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1、雅思阅读之是非完成句子和图表题雅思阅读之完成句子题题型要求:每个题目都是一个陈述句,但留有一个到两个空格,要求根据原文填空。例题1:The international community has begun to demand 绝大部分题目有字数要求,要严格按照字数要求答题 少部分题目无字数要求的,一般不会超过4个字 与简答题很类似。解题步骤: 关键词,定位。 阅读,理解,确定答案。 顺序性NOTICE1. 所填答案必须符合语法。2. 绝大部分的答案来自原文原词。3. 答案字数不会很长。若发现找到的答案字数很多,首先应怀疑自己找错答案的位置。例题2:原文:In addition to basi

2、c residence fees, most universities make minor additional charges for items such as registration fees, damage deposits, and power charges.题目:As well as the basic college residence fees, additional charges are usually made, but are describes as_有的同学可能会答registration fees, damage deposits, and power ch

3、arges,因为字数太多,所以应首先怀疑是错误的。正确答案应为minor。即附加费用被描述为是少量的,微不足道的。4. 要特别注意顺序性。由于这种题型的定位比较难,所以要特别注意顺序性的运用。一道题若找了很长时间,很多段落也没有找到答案,可能是因为题目中的关键词和原文中的相应词对应不明显,答案位置已经过去了,可以先做下一题。 这种题型比较难,难定位,所以通常出现为一篇文章的第二种或第三种题型。它与前面的题型也构成顺序性,即这种题型第一题的答案位置绝大部分应在前一种题型的最后一题的答案位置之后。P138例题3:1 “It is better to give than to receive”; “

4、Never look a gift horse in the mouth”; Beware of Greeks (ancient, of course) bearing gifts. Gifts are a fundamental element of culture and our lives as social creatures. They are also an important part of our business relationships.2 There are occasions when giving a gift surpasses spoken communicat

5、ion, since the message it offers can cut through barriers of language and cultural diversity. Present a simple gift to your host in a foreign country and the chances are he or she will understand you perfectly, though you may not understand a single word of each others language. It can convey a weal

6、th of meaning about your appreciations of their hospitality and the importance you place upon the relationship. Combine the act of giving with some knowledge of and sensitivity to the culture of the recipient and you have an invaluable chance to earn respect and lay the foundations of a durable and

7、mutually beneficial business relationship.3 For all countries, take account of climate, especially in regard to clothing. Some gifts can be ruined by extremely hot or humid climates, possibly causing their receiver considerable anguish. Consider the kinds of products that are abundant in the country

8、 concerned and try for something that is uncommon there. Think about the level of language skills: a book with hundreds of pages of English text may be at best useless, at worst embarrassing, to a person with limited English. Inform yourself as much as possible about local customs, rules and etiquet

9、te, especially to do with wrapping, presenting, superstitions迷信, taboos禁忌 and, importantly, customs and quarantine隔离,检疫 regulations. The following is a brief account of the etiquette礼仪 of gift-giving in some countries of Asia and the Middle East.Questions 1-4Statements 1-4 are based on the Reading P

10、assage above. Complete the statements by using ONE word from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in the spaces numbered 1-4 on the answer sheet.1 Differences in culture and _can be overcome by gifts.2 Overseas visitors are advised to give gifts to their_3 _should be considered wh

11、en giving gifts such as thick clothing.4 To present a gift of chocolates in a tropical country might create_练习:1. Climate change is a legitimate worry. Although still riddled with uncertainties, the science of climate change is becoming firmer: put too much carbon in the atmosphere and you might end

12、 up cooking the earth, with possibly catastrophic results. But here again, switching immediately to nuclear power is not the best response. Cutting the hefty subsidies that go to the worlds coal producers would help tilt the worlds energy balance towards natural gas, which gives off much less carbon

13、 dioxide. Developing countries subsidise electricity prices to the tune of up to $120 billion a year, according to World Bank estimates. If prices reflected the true costs of generation, electricity demand would fall, thus cutting greenhouse emissions.2. Once the tough job of cutting subsidies is ov

14、er, governments might want to reduce greenhouse gases further. Again there are carbon-free energies that merit more subsidies than nuclear. The costs of many renewable technologies, such as solar and wind power, have fallen dramatically in recent decades.3. Moreover, supporting nuclear power to ward

15、 off climate change means s one environmental risk for another. Voters in many countries fear radiation like the plague. The risks of nuclear accidents may be tiny, but when they happen they can be catastrophic. Renewables are not without their environmental disadvantages (wind turbines, for example

16、, can be unsightly on hilltops), but are much cleaner than nuclear. The billions rich countries each year pump into nuclear research would be better spent on renewable instead.4. Having been invented, nuclear powers will not disappear. The nuclear industry still has a job to do, running existing nuc

17、lear plants to the end of their lives as cheaply and safely as possible. For now, the case for nuclear power is full of holes. Asia should resist the temptation to throw its money into them.Questions 1-5 Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. complete the following statements. Write your answers in boxes 1

18、-5 on your answer sheet.1. Two carbon-free forms of energy are . . . and . . .2. The main environmental risk attached to nuclear power is . . .3. One disadvantage of . . . is that they spoil the landscape4. Money presently used for nuclear research could be better spent on . . .5. The nuclear indust

19、ry should operate nuclear power plants . . .雅思阅读之填图表题题型要求: 题目中有一个图表或表格,其中一些信息已经给出,一些信息缺失,要求按照文章意思填空。一般没有选项可以选择。 题型一般分类有:1) 时间,事件及人物。图表中是原文中的一些事件及其发生时间和涉及人物,给出一些已知信息,要求填其余的。时间往往只涉及年代不会涉及到具体日期。要求填涉及的事件,往往答案要填动名词或名词形式,即要将文中的动词改写。例题4:时间1地点1?事件1时间2?人物2?地点3人物3事件32) 数字及排位。这时要分清楚要求填的是具体的数字还是相应的排位。题目要求中一般用ra

20、nk一词表示排位也可以看题目所给的例子。3) 物体的构成及功能。文章的某一段提到了一个物体,讲述了它的构造和各部分的功能。题目是该物体的简图,给出一些部分的名称及功能,要求填其余部件的名称及功能。所填信息常集中于原文中的一个段落。4) 流程图。文章的某一段提到了做一件事情的过程,题目以流程图的形式描述这个过程,要求填其中几个环节的内容。5) 抽象名词。图表中常常是文章中提到的一些事物,根据图表关系填空,通常是分类关系。所填信息集中于原文中的一个段落。6) 题目类型较多,所填内容五花八门,但一般较容易,有的定位容易,或集中出现在一部分文章中。解题步骤: 关键词。若涉及时间数字的,他们肯定是关键词

21、;若无,则根据题目的意思,在已知的信息中确定关键词。 定位,阅读,确定答案。 顺序性。NOTICE1. 注意题目要求字数。2. 绝大部分答案是原文原词。3. 一般比较简单,注意快速答题。4. 注意大小写、单复数和数字的单位(如有例词,要保持一致)P141例题5:Poor selection decisions are expensive. For example, the costs of training a policeman are about 20,000(approx. US 30,000). The costs of employing an unsuitable technici

22、an on an oil rig or in a nuclear plant could, in an emergency, result in millions of pounds of damage or loss of life. The disharmony of a poor person-environment fit (PE-fit) is likely to result in low job satisfaction, lack of organizational commitment and employee stress, which affect organizatio

23、nal outcomes i.e. productivity, high labour turnover and absenteeism, and individual outcomes i.e. physical, psychological and mental well-being.Question 1-3Complete the notes below with words taken from the paragraph above. Use NO MORE THAN ONE or TWO WORDS for each answer.原文题目ProductivityLow produ

24、ction ratesHigh labour turnover翻覆,成交量,营业额High rates of staff changePhysicalPoor healthP151例题6:1 There are technical limitations to the amount of paper which can be recycled and some paper products cannot be collected for re-use. These include paper in the form of books and permanent records, photogr

25、aphic paper and paper which is badly contaminated. The four most common sources of paper for recycling are factories and retail stores which gather large amounts of packaging material in which goods are delivered also offices which have unwanted business documents and computer output paper converter

26、s and printers and lastly households which discard newspapers and packaging material. The paper manufacturer pays a price for the paper and may also incur the collection cost.2 Once collected, the paper has to be sorted by hand by people trained to recognise various types of paper. This is necessary

27、 because some types of paper can only be made from particular kinds of recycled fibre. The sorted paper then has to be repulped or mixed with water and broken down into its individual fibres. This mixture is called stock and may contain a wide variety of contaminating materials particularly if it is

28、 made from mixed waste paper which has had little sorting. Various machinery is used to remove other materials from the stock. After passing through the repulsing process the fibres from printed waste paper are grey in colour because the printing ink has soaked into the individual fibres. This recyc

29、led material can only be used in products where the grey colour does not matter such as cardboard boxes but if the grey colour is not acceptable, the fibres must be de-inked. This involves adding chemicals such as caustic soda or other alkalis, soaps and detergents, water-hardening agents such as ca

30、lcium chloride, frothing agents and bleaching agents. Before the recycled fibres can be made into paper they must be refined or treated in such a way that they bond together.Questions 1-5Look at paragraphs above and using the information in the passage, complete the flow chart below. Write your answ

31、ers in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet. Use ONE OR TWO WORDS for each answer.Waste paper collected from:Factories Retail stores The paper is then (1)_ (2)_Paper converters and printersHouseholds and (3)_ by adding waterThe fibres are then Fibres are(4)_,when chemicals are (5)_ added.雅思阅读之TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN题型要求: 题目是若干个陈述句,要求根据原文所给的信息,判断每个陈述句是对,错还是未提及。这种题型的难度在于,在对和错之外还有第三种状态:未提及。很多同学难以区分“错”和“未提及”。 实际上,这种题型本身有一定缺陷,即不严密。有些题目很难自圆其说。但大多数题目还是有规律可循的。这种题目只是语言的理解类题目,决不是逻辑分析类题目。千万不要遇到它就马上紧张起来,将原文和题目一个字一个字的对比。这样做的结果肯定是错题。这里我们来举一个典型的列子:原文:某君是个男人。题目1:某君不是个女人。题目2:某君是个女人。题目3:某君是个老师。分析:原文的意

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