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届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 24 Society 北师大版选修8.docx

1、届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 24 Society 北师大版选修8Unit 24Society写得准用得活积得多1.accumulate v积累2.burden n. 重担,负担3.vacant adj. 未住人的,空置的4.diverse adj. 各种各样的5.resign vt.& vi. 辞职6.delete vt. 删除7.shrink vi. (使)收缩,缩小8.virtue n. 优点,长处9.undertake vt. 着手做,从事10.sentence n. 判决11.moreover adv. 再者,此外12.cast v. 投下13.preservation n维护,保存

2、preserve vt.保存,保管14.edition n版,版本edit vt.编辑,校订editor n编辑,校订者15.voluntary adj.自愿的volunteer v自愿做 n志愿者16.abundant adj.大量的abundance n大量17.signature n签名sign v签名;打手势 n招牌;迹象;符号18.govern vt.统治,管理governor n统治者,总督government n政府19.adjustment n调整,调节adjust vt.调整,调节vi.使适应20.elect vt.选举,推选election n选举;当选;选择权21.mer

3、ciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的mercy n宽容,仁慈22.rot vt.& vi.腐烂;腐朽n.腐败rotten adj.腐烂的23.thirst n口渴thirsty adj.口渴的24.container n容器;集装箱contain vt.包含;装有;容纳;控制25.consequently adv.所以,因此consequent adj.作为结果的;必然的consequence n结果,后果用所给词的适当形式填空1.She was a bright and eager student and, consequently (consequent), did well in scho

4、ol.2.The wood was so rotten (rot) that you could put your finger through it.3.Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance (abundant) on the island.4.To adjust herself to the study abroad, she had to make some necessary adjustments to her habits.(adjustment)5.In the latest election,_Mary was elected chair

5、woman of the Student Union.(elect)6.The new governor is governing the state very well, which makes its government well received by people.(govern)7.If you are willing to do voluntary work, you can be a volunteer.(voluntary)8.Please give me a container. I want to use it to contain some water.(contain

6、er)9.The paintings are in an excellent state of preservation. That is to say, they are well preserved.(preservation)10.She used to edit newspapers, and now she is the editor of a dictionary which is now in its sixth edition.(edition)11.Im really thirsty and only ice water can quench (解渴) my thirst.

7、(thirst)1.ate结尾动词一览accumulate累积;积聚accelerate (使)加快advocate 提倡,主张allocate 分配 appreciate 欣赏;感激locate 使坐落于 2.由shrink想到的动词extend 延伸;伸出increase 增加enlarge 扩大;放大expand 扩大;膨胀decrease 减少reduce 减少3.“再者”过渡词集锦moreover 再者,此外furthermore 此外,而且besides 况且,再说in addition 此外whats more 更有甚者4.virtue相关词汇小结optimism 乐观faith

8、 忠诚 modesty 谦虚bravery 勇敢,勇气 justice 正义 diligence 勤勉generosity 慷慨 5.under开头单词汇总undertake vt. 着手做,从事underclass n. 社会底层underdone adj. 未煮熟的undergo vt. 经历,经受underground adj. 地下的underline vt. 画线;强调underneath prep. 在底下undersea adj. 海底的写得准用得活积得多e_into_being形成,存在2.wind_sb.up 故意惹恼某人3.show_off 炫耀,夸耀4.knock_int

9、o_sb. 撞上某人;偶然 遇到5.break_into_ 闯入;突然开始 (笑、唱等)6.on_principle_ 根据原则7.sentence_sb.to_death 判某人死刑8.be_well/better_off 过得好/过得更好9.take_.seriously_ 认真对待10.above_all 最重要的是;首先11.do_away_with 废除;摆脱,消灭12.to_start_with_ 首先13.play_an_important_role_in_._ 在中起重要 作用14.contribute_to_ 促进,有助于15.take_._into_account 考虑;注

10、意;体谅16.keep_an_eye_on 注意,留意选用左栏短语填空1.One must take the audience into_account when making speeches.2.Honesty and hard work contribute_to success and happiness. 3.The driver lost control of his car and it knocked_into a tree. 4.Children should learn above_all how to observe good manners at table.5.Wer

11、e amazed at the amazing news that he was_sentenced_to_death.6.They did_away_with those rules at those schools years ago.7.We must keep_an_eye_on the stranger who is looking back and forth all the time.8.The society today offers the young generation more chances to show_off their talent and skills.9.

12、Do you know when the Great Wall came_into_being?10.As the Presidents car arrived, the crowd broke_into loud applause.1.do短语集汇do away with 废除;摆脱do harm to 对有害do justice to 公平对待do ones best 尽力do ones duty 尽职责do up ones hair 做头发do up 重新整修do without 不用2.“onn.”短语大全on principle 根据原则on average 平均on purpose

13、 故意地on show/exhibition 在展出on sale 出售on business 出差3.聚焦eye短语keep an eye on 注意,留意have a good eye for 对有鉴赏眼光look the eye 直视(正视)某人catch ones eye 引起某人注意 背原句记句式会仿用1.Id rather you didnt mention that.我宁愿你没有提及那一点。would rather后跟从句时,从句要用虚拟语气。我真希望你那天没有把那个消息告诉他。Id rather you hadnt_told him the news that da

14、y.2.What if some married people have affairs?要是一些已婚的人有了婚外恋怎么办?what if是连词词组,意为“要是怎么办”。要是林书豪缺席这场篮球赛会怎么样呢?What_if Jeremy Lin is absent from the basketball game?3.They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements.然后他们就可以

15、在各个胡同路口设置哨兵,这样更便于监视人们的举动。“make宾语宾语补足语”结构。成本不断上涨,生意很难做成。Rising costs made_it_hard to carry on business.4.As a society, its high time that we took these issues more seriously.作为整个社会来讲,到了我们应该更加认真地考虑这些问题的时候了。Its high time that sb. should do/did sth.“到某人做某事的时候了”。到了我们采取措施保护自然资源的时候了。Its high time that we s

16、hould_take/took_measures to preserve the natural resources.1abundant adj.大量的;丰富的;充裕的经典例句We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.(牛津P8)我们有充分的证据证明他有罪。(1)be abundant in 富有;很丰富(2)abundance n. 丰富an abundance of 丰富的,许多的in abundance 大量;富裕South Africa is a developing country which is_abundant_in natura

17、l resources.南非是一个自然资源丰富的发展中国家。If you travel in the sea, you will see an_abundance_of marine creatures.如果你在海上旅行的话,会看到很多海洋生物。One quality the team possessed in abundance was fighting spirit. 该队的一大特点是斗志昂扬。2burden n负担,重担 vt.(使)担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等)教材原句Instead, they feel like a burden because every month we ha

18、ve to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them.相反,它们就像一种负担,因为我们每月都要将挣来的大部分的钱拿出来支付贷款。(1)a burden on/to . 是的负担bear/carry/reduce/share the burden 承受/担负/减少/分担重担take on the burden 承担责任(2)burden sb./oneself with sth. 装载;使负担be burdened with . 负重;为所累His invalid father is becoming a burden to/on h

19、im.他父亲体弱多病,对他来说渐渐成了累赘。Why do you burden yourself with your sisters dog? 你何必自找麻烦为你姐姐的狗所累呢?Some parents complain that their children are_burdened_with heavy homework. 有些家长抱怨他们孩子的家庭作业繁重。3resign vt.&vi.辞职,辞去;使顺从教材原句His boss insisted that he work longer hours so he resigned.他的老板坚持要他更长时间地工作,所以他辞职了。resign

20、ones job/post/position 辞去工作/职位resign from 辞职resign oneself to (doing) sth. 顺从;使自己安于 (做)某事resign as . 辞去当的职务He is still on the board, but he resigned as chairman some months ago.他仍在董事会,但几个月前他辞去了董事长职务。Will you resign from the company if they ask you to?如果他们让你辞职,你会离开公司吗?The team refused to resign thems

21、elves to_defeat/being_defeated (defeat)该队不甘失败。4elect vt.选举,推选;选择高考佳句Besides, I have such a good command of English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher.(2015陕西高考书面表达)此外,我如此精通英语以至于被选为英语老师的助理。elect . 选举某人进入elect sb.(as/to be) . 选举某人为elect to do sth. 选择做某事She became the first blac

22、k woman to be elected to the Senate.她成为第一个被选入参议院的黑人妇女。Employees may elect to_take (take) their pensions in monthly payments or as single lump sum. 雇员可选择按月或一笔一次性领取的退休金。5undertake vt.着手做,从事,承担;允诺,答应教材原句Conditions improved a great deal and the government undertook the preservation of many of the oldest

23、 hutongs.胡同的条件得到了很大的改善,政府对很多早期的胡同进行了修缮和保护。undertaken./pron. 承担undertake to do . 着手做;答应做undertake that . 答应undertake for . 为负责I will undertake to_feed (feed) your dogs while you are away.你不在家时我答应替你喂狗。The sponsors undertake_that the proposal meets all the legal requirements.倡议者担保这项提案符合所有法律要求。Well unde

24、rtake_for your security while you are visiting our country.当你访问我们国家时,我们将保证你的安全。写作联想例句其他表达方式The sponsors guarantee that the proposal meets all the legal requirements.The sponsors ensure that the proposal meets all the legal requirements.The sponsors make sure that the proposal meets all the legal req

25、uirements.6sentence n&vt.判决;宣判;判刑教材原句In the USA in the last 100 years, 23 men have been wrongly sentenced to death and there are doubts about 400 other cases.在美国,在过去的100年里,23人已被误判为死刑,还有另外400件案例遭质疑。(1)serve a sentence 服刑pass/give sentence on sb. 给某人判刑a death/life sentence 死刑/无期徒刑(2)sentence . 给

26、某人判刑(常用被动 语态)be sentenced to death/three years in prison 被判死刑/三年徒刑The prisoner has_served_his_sentence and will be released tomorrow.犯人已服刑期满,明天将释放。The judge will pass/give_sentence_on the murderer tomorrow after looking at the report. 法官看完报告后明天会对凶手做出判决。Jack was sentenced to three years in prison for

27、 his part in the crime.杰克因参与犯罪活动被判处3年徒刑。.基础点全练(单句语法填空/完成句子)1Within three months of his election (elect) he was forced to resign.2The boss has undertaken to_pay_ (pay) the money back in a year.3The lake attracts an abundance of wildlife to spend winter there.4. You must resign yourself to waiting (wa

28、it) a bit longer.5Since we are parents, we bear the burden of looking after all the family members.6. He was fined 400 for breaking the advanced equipment.7. We will debate the subject at length later when we are at_leisure (悠闲)8He has no right to publish content, nor can he delete_anything_from (从删

29、除任何内容) the live site.重难点多练1burden万花筒介词填空Too much homework is becoming a burden to/on students.Nowadays peasants are no longer burdened with heavy taxation.There will be many challenges ahead, but I have confidence that Ill take on the burden.2sentence全方位(1)介、副词填空Tom was sentenced to ten years in pri

30、son for his guilt.The judge had difficulty in passing sentence on him.(2)一句多译这位市长被判处终身监禁。1 The judge sentenced the mayor to a life imprisonment.(sentence v)2 The mayor was_sentenced_to a life imprisonment.(sentence v)3 The judge gave/passed a life imprisonment sentence_on the mayor.(sentence n).阅读词汇专练1根据语境选出vacant的词性和词义Can you find out for me whether it has any vacant room

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