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1、第一学期英语课时练九年级英语unit62019-2019学年度山东省滕州市张汪中学第一学期英语课时练九年级英语n加油unit6一、单选题1The students _n加油_ four groups to discuss the topicn加油.Adivide to, Bdivided n加油intoCdivide into, Daren加油 divided into2-_ was the zippen加油r invented _?n加油 -Whitcomb Judson.AWhen; /, BWn加油ho; /, CWho; by, DWhat; fn加油or3Your dress is

2、so nice. n加油Thanks. It _ by my un加油ncle as a birthday present.An加油gave, Bwas given, Chn加油as given, Dwill give4Didn加油 the phone catch the thief _n加油_?Ain the end, Bbyn加油 the end, Cat the endn加油, Don the end5They _ the n加油guide not to go there again.Awen加油re old, Btold by, Cwere told by, n加油Dwere told

3、 with6In some part of n加油the world, tea _ with mn加油ilk and sugar.Ais serving, Bisn加油 servedCserves, Dserved7Older peon加油ple _ well.Alooks after, Bmust ben加油 looked afterCmust ln加油ook after, Dlooked aften加油r8Sorry, all the vegetablesn加油 _. Please come tomorrown加油.Asells well, Bhave sold out, Chavn加油e

4、 been sold out, Dare selling9When n加油_ the PRC _?On October 1st.n加油Awas, found, Bwas, founded, Cis,n加油 found, Dwere, founded10The Oxn加油ford Castle _ by Henry n加油(1154-1189). It is in very good conditin加油on now.Abuilt, Bwas builn加油t, Chas been built, Disn加油 built, 二、完型填空Zhejian加油ng is one of Chinas n

5、加油major teaproducing arean加油s and Longjing tea is _n加油_ as Chinas best green加油n tea.Longjing tea becn加油ame important over three cenn加油turies _During the Qing Dynasn加油ty,it is said that when the famousn加油 emperor Qianlong went to visit Hangzn加油hou,he always _ Longjing ten加油a there.He enjoyed it so _n

6、加油_ that he named eighteen Lonn加油gjing tea plants as producers of “in加油mperial(皇家的) tea”_,one kilogran加油m of Longjing tea is made upn加油 of about seven thousandn加油 tea leaves.Nowadays,_ mosn加油t of the tea leaves are n加油picked by machine,some farmern加油s still keep the tradition of picking n加油the leave

7、s by _They say they can n加油find leaves of the pron加油per color and size.Machn加油ines can pick leaves _n加油_ than man,but they mn加油ay not be able to classify(分类) tn加油hem as well as man.People _n加油 drinking tea in the tea house.This has n加油been a _ part of the lifn加油e in Hangzhou since the Song Dynasn加油t

8、y.At that time,Hangzhon加油u was the capital of the Song Dynasty.Tn加油oday,the tea house is one of the plan加油ces where Hangzhou people most n加油like to go.11, Areturned, Bcooken加油d, Cconsidered, Doffern加油ed12, Aago, Bbefore, Cafter, Dson加油on13, Aproduced, Bdiscn加油overed, Cdestroyed, Ddrank14, An加油little

9、, Bfew, Cmuch, Dmany15, AFn加油inally, BGenerally, CQuickly, DEspecn加油ially16, Asince, Bbecausn加油e, Cthough, Dunlessn加油17, Ahand, Bequipment, Cbus,n加油 Dtruck18, Aslowen加油r, Bfaster, Cbetter, Dworse19, n加油Aimagine, Bsuggest, Cenjoy, Dhate2n加油0, Amodern, Btraditional, Cstn加油range, Dtiring, 三、阅读理解n加油An i

10、nvention in front of your eyen加油sWhat is the most important inventionn加油 of all time? Is it n加油the written word that helps us to recon加油rd information? Is it the ten加油lephone that lets us talkn加油 to people from all over the worn加油ld? Is it the car that letn加油s us travel at great spn加油eeds to meet ot

11、hers? Umbern加油to Eco, an Italian wrn加油iter, thinks it is somn加油ething quite different. Hn加油e says the most important inventn加油ion might be bright in front of youn加油r eyes. He is talking about an加油 simple pair glasses.Modern eye glassesn加油 were invented around 1000 yearsn加油 ago. They were more thn加油a

12、n just a convenient way to read. Bn加油efore glasses, writers, scientn加油ists or teachers who could not see pn加油roperly had to memorize evn加油erything. After about ten years of poor n加油eyesight, they could not remember well en加油nough and could not wn加油ork. Glasses meant that peopln加油e could work in thei

13、r old age.People whn加油o wanted to remember n加油some information could write it down n加油and read it. Eye glasses are one of thn加油e worlds greatest inventions an加油nd were probably worn by the peopn加油le who designed the first telephones an加油nd cars.21The inventin加油on of the written word is importan加油nt

14、because_.A. we nen加油ed it to listenB. we need it to recon加油rd informationC. wen加油 just need it to read2n加油2The author thinks _n加油 is the greatest invention of all timn加油e in his passage.A. then加油 telephoneB. the carC. a simplen加油 pair of glasses23Before glassesn加油 were invented, writers, scin加油entis

15、ts and teachers had ton加油_.A. memorize en加油verythingB. write down evn加油erythingC. read everything24n加油What happened after glasses were n加油invented?A. people could not remn加油ember well enough.B. people cn加油ould not remember well enougn加油h.C. people could write n加油down some information and read n加油it.

16、25From this passage, we can knn加油ow _.A. modern eye glasn加油ses were invented 100 yn加油ears agoB. people whon加油 designed the first telephn加油ones and cars probably wore tn加油hose glassesC. the author of this artn加油icle is an AmericanThe car wn加油as invented just a century ago. You man加油y know all kinds o

17、f cars n加油names, but many people dont know n加油who was the inventor of the firn加油st car.The first car was in加油nvented not by an Englishman, but bn加油y an American. His name was Henn加油ry Ford.Henry was born in a poor fan加油mily. He was the eldesn加油t of the six children. When hen加油 was a boy, he became i

18、nterested in watn加油ches and machines. When he n加油was twelve years old, hin加油s mother died. Soon he had to wn加油ork in a machine shop for twon加油 dollars and fifty cents a wn加油eek.In the evening, he repairedn加油 watches for another doln加油lar a week. The hard lifen加油 made him strong and n加油able.At that t

19、ime, tn加油here was another interen加油st in the life of the n加油young Ford. He wished of making a man加油chine.It could run without horsn加油es, so named horseless carriage. He on加油vercame a lot of difficulties and inn加油 April 1893, the “horseless carn加油riage” was invented at last. It was tn加油he first car.L

20、ater Henry Forn加油d founded the Ford Motor n加油Company. He was really the fn加油irst inventor of the car n加油in the world.26Who rn加油eally invented the first car?An加油A Chinese., BAn Englishman., CA Run加油ssian., DAn American.27From this storn加油y we can know the can加油r was invented _.Aonly n加油one hundred ye

21、ars ago, Bless than n加油one hundred years agoCmore than on加油ne hundred years agon加油, Dlong long ago28Henry Ford n加油must have _.Afive brothers and n加油sisters, Bsix brothern加油s and sistersCfive yn加油ounger brothers, Dfive younger sistn加油ers29How many dollars did young Fordn加油 get every week?A2.5 dollars

22、., Bn加油1.5 dollars., C3.5 dolln加油ars., D3 dollars.30Hn加油enry Ford invented the firsn加油t car _.Awith his brothn加油ers, Bwithout any difficultn加油yChimself, Ddifficultn加油To us,it seems so natural tn加油o put up an umbrella to keep n加油the water off when it rains.n加油But in fact the umbrella was not in加油nven

23、ted as protection against the rainn加油.Its first use was as a shn加油ade(遮蔽) against the sun.Nn加油obody knows who first invented it,but thn加油e umbrella was used in vn加油ery ancient times.Probably thn加油e first to use it were the Cn加油hinese in the 11th century BC.We kn加油now that the umbrelln加油a was used in

24、 ancient Egypt andn加油 Babylon as a sunshade.An加油nd there was a strange thing cn加油onnected with its use:it became a symbon加油l of honor and power.In the Farn加油 East in ancient times,the umbrella wasn加油 allowed to be used only byn加油 those in high office or byroyalpeoplen加油 such as the kings or n加油queen

25、s.In Europe,the Greeks wn加油ere the first to use tn加油he umbrella as a sunshn加油ade.The umbrella was in commonn加油 use in ancient Greece,but it isn加油 believed that the first people in Eurn加油ope to use the umbrella an加油s protection against the n加油rain were the ancient Romans.During n加油the middle ages in

26、Europe,the un加油se of the umbrella almost disappeared.Thn加油en it appeared again in Itn加油aly in the late sixteenth cn加油entury.And again it became a symboln加油 of power.Umbrellas have n加油not changed much in style n加油during all this time,though they n加油have become much lightern加油 in weight.It wasnt until

27、 n加油the twentieth century the umbrellas forn加油 women began to be mn加油ade,in all kinds of n加油colours.31Ancient people first used umn加油brella as _.Aa symbol of n加油honorBprotection against the sunCn加油a symbol of powerDprotectin加油on against the rain32Accordinn加油g to this passage,the umbrella was pn加油rob

28、ably first invented in n加油ancient_.AEgypt, BBabyln加油onCRome, DChina33Tn加油he underlined word “royn加油al” might mean “_” in Chn加油inese.A皇室的, B富裕的C中产的, n加油D平民的34According to the passage,n加油which of the following isn加油 NOT true?AThe ancient Greeks usn加油ed the umbrella in their daily life.Bn加油Europeans ha

29、rdly used the un加油mbrella during the middle agen加油s.CThe umbrellas for women weren加油 made colourful in ancienn加油t times.DThe style of the umbrellan加油 hasnt changed a lot sin加油nce it was invented.35This passan加油ge is mainly about_.An加油the sales of the umbren加油llaBthe differences among umbn加油rellasCth

30、e invention of the umbreln加油laDthe history and the use of the umbn加油rella, 四、补全对话7选5 A: Look at that n加油strange thing. Wei Hua! Whats thatn加油?B: Its a key.36A: Auto-bike? n加油Whats it then?37B:n加油 Its a battery-operated machine ann加油d it was invented by my father!A:3n加油8B: Its used for riding or flyi

31、ng.n加油A: Flying?39B: You can jusn加油t ride it like an auto-bike and it willn加油 fly as it goes fast enough.A:n加油40I think your fathern加油 is so great!B: I thinn加油k so. He has invented many things.An加油Whats it used for?Bn加油That sounds interesting.CIts veryn加油 useful.DHow can it fly?E. Who invenn加油ted it?F. How was it invented?G. Itn加油s used for opening and locking n

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