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Unit 11 cellular mobile telephone system.docx

1、Unit 11 cellular mobile telephone systemUnit 11 Cellular mobile telephone system蜂窝式移动电话系统 cell名词 n.1.生细胞 2.小牢房, 单间牢房,单人小室 3.电池 4.(修道士或修女住的)小房间 5.(大结构中的)小隔室(如蜂房巢室) 6.(尤指秘密的)政治小组,基层组织 mobile英mubail adj.可迅速转动的, 易于移动的,非固定的,可移动的n.手机1 One of the main reasons for developing a cellular mobile telephone syst

2、em and deploying it in many cities is the operational limitations of conventional mobile telephone systems: limited service capability, poor service performance, and inefficient frequency spectrum utilization.要点: Reason+for (doing) sth (做)某事的原因What is your primary reason for leaving?你离职最主要的原因是什么?the

3、 reason for being late 来晚的原因What is the reason for my misery? 我悲伤的理由是什么? deploy英dipli(尤指军事行动)使展开; 施展; 部署The commander deployed his men along the railway.指挥官把兵力部署在铁路沿线上。capabilitykeipbiliti: 能做某事的素质;能力her capability for making sensible decisions她作出明智决定的能力尚未发挥的天资或素质She has the capability to become a v

4、ery fine actress.她有潜力成为杰出演员。Poor 低劣的; 次等的; 劣质的; 差的; 次的An actor who mouths his lines is a poor actor.装腔作势背台词的演员不是好演员。performance英pf:mns性能, 工作情况Are you satisfied with the performance of your new car?你对你新车的性能满意吗?inefficientinifi:fnt 无效率的, 效率低的The inefficient operation cost the firm a lot of money.低效率的运

5、作使该公司损失了许多钱。utilization英ju:tilaizeif0n利用;使用hydropower utilization水能利用information utilization情报利用2 A major problem facing the radio communication industry is the limitation of the available radio frequency spectrum.要点:face及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.面对, 面向He feels nervous when he faces so many people.面对那么多人,

6、 他感到紧张。He sat facing the door.他面对着门坐着。 What problems are facing you ?你遇到了什么问题? allocate 美 lket vt.1.分配, 分派You must allocate the money carefully.你们必须谨慎地分配钱。They allocated funds for the new school.他们拨出专款修建这所新学校。seek英si:k 过去式:sought过去分词:sought寻找; 探寻We sought long and hard but found no answer.我们作了长期的艰苦探

7、索, 但没有找到答案。The police are still seeking the men involved in last weeks robbery.警察仍在寻找跟上星期的抢劫案有牵连的人。ideal英aidil理想的assign英sain 过去式:assigned过去分词:assigned现在分词:assigning名词复数:assigns及物动词 vt.1.分配; 交给They have assigned me a small room.他们已给我分配了一个小房间。2.指派, 选派 assign sb to do sthThe captain assigned two soldie

8、rs to guard the gate.上尉派了两个士兵守大门。3.指定, 订出 assign sb sth to doHe assigned the students a few books to read.他给学生指定了几本书要他们读。approach英prut方法,方式;手段;步骤.divide into分成; 分为 The river divides into two streams at this point.这条河在此分成两条支流。Divide the cake into quarters and share it equally.把蛋糕分成四份, 大家平均享用。This is

9、divided into two parts.这被分成两部分。reuse英ri:ju:s 及物动词 vt.再用, 重新使用The same water was reused after chemical treatment.原来的水经过化学处理之后再度使用。 Microprocessors and minicomputers are now used for controlling many complicated features and functions with less power and size than was previously possible.hop跃过, 跳过The

10、ditch was so broad that no animal can hop it.没有动物能跃过这么宽的一条沟。He hopped the hedge.他跳过篱笆。industry英indstri某一工业Computer industry 名次+名词 名词修饰名词 计算机行业The sea fisheries are an important industry in Norway.海洋捕鱼业是挪威一项重要的产业。Micro- 微 micrometer測微計;微米 micron () 微米 1微米 =10-6米millimeter毫米LSI 大规模集成电路Large-scale inte

11、grated circuit transceiver英trnsi:v 名词 n.1.无线电收发机,收发器 fit into.(使)适合, (使)合乎的时间空间, 与融为一体 I fear I will not fit into any future.我怕我会与未来的任何社会都格格不入。Any new building must be fitted into the existing appearance of the city.任何建筑物都必须与本城目前的景观相协调。Encourage鼓励, 激励;支持Encourage them to think big.鼓励他们幻想pursue英psju:

12、 追求He began to pursue an easy and comfortable life.他开始追求安逸舒适的生活。继续We will pursue the subject of discussion tomorrow.我们明天继续讨论这个题目。and连接的几个并列的名词做主语,谓语动词用什么数视情况而定:1.and连接的两个名词是各自独立的主体,它们作主语时,谓语动词用复数,如:Mr. Smith and his friend Jim are going to visi the Great Wall tomorrow.(Smith先生和他的朋友Jim明天准备去参见长城)2.and

13、连接的两个名词是指同一人(或同一事物)时,谓语动词用单数:The headmaster and professor is coming.(校长兼教授走过来了)这句中的the headmaster and professor是指同一个人身兼二职,故其实是一个人,所以谓语动词用单数。3.and连接的两个名词是一套东西,即作为一个整体来看的东西,谓语用单数:The knife and fork is new.(这副刀叉是新的)4 当and连结的两个名词是指同一个人或同一件事,and后的名词前没有冠词,谓语动词应该用单数形式;在and后面的名词前有冠词,谓语就用复数形式。例如: 1)The bread

14、 and butter is served for breakfast. (早饭供应黄油面包。) 2)The bread and the butter are on sale. (正在出售黄油和面包。) 5、用and连接的单数主语,前面有each, every, many a, no等修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。复数主语与each连用时,应不受each的影响,谓语动词仍用复数形式。例如: 1) Each pen and each paper is found in its place. 2) Every boy and girl is treated in the same way. 3)

15、Many a boy and many a girl has seen it. 4) The old workers and the young each have their own tools.authorize英:raiz 授权, 批准; 委托We are authorized to receive contributions for the Red Cross.我们受托接受给红十字会的捐助。Company Limitid 通常缩写为 有限公司Inc.的原形是Incorporation 某股份有限公司重点在于性质是股份制的有限公司first第一的; 最初的; 最早的; 最先

16、的; 第一流的; 最重要的feasibility英fi:zblt可行性Some of them doubted the feasibility of the proposal.有些人怀疑这一提议的可行性。The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.由于困难很大,他对这个主意是否可行持怀疑态度。Make a decisionvicinity英visiniti附近, 邻近He told us there was no hotel in the vicinity.他告诉我们说附近没有旅馆。ma

17、ritime英mritaim 海的;海事的;海运的;船舶的Many maritime people are fishermen.许多居于海滨的人是渔夫。propagation英propgeifn传播open up1 开发They are opening up a new oil field.他们正在开发新的油田。2 完全打开The police had to get special permission to open up the grave.警察必须在获得特准后, 才能打开这座坟墓。3 开业They decided to open up a business in the town.他们决

18、定在城里开展业务。consist of由组成,由.构成The book consists of nineteen chapters.全书共分19章。The entire world consists of matter.整个世界都是由物质组成的。subway美地铁The new subway is now being laid.新的地铁正在铺设中。He goes to work on the subway.他坐地铁上班。 subsystem子系统, 分系统subscriber英sbskrab消费者;用户The cellular switch, which can be either analo

19、g or digital, switches calls to to other mobile subscribers and to the nationwide telephone network.connect mobile subscribersIt also contains data links providing supervision links between the processor and the switch and between the cell sites and the processor.Link 3 要点:4 要点:5 要点:6 要点:7 要点:8 要点:9要点:10 要点:11 要点:12 要点:

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