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1、考研英语同义词新考研同义近形词归纳 一名词中同义词、近形词部分归纳 1表示 “能力 ”意思的词语: Ability, capability, competency, faculty, capacity, gift, talent2表示 “目的、目标 ”意思的词语: Aim, purpose, aim, intent, intention, goal, end3表示 “关系、联系 ”意思的词语: Ties, bonds, links, connection, association, relations, combination, relationship, interrelations, re

2、levance4表示 “差别 ”意思的词语: Difference, distinction, differentiation5表示 “资本、资金 ”意思的词语: Capital, fund, money, relief6表示 “个人 ”意思的词语: Person, people, folks, individuals, man, human being7表示 “意义、含义 ”意思的词语: Meaning, significance, implication, connotation8表示 “部分、成分 ”意思的词语: Part, element, ingredient, component,

3、 factor, segment9表示 “不平等、歧视 ”意思的词语: Inequality, bias, prejudice, discrimination10表示 “对手、支持者 ”意思的词语: Opponent, rivals, proponent, advocates11表示 “商品 ”意思的词语: Commodity, goods12表示 “将来 ”意思的词语: Future, prospect13表示 “理由 ”意思的词语: Reason, ground, cause14表示 “后代、子孙 ”意思的词语: Offspring, descendant, posterity, chil

4、dren15表示 “补充 ”意思的词语: Complement, supplement , append16表示与 “树木 ”有关的词语: Bush, shrub, jungle17表示 “边界 ”意思的词语: Boundary, border, frontier, verge18表示 “错误 ”意思的词语: Blunder, error, mistake, fault19表示 “基础 ”意思的词语: Basis, foundation, ground20表示 “会议 ”意思的词语: Assembly, conference, congress, seminar, session, summi

5、t, symposium, meeting, gathering, party21表示“区域”意思的词语: Area, district, region, vicinity, zone22表示“成就”意思的词语: Accomplishment, attainment, achievement, success 23表示“要点、摘要”意思的词语: abstract, digest, outline, summary24表示“程度”意思的词语: to the degree, to some extent25表示“生气”意思的词语: Anger, fury, indignation, resentm

6、ent, hate, hatred26表示“ 痛苦,悲伤 ”意思的词语: pain, sadness, unhappiness, misery, anguish 27表示“标准”意思的词语: standard, criteria28字形相似的词: welfare (福利) , warfare (战争) , farewell (告别)29字形相似的词: attitude(态度) , altitude(海拔,高度), magnitude(数量) , multitude(多数) , aptitude (天资,天赋) , latitude (纬度 , 地区), gratitude(感谢)30字形相似的

7、词: convention(习俗,传统 ), conversion(变化,转换) ,conviction (坚定的信念或看法) , conservation (保存,保持) , conversation(交谈)31字形相似和近义词: vocation, job, work, profession, occupation, field, career, /vacation, holiday, travel, journey, voyage, trip, excursion32近义词: pace(步伐) , speed(速度,速率) , rate (速度,百分比) ,ratio(比例,比率) ,

8、rhythm (韵律,节奏)33近义词: process(进程 ,过程), procedure(步骤,手续 ), course(时间的经过 ) 二常用的动词同义词归纳1表示“导致”意思的词语: Lead to, bring about, give rise to, give birth to, contribute to, cause to, resultin, engender, render, prompt, cause, make, result from(起因于)2表示“面对、偶遇”意思的词语: Confront, be confronted with, face, be faced

9、with, meet with, encounter. 3表示“集中于”意思的词语: Center on, focus on, concentrate on4表示“对付、处理”意思的词语: Deal with, cope with, handle, tackle, manipulate, 5表示“消失”意思的词语: Disappear, vanish, fade, perish6表示“减少、增加”意思的词语: Diminish, lessen, decrease, drop, reduce, fall, /accumulate, increase, rise,soar, rocket7表示 “

10、依靠、依赖 ”意思的词语: Rely on(upon), depend on(upon), count on (upon), rest on(upon)8表示 “变化 ”意思的词语: Change, turn, vary/range, alter, transform, shift, convert.9表示 “指控 ”意思的词语: Charge with, accuse of, sue for, condemn, denounce, prosecute10表示 “克服、战胜 ”意思的词语: Overcome, conquer, defeat,11表示 “获得、得到 ”意思的词语: Achiev

11、e, obtain, get, accomplish, earn, attain, secure, acquire, gain12表示 “抓住 ”意思的词语: Catch, seize, capture, catch hold of, grab13表示 “限制 ”意思的词语: Limit, confine, restrict.14表示 “强迫 ”意思的词语: compel, constrain, force, oblige 。15表示 “责怪 ”意思的词语: blame, condemn, reproach, scold 。16表示 “困惑、迷惑 ”意思的词语: bewilder, puzzl

12、e, confuse, embarrass, perplex 。17表示 “赞扬、称赞 ”意思的词语: applaud, clap, commend, praise18表示 “扩大、加强 ”意思的词语: amplify, enlarge, stretch, magnify, reinforce, expand19表示 “声称 ”意思的词语: affirm, assert, allege, claim, announce, proclaim 。20表示 “附加 ”意思的词语: affiliate, link, attach, append 。21表示 “调整、改变 ”意思的词语: adjust,

13、 regulate, rectify, amend,convert, alter, modify, transform, vary 。22表示 “提供 ”意思的词语: accommodate, afford, furnish 。23表示 “取消、除掉 ”意思的词语: abolish, cancel, eliminate, dispose, erase, exclude, extinguish24表示 “遵守 ”意思的词语: abide by, adhere to, conform to , comply with 。25表示 “繁荣、兴旺 ”意思的词语: flourish, boom, pro

14、sper, succeed.26表示 “阻止、停止 ”意思的词语: stop from, prevent.from, keep from, halt, pause, cease27表示 “忍受 ”意思的词语: endure, bear, stand, tolerate, put up with, live with28表示 “来自于,出自于,起因于 ”意思的词语: come from, arise from,derive from, originate from, stem from, result from.29表示 “起作用,有重要性 ”意思的词语: count, matter, play

15、 a role, play a part 。30字形相似的词: Undergo(经历) , understand(理解) , undertake(承担,约定) , undercut(减低) , underlie (成为基础) , underline (下划线,强调) , undo(解开,恢复) , undermine(weaken 削弱)31Describe(描绘) , prescribe(开处方,规定) , ascribe ( t归o 因于) ,subscribe (t捐o 助,同意, 订阅)32 Believe (相信) , relieve (o减f 轻) , belief (观点) ,

16、relief (救济)33字形相似的词: reduce(减少) , deduce(推论 ,推断) , induce(引诱 ,促使) , produce34近义词: release(解放,释放) , announce(宣布,通知) , declare(公开 ,宣布) , proclaim (官方宣 布)35字形相似的词: adopt(采纳,采取,收养 ), adapt (to) (改写,适应 ), adept(熟练的 )36字形相似的词: rise-rose, risen (上升,起身) , arise(出现) , raise(举起,抬起,抚养) , praise (赞扬) , arouse(引

17、起,激起) 。37字形相似的词: assure(使相信, 使放心 assure sb. of sth, assure sb. that ), ensure (ensure sth, ensure that 保证 ), insure (保险,投保)38近义词: remember (记得,记住 ) ,remind sb. to do(提醒做某事 ),remind sb. of sth. (使人想起 ), recall (回忆起,回想起 )39近义词:代替 replace By /with 和 Substitute . For 。 40表示 “吃惊 ,惊奇 ”意思的词语: surprise, sho

18、ck, amaze, astonish,astound,三形容词和副词同义词归纳1表示 “与 有关 /联系 ”意思的词组 :Be relevant to, be related to, be tied to, be linked to, be associated with, be connected with, be combined with2表示 “好 ”意思的词语: wonderful, excellent, good, super, superb, magnificent, first-class, remarkable, fantastic, cool, splendid.3表示

19、“充足 ”意思的词语: sufficient, enough, adequate, rich, abundant, plentiful4表示 “不足 ”意思的词语: lack, be short of, for want of, for lack of,5表示 “可怕、有害 ”意思的词语: dreadful, terrible, frightening, horrible, awful, harmful, bad, detrimental, adverse, unfavorable, negative.6表示 “有能力做 ”意思的词语: be competent in/as/to do , b

20、e capable of , be qualified for/as, be able to7表示 “传统、习惯 ”等有关的词语: traditional, conventional, customary, habitual, social, global8表示 “许多、大量 ”意思的词语: many/much, a lot of/lots of/, a large number of, a large amount of, plenty of , plentiful, considerable, ample, numerous, countless,9表示 “合不合适 ”意思的词语: rig

21、ht, proper, suitable, appropriate, fit, improper, unsuitable, inappropriate, unfit10表示 “效果、效率 ”意思的词语: effective, effectual, efficient, sufficient11表示 “合不合理 ”的词语: logical, reasonable, sensible, rational, /illogical, unreasonable, irrational12表示 “倾向于 ”意思的词语: be likely to, be liable to, be inclined to,

22、 be apt to, tend to13表示 “意不意识到 ”的词语: be aware of, be conscious of, be unaware of, be unconscious of, subconscious (潜意识的)14表示 “简短 ”意思的词语: brief, concise, in brief, in short15表示 “合不合法 ”意思的词语: legitimate, lawful, legal, illegal,16表示 “精确、准确 ”意思的词语: accurate, precise, exact,17表示与 “身体 ”有关意思的词语: bodily, ph

23、ysical, mental, spiritual, materialistic,18表示 “态度 ”意思的词语: optimistic, pessimistic, objective, subjective, impartial,19表示与 “谨慎、小心 ”有关意思的词语: careful, cautious, prudent, careless, carefree20表示 “虚弱 ”意思的词语: weak, fragile, frail, invalid, feeble, vulnerable21表示 “基本 ”意思的词语: basic, elementary, fundamental,

24、primary22表示 “天生 ”意思的词语: inborn, innate, inherent, gifted, talented23表示 “普遍、一般 ”意思的词语: average, common, general, universal, usual24表示 “明显的,清楚的 ”意思的词语: apparent, evident, self-evident, manifest, obvious, distinct, clear/ambiguous, obscure, unclear25表示“严重的、紧急的”意思的词语: acute, critical, crucial, urgent, s

25、erious, emergent26表示“愚蠢 ,可笑”的词语: absurd, ridiculous, silly, foolish, stupid, ironic, funny27表示“节约 ,奢侈”的词语:economic(经济的), economica(l 节约的), thrifty(节省的), simple, luxurious, extravagant(浪费的 ), generous(大方的)28表示“富裕”意思的词语: rich, wealthy, affluent,well-off29表示“仅仅 ,唯一,就是”意思的词语: only, just, merely, solely,

26、 simply, uniquely, alone30表示“可能的”意思的词语: possible, likely, probable, presumable31表示“有决心的,坚定的”意思的词语: determined, resolute, firm, decisive32表示“不断的 ,不停的”意思的词语: continual, continuous, uninterrupted, successive, eternal, endless, successful(成功的 ), succession(连续不断 )33表示“永久的 ,永恒的”意思的词语: lasting, ever-lastin

27、g, permanent, perpetual, temporary( 暂时的 )34表示“致命的 ,要死的”意思的词语: deadly, fatal, mortal,35表示“重要的 ,必要的 ,关键的”意思的词语: important, significant, vital, critical, crucial, necessary, essential, indispensable36表示“ 愿不愿意”意思的词语: Willing, unwilling=reluctant37表示“喜欢、感兴趣”意思的词语: be interested in, be keen on, be fond of

28、, be crazy about, be enthusiastic about, be addicted to(上瘾)38Internal(内部的), inclusive (包含的) , intensive, inside, implicit, external, exclusive, extensive, outside, explicit39Consequent(由而起) , subsequent(随后的) , frequent (经常的)40字形相似的词: optima(l 最佳的,最理想的) , optiona(l 可选择的) , optica(l 视力的,光学的), optimist

29、ic (乐观的)四动词常用后缀en-, em- 使成为enable(使能够) entitle (有权利做)encourage(鼓励)empower(授权)enrich (变富,使丰富)ensure(确保 ) enlighten( 启发 )entrust(委托)-en 做,使变成fasten(系好) harden(使坚固) loosen(放松,松弛) widen (拓宽) hasten(急忙,赶快) shorten(缩短 ) enclose(装入,封入 ) enforce(实施 ,实行 ) engender(造成 ,产生 ) enroll( 招收 ,登记 ) -ify 化,使成为 ,变成 bea

30、utify( 美化 ) intensify( 加剧 ) horrify( 使恐怖 ) clarify (澄清)identify (辨认,识别) justify (认为合理) specify (指定,详述) solidify (巩固) purify (洁净,净化) qualify (胜任,有资格) rectify( 改正,修改 ) -ize 化,照 样子做apologize(道歉) maximize(最大化 ) organize(组织) utilize(使用) mobilize( 动员 ) criticize( 批评 ) publicize( 宣传 ) visualize (想象)democra

31、tize(民主化) characterize(概括) specialize (专攻) realize (实现) industrialize (工业化) revolutionize( 彻底改革 )recognize(认出) civilize (使文明)五形容词常用后缀-able, -ible, -ble 能够 ,值得 -al 的,行为,人,物critical (关键的,批评的) original (原始的,原创的)-ate affectionate (亲爱的) passionate(热情的,多情的)-ent -ful 的-ic ,ical 的,人, 学optimistic (乐观的) dynamic (有活力的) academic(学术的,学业的 artistic (艺术的,高尚的) economic (经济的) electronic (电子的) heroic (英勇的) organic(有机的) systematic(系统的) practical (实际的) statistical(统计的)-ish 的,有 性质的selfish (自私的) British (英国的)-sive divisive (分裂的) aggressive(挑衅的,好斗的)-tive

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