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1、个人整理蒋军虎英语二长难句笔记一、定语从句 - 1 -二、状语从句 - 1 -三、名词性从句与结构 - 1 -四、非谓语结构 - 1 -五、分裂结构 - 1 -六、并列结构 - 1 -七、倒装结构 - 1 -八、比较结构 - 1 -九、强调结构 - 1 -十、否定结构 - 1 -一、定语从句1.In this way, we have learned all (that we know of the laws of astronomy, or of the habits of the social insects), let us say. or是并列连词;of=about比如,我们所有关于天

2、文学规律和群居昆虫生活习性的知识,都是通过这种方式获得的。例如,通过这样的方式,我们已经掌握了在天文学规律或者是群居昆虫的习性两方面我们所了解到的一切(主与从合译)。例如,用这种方法,我们完全掌握了天文学的规律和昆虫群居的习性。2.Im usually fairly skeptical about any research that concludes (that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50 years ago.有些研究得出结论认为,

3、现在的人们相比50年前的时候(如出现比较,可将比较对象先提出来)要么更幸福要么更不幸福,或者对自己要么自信要么不那么自信,关于这些研究我通常持怀疑的态度(翻译时注意重心调整)(主从句为分译)。fair公平的、美好的;fairly 相当的;be fairly skeptical about 对相当怀疑;be certain of 对肯定;more or less 或多或少,但more or less+adj. 要么更要么不3.In the first place, any scientific study requires (that there be no preferential weigh

4、ting of one or another (of the items) (in the series) (省that) it selects for its consideration).首先,任何科学研究都要求,人们对于研究选择来进行考虑的一系列对象(转译:后置定语有进可转为状语,并前置) 不应该存在任何的厚此薄彼(偏爱一个或另一个)。require客观上的要求,常用虚拟语气;there be no doing sth. = there be not any doing sth. 人们不可做;There is no preferential weighting of sth. 绝没有对偏

5、爱/偏重;one or another of the items in the series 系列组成部分中的某一个;select. . . for consideration 选择来考虑;注意item项目,组成部分4.What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution (that businessmen assume they are presiding over) is for real. 更难以确定的,是否商界认为他们所领导的生产力革命属实(掌握嵌入式复合式定语从句)。商人们自认为的他们所领导的生产力革命是

6、否确有其事,这一点更加难以确定。What is harder to establish 可以译为; 更难以确定的是5.Some companies are limiting the risk / by conducting online transactions only with established business partners (who are given access to the companys private intranet).一些公司只和既定的获得进入公司内部网络的商业伙伴进行在线交易,通过这样的方式来限制风险。sb. be given access to = giv

7、e sb. access to;by doing(方式)通过方法;in doing (时间)在做时候(范围)做方面;On doing (句首,作时间状语)一就,它们作为状语翻译时前置 conduct 传导、疏导指导实施/做;access 途径做机会;6.I have known very few writers, /but those (I have known, and whom I respect), confess at once that they have little idea (where they are going).我知道的作家很少(寥寥无几),但我已经知道和所尊敬的作家都

8、会立刻承认他们将写到哪里他们自己都一无所知。confess 坦白concede认罪admit不情愿地承认acknowledge 公认;have no idea of 对一无所知;have a certain idea of对有特定的了解;go是万能动词,根据上下文语境才能得出含义7.Indeed, there is evidence /同that the rate (at which individuals forget) is directly related to 宾how much they have learned.的确(事实上),有证据可以证明(转译法,把名词“证据”译为动词“证明”

9、) 人们遗忘速率与他们已获取的知识量有直接的关系。indeed的确实际上;to是有联系含义的介词,A be related to B,as the rate of8.Now since the assessment (of intelligence) is a comparative matter / we must be sure 宾that the scale (with which we are comparing our subjects) provides a valid or fair comparison.现在由于智力评价是一种相对而言的事情,因此我们必须确保这种我们比较对象时所

10、用标准能提供的是有效或公平的比较。effective有效果efficient有效率valid有效力的;scale刻度 级别、规模、程度天平鱼鳞9.Silicon Valley is a magnet / to which (numerous talented) engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs (from overseas) flock (目状in search of fame, fast money) and (目状to participate in a technological revolution) / whose impact (on m

11、ankind) will surely surpass (the epoch-making) European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution (of the bygone age).硅谷就像磁铁,吸引着(转译法,名词变动词) 无数的才华横溢的来自海外的工程师、科学家和企业家为了名利(状语译到动词前) 蜂拥而至,他们还有一个目的就是参与这里的技术革命,与划时代的文艺复兴和逝去的工业革命相比(比较对象提前) 该技术革命给人类带来的影响无疑有过之而无不及。flock to;impact on影响、对冲击,碰撞;surpass超越;bygone = go

12、by 逝去10.原状As personal injury claims continue (as before比状), /some courts are beginning to side with defendants, /(especially in cases范围状语) (where a warning label probably wouldnt have changed anything).尽管个人伤害索赔案件一如既往(比较状语放动词之后翻译) 继续发生,但是一些法院开始站在被告方,特别在警示标签很可能毫无作用(从句合译,where = in which 作范围状语) 的案件当中。p

13、robably很可能likely可能possibly有些可能;where = in which引导范围状语side with 支持,defendant被告。11.Besides, this is unlikely to produce the needed number (of every kind of professional) in a country (as large as ours) and (where the economy is spread over so many states and involves so many international corporations

14、).此外,像我们这样的大国,经济活动遍及各州又涉及众多的跨国公司,这样很难培养出所需要的各类专业人士。除此之外,在像我们这样大的国家(地点状语1翻译前置),经济活动遍布如此众多的州,还涉及如此多的跨国公司(地点状语2前置),这样做不可能培养出所需要的各种各样专业人才的数量。besides介词:除了还包括副词:此外、除此之外反except;be likely/unlikely to do有可能做;professionaladj.专业的n.专业人士;12.1 2. This trend began during the Second World War, (非限定从when several gov

15、ernments came to the conclusion) that the specific demands (that a government wants to make of its scientific establishment) cannot generally be foreseen in detail.这个趋势始于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些国家的政府得出结论:政府向科研机构提出的具体要求通常是无法详尽预见的。这样的趋势源自于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些政府得出这样的结论认为:一个政府对其科研机构提出的具体要求通常不能详尽地预测得到。(make demands of s

16、b. 向某人提出要求)13.Very few writers (on the subject) have explored this distinction / -indeed, (contradiction-which goes to the heart) (of what is wrong with the campaign) (to put computers in the classroom).在谈到这个问题的作家中,几乎没有人探讨过这种区别,或者准确的说,这种矛盾。这种矛盾直指把电脑引入课堂这一问题的核心。围绕这个主题几乎没有作家探究过这样的差异,事实上可以说是矛盾,它(从句分译)

17、涉及到将计算机引入课堂这一问题的本质。On the subject 关于这一主题, go to the heart of 涉及本质。What is wrong with sth.某事/物的问题。14.If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply (offered by seller-producers), / (which in tum will lower the price and permit

18、more consumers to buy the product).另一方面,如果增加产量导致成本降低,它将会使产销商增加供给,随之使得价格降低,促使更多的消费者购买商品。另外一方面,如果增加商品的产量带来了它的成本降低,那么这往往将增加产销商的供应量,反过来这会降低商品价格,并促使更多的顾客去购买这些产品(从句分译)。result in 导致(前因后果);tend to 往往;in turn 轮流、依次反过来、反之;permit sb./sth. to do允许(人)使得(物)15.1 5. Or so the thinking has gone since the early 1980s

19、, (when juries began holding more companies liable for their customers misfortunes).When = at that time这种思想大约从20世纪80年代初开始盛行,在那时,陪审团开始要求更多的公司对顾客的不幸承担责任。这样的思想大约从二十世纪八十年代早期就已经开始盛行,当时陪审团开始认为更多的公司要对他们顾客的不幸担责。 or so大约大概,hold = consider认为、主张、考虑+复合宾语;be liable to do往往/ to sth. 易遭受/ for sth. 对负责 = responsibl

20、e二、状语从句16.He has put forward unquestioned claims so consistently / that he not only believes them himself, but has convinced industrial and business management / that they are true. claim n.声称、主张观点;convince convince sb. of n. convince sb. that使某人确信;management n.管理引申义“管理层”一直以来,他提出的主张都是毋庸置疑的,不仅他自己深信不疑

21、而且还说服了厂家和商家详细其真实性。一直以来,他所提出的主张都是毋庸置疑的,以至于他不但自己对他们深信不疑,而且还让工商业管理层确信这些观点是真实的。put forward = raise, advance, bring forward提出;unquestioned无争议的;17.The first two must be equal for all (who are being compared), / if any comparison (in terms of intelligence) is to be made. compare (with) v.比较 comparison n.比较

22、 make a comparison;in terms of 在方面,就而言;be to 将来应该如果要在智力方面做任何比较的话,就所有的参比对象而言二者必须是等同的。如果要进行智力方面的比较,那么对于所有正进行比较的对象而言(状语前置)最初两者必须是等同的。18.Although perhaps only 1 percent of the life (that has started somewhere) will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns, / so vast is the number of plantsth

23、e number of plants is so vast, / 结果that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe. pattern n.模式 sentence pattern 句型;vast adj.辽阔的 引申为“大量的”;planet n.行星;be bound to 必定虽然起源自某处的生命可能只有1%会进化成高级复杂的智能生命形态,但行星的数量是如此庞大,只能生命必然是宇宙的自然组成部分。虽然源自于某处的生命可能仅有1%才会进化为高度复杂而智能的生命形态,但是宇宙中的行星是如此之巨,以致于智能生

24、命注定会是宇宙自然的一部分。19.让步While black conductors were often motivated by their own painful experiences, / whites were commonly driven by religious convictions. While = although “尽管”虽然黑人列车员的动机(转译:动词变名词)经常源自他们痛苦的经历,但是白人列车员的动机通常源自宗教信仰。黑人列车员的行为源自于自己的痛苦经历,而白人列车员的行为则出自自己的宗教信仰。conduct v.引导疏导,管理 conductor n.售票员,乘务

25、员管理者导演;motive n.动机 motivate v.刺激,刺激积极性;experience n.U经验 s n.c经历;conviction n.定罪 s n.信仰20.They had almost reached shore when突然 a watchman spotted them and raced off 目的to spread the news.他们快到河岸的时候,突然一个负责警戒的人发现了他,并跑出去报告消息。当他们几乎要到达岸边时,突然哨兵发现了他们并很快跑开四处散布报警。21.6. Economy is one powerful motive (for campin

26、g), / since (after the initial outlay upon equipment), or (through hiring it), the total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels.经济因素是野营的一个主要推动力量,因为在首次花钱购买或租赁了装备后,总费用要比住酒店的费用少得多。经济是露营强有力的动机之一,这是因为在花了首款购买设备之后或租用这些设备,总的花费能够比住店的花费少得多。initial 原来的;come out outcome结果, lay out outlay v.设计n.花费,开支;sp

27、endon, expense on, layout on/upon花费,注意介词搭配22.Until we are intelligent as to关于 its laws and varieties, the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible.= the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible Until we are intelligent as to关于 its laws and varieties. 那

28、些有关人类生命的基本复杂实事只有在我们了解了其规则与多样性之后方才可以被理解。那些有关人类生命的主要复杂事实将始终无法解释,除非我们对它的规律和多样性有足够的认识。 until 直到才在之前;as to 关于,as for 至于;vary 变化 various多种多样的 variety多样性,种类;intelligent 有智力的、聪明的 intelligible 可理解的、可明白的23.Until these issues are resolved, / a technology of behavior will continue to be rejected and with it pos

29、sibly the only way to solve our problem.= the only way to solve our problems will possibly continue to be rejected with it.其中it指代前面主句的内容。until 如果不,直到 a technology of behavior 研究行为的技术手段 be rejected 被抛弃;被拒绝;被反对 with it 随之;伴随着它在这些问题解决之前,行为技术将会持续遭到拒绝,并且随之有可能唯一解决我们问题的方式也将会持续遭到拒绝。在这些问题得到解决之前,行为技术将继续受到排斥,随

30、之被继续排斥的还可能是解决我们问题的唯一方法。(如果)这些问题得不到解决,研究行为的技术手段就会继续受到排斥,解决问题的惟一方式可能也随之受到排斥。24.The greater interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to

31、 fully develop their capabilities.exceptional children 残疾儿童;indicate vt.显示、表明( = suggest);注意whatever的用法,在名词性从句中whatever = anything (that) 在状语从句中whatever = no matter what;注意让步状语从句翻译时不用前置让步状语从句中如主语与主句主语一样时,可省略主语与谓语动词be,在过去30年中在公共教育领域里所表示出对残疾儿童更大的关注(复杂主语,注意翻译顺序)表明我们社会有这样强烈的感受,即所有公民,无论他们有何特殊的条件,都应有机会充分发挥自己的能力。但whatever例外,其不需要主语一样也可省略谓语动词be, 即whatever their special conditions, = no matter what their special conditions are,例句Ill have the house built, whatever the cost (is). ;deserve vt.应得的 You it!罪有应得25.Very few people, 让步no matter how intelligent or experienced, can take inventory of the man

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