师是谁?- Mr Carter. 卡特先生。2. - Whats he like? 他长什么样?- Hes tall and strong. 他又高又强壮。3. How old are you? 你几岁?八、谈论喜好1. - Whats your favourite fruit? 你最喜欢的水果是什么?- I like

15、apples. Theyre sweet. 我喜欢苹果。它们很甜。/ I like fruit. But I dont like grapes. Theyre sour. 我喜欢水果。但我不喜欢葡萄。它们很酸。2. - Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?- I like winter best. 我最喜欢冬天。/ Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season. 夏天很好,但秋天是我最喜欢的季节。3. - Why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天?- Because I can

16、 swim in the lake. 因为我可以在湖里游泳。- Why do you like winter? 你为什么喜欢冬天?- Because I can sleep a long time. 因为我可以睡很长的时间。4. - Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?- I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢收集邮票。/ He likes collecting stamps, too. 他也喜欢收集邮票。九、谈论事情1. This is my computer. 这是我的电脑。 That is your computer. 那是你的电脑。2. Lets p

17、lay football. 让我们踢足球吧。3. This is Zhang Peng. 这是张鹏。4. - What did you do last weekend? 你上个周末做了什么?- I played football. 我踢了足球。5. - What are you going to buy? 你打算去买什么?- I am going to buy a comic book. 我打算去买一本漫画书。6. - What are you going to do on the weekend? 周末你打算去做什么?- Im going to visit my grandparents t

18、his weekend. 这个周末我打算去拜访我的祖父母。7. - What are they doing? 他们在做什么?- Theyre swimming. 他们在游泳。/ They are climbing trees. 他们在爬树。8. - What is it doing? 它在做什么?- Its eating bananas.它正在吃香蕉。9. - What is she doing? 她在做什么?- Shes jumping.她在跳。10. - What are you doing? 你正在做什么?- Im doing the dishes. 我正在洗碗。 / Im readin

19、g a book. 我正在读书。11. Grandpa is writing a letter. 爷爷正在写信。Brother is doing homework. 兄弟正在做作业。Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 妈妈正厨房里烧饭。Hes writing an e-mail in the study. 他正在书房里写一封电子邮件。12. - What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么?- Usually I watch TV and go shopping. 一般我看电视和去购物。/ Sometimes I visit

20、 my grandparents. 有时候我去拜访我的祖父母。/ I often play football. 我经常去踢足球。/ Sometimes I go hiking. 有时候我去远足。13. - What do you have on Thursdays? 星期四你们有什么课?- We have English, math and science on Thursdays. 星期四我们有英语,数学和科学课。14. - What do you do on Saturdays? 星期六你做什么?- I watch TV on Saturdays. 星期六我看电视。15. - What a

21、bout you? 你呢?- I do my homework, too. 我也做我的家庭作业。16. - What do you have for lunch on Mondays? 星期一你中餐吃什么?- We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. 我们吃西红柿,豆腐和鱼。17. - What can you do? 你能做什么?- I can sweep the floor. 我会扫地。 / I can cook the meals. 我会做饭。 / I can water the flowers. 我会浇花。十、谈论方式1. - How do you go to

22、school, Sarah? 萨拉,你怎么去学校?- Usually I go to school on foot. 一般我走路去学校。/ Sometimes I go by bike. 有时候我骑自行车。2. - How can I get to Zhongshan Park? 我怎么去中山公园?- You can go by the No. 15 bus. 你可以坐15路公共汽车。3. - How did you go there? 你怎么去那?- I went by train. 我坐火车去。4. - How do you do that? 你怎么做那件事?- First, I . Th

23、en I . 首先,我。然后我。5. What should you do then? 然后你怎么做?6. - How does she go to work? 她怎么去工作?- She goes to work by bus. 她坐公共汽车去工作。十一、谈论心情,身体状况1. How are you, Liu Yun? 刘云,你怎么样?You look so happy. 你看起来很开心。2. How are you, Sarah? 萨拉,你怎么样?You look sad today. 今天你看起来很伤心。3. - Whats the matter? 怎么了?- My throat is

24、sore. My nose hurts. 我的喉咙痛。我的鼻子痛。十二、谈论体重、身高1. - How heavy are you? 你多少重?- Im 48 kg. 我48公斤。- Im thinner than you, and shorter. 我比你瘦和矮。2. - How tall are you? 你多高?- Im 164 cm tall. 我164厘米高。- Youre shorter than me. 你比我矮。/ Youre 4 cm taller than me. 你比我高四厘米。十三、谈论职业1. - What does your mother do? 你妈妈做什么的?-

25、 She is a TV reporter. 她是一个电视台记者。十四、谈论天气1. Its warm today. 今天很暖和。2. Its cool. 今天很凉爽。小学英语知识点总结一、小学英语形容词性物主代词 1、 形容词性物主代词8个: My your his her its our your their 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他(她、它)们的 2、 形容词性物主代词的特点: 1)译成汉语都有的 eg:my 我的 their 他们的 2)后面加名词: eg:my backpack his name 3)前后不用冠词 a an the This is a my e

26、raser(错误) That is your a pen(错误) Its his the pen(错误) 3、I(物主代词)my you(物主代词)your he (物主代词)her we (物主代词) our 注:在变物主代词时,把原题所给的词加上的,再译成单词就可以了。二、小学英语名词性物主代词 1、 名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词一样有8个: Mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他(她、它)们的2、 名词性物主代词的特点: 1)译成汉语都有的 2)后面不加名词 3)名词性物主代词=形容词性物主

27、代词+名词 Eg:1、the pen is mine 钢笔是我的(mine=my pen) 以上就是小学英语名词性物主代词全文,希望能给大家带来帮助! 三、小学英语单数的句子变成复数的句子 把单数的句子成复数的句子很简单:变法是把能变成复数的词变成复数,但a或an要把去掉。特殊疑问词、形容词、国家及地点通常不变。 Eg:把下列句子变成复数 1, I have a car -we have cars 2, He is an American boy. -They are American boys 3, It is a car -They are cars 4, This is an erase

28、r -These are erasers 5, That is a backpsck -Those are backpacks 6,Im an English teather -We are English teathers 7,Its a new shirt- They are new shirts 8,Hes a boy -They are boys 9,Shes a singer -They are singers 10,Whats this in English?- What are these in English? 四、小学英语名词的数语法 名词有单数和复数两种形式 1、名词的单数

29、:表示一个人或一个事物 2、名词的复数:表示一个人以上的人或事物 名词复数的变化规律如下: 1、多数情况下在名词后面加S,s 在清辅音后读【S】 2、以s,x,sh,ch为结尾的词在词尾加es, es读作【iz】 3、以f ,fe为结尾的词去掉f或fe加ves,ves读作【vz】 4、以辅音加y 结尾的词,变y 为ies 5、以元音加y结尾的词,直接加s 6、不规则变化 Man-men woman-women policeman-policemen Policewoman-policewomen 这种情况下a变成e 1、 单复数同形 Chinese-chinese Japanese-japan

30、ese sheep -sheep deer -deer 2、 This 这个these这些(复数) that那个 those那些(复数) I我 we我们(复数) he他 she她 it它 they他、它、她们(复数) am ,is是 are(复数) 五、小学英语人称代词主格及宾格 人称代词分为主格和宾格,主格和宾格区别:主格和宾格汉语意思相同,但位置不同。 Eg: I(主格)我- me (宾格)我 主格在陈述句中通常放句首,宾格通常放在动词后或介词后,也就是说宾格,不放在句首。 Eg :I have a new car.( I 主格) Excuse me (me 宾格) I ask him to

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