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1、ICDO3解剖学编码 数 码 表NUMERICAL LISTS解剖学 注: 在类目C00到C80.9中,肿瘤应分类 到包括肿瘤起源部位的亚目中。一个 assigned to the subcategory that includes the point 交搭跨越到两个或多个亚目边缘,而 of origin of the tumor. A tumor that overlaps the 又不能确定其起源部位的肿瘤应该分 boundaries of two or more subcategories and whose 类到亚目“.8”。例如, 颈胸段食管肿 point of origin can

2、not be determined should be 瘤应分类到C15.8。 classifed to subcategory “.8”. For example, a neoplasm of cervicothoracic esophagus should be assigned to C15.8.C00-C14 唇、口腔和咽部 C00-C14 LIP, ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX C00 唇 (不包括唇皮肤 C44.0) C00 LIP (excludes skin of lip C44.0)C00.0 外上唇 C00.0 External upper lip 上唇红

3、缘 Vermilion border of upper lip 上唇,NOS (不包括上唇皮肤C44.0) Upper lip, NOS (excludes skin of upper lip C44.0)C00.1 外下唇 C00.1 External lower lip 下唇红缘 Vermilion border of lower lip 下唇,NOS (不包括下唇皮肤C44.0) Lower lip, NOS (excludes skin of lower lip C44.0)C00.2 外唇,NOS C00.2 External lip, NOS 唇红缘,NOS Vermilion b

4、order of lip, NOSC00.3 上唇粘膜 C00.3 Mucosa of upper lip 上唇内面 Inner aspect of upper lip 上唇系带 Frenulum of upper lipC00.4 下唇粘膜 C00.4 Mucosa of lower lip 下唇内面 Inner aspect of lower lip 下唇系带 Frenulum of lower lipC00.5 唇粘膜,NOS C00.5 Mucosa of lip, NOS 唇内面,NOS Inner aspect of lip, NOS 内唇,NOS Internal lip, NO

5、S 唇系带,NOS Frenulum of lip, NOS 唇系带,NOS Frenulum of labii, NOSC00.6 唇联合 C00.6 Commissure of lip 唇联合 Labial commissureC00.8 唇交搭跨越的损害 C00.8 Overlapping lesion of lip (见38页注) (see note page 38)C00.9 唇,NOS (不包括唇皮肤 C44.0) C00.9 Lip, NOS (excludes skin of lip C44.0)C01 舌底部 C01 BASE OF TONGUEC01.9 舌底部,NOS C

6、01.9 Base of tongue, NOS 舌底背面 Dorsal surface of base of tongue 舌后三分之一 Posterior third of tongue 舌后,NOS Posterior tongue, NOS 舌根 Root of tongueC02 舌的其他和未特指部位 C02 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED PARTS OF TONGUEC02.0 舌背面,NOS C02.0 Dorsal surface of tongue, NOS 舌前三分之二,背面 Anterior 2/3 of tongue, dorsal surface 舌中线

7、 Midline of tongue 舌前背面 Dorsal surface of anterior tongueC02.1 舌缘 C02.1 Border of tongue 舌尖 Tip of tongueC02.2 舌腹面,NOS C02.2 Ventral surface of tongue, NOS 舌前三分之二,腹面 Anterior 2/3 of tongue, ventral surface 舌系带 Frenulum linguae 舌前腹面,NOS Ventral surface of anterior tongue, NOSC02.3 舌前三分之二,NOS C02.3 An

8、terior 2/3 of tongue, NOS 舌前,NOS Anterior tongue, NOSC02.4 舌扁桃体 C02.4 Lingual tonsilC02.8 舌交搭跨越的损害 C02.8 Overlapping lesion of tongue (见38页注) (see note page 38) 舌连接区 Junctional zone of tongueC02.9 舌,NOS C02.9 Tongue, NOS 舌,NOS Lingual, NOS C03 牙龈 C03 GUMC03.0 上牙龈 C03.0 Upper gum 上颌牙龈 Maxillary gingi

9、va 上牙槽粘膜 Upper alveolar mucosa 上牙槽嵴粘膜 Upper alveolar ridge mucosa 上牙槽 Upper alveolus 上牙龈 Upper gingivaC03.1 下牙龈 C03.1 Lower gum 下颌牙龈 Mandibular gingiva 下牙槽粘膜 Lower alveolar mucosa 下牙槽嵴粘膜 Lower alveolar ridge mucosa 下牙槽 Lower alveolus 下牙龈 Lower gingivaC03.9 牙龈,未特指 C03.9 Gum, unspecified 牙龈,NOS Gingiv

10、a, NOS 牙槽粘膜,NOS Alveolar mucosa, NOS 牙槽嵴粘膜,NOS Alveolar ridge mucosa, NOS 牙槽,NOS Alveolus, NOS 牙周组织 Periodontal tissue 牙槽齿窝 Tooth socket C04 口底 C04 FLOOR OF MOUTHC04.0 口底前部 C04.0 Anterior floor of mouthC04.1 口底侧部 C04.1 Lateral floor of mouthC04.8 口底交搭跨越的损害 C04.8 Overlapping lesion of floor of mouth

11、(见第38页注释) (See note page 45)C04.9 口底,NOS C04.9 Floor of mouth, NOS C05 腭 C05 PALATEC05.0 硬腭 C05.0 Hard palateC05.1 软腭,NOS(不包括软腭的 C05.1 Soft palate, NOS (excludes nasopharyngeal surface 鼻咽面 C11.3) of soft palate C11.3)C05.2 悬雍垂 C05.2 UvulaC05.8 腭交搭跨越的损害 C05.8 Overlapping lesion of palate (见第38页注释) (S

12、ee note page 45) 硬腭和软腭的交界处 Junction of hard and soft palateC05.9 腭,NOS C05.9 Palate, NOS 口顶 Roof of mouth C06 口腔的其他和未特指部位 C06 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED PARTS OF MOUTHC06.0 颊粘膜 C06.0 Cheek mucosa 颊粘膜 Buccal mucosa 颊内侧面 Internal cheekC06.1 口前庭 C06.1 Vestibule of mouth 牙槽沟 Alveolar sulcus 颊粘膜沟 Buccal sulcu

13、s 唇沟 Labial sulcusC06.2 磨牙后区 C06.2 Retromolar area 磨牙后三角 Retromolar triangle 磨牙后三角区 Retromolar trigoneC06.8 口腔的其他和未特指部位交搭跨越 C06.8 Overlapping lesion of other and unspecified 的损害 parts of mouth (见第38页注释) (See note page 45)C06.9 口腔,NOS C06.9 Mouth, NOS 颊腔 Buccal cavity 口腔 Oral cavity 口腔粘膜 Oral mucosa

14、小涎腺,NOS Minor salivary gland, NOS (见C08后面的注释) (See note under C08)C07 腮腺 C07 PAROTID GLANDC07.9 腮腺 C07.9 Parotid gland 腮腺,NOS Parotid, NOS 斯滕森管 Stensen duct 腮腺管 Parotid gland ductC08 其他和未特指的大涎腺 C08 OTHER AND UNSPECIFIED MAJOR SALIVARY GLANDS注: 小涎腺肿瘤应按其解剖部位分类; Note: Neoplasms of minor salivary glands

15、 should be 如果部位未特指,则分入C06.9。 classified according to their anatomical site; if location is not specified, classify to C06.9.C08.0 下颌下腺 C08.0 Submandibular gland 颌下腺 Submaxillary gland 下颌下腺管 Wharton duct 颌下腺管 Submaxillary gland ductC08.1 舌下腺 C08.1 Sublingual gland 舌下腺管 Sublingual gland ductC08.8 大涎腺交

16、搭跨越的损害 C08.8 Overlapping lesion of major salivary glands (见第38页注释) (See note page 45)C08.9 大涎腺,NOS C08.9 Major salivary gland, NOS 涎腺,NOS(不包括小涎腺,NOS Salivary gland, NOS (excludes minor salivary C06.9;见C08下的注释) gland, NOS C06.9; see note under C08) C09 扁桃体 C09 TONSILC09.0 扁桃体窝 C09.0 Tonsillar fossaC0

17、9.1 扁桃体柱 C09.1 Tonsillar pillar 咽门柱 Faucial pillar 舌腭襞 Glossopalatine foldC09.8 扁桃体交搭跨越的损害 C09.8 Overlapping lesion of tonsil (见第38页注释) (See note page 45)C09.9 扁桃体,NOS (不包括舌扁桃体C02.4 C09.9 Tonsil, NOS (excludes lingual tonsil C02.4 和咽扁桃体C11.1) and pharyngeal tonsil C11.1) 咽门扁桃体 Faucial tonsil 腭扁桃体 Pa

18、latine tonsil C10 口咽 C10 OROPHARYNXC10.0 会厌谷 C10.0 ValleculaC10.1 会厌前面 C10.1 Anterior surface of epiglottisC10.2 口咽侧壁 C10.2 Lateral wall of oropharynx 中咽侧壁 Lateral wall of mesopharynxC10.3 口咽后壁 C10.3 Posterior wall of oropharynx 中咽后壁 Posterior wall of mesopharynxC10.4 鳃裂(肿瘤的部位) C10.4 Branchial cleft

19、 (site of neoplasm)C10.8 口咽交搭跨越的损害 C10.8 Overlapping lesion of oropharynx (见第38页注释) (See note page 45) 口咽连接区 Junctional region of oropharynxC10.9 口咽,NOS C10.9 Oropharynx, NOS 中咽,NOS Mesopharynx, NOS 咽门,NOS Fauces, NOS C11 鼻咽 C11 NASOPHARYNXC11.0 鼻咽上壁 C11.0 Superior wall of nasopharynx 鼻咽顶 Roof of na

20、sopharynxC11.1 鼻咽后壁 C11.1 Posterior wall of nasopharynx 腺样体 Adenoid 咽扁桃体 Pharyngeal tonsilC11.2 鼻咽侧壁 C11.2 Lateral wall of nasopharynx 罗森米勒窝 Fossa of RosenmullerC11.3 鼻咽前壁 C11.3 Anterior wall of nasopharynx 软腭的鼻咽面 Nasopharyngeal surface of soft palate 咽穹窿 Pharyngeal fornix 鼻后孔 Choana 鼻中隔后缘 Posterior

21、 margin of nasal septumC11.8 鼻咽交搭跨越的损害 C11.8 Overlapping lesion of nasopharynx (见第38页注释) (See note page 45)C11.9 鼻咽,NOS C11.9 Nasopharynx, NOS 鼻咽壁 Nasopharyngeal wall C12 梨状窝 C12 PYRIFORM SINUSC12.9 梨状窝 C12.9 Pyriform sinus 梨状窝 Pyriform sinus 梨状窝 Pyriform fossa 梨状窝 Piriform fossa C13 下咽 C13 HYPOPHAR

22、YNXC13.0 环状软骨后区 C13.0 Postcricoid region 咽环状软骨 Cricopharynx 环状软骨,NOS Cricoid, NOSC13.1 杓状会厌襞的咽下面 C13.1 Hypopharyngeal aspect of aryepiglottic fold 杓状会厌襞,NOS(不包括杓状会厌襞 Aryepiglottic fold, NOS (excludes laryngeal aspect 的喉面C32.1) of aryepiglottic fold C32.1) 杓状软骨襞 Arytenoid foldC13.2 下咽后壁 C13.2 Posteri

23、or wall of hypopharynxC13.8 下咽交搭跨越的损害 C13.8 Overlapping lesion of hypopharynx (见第38页注释) (See note page 45)C13.9 下咽,NOS C13.9 Hypopharynx, NOS 下咽壁 Hypopharyngeal wall 喉咽 Laryngopharynx C14 唇、口腔和咽的其他 C14 OTHER AND ILL-DEFINED 和部位不明者 SITES IN LIP, ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNXC14.0 咽,NOS C14.0 Pharynx, NOS 咽

24、壁,NOS Pharyngeal wall, NOS 咽的壁,NOS Wall of pharynx, NOS 咽的侧壁,NOS Lateral wall of pharynx, NOS 咽的后壁,NOS Posterior wall of pharynx, NOS 咽后 Retropharynx 咽喉 ThroatC14.2 瓦尔代尔扁桃体环 C14.2 Waldeyers ringC14.8 唇、口腔和咽交搭跨越的损害 C14.8 Overlapping lesion of lip, oral cavity and pharynx (见第38页注释) (See note page 45)

25、注:唇、口腔和咽的肿瘤,其起源 Note: Neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx 部位不能分类于C00-C14.2任 whose point of origin cannot be assigned to 何类目中者 any one of the categories C00 to C14.2 C15-C26 消化器官 C15-C26 DIGESTIVE ORGANS C15 食管 C15 ESOPHAGUSC15.0 颈段食管 C15.0 Cervical esophagusC15.1 胸段食管 C15.1 Thoracic esophagusC1

26、5.2 腹段食管 C15.2 Abdominal esophagusC15.3 食管上三分之一 C15.3 Upper third of esophagus 食管近端三分之一 Proximal third of esophagusC15.4 食管中三分之一 C15.4 Middle third of esophagusC15.5 食管下三分之一 C15.5 Lower third of esophagus 食管远端三分之一 Distal third of esophagusC15.8 食管交搭跨越的损害 C15.8 Overlapping lesion of esophagus (见第38页注

27、释) (See note page 45)C15.9 食管,NOS C15.9 Esophagus, NOS C16 胃 C16 STOMACHC16.0 贲门,NOS C16.0 Cardia, NOS 胃贲门 Gastric cardia 贲门食管连接处 Cardioesophageal junction 食管胃连接处 Esophagogastric junction 胃食管连接处 Gastroesophageal junctionC16.1 胃底 C16.1 Fundus of stomach 胃底 Gastric fundusC16.2 胃体 C16.2 Body of stomach

28、 胃体 Corpus of stomach 胃体 Gastric corpusC16.3 胃窦 C16.3 Gastric antrum 胃窦 Antrum of stomach 幽门窦 Pyloric antrumC16.4 幽门 C16.4 Pylorus 幽门管 Pyloric canal 幽门前 PrepylorusC16.5 胃小弯,NOS (不能分类于C16.1- C16.5 Lesser curvature of stomach, NOS (not C16.4者) classifiable to C16.1 to C16.4)C16.6 胃大弯,NOS (不能分类于C16.1-

29、C16.6 Greater curvature of stomach, NOS (not C16.4者) classifiable to C16.1 to C16.4)C16.8 胃交搭跨越的损害 C16.8 Overlapping lesion of stomach (见第38页注释) (See note page 45) 胃前壁,NOS (不能分类于C16.0- Anterior wall of stomach, NOS (not classifiable C16.4者) to C16.0 to C16.4) 胃后壁,NOS (不能分类于C16.0- Posterior wall of s

30、tomach, NOS (not classifiable C16.4者) to C16.0 to C16.4)C16.9 胃,NOS C16.9 Stomach, NOS 胃,NOS Gastric, NOS C17 小肠 C17 SMALL INTESTINEC17.0 十二指肠 C17.0 DuodenumC17.1 空肠 C17.1 JejunumC17.2 回肠(不包括回盲瓣C18.0) C17.2 Ileum (excludes ileocaecal valve C18.0)C17.3 麦克尔憩室(肿瘤的部位) C17.3 Meckels diverticulum (site of neoplasm)C17.8 小肠交搭跨越的损害 C17.8 Overlapping lesion of small intestine (见第38页注释) (See note page 45)C17.9 小肠,NOS C17.9 Small intestine, NOS 小肠,NOS Small bowel, NOS C18 结肠 C18 COLONC18.0 盲肠 C18.0 Cecum 回盲瓣 Ileocecal valve 回盲连接处 Ileocecal junctionC18.1 阑尾 C18.1 AppendixC18.2 升结肠 C

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