1、C语言编程火车订票系统源代码火车订票系统源码#include #include #include #include int shoudsave=0 ;int count1=0,count2=0,mark=0,mark1=0 ;/*定义存储火车信息的结构体*/struct train char num10;/*列车号*/ char city10;/*目的城市*/ char takeoffTime10;/*发车时间*/ char receiveTime10;/*到达时间*/ int price;/*票价*/ int bookNum ;/*票数*/;/*订票人的信息*/struct man char
2、 num10;/*ID*/ char name10;/*/ int bookNum ;/*需求的票数*/;/*定义火车信息链表的结点结构*/typedef struct node struct train data ; struct node * next ;Node,*Link ;/*定义订票人链表的结点结构*/typedef struct people struct man data ; struct people*next ;bookMan,*bookManLink ;/* 初始界面*/void printInterface() puts(*); puts(* Welcome to us
3、e the system of booking tickets *); puts(*); puts(* You can choose the operation: *); puts(* 1:Insert a train information *); puts(* 2:Inquire a train information *); puts(* 3:Book a train ticket *); puts(* 4:Update the train information *); puts(* 5:Advice to you about the train *); puts(* 6:save i
4、nformation to file *); puts(* 7:quit the system *); puts(*);/*添加一个火车信息*/void InsertTraininfo(Link linkhead) struct node *p,*r,*s ; char num10; r = linkhead ; s = linkhead-next ; while(r-next!=NULL) r=r-next ; while(1) printf(please input the number of the train(0-return); scanf(%s,num); if(strcmp(nu
5、m,0)=0) break ; /*判断是否已经存在*/ while(s) if(strcmp(s-data.num,num)=0) printf(the train %shas been born!n,num); return ; s = s-next ; p = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node); strcpy(p-data.num,num); printf(Input the city where the train will reach:); scanf(%s,p-data.city); printf(Input the time whi
6、ch the train take off:); scanf(%s,p-data.takeoffTime); printf(Input the time which the train receive:); scanf(%s,&p-data.receiveTime); printf(Input the price of ticket:); scanf(%d,&p-data.price); printf(Input the number of booked tickets:); scanf(%d,&p-data.bookNum); p-next=NULL ; r-next=p ; r=p ; s
7、houdsave = 1 ; /*打印火车票信息*/void printTrainInfo(struct node*p) puts(nThe following is the record you want:); printf(number of train: %sn,p-data.num); printf(city the train will reach: %sn,p-data.city); printf(the time the train take off: %snthe time the train reach: %sn,p-data.takeoffTime,p-data.recei
8、veTime); printf(the price of the ticket: %dn,p-data.price); printf(the number of booked tickets: %dn,p-data.bookNum);struct node * Locate1(Link l,char findmess,char numorcity) Node*r ; if(strcmp(numorcity,num)=0) r=l-next ; while(r) if(strcmp(r-data.num,findmess)=0) return r ; r=r-next ; else if(str
9、cmp(numorcity,city)=0) r=l-next ; while(r) if(strcmp(r-data.city,findmess)=0) return r ; r=r-next ; return 0 ;/*查询火车信息*/void QueryTrain(Link l) Node *p ; int sel ; char str15,str210; if(!l-next) printf(There is not any record !); return ; printf(Choose the way:n1:according to the number of train;n2:
10、according to the city:n); scanf(%d,&sel); if(sel=1) printf(Input the the number of train:); scanf(%s,str1); p=Locate1(l,str1,num); if(p) printTrainInfo(p); else mark1=1 ; printf(nthe file cant be found!); else if(sel=2) printf(Input the city:); scanf(%s,str2); p=Locate1(l,str2,city); if(p) printTrai
11、nInfo(p); else mark1=1 ; printf(nthe file cant be found!); /*订票子模块*/void BookTicket(Link l,bookManLink k) Node*r10,*p ; char ch,dem ; bookMan*v,*h ; int i=0,t=0 ; char str10,str110,str210; v=k ; while(v-next!=NULL) v=v-next ; printf(Input the city you want to go: ); scanf(%s,&str); p=l-next ; while(
12、p!=NULL) if(strcmp(p-data.city,str)=0) ri=p ; i+; p=p-next ; printf(nnthe number of record have %dn,i); for(t=0;ti;t+) printTrainInfo(rt); if(i=0) printf(ntttSorry!Cant find the train for you!n); else printf(ndo you want to book it?n); scanf(%d,&ch); if(ch = 1) h=(bookMan*)malloc(sizeof(bookMan); pr
13、intf(Input your name: ); scanf(%s,&str1); strcpy(h-data.name,str1); printf(Input your id: ); scanf(%s,&str2); strcpy(h-data.num,str2); printf(Input your bookNum: ); scanf(%d,&dem); h-data.bookNum=dem ; h-next=NULL ; v-next=h ; v=h ; printf(nLucky!you have booked a ticket!); getch(); shoudsave=1 ; bo
14、okMan*Locate2(bookManLink k,char findmess) bookMan*r ; r=k-next ; while(r) if(strcmp(r-data.num,findmess)=0) mark=1 ; return r ; r=r-next ; return 0 ;/*修改火车信息*/void UpdateInfo(Link l) Node*p ; char findmess20,ch ; if(!l-next) printf(nthere isnt record for you to modify!n); return ; else QueryTrain(l
15、); if(mark1=0) printf(nDo you want to modify it?n); getchar(); scanf(%c,&ch); if(ch=y); printf(nInput the number of the train:); scanf(%s,findmess); p=Locate1(l,findmess,num); if(p) printf(Input new number of train:); scanf(%s,&p-data.num); printf(Input new city the train will reach:); scanf(%s,&p-d
16、ata.city); printf(Input new time the train take off); scanf(%s,&p-data.takeoffTime); printf(Input new time the train reach:); scanf(%s,&p-data.receiveTime); printf(Input new price of the ticket:); scanf(%d,&p-data.price); printf(Input new number of people who have booked ticket:); scanf(%d,&p-data.b
17、ookNum); printf(nmodifying record is sucessful!n); shoudsave=1 ; else printf(tttcant find the record!); else mark1=0 ; /*系统给用户的提示信息*/void AdvicedTrains(Link l) Node*r ; char str10; int mar=0 ; r=l-next ; printf(Iuput the city you want to go: ); scanf(%s,str); while(r) if(strcmp(r-data.city,str)=0&r-
18、data.bookNumnext ; if(mar=0) printf(ntttyou cant book any ticket now!n); /*保存火车信息*/void SaveTrainInfo(Link l) FILE*fp ; Node*p ; int count=0,flag=1 ; fp=fopen(c:train.txt,wb); if(fp=NULL) printf(the file cant be opened!); return ; p=l-next ; while(p) if(fwrite(p,sizeof(Node),1,fp)=1) p=p-next ; coun
19、t+; else flag=0 ; break ; if(flag) printf(the number of the record which have been saved is %dn,count); shoudsave=0 ; fclose(fp);/*保存订票人的信息*/void SaveBookmanInfo(bookManLink k) FILE*fp ; bookMan*p ; int count=0,flag=1 ; fp=fopen(c:man.txt,wb); if(fp=NULL) printf(the file cant be opened!); return ; p
20、=k-next ; while(p) if(fwrite(p,sizeof(bookMan),1,fp)=1) p=p-next ; count+; else flag=0 ; break ; if(flag) printf(the number of the record which have been saved is %dn,count); shoudsave=0 ; fclose(fp);int main() FILE*fp1,*fp2 ; Node*p,*r ; char ch1,ch2 ; Link l ; bookManLink k ; bookMan*t,*h ; int se
21、l ; l=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node); l-next=NULL ; r=l ; k=(bookMan*)malloc(sizeof(bookMan); k-next=NULL ; h=k ; fp1=fopen(c:train.txt,ab+); if(fp1=NULL) printf(cant open the file!); return 0 ; while(!feof(fp1) p=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node); if(fread(p,sizeof(Node),1,fp1)=1) p-next=NULL ; r-next=p ; r=p
22、 ; count1+; fclose(fp1); fp2=fopen(c:man.txt,ab+); if(fp2=NULL) printf(cant open the file!); return 0 ; while(!feof(fp2) t=(bookMan*)malloc(sizeof(bookMan); if(fread(t,sizeof(bookMan),1,fp2)=1) t-next=NULL ; h-next=t ; h=t ; count2+; fclose(fp2); while(1) system(cls); printInterface(); printf(please
23、 choose the operation: ); scanf(%d,&sel); system(cls); if(sel=8) if(shoudsave=1) getchar(); printf(nthe file have been changed!do you want to save it(y/n)?n); scanf(%c,&ch1); if(ch1=y|ch1=Y) SaveBookmanInfo(k); SaveTrainInfo(l); printf(nThank you!You are welcome toon); break ; switch(sel) case 1 : InsertTraininfo(l);break ; case 2 : QueryTrain(l);break ; case 3 : BookTicket(l,k);break ; case 4 : UpdateInfo(l);break ; case 5 : AdvicedTrains(l);break ; case 6 : SaveTrainInfo(l);SaveBookmanInfo(k);break ; case 7 : return 0; printf(nplease press any key to continue.); getch(); return 0;
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