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1、九年级英语Unit1第一部分 教材梳理第1讲 九年级(上) Unit 1基础巩固必记词汇 :英汉词语互译1. 教育_ 2. 发展_ 3. 交流_ 4 迅速的_ 5. 作文_6.社会的 _ 7. 人口_ 8. 政策_ 9. 大概_ 10. 困难_11. 极好的_ 12. 关系_13.发明 14.成功 _15.战争 _16.目的 _ 17. _20.progress 21.consider 22.neither 23. discover 24.percent 25.provide 26.manage 27.granddaughter 28

2、.retell 29.steal 30.mention 31.drug 答案 2.development munication4. rapid position 6.social7.population 8. policy9.probably 11. excellent 12. relation 13.invention 14. succeed15. war16. puepose17.恰当的18.训练 19.搜查 19.进步,发展20.考虑 21.也不23.发现24.百分之25.提供26.管理27.孙女28.重复29.偷,窃取30.提到,说起31.毒品,药重点短语:英汉

3、短语互译1. come back = return 2.feel / be sorry for sb 3.take part in = join in 4.with the development of China 5.describe sb / sth for sb present the 1960s 8.keep in touch with 9.make rapid progress 10.thanks to = because of = with the help of 11. 叫的城镇 12过得高兴 13.除非,如果不 14. t许多名胜 15.赶上,跟上 16.

4、属于 17.拿某物给某人看 18. 为了,以便 19. 没有的帮助 20.详细地 答案:1. 回来 2. 对表示同情 3. 参加4. 随着中国的发展 5. 为某人描述某人/某事6. 现在,目前7. 在20世纪六十年代8. 与保持联系9. 取得迅速的进步10.由于,幸亏,因为11. a town called Fairmon 12. have fun = enjoy oneself 13. .unless= if not 14. many places of interes 15. keep up with 16. belong to 17. show sb sth=show sth to sb

5、 18. so that = in order that 19. without the help detail重点句型:英汉句型互译1.Where have you been? I have been to Beijing.2. Many changes have taken place in China.rencently. 3. Whats the population of China?= Whats the number of people in China?4.In one place I saw children working for a cruel boss.

6、5.I think it is important to remember the past ,live in the present and dream about the future.6. 我真的不愿意去购物。我也是。7.我们必须采取更有力的措施来保护我们的环境。8.多亏你的帮助,我才完成了我的任务。9.除非你帮助我,否则我不能完成任务。10. 我认为这是个居住的好地方。答案:1. 你去过哪儿? 我去过北京。2. 最近中国发生了许多变化3. 中国有多少人口?4. 在一个地方我看见孩子们正为一个残忍的老板干活。5. 我认为记住过去,立足现在,展望未来是非常重要的。6. I really h

7、ate to go shopping. _So do I.7. We must take stronger measures to protect our environment.8. Thanks to your help ,I could finish my work .9. I cant finish my work unless you help me .10. I think its a wonderful place to live.名师导学考点解读考点1. Where have you been,Jane? I have been to Mount Huang with my p

8、arents.你去过哪里,简? 我和我的父母去过黄山。Sb. have/has been to 表示某人曾经到过(某地)【辨析】have been to和have gone to两者均可后接地点,前者表示去过某地,通常可与表示次数的状语连用;后者表示到某地去了,强调说话的当时去某地的人不在场。比较:She has been to Europe twice她到欧洲去过两次。She has gone to Europe她到欧洲去。(即现在不在这儿)注:若其后不是接名词,而是接副词,则不用to。如:He has been abroad many times他多次出国。He has gone home

9、他回家去了。【演练】用have been to或have gone to填空:(1). Where is Tom? He the bookshop.(2)Where have you been? I Shanghai.答案:(1). has gone to (2) have been to考点2. I have already found him.我已经找到他了。Have you found him yet ?你已经找到他了吗?肯定句中若表示“已经”用already;疑问句中则用yet;否定句中也用yet,但意思为“还”。【演练】用already或yet填空(1)I have taught h

10、ere for fifteen years.(2) We havent finish our homework .(3) Has she seen him ?答案:(1)already (2) yet (3) yet考点3. I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢球. used to表示过去常常做某事. 【辨析】used to / be used to doingused to + do:过去常常表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。 Mother used not to be so forgetful. Scarf used to

11、 take a walk. (过去常常散步) be used to + doing: 对已感到习惯,或习惯于,to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。 Scarf is used to taking a walk.(现在习惯于散步) 【演练】用所给词的正确形式填空I used (be) a “Little Emperor”. She is used (read) after supper.答案: to be reading 考点4. _John studies English very hard. 约翰刻苦学习英语。 _So does she. 她也是。“也是,也一样”结构为so+助动词/情态动词/b

12、e动词+主语 例:Tony takes exercise every day and so does his younger brother. 【拓展】注意否定句应把so改为neither/nor,结构为neither/nor+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语。例:Jenny has never been late for class.Neither/Nor her younger brother. “确实是这样”,表示对前面陈述事实的强调,结构为so+主语+助动词/情态动词/be动词。 例:Tony works very hard at all the subjects.So he does

13、. 【演练】用so/neither/nor填空I enjoy reading the book and does my wife. I don”t like carrots. do I. It is cold today. it is. He studies hard. he does. 答案:so Neither So So考点5. Its difficult for lots of people to find jobs.大量的人找工作很困难。当动词不定式、动名词或从句做主语时,通常把他们放在谓语之后,而用it 作句子的形式主语。例如:。It is not hard for one to

14、do a bit of good. 对于一个人来说做点好事并不难。It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。Its said that Tom has come back from abroad 据说汤姆从国外回来了【演练】用所给词的正确形式填空1 It was pretty hard for him (bring)up the child on his own.2 It is no good (read) in dim light.3 It is easier to lose friends than (make)friends.4 It is ve

15、ry kind of you (give) me a hand in time. 答案:to bring reading to make to give考点6. Whats the population of the U.S.A?美国有多少人口?询问那一个国家或地区有多少人口用句型:Whats the population of ?例如:Whats the population of Germany? 德国的人口是多少?【拓展】population是个集合名词,意思是人口;人数,常用来指人口的总称,在日常使用时,必须注意以下几种用法:1、population是一个集合名词,在句中作主语时,谓语

16、动词多用单数形式。如:The population of Germany is about 81,000,000. The worlds population is growing faster and faster. 注:如果population与分数或百分数连用时,谓语动词多用复数形式。如:Three fifths of the population in our town are farmers.2、表示的人口可用the population of +地名,也可用the population in +地名,作主语中心词时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:The population of Can

17、ada is 28,100,000.3、表示某国、某城市有多少人口时,还可用 have/has a population of结构。如:The city has a population of 50,000. 注:people常用于表示具体的人数,虽然people不加s,但谓语动词常用复数。如:How many people are there in your family?4、由于population是不可数名词,因此不用How many也不用How much进行提问,应用What / How large。如: (1)Whats the population of China? (2)英国有

18、多少人?误:How many is the population of Britain?正:How large is the population of Britain?5、说明人口或人数的多或少时,不用many/few/much/little修饰,而用large, big或small, thin修饰。如:Which country has the smallest population Canada, the USA or Australia?【演练】选择正确的答案_ the population of Germany?A. How much is B. How many are C. Wh

19、at is D. what are That city has _ population. A. a little B. a few C. a small D. muchThree fifths of the population in our town are farmers.A. Three fifths B. Three fifth C. third five D. three fifths答案: C C A考点7. Why not go and search the Internet for some information?为什么不上网查找一些相关信息呢?Whynot+动词原形表达向

20、某人提出建议,翻译为:为什么不?干吗不?例如: Whynottakeaholiday? 其同义句形式为:Why dont you do? searchfor sth. 搜查(某地)寻找某物【演练】同义句转化 Whydontyouusuallygobyair?= Why usually byair? Whynotgooutforawalk?=Why we outforawalk?答案:not go dont go考点8. Jane said that she was reading a newspaper from Canada. 简说她正在读来自加拿大的报纸。在直接引语转变为间接引语时,若主句

21、谓语动词是过去式,那么从句的时态要做相应的变动。例如:“I am having supper,” he said. He said that _he_ _was having supper.【演练】. “Ive seen the film,” Gina said to me. Gina _ me that she _ _ the film. . “I went home with my sister,” she said. She said that _ _ _ home with her sister.答案:1. told, had, seen。2. she, had, gone。语法聚焦.

22、现在完成时态的用法一、基本构成方法现在完成时由“havehas+过去分词”构成。其中的havehas为助动词,构成疑问句时,可将其提前;构成否定句时,可直接在其后加not。二、两种主要用法1已完成用法(影响性用法):该用法的现在完成时表示一个过去发生的动作在过去已经完成,并且这个过去发生并完成的动作对现在有影响或结果,同时说话者强调的或感兴趣的就是这个影响或结果。如:She has left她离开了(对现在的影响或结果:她现在不在这儿)。I have finished my work我的工作做完了(对现在的影响或结果:现在我没事了)。2未完成用法(持续性用法):该用法的现在完成时表示一个过去发

23、生的动作并未在过去完成,而是一直持续到现在,并且有可能继续下去(也可能到此结束)。如:She has been a teacher for 20 years她已当了20年的老师。How long have you lived here?你在这里住了多久了?Ive known her for a long time我认识她很长时间了。三、通常连用的副词经常与现在完成时连用的副词有already,never,ever,just,before,recently等。如:We have finished our work already我们已经完成了工作。He has never driven a ca

24、r before他过去从未开过车。Have you ever been a teacher?你当过教师吗?四、1. “have been + to +地点名词”或“have been+ 位置副词”意思是“曾经到过某地(多少次)”,表示现在已经不在那里了。可与just, ever, never等连用。如:Miss Brown has just been to Japan twice. 布朗小姐就到日本去过两次。Mary has never been to the Great Wall. 玛丽从未去过长城。2. “have gone + to +地点名词”或“have gone + 位置副词”,表

25、示“到了某地或正在去某地的途中”。总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二人称代词作句子的主语。如:Where is Tom? 汤姆在哪里?He has gone to the bookshop. 他到书店去了。【活学活用】 1. Where have you , Tim? Ive been to Mount Huang.A. gone B. been C. been to 2. I think that you have made so rapid _ in math.A. a progress B. progress C. progresses 3、ChenPing_theCDplay

26、erforaweek. A.hasbought B.hashad C.hadhad D.hasborrowed 4.Theyhave_thearmyforthreeyears. A.joined B.beenin C.joinedto D.joinedin5.It is three days since he arrived at my school.A. is since B.was since C. is that答案:1-5 BBBBA.数词 基数词 表示数目的词称为基数词。其形式如下: 1百位数 个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and 101 a hu

27、ndred and one 648 six hundred and forty-eight 2千位数以上 从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号“,”。从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添加 thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加 million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加 billion。然后一节一节分别表示,两个逗号之间最大的数为百位数形式。 2,648 two thousand six hundred and forty-eight 16,250,064 sixteen million two hundred and fifty thousand sixty-four 5,23

28、7,166,234 five billion,two hundred and thirty-seven million,one hundred and sixty-six thousand,two hundred and thirty-four 3基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。 There are hundreds of people in the hall 大厅里有数以百计的人。 Thousands and thousands of people come to visit

29、the Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses every day 每天有成千上万的人来参观秦兵马涌博物馆。 【活学活用】 1. _people visit this museum every day.A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of2. There are two_ people in the meeting room.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of3.We had learned _English

30、words by the end of the year. thousand two hundred and twenty-two B.a thousand and two hundred twenty-two thousand two hundreds twenty two D.a thousand and two hundreds twenty two4.“202”is _. A.two hundreds and two B.two hundred two C.two hundred and two D.two hundreds two5. They moved to Beij ing _ .A. in 1980s B. in the 1980 C. in the 1980s D. on the 1980s答案:1-5 DAACC.

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