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Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案.docx

1、Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town导学案主备人:包洁玉Welcome to the unit一【学习目标】1能介绍城市中的各种游览活动。2. 掌握喜欢的几种英语表达法。2能简单介绍如何接待友人。二【教学重点、难点】1.掌握喜欢的几种英语表达法。2.能简单介绍如何接待友人。三【课前准备】自主预习 预习课本内容,写出下列短语,并用铅笔在书中划出。一、翻译词组1她的一位老朋友_ 2在冰箱里_3两听狗食_ 4订两个比萨饼_5.喜欢打羽毛球_ 6喜欢吃中国菜_7等一会儿_ 8带他们去不同的饭店_9. 当然不_

2、 10.一群来自英国的交流生_11.尝尝中国菜_ 12.邀请他们一起用餐_【教学过程】一展示单词预习情况。二组内讨论各自喜欢做的活动。What do you enjoy/love doing?I enjoy/love 三讨论展示学校周围或家的周围的活动场所。学习活动场所词汇。组内练习对话:What do you enjoy/love doing?I enjoy/loveWhere can you ?I can 四完成书P31 A 部分。组内核对,班内展示。五展示comic strip部分的问题答案。六讨论:Would you like to live in the city or countr

3、y? Why?【要点点击】1.An old friend of mine is coming to see me,Hobo.霍波,我的一位老朋友要来看望我。 1).An old friend of mine=one of my old friends 我的一位老朋友 如:她的一位同班同学 :_/_2).此句中“is coming”相当于” “is going to come”是现在进行时表示将来的用法。吉娜和辛迪今晚要会面 Gina and Cindy_ _ tonight.我下周要去纽约。Im_ _New York next week.2.Is it enough for a tin of

4、dog food?一罐狗食够了吗?1).enough adj.(形容词),“足够的”,可作表语;也可作定语,放在被修饰名词的前面和后面均可。 如:20元前就够了。Twenty yuan _ _.我们有足够的钱。We have enough mony.= We have mony enough.2).enough adv.(副词) 修饰形容词和副词时只能放在被修饰词的后面且常与不定式连用。 adj/adv+enough +to do sth.如:他到了上学的年龄了。He is _ _ _go to school. 她起得早能赶上早班车。She got up _ _ _catch the earl

5、y bus.4Maybe we can order a pizza order在本句中用作及物动词,意思是“叫或点(饭菜、饮料等)”。 I want to order a cup of coffee.我想点一杯咖啡。 你想点些什么?_ _you like_ _?【达标检测】一、根据句意,首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1.There are only two _(听,罐) of Coke in the fridge.2.There isnt enough food in the fridge. Lets go to the _ _ (大型购物中心)to buy some more. 3.Some e

6、_students are coming to our school.4.I want to eat some food,but there is n_ in the fridge.5.-Lets do some shopping. -Wait a m_.6.The red bicycle is Lilys. The blue one is _(你的).二.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Would you like_ (go) to the sports centre with me?2. I _ (go) to school at 7:30 a.m. and my mother _(

7、go) to work a little earlier.3. How much _ the bike _(cost) you? It costs me 100 Yuan.4. Women always _ (enjoy) _(shop) in their free time.5. He _(visit) some parks in our city next week.6. Dont worry. Maybe we can _(order) a pizza later.7.He wants to try some _(China) food there.8.Let the boy _(rea

8、d) English every morning.9.Football is one of my favourite _(activity).10.They are his books and mine _(be) on the desk.11.We will invite them _(do) some shopping with us. 【课后作业】一、单词拼写1I enjoy_ (吃) Chinese food.2Would you like some _ (比萨饼)?3How many_(听) of Coke do you want ?.4I love watching _ (录像)

9、on Sunday.5He often _(订购) nice food in a restaurant.6There are lots of _ (餐馆) in Beijing.7There are many books on these _. (书架).8I have a big garden _(有) many flowers in it.二、单项选择( )1There _ bread and apples in the fridge.A. are much B. are lots of C. is many D. is lots of( )2I enjoy _,but Anna woul

10、d like _. A.dancing;singing B.dancing;to sing dance;singing dance;to sing( )3一_do they go to the cinema? 一Once a week AHow much BHow long CHow,often DHow many( )4_do these things cost? AHow much BHow often CHow long DHow many( )5There is _book on the teachers desk Ano any Bnone Cno a Dno(

11、)6一May I speak to Mary? 一_ AYes,Im Mary BYes,you can speak CSpeaking DWho are you( )7How much food can we buy_ the money? Ain BOn Cby Dwith( )8Sandy enjoys eating Chinese foodWe can take her to the_Acinema Brestaurant Csports centre Dshopping mall( )9. Ill come back in three _ time.A. day B. days C.

12、 days D. days( )10. They are _. A. woman teachers B. women teacherC. women teachers D. womans teacher( )11.I dont know the way. _that policeman knows it.A.May B.May be C.Can be D.Maybe( )12.-Whats in the bag? -_. Look! Its empty. A.No B.Not C.Nothing D.No oneReading1【教学目标】 1.理解领会文章段落大意,了解阳光镇的基本情况。 2

13、.学习有关生活方式和活动的词汇。 3.能用适当的方法介绍所生活的城市。【教学重点、难点】掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度和能力,形成阅读策略。【课前准备】自主预习 预习课本内容,写出下列短语,并用铅笔在书中划出。一、词组翻译1许多可做的事情_2.清新的空气_3品尝北京烤鸭_ 4.期盼着做某事_5喜欢在公园慢跑_6我们中的大多数_7.离北京市中心不远_8.欣赏京剧_9.许多西餐馆_10.为某人买某物_【教学过程】一预习新单词的读音、意思。二练习准确朗读Reading A部分课文内容两遍。完成B3(T/F)。三预览课文,回答问题:a. Wheres Sunshine Town?b. What can p

14、eople do in the park?c. What can the exchange students buy in the shops?d. What can the exchange students eat in the restaurants?e. Where can the exchange students enjoy Beijing opera?四组内展示课文朗读,班内展示课文朗读。共同交流优缺点。模仿录音正确朗读课文。五小组交流讨论、展示B3部分答案。六合作讨论:阅读课文,小组合作:针对每一段课文内容讨论并尽可能多地向其他组的同学提出问题。【知识点】 1.It takes

15、 only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground. 从北京市中心乘地铁只需40分钟。 知识点:by underground的用法 指点迷津by underground的意思是“乘地铁”。类似的短语有by bustrainplane / bike等。by underground相当于on the/an underground在句中作状语。作谓语时要用take the/an underground。 Do you usually go to work by underground? Do you usually take the/

16、an underground to work?你通常乘地铁去上班吗? 你们可以乘地铁去公园。You can_ _the park_ _.A. If they do not like Chinese food,there are some Western restaurants too. 如果他们不喜欢中国食物,也有一些西餐馆。 1).此句中的 “if”是连词作 “如果”,“假如”讲,引导一个条件状语从句。注意:if引导的条件状语从句,主句如果是将来时,从句只能用一般现在时。例如:如果明天下雨,我们将不开运动会。 If it rains tomorrow, we wont have a spor

17、ts meeting. 如果她不邀请我,我就不去参加她的生日聚会。 If she _ _ me, I_ _ _ _ birthday party. 2).Western adj. 西方的 west n.西方 Western通常与名词连用而west 通常用在词组in the west (of). 如:西方国家 Western countries 西方人 Western people 在西方 in the west 在中国的西部 in the west of China=in the Western part of China【达标检测】一、单词拼写1.Our children go to the

18、 _(当地的) school.2There are many tall _(楼房) in Suzhou .3The air is _(新鲜的) in the country.4There is a beautiful_ (乡村) park in Sunshine Town.5The Great Wall is very _(著名的)all over the world?6Wed like to tell you about _ (生活)in this great town.7People often take an _(地铁) to the center of the city.8There

19、are lots of _(西方的) restaurants in Beijing ,too.二、根据所给单词或中文用正确单词形式填空: 1. How many _ (听) of dog food can we buy with that?2. Eddie enjoys _(吃) dog food.3.What a _(sun) day today! Lets go for a walk.4. The film is very exciting. I_(real) enjoy it.5. Why dont you go _(散步) with us after dinner?6. Its abo

20、ut ten _(分钟) walk from here to the playground.7.Try _(make) him _(not read) in bed. Its bad for his eyes.8. Now there are many tall _(建筑物) in the city.9. We like living _ (靠近的) to our friends.10. He enjoys _(eat) snacks while _(watch) TV?【教后感】 【课后作业】一、选择填空( )1I often go to the centre of the city_tax

21、i Atake Bby Cin Don( )2The question is very difficultI dont know_ the question Athe answer of Bthe answers Cthe answer to Dthe answer for( )3China is _ America and Canada A. near to B.close to C.far from )4一Its very hot outside一Why_you stay at home? Anot Bnot to Cdont Dwont( )5The shoes are

22、very expensiveDo you have a cheap_? Aone Bones CPair Dpairs( )6We cant watch _TVIts bad for our eyes Atoo many Bmany too Cmuch too Dtoo much( )7Jim wants_you_ the story of animals Atelling;to Bto tell;about Ctell;about Dtell;to( )8You pay only_money and they are_ A1ittle;your Ba few;yours Ca little;

23、yours Dfew yours( )9.Theres no buses. He has to _ there_ his bicycle. A.go to;on B.go to;by C.go;on D.go;by( )10The theme park is about _ ride from the museum. You should start out right now. A. two hour B. two hours Ctwo hours D. two hours( )11.-Is there _ bread in the fridge? -Yes. Would you like

24、_? A.any;any B.some;any C.some;some D.any;some( )12.Each of us is looking forward _ a good result. Lets do it more carefully. get B.for getting getting D.for getReading2 【教学目标】 1.理解和运用文中的重要语言点。 2.能用所学知识介绍所生活的城市。【教学重点、难点】 理解和运用文中的重要语言点并用所学知识介绍所生活的城市。【课前准备】 自主阅读并理解课文,完成书后P33 B2,P34 B4练习。【教学过

25、程】一组内讨论展示课前预习题:Would you like to live in the city or country? Why(or why not)?二 1)班内展示各组讨论的答案结果。 2)组内展示交流预习题B2答案。三学习掌握知识点。【知识点】 1.There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town. 在阳光镇有许多事情可做。 “There is/are+名词+to do.” 意为 “有.可做”,其中动词不定式用来修饰它前面的名词,作后置定语,且两者之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系。 例句:There is some homework to do this weekend.这个周末有一些家庭作业要做。每年有大量游客参观长城。 _ _ _ _ _ _ the Great Wall in China every year. 每年有大量游客参观长城。【拓展】“There is/are +名词+v.-ing.”也是一个常用的句型,动词的-ing 形式作后置定语,前面的名词与后面的v-ing形式也是逻辑上的主谓关系。有许多人在公园里玩。There are many people playing in the park.有一群孩子正在操场上踢足球。There_ _ _ _ _ _ football on the playg

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