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大学英语语法 第十九讲 一致关系.docx

1、大学英语语法 第十九讲 一致关系第十九讲一致关系一、主语和谓语的一致1 . 集体名词作主语, 如果指整体概念, 谓语动词用单数形式; 如果指具体成员, 谓语动词用复数形式常见的这类名词有army, audience, class , club, offspring, company, committee, crowd, crew, couple, family, group , mob, government , jury, par ty, population, staff, team, union, public, cabinet , faculty , board, band, orch

2、estra, council , village, The B . B . C . (英国广播公司) , Bank of China (中国银行) , The Ministry of Defence(国防部) , The Labour Party(劳动党) , England( the football team) , Liverpool ( the football team) , the press, the city, the neighbourhood 等。注意, 阅读本讲应参照第七讲。比较: The crowd are gone . 群众都散了。The population of t

3、he earth is increasing very fast . 地球上的人口在迅速增长。One third of the population here are workers . 这里的人口中有1/ 3 是工人。His o f f spring(子女) surprises him every day . His o f f spring are now going their separate ways . By then, a new president , the opposition(反对党) f ears, will have begun a seven year term .

4、 The opposition are meeting quietly to organize their forces . The choir(唱诗班) sings in Church every Sunday . The choir have all studied in a college of music . The crew has a long service record . The crew are daring, though fresh . In most United States cities, the public travels by bus . (某范围内的公众)

5、 The television public is increasing rapidly . (某一部分公众) Is there a public for that kind of activity ? (从事某项活动的公众) The public now know (或knows) the whole story . (泛指, 谓语动词可用单、复数) The public are(或is) requested to obey the law . (泛指) The company was set up last year . 这家公司是去年成立的。The company are mostly

6、young men . 这家公司的成员大都是年轻人。The cavalry was assembled . 骑兵被集合起来了。The cavalry wear scarlet trousers . 骑兵们穿着猩红色的裤子。The team is well organized . 这个队组织得很好。The team are all good players . 这个队的队员都是好样的。This hotel is at the foot of a hill . 这家旅馆在一个小山脚下。All the hotel are gathered in the hall . 全旅馆的人都集中在大厅里。The

7、 young couple (或pair ) is happy . 这对年轻夫妇很幸福。The young couple (或pair ) are quar relling with each other . 这对年轻夫妇在吵架。What a good pair they are ! 他们是多好的一对儿! The litter of kittens was born last night . 这窝小猫昨天生下的。The litter of kittens are meowing . 这窝小猫都在喵喵叫。大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版) 767 一、主语和谓语的一致Her f amily is

8、all early risers . (误) Her f amily are all early risers . (正)她家的人都喜欢早起。There are only a few families in the village . 村子里只有几户人家。(多个家庭) Has she any family ? 她有子女吗? (子女) The whole family are in trouble . 全家人都遇到了麻烦。(家人) The committee is to deal with this matter . 委员会要处理这个事件。(机构) The committee are divid

9、ed in opinion . 委员们意见不一致。(委员们) She is on several committees . 她是几个委员会的委员。(多个委员会) This class consists of twenty students . 这个班有20 个学生。(班级) This class are all boys . 这个班的学生全是男生。(班里的学生们) Three classes are lining up in front of the building . 3 个班级在大楼前排队。(多个班级) There is no school today . 今天不上学。(抽象意义, 表示

10、“上学”) There was no school here three years ago . 3 年前这里没有学校。The whole school is talking about the new library . 全校学生都在谈论那个新图书馆。(全校学生) There are schools of ar t , law and medicine in the town . 城里有艺术学校、法律学校和医学学校。(多个学校) The village is not far from here . 那个村庄离这里不远。The whole village are out greeting hi

11、m . 全村人都出来迎接他。(村民们) All the village are for the plan . 全村人都赞同这项计划。(村民们) There are several fishing villages along the lake . 湖岸上有几个小渔村。(多个村庄) There is a crowd of lookers-on there . 那里有一群旁观的人。(一群, 用单数) There are crowds of visitors in the park . 公园里有一群一群的参观者。(多群, 用复数) The crowd are gone . 群众都散了。(群众) Th

12、ere was a large audience at the concer t . 音乐会上观众很多。(表示“观众, 听众”, 有单复数变化) The film draws large audiences . 这部电影吸引了很多观众。The audience are dressed in a variety of ways . 观众穿戴各式各样。(总称“观众, 听众”) The audiencewas increasing then . 观众当时正在增加。(作整体看, 可用单数) The audiencewere (或was) moved by the show . 观众为演出所感动。(有时

13、用单、复数皆可) . 有时谓语动词用单数或复数均可。例如: The jury is(或are) about to announce the result . 裁判团即将宣布结果。The enemy is(或are) fleeing in utter confusion . 敌人在狼狈逃窜。The local council is(或are) to look into the matter . 地方政务将会调查此事。The data we have collected is(或are) not enough to be convincing . 我们收集到的材料还不足以令人信服。The scho

14、ol.s teaching staff is(或are) excellent . 这个学校的教师是好样的。Note: the proletariat(无产阶级) , the bourgeoisie (资产阶级) , the laity(俗人, 指非僧侣阶级)等, 通常用单数谓语动词。例如: The proletariat is dauntless . 无产阶级是无畏的。The new bourgeoisie has taken over the power . 新兴的资产阶级接管了政权。新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书768 第十九讲一致关系alphabet 有单复数形式。如果指一国语言

15、的全部字母, 用单数形式; 指不同语言的字母, 要用复数形式。一个字母要用letter。例如: The English alphabet is not hard to learn . 英语字母不难学。The English and French alphabets are nearly the same . 英语字母与法语字母几乎相同。The word has five letters . 这个单词有5 个字母。可以用every one ( a member ) of + 集体名词表示单数。例如: Every one of the committee is for the plan . 委员会

16、的每个人都赞成这项计划。Two members of the team are absent . 队里有两人缺席。the whole + 集体名词作主语时, 动词用单数; all the + 集体名词作主语时, 动词用单复数均可。例如: The whole staff has signed the petition . 全体工作人员都在请愿书上签了字。All the staff have(或has) signed the petition . 比较: Tunisia is a developing country . 突尼斯是一个发展中国家。(国家) Tunisia are sure to w

17、in the match . 突尼斯球队一定会赢得这场比赛。(球队) 比较: The help is of great value to them . 这个帮助对他们极有价值。(帮助) The help are asking for higher wages . 佣人们要求更高的工资。(佣人们) 比较twin (双胞胎之一)和twins (双胞胎)的单复数。This twin is like the other . 这个孪生子像另一个。These twins are like each other . 这对双胞胎很相像。population 和offspring 等词也可以有复数形式, 但要指

18、不同的范围或所属。参见上文。再如: The population o f this city is large . 这座城市的人口众多。The populations of the two cities are different . 这两座城市的人口不同。Her of fspring is wealthy . 她的后代很富有。(一人的后代) Their o f f springs are peasants . 他们的后代都是农民。(多人的后代) 2 . 有些有生命集体名词作主语时, 谓语动词只用复数形式常见的这类名词有cattle, folk, people, police, gent ry

19、, kindred, clergy, militia, youth , mankind, vermin(害虫) , personnel(全体人员)等。例如: The mankind long for peace . 人类希望和平。The cattle are grazing in the field . 牛在田野里吃草。The police have not made any arrests . 警方没有进行搜捕。. 上述名词中有的有复数形式, 但含义不同, 如: youths(青年人)。Note: people 表示“民族”时有单复数形式, 但表示“人, 人民”时为复数意义, 不可加s。例如

20、: The Chinese are a polite people . 中国人是一个有礼貌的民族。There are many peoples in the world . 世界上有许多不同的民族。They met all sorts of people on the way . 他们在路上遇到各种各样的人。集体名词, 有些前面可以加数词。例如: Ten police are standing by the road . 路边站着10 名警察。( = Ten policemen) Her three kindred are living in England now . 她的3 位亲属现在住在

21、英国。大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版) 769 一、主语和谓语的一致Six hundred cattle are impor ted . 进口了600 头牛。Many gentry have come to the par ty . 许多绅士来参加了晚会。Five clergy are sitting in the yard . 5 位牧师坐在院子里。这类名词有些有其相应的表示个体成员的词, 有单复数的变化。例如: gentrygentleman, peasantrypeasant , mankindman, policepoliceman , militiamilitiaman, clerg

22、yclergyman, laitylayman, infant ryinfant ryman, nobility nobleman, the English Englishman, the Spanish Spaniard, the Dutch Dutchman, the BritishBriton 等。比较: Mankind are responsible for their behaviour . 人类要对自己的行为负责。Man is responsible for his behaviour . 人要对自己的行为负责。The youth are like the rising sun .

23、 青年人就像初升的太阳。A youth is knocking at the door . 一位青年在敲门。3 . 无生命集体名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式常见的这类名词有scenery, weaponry, machinery, clothing, poet ry, jewellery, millinery (女帽) , cutlery, stationary , crockery, hosiery, footwear, underwear, glasswear , hardwear , merchandise, foliage 等。例如: The merchandise has gon

24、e through the examination . Much of her jewellery was missing. 4 . 单复数同形的名词作主语时, 谓语形式要根据句义来确定常见的这类名词有aircraft , deer, fish , means, sheep, species , series , works, crossroads, headquarters , antelope(羚羊) , carp(鲤鱼) , salmon(鲑鱼) , trout (鲟鱼) , flounder (比目鱼) , lodgings , alms, amends, barracks , gla

25、ss-works, golf-links, gallows , kennels , shambles 等。例如: An alms was given to the old man . 这件救济品给了那位老人。These alms were given to the old man . 这些救济品给了那位老人。An amends is required . 需要作出赔偿。These amends are enough . 这些赔偿费就够了。A lodgings is easy to find . 找一个住所很容易。Some lodgings are for rent . 有一些住所可出租。The

26、 species of f ish are numerous . 鱼的种类繁多。This species of rose is very curious . 这种玫瑰花很奇特。Every means has been t ried . 每种方法都试过了。The means of communication between here and outside are inter rupted . 这里同外界的通讯工具都中断了。A gallows is being set up . 一幅绞架正在被竖起。Some gallows are being set up . 几幅绞架正在被竖起。Poultry

27、 is rather cheap now . 目前家禽很便宜。(总称) Poultry is delicious . 家禽肉味道美。(作为食品) The poultry are drinking water . 家禽在饮水。(作为活动的动物) Salmon is a good dish . 鲑鱼是一道好菜。(作为食品) Five salmon are in the basin . 盆里有5 条鲑鱼。. tidings(消息) , whereabouts(下落, 行踪)作主语时, 谓语用单、复数皆可。例如: The sheep is (或are) running . 羊在跑。(指一只羊用is ,

28、 指多只羊用are )新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书770 第十九讲一致关系The escaped prisoner.s whereabouts is (或are) still unknown . 逃犯的下落仍然不明。The tidings is (或are) bad . 消息不好。5 . 用作书名、剧名、报纸名、国名、组织机构等的复数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式; 但如果是山脉、群岛、瀑布等的名称, 谓语动词用复数形式The New York Times still has a wide circulation .纽约时报的销路仍很广。“ The Arabian Nights”

29、is a very interesting story-book .天方夜谭是一本非常有趣的故事书。The United Nations is an international organization . 联合国是一个世界性的组织。The Canterbury Tales is my favourite book .坎特伯雷故事集是我爱读的书。Gulliver.s Travels is very interesting .格列佛游记非常有趣。Romeo and Juliet is a t ragedy .罗密欧与朱丽叶是一个悲剧。The Himalayas are the roof of t

30、he world . 喜玛拉雅山是世界的屋脊。The Niagara Falls are the falls on the Niagara River . 尼亚加拉瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上。The Great Lakes lie between the U . S . A . and Canada . 五大湖位于美国和加拿大之间。The Philippines lie on the southeast of China . 菲律宾群岛位于中国东南方。The Olympics are held every four years . 奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。Note: the Alps , th

31、e Rockies , the Andes , the Solomon Islands 等专有名词作主语时, 谓语动词要用复数。6 . 动词不定式短语、动名词短语、从句或其他短语作主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式To work hard is necessary . 努力工作是需要的。Whether she comes or not is of no matter . 她来不来都没有关系。Early to bed and early to rise is healthful . 早睡早起身体好。Crossing the Atlantic by plane takes a few hours nowadays . How the book will sell depends on the author . “ It pours cats and dogs”means it rains heavily . 比较: Weeping and wailing does nothing towards solving the problem . (weeping and wailing 指一回事) Reading three classic

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