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1、中北大学英语考试备考c册doc词汇(C册)Unite 1 (P15)1.They decided to perpetuate (使不朽 保持)the memory of their leader by erecting a statue.2.After young people step into the society, they will be beset (困扰;镶嵌;围绕)with various temptations.3.The gypsy girl swayed her hips in a sensuous (美感的) way as she danced.4.The protes

2、tant (新教徒) uttered a few commonplace(老生常谈)about peace and democracy.5.The elephants trunk is a unique form of appendage6.By making a remark about the weather unobtrusivaly, she kept the conversation going.7.His Hamlet was a(an) revelation (揭示)to the critics 批评者.8-When little Tommy could not get his

3、way, his behavior became perverse (违反常情的)and contrary.9-Someone must have rummaged 到处翻寻,检查 about among my papers, for my drawer is in a mess.10.When choosing a job, dont be swayed just by promises of high earnings.11.You have to see these changes in context: they5re part of a larger plan.12.She stro

4、ngly denounced the government hypocrisy in dealing with the Israeli-Palestine issue.13.He hopes to gain her favor by pandering to her desire for continuous praise.14.The rain sent all the farmers who were working in the fields scurrying for shelter.15.The police questioned the veracity of the suspec

5、ts statement.16.Each morning the priest spent an hour in quiet contemplation.17.If one aids and abets a criminal, he is also considered culpable.18.To put it bluntly, this article is too verbose, we must edit it.19- Even though the evidence is overwhelming, if one juror is still skeptical, the case

6、must be retried.20. Although we are in different parties, his ideas on politics are exactly in line with mine.2L The report make out its case for increased spending on education.22.Celebrated the world over for his writing, he still refused to put himself in the foreground.23.Producers of pornograph

7、ic material often claim that theyare cater to a psychological need.24.By dint of sheer toughness and real courage, the expeditions lived through the jungle difficulties and dangers.25.“Could I imDosi ou you for a little help with this letter? I dont quite know the best way to phrase it without causi

8、ng offense.26.Racial discrimination and injustice are ubiquitous and deeply ingrained in this country.27.Compared with modern satellite dishes, ordinary TV aerials look positively antiquated.28.Common sense and creativity are some of the intangible were looking for in an employee.29.His parents had

9、settled in the crowded ghettoes of the big city, surrounded by desperate poverty and anarchic violence.30.The Prime Minister had an in-depth exchange of views and reached broad agreement with his European counterparts on questions of protecting environment for human survival and combating internatio

10、nal crimes-Unite 3 (P65)31.Graduates who intend to get on in state system have, in their own interests, to conform 一致 to the rules and take the additional one-year course that is provided for them.32.Do you think that Joy will get the award for this years best fashion designer? She is hard working a

11、nd able, but no genius.33.The new fashion soon lost its appeal, awaiting the next cycle.34.Her pulse started Ihrobbing when she saw there were books scattered over the carpet and a bowl of roses was overturned.35.It was a large house containing a spacious sitting-room, four separate bedrooms and a c

12、ommunal kitchen.36.The big Yorkshire combine, John Smiths Tadcaster brewery, was reported to merge with Warwick and Richardson, the brewers of Newark, Notts-37.The increasing tempo of the new economic world could no longer afford to disperse (分开) with mechanics, hydrostatics, optics, navigation, etc

13、.38.This is an ambitious scheme (阴谋)to raise such a big sum of money in such a short time.39.His reluctance to admit the failure outraged (激怒) public opinion.40.In some ways it will be a testing occasion for him, although some think his position unassailable simply because there is no one else in si

14、ght to supplant him.41.Rome was not built in a day: strongholds of tradition reinforced by stubborn religious conviction, often biased and prejudiced, could not be broken down in a moment.42.All the publicity stunts in an advertising campaign were contrived to promote the sales of the products.43.Wh

15、en truth is mingled with falsehood, truth is no longer taken as truth.44.Equally important have been the Hobhouse journals, a vast mass of material partly in the British Museum , partly in the possession of the Hobhouse family in Somerset.45.Well prepared and confident ,Tim appeared unabashed by all

16、 the media attention.46.The impact of computer has been likened to that of the printing press.47.The 16th century decorative style is weird in that parts of human, animal, and plant forms are distorted and mixed.48.He was reputed to be the real writer of the two epic poems.49.The tyrannical ruling a

17、nd heavy taxation nourish strong resentment from the oppressed.50.During the presidential election campaign, strategies and oratory are both crucial for public debates.5L The spreading scandalous rumors severely undermined his reputation as a fierce warrior and trustful leader.52.Mrs.Robin was drive

18、n almost insane by the inconsolable grief at her husbands sudden death.53.The ancient epic written by the anonymous writer glorified the heros deeds in battle.54.She seemed to be obsessed with irrational fear that someone was plotting to murder her.55.A profound frightful stillness spread over the c

19、ity .Suddenly grotesque shrieks were heard in the darkness.Unite 4 (P91)56.Some contemporary musicians deliberately use dissonance to achieve certain effects.57.The workers5 demand for higher wages was a catalyst which led to important social changes.58- In a poem, cadences are arranged in regular s

20、equence.59.His earthy sense of humor often embarrassed the ladies in his audience.60.In order to create vivid characters in his novel, a writer has to draw upon his imagination and experience.61.The unskilled eye of the layman has difficulty in discerning (剪辛另U) the nuance of color in the paintings.

21、62.He would sit at the piano and improvise for hours in themes from Bach and Handel.63.It was undeniable that this invention heralded (预示着 的到来)the age of the computer.64.As one of the greatest soloists 独奏者 in the world, Callas had an astonishing vocal range (音域).65.In terms of stellar distances a jo

22、urney from the earth to the moon would appear very short.66.The advertising of cigarette and tobacco is as insidious as it is dishonest because the advertisements on display always depict virile (有男子汉气概的),clean-shaven young men and suggest it is manly to smoke, even positively healthy.67 Despite his

23、 great commercial success he still yearn for critical approval.68.Several attempts to arrange a protest 抗议 march failed to gather momentum (势头能量)69.It is believed that credit is the lifeblood 命脉 of the consumer society.70.Flighty women can not be relied on because they often have volatile 反复无常的 disp

24、ositions.71.Autism 孤独症 is a total lack of language, a pervasive 普 遍的 lack of responsiveness to people, and peculiar speech patterns.72.Brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram; you are charged for every word.73.Theres no use wailing 哭泣 over mistakes made in the past. You should plu

25、ck up courage to face the problems.74.He failed the exam because none of his answers were pertinent 相关的 to the questions asked.75.Nothing he says is spontaneous 自 发的;he always thinks carefully before he speaks.76.Steel is highly resilient 有弹力的 and therefore is used in the manufacture of springs-77.W

26、e can meld our two small businesses into a larger one for further development.78.In his farewell performance, the famous musician played a piano sonata of his own composition.79.You can not deny the fact his business skill comDlements 补充 her flair for design.80.The crude typewriter on display in thi

27、s museum is the prototype of the elaborate machines in use today.81.Her feeling of exuberance was so contagious that all the other patients were soon smiling or laughing.82.This riot is only one manifestation of peoples discontent. It is imperative(迫切的)that the government should take actions to impr

28、ove their working style.83.Bessies mind was not quite in tune with the profundities of that learned journal.84.The funeral was interrupted by a burst of gunfire as the priest intoned the liturgy for the latest victim of the fighting.85.The way the police treated him was akin to the worst sort of tor

29、ture.Unite 6 (P143)86.There is a (an) analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels.87.The wounded soldier fell back in the river, and his blood mingled with its waters.88.I cant help closing my eyes when I see a bright light; its s reflex.89.All attempts at rationalization

30、at this time are doomed to failure; tempers and emotions run too high for intelligent thought to prevail.90- The report is vitiated by continual spelling mistakes.91.They could perfectly well defend this suit, or in good faith try to.92.The skiers were in imminent danger as the snow started its star

31、ted its pitch forward, reaching avalanche proportions.93.By inadvertence, he omitted two questions on the examination.94.It was a (an) audacious stunt to throw a tightrope line between the two skyscrapers and walk across the line.95 What you have said is an instance of pedantry and reveals an unfami

32、liarity with the realities of life.96.At the last election he abstained from the vote because he was discontented with the existing social system.97.These recurrent attacks disturbed us and we consulted a physician.98.One of the salient features of that newspaper is its excellent editorial page.99.The journalist on the “Daily Telegraph” gave a pedestrian description of events that were actually very exciting.100.1 do not feel that your limited resources will per

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