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1、成人学位英语复习资料一、时态和语态 1. 如何解答时态问题 例1 Youve already missed too many classes this term. You _ just last week. A. missed B. would miss C. had missed D. have missed 例2 Anne asked Tom _ the key. A. when he left B. where he had left C. how he left D. why did he left 考试重点 2. 与完成时有关的时态 现在完成时 (have done) since,

2、for/ in the past few months, up to now 例1 Collecting toy cars as a hobby becomes increasingly popular during the past fifty years. A B C D 例2 English _ in a new way at my college in the past few years. A. has been taught B. was being taught C. has been taught D. had been taught. 过去完成时 (had done) 例3

3、Anne asked Tom _ the key. A. when he left B. where he had left C. how he left D. why did he left 例4 The chemistry class_ for five minutes when we hurried there. A. had been on B. had begun C. has been on D. would began 将来完成时 (will have done) by 例5 Were late I expect the film_ by the time we get to t

4、he cinema. A. had already started B. have already C. will already have started D. have already been started. 现在完成进行时 (have been doing) 例6 It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right. A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking 过去完成进行

5、时 (had been doing) 将来完成进行时(will have been doing ) 例7 By the time you arrive this evening, _for two hours. A. I will study B. I will have been studied C. I had studied D. I will have been studying. 3. 在时间和条件状语从句中不用将来时态 用一般现在时代替一般将来时 例1 When the mixture_, it will give off a powerful force. A. will hea

6、t B. will be heated C. is heated D. has heated 例2 please be sure to telephone me the next time you _. A. will come B. would come C. shall come D. come 用现在完成时代替将来完成时 例3 Smith is to study medicine as soon as he_ military service. A. will finish B. has finished C. finish D. would finish 注意 例4 No one ca

7、n be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she_ them. A. tries B. will try C. are trying D. have tried 4. 考试小窍门 考试中如果遇到与完成时态相关的选项 要重点加以研读 一般说来是正确答案。 二、情态动词 1. 几个情态动词的否定式的含义 cant may not mustnt needt 2. 表示推测的几个情态动词用法 must表示肯定的推测 意思是“一定” +do 对现在情况的推测 must +have done 对过去情况的推测 例1 I _ as

8、leep in the corner, for I remember nothing of what happened during the nightA. might fall B. must fall C. must have fallen D. can have fallen cant/couldt表示否定的推测 意思是“不可能” +do 对现在情况的推测 cant/couldnt +have done 对过去情况的推测 may/might not表示可能性很小的推测 意思是“也许” +do 对现在情况的推测 may/might +have done 对过去情况的推测 3. 情态动词的完

9、成时虚拟语气的用法 neednt have done should have done should not have done ought to have done could have done 4. 考试小窍门 在遇到情态动词加完成时和情态动词加原形同时出现的情况下 一般说来情态动词加完成时是正确答案。 Must do Must have done 三、虚拟语气 考试重点 1. 条件句中的虚拟语气 例 I would ask George to lend us the money if I _ him. A. had known B. have known C. knew D. woul

10、d know 例 If a better material _, the strength of the part would have been increased. A. had been used B. had been using C. being used D. using 条件句中的虚拟语气需要注意以下三点 如果条件句中有were, had, should时 可以把if省略 然后把这三个单词提前 形成倒装。 例3 _ the advice of his friends, he would not have suffered such a heavy loss in his busi

11、ness. A. If he took B. if he should take C. Were he to take D. Had he taken 含蓄条件句中虚拟语气的应用 三级考试中经常出现的三个句型 But for/without , otherwise/or , but/though. 例 But for your help, I _ the work in time. A. did not finish B. could not finish A. will not finish D. would not have finished 例 Without electricity,

12、human life _ quite different today. A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be 例 He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he_ to the meeting. A. would have come B. would come C. could come D. had come 例 We would have made a lot of money, but we halfway A. gave up B. had given up give up D. were to

13、 give up 错综时间条件句 例 If I were you, I would not have missed the film last night. 2. (should )+动词原形在某些从句中的应用 (1)当宾语从句从的谓语是suggest, request, insist, desire , demand, propose, order, command, arrange等动词时,如: 例 I suggested that we should go there on foot. 注意:当insist表示坚持认为之意时, 不用虚拟语气,用陈述语气. 如: 例 The man ins

14、isted that he had never stolen the money ( 2) It is ordered/desired/decided/requested/strange/important/natural/ 等后的主语从句中 例 It is desired that we should get everything ready tonight ( 3) advice, idea, order, plan, demand, proposal, suggestion, request等名词之后的表语从句和同位语从句中.如: 例 My suggestion is that we s

15、hould hold a meeting this evening 3. wish后的宾与从句中应当用虚拟语气 4. if only 引导的感叹句中 5. as if/as though引导的状语从句中 6. would rather后的句子的虚拟语气谓语动词用过去式 7. it is (high) time that .句型中, 从句的谓语动词用过去式 四、非谓语动词 1. 不定式 不定式的逻辑主语 例 The road is wild enough for cars to pass by. 例 It is important for you to work hard. 例 It is ki

16、nd of you to help me. 不定式的时态和语态 例 The magnificent museum is said _ about a hundred years ago. A. to be built B. to have been built C. to have built D. to have being built 使用不带to的不定式 1)why not do表示委婉的建议 例 Why not_Professor Li for help He is kind-hearted and willing to help. A. ask B. you ask C. to as

17、k D. your asking 2)使役动词have, make, let的后面接不定式做宾语补足语时 用省to的不定式。 例 The teacher has the students _ a composition every other week. A. to write B. written C. writing D. write 例 While he was climbing the high mountain, he had his leg_ A. broke B. break C. broken D. breaking 例 There was so much noise that

18、 the speaker couldnt make himself_ A. hearing B. being told C. to hear D. heard 3)表示生理感觉的动词如see, watch, notice, observe, hear后面接不定式做宾语补足语时 用省to的不定式。 例 With tears on her face, the old lady watched the little boy_ to a hospital. A. send B. to be sent C. being sent D. sending 4)do something but/except

19、do 例 There is nothing we can do _ wait. A. but B. rather than C. in spite of C. besides. 5)记住下列不带to的短语 cant but cant help but had better 2. 动名词 1. 有些动词后面既可以接动名词又可以接不定式 但意思有差异 remember forget regret stop go on mean 2. 后面跟动名词的固定句式 have trouble/problems/difficult doing something feel like spend/wastedo

20、ing something cant help need/deserve/want be worth what about/how about 3. 分词 分词作表语 独立主格结构 例1 During the discussion, Mr Boyd remained silent when asking his opinion. A B C D 例2 Your experiment reports must be checked with care before_ A. handed them in B. them handing in C. being handed in D. handin

21、g them in 例 _ in the air fuels give off heat. A. T burn B. Burned C. T be burned D. Being burned 五、状语从句 赵文通 考试重点 1 时间状语从句 while/ when/ as/ until 一就 no soonerthan/ hardlywhen/ scarcelywhen the moment the minute the instant 固定句型 It is/has been .since 1. 原因状语从句 now that in that 2. 条件状语从句 unless as long

22、 as provided that 3. 让步状语从句 as though although even if even though while whatever 六、平行结构 and, or, but Prefer引出的平行结构 Prefer something to something Prefer doing something to doing something Prefer to do something rather than do something Prefer的特殊用法 Prefer somebody to do something : I prefer you to sp

23、eak English in the class. 1、a number of, the number of a number of +可数名词 谓语用复数 意为许多 大量的 the number of +可数名词 谓语用单数 意为的数目 2、able, capable, competent able为常用词 指具有做某事所需的力量 技巧 知识与时间等 搭配是be able to do 。如 A cat is able to see in the dark. 猫在黑暗中能看见东西。 capable 指满足一般要求的能力 搭配是be capable of +doing。 competent 指“

24、胜任” “合格” 或受过专业技术等训练的 但不是超群的能力。如 A doctor should be competent to treat many diseases. 医生应该能治多种病。 3、above all after all at all; in all above all意为“尤其是”、“首先”、“最重要的是” 常位于句首或句中 作插入语 起强调作用。如 But above all tell me quickly what I have to do 可首先快些告诉我该做什么。 after all意为“毕竟”、“终究”、“终归”、“到底” 在句中位置较灵活。可位于句首、句中或句末。如

25、After all your birthday is only two weeks away 毕竟 两周后就是你的生日。 He is after all a small child 他毕竟还是个小孩子。 He failed after all 他终于失败了。 at all用于否定句时 意为“丝毫 根本” 用于疑问句时意为“究竟 到底” 用于条件句时 常译为“当真 实在”。用于肯定句中 表示说话人的某种情绪或情感 如怀疑或惊奇等 意为“竟然”等。如 He doesnt like you at all 他根本不喜欢你。 Are you going to do it at all 你究竟做不做这件事

26、 If you do it at all do it well 若你真要做这件事 就得做好。 I was surprised at his coming at all 他竟然来了 我很惊讶。 in all意为“总共” 既可放在句首 也可放在句末。如 There are 25,000 Inuit in all ( In all, there are 25,000 Inuit ) 这儿共有25,000因努伊特人。 4、aboard, abroad, board, broad aboard 在船 或飞机 车 上。如 I never went aboard a ship. abroad 副词 在国外或

27、海外。如 He often goes abroad. board 为动词 上 船 飞机 车 。如 The passengers are boarding the plane now. broad 为形容词 宽广的。如 He has very broad shoulders. 5、accept, receive accept 接受 receive“接到” “收到”。如 I received an invitation yesterday, but I didnt accept it. 昨天我收到了一个请柬 但并没有接受邀请。 6、accident, incident, event acciden

28、t事故。如 a traffic accident 交通事故 incident“附带事件” 在政治上特指引起国际争端或战争的事件 事变。 event “事件” 指特别重要的事件 通常是由以前的努力而产生的结果 也指国家和社会的事件。 7-accurate, correct, exact, precise accurate准确的 精确的。如 Clocks in railway stations should be accurate. 火车站的钟应该是准确的。 correct“正确的” 指符合一定的标准或准则 含有“无错误的”意味。它的反义词是incorrect, wrong. exact“精确的”

29、 “恰好的” 比“大体上正确”更进一步 表“丝毫不差”。它的反义词是inexact。 precise强调“精确” “精密”。 8、accuse, charge, sue accuse 指责 指控 常与of 搭配。如 His bossaccused him of carelessness. charge 常与with搭配。如 The police charged the driver with reckless driving. sue 常与for 搭配。如 Smith sued his neighbor for damaging his house9、acquire, require, inq

30、uire acquire取得 获得 学到。如 acquire knowledge 获得知识 inquire打听 询问。如 inquire a persons name 问一个人的姓名 require需要。如 We require more help. 我们需要更多的帮助。 10、adopt, adapt adopt 收养。如 Since they have no children of their own, they decided to adopt a little girl. 他们自己没有孩子 所以决定收养一个小女孩。 采纳 采用 通过。如 He adopted our suggestion. 他采纳了我们的建议。 adopt与adapt词形相近 后者的意思是“使适合” “改编”等。 11、advantage, benefit, profit advantage 常指

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