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1、北师大高一英语必修三unit7全单元教案1语文Unit 7 The Sea教材分析I涉及内容本单元内容主要围绕海洋展开,主要涉及:海洋探险的故事;海洋污染的现状、缘由及危害;对海洋动植物;相关的海洋故事。II教学目标1.知识目标:词汇Warm-up: fishing, sailing, diving, surfing, water-skiing, windsurfing, swimming, scuba diving, frightening, freezing, colorful, underwater, at seaLesson 1: achieve, set sail, control,

2、 force sb. to do sth, land, persuade sb to do sth, find oneself, get into trouble, follow sbs direction, be believed to be sth, knowas, spirit, explorer, sailor, voyage, deed, journey, unknown, present-day, eventually, further, according to, in search ofLesson 2: pollute, deal with, ban, protect, di

3、sappear, handle, suppose, keep a record of, break the law, industrial, agricultural. Intelligent, fantastic, multi-coloured, polluted, over-fishing, chemicals, rubbish, solution, technology, intelligence, government department, tennis, courts, passengerLesson 3:sea creatures, seal, penguin, crab, po

4、lar bear, dolphin, whale, shark, coral, attraction, discovery, discount, do trick, length, area, virtual reality, speaking voice, attack, daily life, in performance, educate, feed, produce, attract, watch out, melt, measure, energetic, unusual, up-to-date, noisy, pretty, tiny, special, especiallyLes

5、son 4:float, terrify, tie, escape, survive, recover, scream, sink, pick up, recognize, expect, on the edge of, at great speed, body and soul, all at once, in the direction of, more than horrible, single, enormous, unable, terror, conclusionCommunication workshop: debate, disagree, create, offer, sho

6、pkeeper, bay, wildlife, stadium, development, traffic, industry, local语法1.定语从句(2):where, when, why, prep.+which/whom2.表示比较的形容词功能Interaction 相互交流语音Giving Opinion 表达观点2.语言技能:听能边听边做笔记,从听力材料中提取主要信息和观点;能听懂要求并根据要求和指令完成任务说能对海洋及保护环境话题的询问和要求做出恰当的反应;能运用表达个人观点、见解的交际用语,在辩论中清晰的表达观点读能运用所学阅读策略进行课内外阅读,如:能运用scanning

7、技能在有效时间内搜索到brochure中所需信息;能学习运用Sequencing阅读策略,抓住关键连接词,理解段落大意,把握故事发展顺序写能运用Paragraph planning写作策略,用英语写出100词左右的报告,介绍一个旅游景点。3.情感态度目标:学习探险家勇于探索的精神,培养开创意识;培养环境意识,自觉维护人类赖以生存的环境4.文化意识目标:了解中、西方海洋探险及探险家的事迹; 了解海洋动植物、海洋资源、海洋污染等,增强环境保护意识III教学重点和难点1.教学重点:(1) 本单元的生词和短语 (2) where, when, why, prep. + which/whom(3) 表示

8、比较的形容词定语从句2.教学难点: (1)对海洋及环境保护话题的询问和要求做出恰当的反映(2)运用表达个人观点和见解的交际用语IV.教学计划:本单元分为六个课时:第一课时:Warm-up第二课时:Lesson 1第三课时:Lesson 2第四课时:Lesson 3第五课时:Lesson 4第六课时:Communication workshopV教学步骤:Period 1 Warm-upTeaching Goals: 1. learn the new words of this part.2. To arouse Ss interest in the sea.Teaching Procedure

9、s:Step 1. Leading-in: Show some pictures about the film: Finding Nemo. This is a story about sea. Show some pictures about sea and the animals in the sea.Step 2. Warming up Exercise 1. Listen and match the four sea sounds with the photosExercise 2. Let Ss read the Key Words and discuss which activit

10、ies they know, which they can guessand which they need to look up in the dictionary. In pairs, Ss discuss which activities they do and which they would like to do (or would not like to do) and where they could do them.The pairs report back to the class about what they would like to do and where. Ss

11、see if there are any activities that nobody in the class has done.Exercise 3. Ss listen to find out which activity each person is talking about and not to worry about understanding every word. Listen twice if necessary. Exercise 4. Ss read the key words and then listen again. Let Ss find which key w

12、ords does each speaker use to describe their activity.Step 3. Practice Ask Ss to think of a sporting activity they do and to choose some adjectives to describe how it feels. Ss discuss their activities in pairs.Step 4. HomeworkPreview Lesson 1.Period 2Lesson 1 The Sprit of ExplorerTeaching goals:1.

13、To practise reading for specific information.2. To practise using relative clauses with when, where and why.3. To practise using relative clauses with prepositions and relative pronouns.4. To review and consolidate the relative pronouns.Teaching procedure:Step 1. Leading-inLet Ss discuss who arrived

14、 in America first, using their knowledge from history class.a) Christopher Columbus b) Ancient Greeks c) Chinese sailors d)Vikings. And then let student discuss other people they know, who have lived or arrived in America. Let student guess the meaning of the words listed and find Chinese meaning on

15、 page 108. Then if possible, elicit more discussion about these places, such as location, climate, people and their lives.Step 2. Reading 1. Have Ss look at the map on page 8&9 and then encourage Ss to scan the text to find out about the Vikings three major discoveries. Get Ss to read the text again

16、 for specific information about the three discoveries. Then in pairs, complete the table in Exercise 3 with the information they get. Check the answers and then get Ss to read the text aloud.2. Encourage Ss to work in pairs and ask as many questions about the text as they can. In pairs, do Exercise

17、4 with the given questions and their own questions. Check the answer in class.Step 3.Words and phrases1. Do exercise 6 on page 92. Phrases:1) They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail. 早在哥伦布启航前,他们就已经到达那里了。 set sail 启航 set about doing sth. 开始做某事 The government must set about finding solut

18、ions to the pollution problems.2) According to the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric and Red was forced to leave Iceland because he had committed a murder, for which he got into trouble.根据冰岛和挪威的传说,埃里克雷德因为一起谋杀案而惹上麻烦,并被迫离开冰岛。according to 根据,依照Do the experiment according to what your teacher tell

19、s you to.get into trouble陷入困境,陷入麻烦Do not go to computer rooms, or youll get into trouble.3) He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland.他说服一些人和他一起回到了格陵兰岛。persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事persuade sb. not to do sth说服某人不做某事persuade sb. into doing sth 说服某人做某事persuade sb. out of doing sth 说服

20、某人不做某事talk sb. into doing sth 说服某人做某事talk sb. out of doing sth 说服某人不做某事persuade sb. of sth. 使某人信服某事He persuaded me into majoring in physics.I persuaded her not to go hiking with him. = I persuaded her out of going hiking with him.How can you persuade them of the advantages of solar cars?4) Not long

21、after Eric the Red had landed in Greenland a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Erics party. 埃里克雷德登上格陵兰岛后不久,一个叫比阿尼的人就从冰岛起航寻找埃里克一行人。in search of = in the search for 寻找,寻求search sb./ some place 搜查某人/某处search for sth./sb. 寻找;寻求(某物/某人) The family were running from street to street in t

22、he search for the lost child. The policeman was searching the man for drugs. The army were searching the ruins for survivors.Step 4. Grammar: Relative clauses(2)1)Let student read the sentences in Exercise 7&8, and direct them to find what the italic words refers to and how where, when and why can b

23、e used.Relative adverbs where and when can be used to give information about places and time. After the word reason, we can use why in relative clauses.2)Let Ss do Exercise 9, and find out how prepositions and pronouns work together in the sentence. Then, let Ss discuss why there are prepositions be

24、fore relative pronouns and how to choose the right preposition. Relative pronouns can be used as the objects of prepositions. Usually we use prepositions before which and whom: preposition + which/whomLet student think which words are used to join two sentences together and then go to Grammar Summar

25、y 1 on page 92 for more information about the rules.3)Let Ss do Exercise 10&11 individually and then check the answer.Step 5. Language in Use Work in groups and write about a famous event or a famous person in history. Try to use relative clauses (when, where, which, who) in description. Encourage s

26、ome groups to read their description to the class. The others listen and count how many relative clauses the group has used and whether they used them correctly. Example: “I have a dream ”, which was a speech made by Martin Luther King, is one of the most famous in American historyHomework:Review Re

27、lative ClausesPeriod 3Lesson 2 Protect the SeaTeaching goals:1. To practise listening for specific information2. To practise using abbreviation for notes 3. To practise showing that you are following what the other person is saying and give opinion.Teaching procedure:Step 1. Leading-inThe Earths sea

28、s and oceans receive the burnt of human waste, whether it is by deliberate dumping or by natural run-off from the land. In fact over 80% of all marine pollution comes from land-based activities and many pollutants are deposited in estuaries and coastal waters.1) Let Ss discuss these questions: How d

29、o people use the sea? How is the sea important to people? Example: People catch fish in the sea. There are many more things that we can find for food in the sea. let as many Ss as possible to repot their results to the class.2) let Ss think what is sea pollution? Find the meaning of these key words

30、and let Ss use them to talk about the issue.Key words: pollute, pollution, over-fishing, industrial waste, agricultural, waste, plastic, oil, chemicals, rubbish, deal with a problem, ban Have Ss work in pairs to discuss different kinds of sea pollution and make a list from their findings. And then l

31、et Ss to report their results to the class.Step 2 listen to learn.Exercise 3: Let Ss listen to the conversation and get the general idea of it: What is Zhi Hongs project about? And then read the listening strategies with the class. Review the strategies for listening for specific information with Ss

32、. Elicit examples of situations from real life in which people listen for specific information, e.g. listening to the weather forecast, listening to announcements at stations and airports. Tell Ss we can use abbreviations when taking notes. Draw Ss attention to the technique of using the first few letters of a word (Sat.

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