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1、接待流程商务英语口语十六:外国客户说要来中国我想各位做外贸的朋友一定遇到过你的外国客户说要来中国的情况,这就是客户的商务预约了。一般我们要进行商务旅行前,都会根据旅行计划,事先通知目的地有关部门或个人,做好预约,以使商务活动顺利进行并节省时间。此外,尽管现在大多数的宾馆设施齐备,服务周到,环境优雅,但找到一个理想的休憩和食宿之地仍然非常关键。下面的商务英语口语对话讲的就是:布朗先生因业务决定到中国来。临行他电话通知CEC的温娜,并请她预订房间。B: Mr. BrownW: Wen NaB: Hi, Wen Na. Ive decided to go to Dalian again.W: Tha

2、ts great! Then we can talk in person. When will you be here?B: Im going to arrive in Dalian On April 12, and leave on April 18.W: Have you booked your plane ticket? What time will you fly in? Im going to pick you up at the airport.B: Yes, Ive just got my ticket. My flight number is CA 2118. Ill arri

3、ve at the airport at 2:25 pm, April 12. (这种情况下一定要记住客户的航班号和抵达时间,如果没听清,可以请对方再重复一遍)W: Ok, 2:25 pm, April 12. I get it. See you at the airport then.B: Will you please do me another favor?W: Yes. What can I do for you?B: Will you please help me reserve a hotel room? Ill pay for it.W: Ok, dont worry about

4、 it. How much would you like to pay for a room?B: Around 60 to 70 dollars per night for a single room.W: All right. Ill book it for you, then send you the details by Email.商务英语口语十七:酒店预订英语相信很多做外贸的朋友一定经常去国外出差,那么出差之前我想有一个工作是非常之重要了,那就是酒店预订。如果没有预订,那么你到了那边再去找酒店,可就麻烦了,笔者曾经经历过在那种人生地不熟,语言又不是特别通的地方满地找酒店的那种滋味。

5、预订酒店时,酒店的客房预订部负责回答有关预订房间的询问,给客人办理预订,取消或改变预订,开具确认预订书等。预订房间的方式各不相同,可写书信或者电话预订。现在还可以利用网络预订。下面的商务英语口语对话讲的是关于酒店预订英语的:温娜小姐正在为她的出差做准备-打电话预订酒店。C: ClerkW: Wen Na.C: Good morning. This is Room Reservations. May I help you?W: Yes, Id like to reserve a single room with shower, please.C: Thank you, Miss. For whi

6、ch date?W: From April 12.C: Could you please hold the line, please? Ill check our room availability for that day. Thank you for waiting. We have three kinds of single rooms at $50, $75 and $100 a night. Which one would you prefer? (一般服务员问完这句话之后,我们基本都会问: Whats the difference between them?)W: We shall

7、 take the one at $75.C: Certainly. May I have your name, please?W: Well, its for Miss Wen Na from China.C: Thank you, Miss. May I have your phone number, please?W: Yes, the number is 82885420.C: 82885420. Thank you. Good-bye.W: Bye.商务英语口语十八:我要退房相信各位都有住酒店的经历。一般都要经历预订(请参看:酒店预订英语),入住,退房三个阶段。入住英语叫做check

8、 in,一般入住的程序比较简单,在你事先有预订的情况下,直接跟前台服务员说Id like to check in, I have reservation. This is my passport. 然后把护照给前台服务员,他们会确认,然后问你,是cash(现金)还是credit card(信用卡)。当然住酒店是要交一定的押金的,如果是cash,则是直接现金押金,如果是credit card,那么服务员会预刷你的卡,就是先刷着,不扣钱,真的产生费用了,再在退房时结算。住完酒店后,当然最后的阶段就是退房了,退房英语叫做check out。许多的宾馆的结账时间是中午12点以前,或12点到下午3点,入

9、住时就应该问清楚。如果在结账时间之后退房,一般要多支付一天或一定数量的房费。结账时要认真审核账单明细,如果有差错立即纠正。想要知道我们在国外时该如何去退房吗?请看下面的商务英语口语对话:我要退房。布朗先生要乘晚上10:30的航班回纽约了,晚饭后他要退房。C: CashierB: Mr. BrownC: Good evening, sir. Can I help you?B: Yes. Id like to check out. My names Peter Brown, Room 4106.C: Just a moment, please. Ill check your bill. Here

10、you are. Please consult.B: Room rate, fax, laundry Um, it seems to me that room expense has been overcharged for 37.5 dollars.C: Let me see. Oh, our check out time is 12 at noon. Any time after 12 will be charged for half a day.B: Ah, yeah, I remember.C: Well, could you please sign the bill? Are you

11、 going to pay by cash or by credit card?B: Ok, and Ill pay by credit card.C: Thank you, and here is your receipt. (可千万别忘了拿收据或发票啊,报销凭证啊) Is your luggage packed and ready? Shall I call somebody to bring it down for you?B: Oh, no, thank you. I have my suitcase here with me. But thank you all the same.C

12、: I hope youve had a pleasant stay here, sir.B: Indeed I have. The service has been excellent.C: Thank you very much, sir.商务英语口语十九:改签机票经常出差的朋友一定改签过机票。关于临时因故更改航班,各航空公司有其特别的规定,例如,收取不同费率的退票费等。因此在购买机票时或在决定是否退票时一定要问清楚,否则将蒙受经济损失。下面的商务英语口语对话,就让你了解有关改签机票的英语。奥尔森先生预订了机票,但因有件紧急的事情没有处理完,他要求将机票改签,但柜台小姐告诉他,必须要先退票

13、,再买另外一个航班的机票。O: Mr. OlsonC: A clerkO: Excuse me.C: What can I do for you?O: I have bought a ticket on Flight CA938, flying to London at 9:30 tomorrow morning. But unfortunately, I have something very urgent to do tomorrow. Could you please help me change it to Flight CA937 on July 14th?C: If you wan

14、t to change your flight, date or route, your ticket will be handled as a refund ticket. That is to say, you have to purchase another ticket.O: I see. Do I have to pay for the refund?C: Yes, you have to pay RMB 800 yuan for the refund.O: Why should I pay so much?C: According to our regulations, if a

15、passenger asks for a refund of his ticket 24 hours before the departure time, the callellation fee is 10% of the original fee.商务英语口语二十:海关申报和通关海关申报和通关是国际商务旅行中必须履行的程序,对于旅行者来说这时除了礼貌地接受检查之外,没有多少礼仪含量,唯有遵守法律为上策。通关前,旅行人员一定要了解各国有关可携带物品的法律规定。如禁止野生动植物,某些食品酒类的携进携出等。(加入海关申报内容)那么在海关申报时,如果用英语去表达你想要申报的东西以及如何回答海关人员

16、的问话呢?相信您看完下面的商务英语口语对话之后,就知道该怎么做了。对话背景:佟先生陪同林先生到美国进行商务考察,本对话记录了他们在纽约国际机场的通关情景。C: Customer OfficerL: Mr. LinT: Mr. TongI: Immigration OfficerC: Anything to declare?T: No, Nothing. I have only a few small gift.C: May I take a look?T: Sure. (打开他的手提包让那位官员看)C: Whats this?T: A gift Chinese pagoda made of o

17、x bone.C: Are you sure its not ivory? Taking ivory products into the United States is not allowed, you know.T: Im absolutely sure its ox bone. Please take a closer look.C: (仔细检查) Well, I take your word for it. Now you may put them back and close your bag.(林先生和佟先生来到移民检查站)I: May I see your password an

18、d disembarkment card, please?L: Sure, here you are.I: Thank you. So you come for business. Whos your partner here in the States?L: Mr. Peter Brown of Messers Benet Company. Here is his invitation letter.I: Good, everything seems to be in order.商务英语口语二:机场接机时该说什么在商务英语接待中,若想给客人留下好印象,机场接机是比较重要的第一步。接待时,应

19、着装正式,热情主动。在介绍和问候之后,可以询问旅途状况,以表示关心。接待人员应主动提出替客户拿行李,使客户感受到你的关心。在商务英语口语中,机场接机时该说什么呢?请看下面的对话。对话背景:中国电子仪器公司的温娜小姐陪同公司领导林伟先生到机场迎接纽约来的布朗先生。虽然未曾晤面,但在此之前的电话沟通中他们已经相互认识了。W: Wen Na, secretaryL: Lin WeiB: Mr. Peter Brown, a foreign dealer (国外经销商) from New York.W: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Peter Brown from New Y

20、ork?B: Yes, Im Peter Brown.W: Im Wen Na from CEC. Im here to meet you (我是来接您的). May I introduce Mr. Lin Wei? Hes the head of our company.L: How do you do?B: How do you do? Im glad to meet you.L: Welcome to China, Mr. Brown.B: Thank you. It is very nice of you to come and meet me.L: You are welcome.

21、Did you have a nice flight?B: Not bad except some turbulence.L: We are very happy to have you here. We hope youll enjoy your stay here.B: Im sure I will.L: There is a limo outside in the parking lot. We will take you to the hotel first.B: Thank you.W: Let me carry your suitcase for you.B: Thanks, bu

22、t I can manage. It is not heavy.商务英语口语三:交换名片时该怎么说名片是商务交际中极重要的工具,它常被看作是公司或个人的广告。递名片时,应双手或右手捏住名片的两角或一个角。千万不要用食指或中指夹着名片给人。接受他人名片时,应恭敬的说声“谢谢”。接到名片后可当即阅读并请教不明之处。那么在商务英语口语中,交换名片时该怎么说呢?对话背景:布朗先生和何先生被邀请参加电子商品联合会举行的宴会。他们彼此不认识。他们交换了名片。B: Mr. Brown H: Mr. He PengH: Good evening. I dont think weve met before. M

23、y name is He Peng.B: Hi, Im Peter Brown. Pleased to meet you, Mr. He.H: Pleased to meet you, too. I work for Dalian Electronics Imp. & Exp. Corporation. Heres my card.(He双手递名片给Brown)B: Thank you. Er, Excuse me, Mr. He? Is this telephone number also your fax number?H: Yes, You can fax me by dialing t

24、his number. At the back of the card is our business scope for your reference.(停顿一下)How can I get in touch with you, Mr. Brown?B: Oh, yes. Im from Messers Benet Company, New York. Heres my card.(一只手捏住名片的右角递给对方)Were one of the biggest electronic products wholesalers in New York.H: Thank you.(He双手接过名片并

25、将名片放到名片夹中)I hope we can do some business in the near future, Mr. Brown.B: Sure, I hope so.当然如果因为业务关系变动,需要及时更换名片,以确保信息的准确和连续。如果是这种情况,那么就可以这么说了:Here is my new card.商务英语口语七:如何与客户闲谈在西方,凡是涉及个人工资,收入,支出,婚姻,子女,年龄,政治,宗教等方面的话题都属于禁忌的范畴。如果不得已要问对方时,要事先征得同意。最好的做法是谈天气,体育等。商务人员应切忌因话题不当而冒犯他人,进而失去生意机会。在商务英语口语中,如何与客户闲

26、谈是一项基本技巧,如果你问的问题太私人,别人会不高兴,如果你说话太少,又会给人留下沉闷的印象。对话背景:林伟到美国出差。他的美国合作伙伴布朗先生邀他参加家庭聚会。布朗到林的宾馆接他。B: Mr. Brown L: Lin Wei N: Mrs. Nancy Brown, Browns motherB: Hello, Mr. Lin. Have you had a good rest here?(如果你去宾馆接客户时,作为第一句话,你可以问问客户休息的如何)L: Yes, thank you. Its very kind of you to invite me to your party and

27、 to pick me up here.B: Its my pleasure. Besides, my home is far away from here. It will cost you a lot if you take a taxi.L: Thank you for your consideration. I dont know you have such a beautiful and luxurious car.B: Thank you. I bought it only a few months ago.L: How much did you spend on it?B: Um

28、 Well. You know it is hard for me to give a specific answer.L: I am very sorry if I have asked you a private question. In my culture, people ask such question all the time.(意识自己问的问题不太妥当,得马上给对方致歉,同时做适当的解释,以获得对方的理解,一般我们到外地,都应该入乡随俗)B: I understand. But sometimes we need time bridge the culture gap.(但是有

29、时候我们需要时间适应文化上的差异)(到了Mr. Brown的家)B: Mr. Lin, please allow me to introduce my mother, Mrs. Brown.L: How do you do, Mrs. Brown?N: How do you do? You can call me Nancy.L: Oh, no. We never call old people by their first names in China.(美国人喜欢别人直呼其名,以示亲切,即使是上了年纪的老人,这些细节在很多西方电影中经常出现)N: (感到窘迫地)Oh, such being the case, just call me Mrs. Brown.

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