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学年高中英语外研版选修9学案unit 4Section Ⅱ.docx

1、学年高中英语外研版选修9学案unit 4Section Section Introduction & Reading andVocabularyLanguage Points apart from除了之外;缺少;且不说(教材P44)Apart from the UK and the USA, there are native English speakers in a great number of countries of the world.除了英国和美国以外,全世界还有很多国家把英语作为母语apart from既可表示besides,in addition to,也可以表示except或

2、except for,还可以表示without的意思。Apart from English, we study Russian and Spanish.(besides)除了英语以外,我们还学俄语及西班牙语。Apart from the money in the drawer, I am penniless.(except)除去抽屉里的钱我身无分文。Its a good piece of work, apart from a few slight faults.(except for)除了一些小缺点之外,这不失为一件漂亮的工作。There can be no knowledge apart f

3、rom practice.(without)离开实践的认识是不可能的。完成句子除了他叔叔外,再也没有人照顾那个孤儿了。The orphan had no one to take care of him _.除去结尾部分,这是一部很好的电影。_the ending, its a really good film.【答案】apart from/except his uncleApart from/Except for overtake v赶上,超过;突然来袭;压倒(教材P44)It is predicted that the population of India could one day ov

4、ertake the population of China.据预测,将来印度的人口将超过中国I had to walk very fast to overtake you.为了赶上你,我不得不走得很快。The driver behind me tried to overtake on the inside.我后面的驾驶员想从内车道超过我。The climbers were overtaken by bad weather.登山者突然遭到了恶劣天气。Utter weariness overtook me an hour later.一小时之后,我感到困乏极了。完成句子我虽然开得很快,还是被一辆

5、汽车超前了。A car_although I was going very fast.我们的计划没赶上变化,只好再订一个新的。Our original plan_events and we had to make a new one.【答案】overtook mewas overtaken by under the control of在控制下;受的管辖;受的控制(教材P45)About 900 years ago, Portuguese was only spoken in Portugal, which was then under the control of its neighbour

6、ing country, Spain.大约900年前,只有葡萄牙境内的人讲葡萄牙语,那时葡萄牙在邻国西班牙的统治之下。All companies are under the control of the government.所有企业都在政府的管辖之下。Once under the control of laziness, talents will accomplish nothing.才能一旦受懒惰支配,便将一事无成。have/hold control of 控制着lose control (of) 失去控制in /under control (of) 控制;掌管;操纵in/under th

7、e control of 受控制out of control 失去控制;无法管理He has no control of (over) his class.他控制不了他的班级。They were in control of the whole state.他们控制了整个政府。He was in the control of the robbers.他在抢劫犯的掌控之中。The driver lost control of the car.司机对车失去了控制。The car went out of control and crossed over the cliff.车失控了,滑下了悬崖。完成句

8、子敌军控制着这座城市。Enemy forces_the city.他完全失去了自制力。He_himself.足球迷们无法控制自己。The football fans_. 【导学号:04940022】【答案】are in control oflost all control of have got out of control be based on/upon以为根据,在基础上(教材P45)Indonesian is actually one of many dialects of Malay, but theyre all more or less based on the same root

9、 language.印度尼西亚语实际上是马来语的众多方言之一,但这些方言几乎都起源于同一种语言。His conclusion is based on years of observation.He bases the conclusion on years of observation.他的结论是基于多年的观察。This play is based on a true story.这出戏以一个真实的故事为基础。base.on/upon 以为根据,在基础上basis n. 根基;基础on.basis(on the basis of) 以为根据,在基础上provide a.basis for 为提

10、供根据She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications and ideas.她因具备适当资格和想法而被选担任这项工作。The basis of her opinion is something she read in the magazine.她意见的根据是从杂志里看来的。完成句子我们是在试验的基础上得出这个结论的。We drew this conclusion_experiments.这首歌曲是以一个古老的乡村小调为基础的。This song_an old folk tune.【答案】on the basis ofis

11、 based on (教材P45)In_addition_to being spoken in France, it is spoken in many other countries, including Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, the African nations of Rwanda and Cameroon, and some islands in the Caribbean Sea.除法国外,还有其他很多国家讲法语,包括比利时、瑞士、加拿大、非洲国家卢旺达和喀麦隆,以及加勒比海的几个岛屿。【要点提炼】in addition(to)除以外还有,此外还

12、有。to是介词,后跟名词、动名词。In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.除了这些安排以外,另外增加的救护车将值班至午夜。In addition to the school,the village has a clinic,which was also built with government support.除了学校之外,这个村也有诊所,也是政府支助建设的。There is, in addition, one further point to make.此外,还有一

13、点要说。完成句子除了一本照相簿外,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。_an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.除经济增长之外,巴西的产业健康依靠三件事情。_economic growth, Brazils industrial health depends on three things.【答案】In addition toIn addition to学业分层测评(七).单词拼写1It is_(估计) that the damage was over one million dollars.2The bill comes to 20 pounds_(包括)

14、service fee.3They_(预测) that the next year would be a good harvest.4They were fighting in order to preserve their_(独立)5Our foreign trade has_(扩张) greatly in recent years.6Money is thought to be the_(根源) cause of all evils.7Some villagers have never been further away than the_(邻近的) town.8As we all kno

15、w, we have_(建立) trade relation with more than 100 countries all over the world.【答案】1.estimated2.including3.predicted4.independence5.expanded6.root7.neighbouring8.established.阅读理解As more and more people speak the global languages of English,Chinese,Spanish,and Arabic,other languages are rapidly disap

16、pearing.In fact,half of the 6,0007,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely die out by the next century,according to the United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)In an effort to prevent language loss,scholars from a number of organizationsUNESCO and Nati

17、onal Geographic among themhave for many years been documenting dying languages and the cultures they reflect.Mark Turin,a scientist at the Macmillan Center,Yale University,who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas,is following in that_tradition.His recently published book

18、,A Grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnolinguistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture,grows out of his experience living,working,and raising a family in a village in Nepal.Documenting the Thangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin,who seeks to include other languages and

19、oral traditions across the Himalayan reaches of India,Nepal,Bhutan,and China.But he is not content to simply record these voices before they disappear without record.At the University of Cambridge Turin discovered a wealth of important materialsincluding photographs,films,tape recordings,and field n

20、oteswhich had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and protection.Now,through the two organizations that he has foundedthe Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature ProjectTurin has started a campaign to make such documents,found in libraries and stores around the world,ava

21、ilable not just to scholars but to the younger generations of communities from whom the materials were originally collected.Thanks to digital technology and the widely available Internet,Turin notes,the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。世界上有好多语言

22、正面临着消亡。文章讲述的是Turin和其他研究者拯救世界上那些面临消亡的语言的具体做法。1Many scholars are making efforts to _.Apromote global languagesBrescue disappearing languagesCsearch for language communitiesDset up language research organizations【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“In an effort to prevent language loss,scholars.”可知,那些学者是为了阻止语言的消亡,即“拯救

23、那些正在消亡的语言(rescue disappearing languages)”。【答案】B2What does “that tradition” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AHaving full records of the languages.BWriting books on language teaching.CTelling stories about language users.DLiving with the native speakers.【解析】词义指代题。根据文章第二段的“.have for many years been documenting

24、 dying languages and the cultures they reflect.”“很多年来一直在记录濒临消亡的语言以及它们所反映的文化。”可知,that tradition是指那些研究者“把濒临消亡的语言全部都记录下来”的传统。【答案】A3What is Turins book based on?AThe cultural studies in India.BThe documents available at Yale.CHis language research in Bhutan.DHis personal experience in Nepal.【解析】细节理解题。根据

25、文章第三段最后一句的“.grows out of his experience living,working,and raising a family in a village in Nepal.”“来自他在尼泊尔一个村庄里生活、工作和养育家庭的经历。”可以得知,他是以在尼泊尔的个人经历(his personal experience in Nepal)为基础来写书的。【答案】D4Which of the following best describes Turins work?AWrite,sell and donate.BRecord,repair and reward.CCollect,

26、protect and reconnect.DDesign,experiment and report.【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第四段的“Documenting the Thangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin.”可知,他是以收集资料开始的;结合文章最后一段的“Turin notes,the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities”可以得知,Turin的研究步骤是先收集资料,然后进行保护,最终让这些

27、语言重新被使用,再次回到人类语言中。【答案】C.阅读填句 【导学号:04940035】(2016山西省四校高三年级第二次联考)The key to losing weight is to understand what really motivates you.Have you ever been excited about losing a few pounds?_1_ And to help you keep your weight under control,you need some coping strategies.Ask questions.When youre research

28、ing different dieting products and plans or even talking to a doctor about diets,ask as many questions as you can._2_ Ask questions like: Do I have to purchase special meals or supplements? Does the program include a part to help me maintain my weight loss?Get real._3_ Dont burden yourself with unre

29、alistic expectations.Remember,large amounts of weight loss are not realistic and are most likely not safe or healthy.Talk with your health care professional to determine a healthy weight goal._4_ To maintain your weight,you must balance your intake of calories with the energy you burn.Just 30 minute

30、s of fast walking in most days can take about 10 pounds off your weight each year.Weigh yourself weekly.Its important to track your weight on any diet or weight loss plan,but dont get on the scale every day.Weighing daily wont show you the big picture._5_AStay balanced.BOnce a week is fine.CStick with your healthy eating plan.DLosing one to two pounds a week is a realistic goal.EBeing well informed will help you choose the best diet for you.FRegular weight checkins will show you your progress over time.GIf so,you must find

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