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1、雅思阅读中的复杂句句型结构分析雅思阅读中的复杂句句型结构分析 雅思阅读中的复杂句句型结构分析讲解了雅思阅读中出现的复杂句的结构和内容的分析方法。对于这些复杂句的分析,关键在于理解它们内部的特殊部分。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读中的复杂句句型结构分析雅思阅读中的复杂句句型结构分析为你带来出现在雅思阅读中的复杂句的句型结构分析。雅思阅读的难点之一就是对于复杂句的理解和分析。我们应该怎样分析这些复杂句呢?在遇到它们的时候应该怎样解析句子的逻辑和表达的含义呢?下文将这些复杂句拆分成不同部分,按照每一个组成部分进行解说。雅思的阅读部分有大量句型结构复杂、难以理解和把握的复杂句或难句。一般来说

2、,这些句子有以下特点:一、句子冗长,大多数句子由20个以上单词组成,很多句子超过40个单词二、结构复杂,频繁使用并列复合句、多重复合句等复杂句式三、大多是阅读考试的出题点,在阅读试题中常常有所涉及我们可以从简单句开始分析语法简单句对于难度较大的简单句,阅读的基本方法是确定句子的主、谓、宾,找出句子的主干,忽略其他的成分,将长句变成短句,将句型结构复杂的句子变成句型结构简单的句子。例1:It involves probing for deeply rooted concerns, devising creative solutions, and making trade-offs and com

3、promises where interest are opposed.分析:句子的主语是it, 谓语是involves,三个动名词短语probing for deeply rooted concerns、devising creative solutions和making trade-offs and compromises作宾语。意思是说:它涉及了探究深层次的关注、想出更有创意的解决方案以及当利益发生冲突的时候,做出交易和妥协。例2:Automated techniques to measure these characteristics and verify a persons iden

4、tity infallibly are attracting widespread attention in these days of increased use of credit cards and e-mail.分析:该句主语是automated techniques, 谓语是attract,宾语是attention, in these days of increased use of credit cards and e-mail在句子里起时间状语的作用。意思是说:在信用卡和电子邮件越来越多地被使用的今天,用来测量这些特性和确认人的身份的自动技术吸引了广泛的关注。并列句如果句子包含两

5、个或更多互不依从的主谓结构,就是并列句。并列句中的分句通常用一个并列连词来连接,最常见的并列连词有and,or 和but。最简单的方法就是将句子从并列连词处断开,将并列句变成两个或若干个相对短的句子,然后再用处理简单句的方法抓句子主干,来依次处理每个相对短的句子。例:Government has encouraged waste paper collecton and sorting schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies th

6、at have paved the way for even greater utilization of used fibre.分析:这个复合句可以从and处将句子分成两个相对较短的句子:and前面是一个简单句;and后面的句子有一个由that引导的定语从句,充当new recycling technologies的定语。意思是:政府鼓励了废纸的回收和分类计划,同时造纸工业也通过开发新的回收技术作出了反应,这个回收技术为更大程度地利用已经使用过的纤维铺平了道路。插入语结构插入语一般是对句子的某个成分的解释或补充说明,前后有逗号与其他句子成分分开,比较容易识别。处理插入语的基本办法是先略去不读

7、,直接跳过两个逗号之间的内容,使插入语结构前后意思顺畅。例句1:To casual observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless.分析:该句中,as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners充当插入语,阅读句子时,可以先忽略这部分。意思是说:对不经意看到的人和有影响力的自然科学家、区域规划者来说,亚马逊地区

8、的繁茂的森林似乎是永恒的。例句2:Over 120 years ago, the English botanist J.D. Hooker, writing of Australian edible plants, suggested that many of them were eatable but not worth eating.分析:此句中,两个逗号之间的内容即writing of Australian edible plants, 充当插入语。意思是说:120多年前,在写到澳大利亚可食用的植物时,英国植物学家J.D.Hooker就指出它们当中有很多可食用的,但却不值得食用。倒装结构

9、在英语当中,主语和谓语有两种顺序:一种和汉语一致,即主语在前;另外一种顺序是谓语在主语前面,即倒装。阅读中一般会出现以not only等否定连词和never,seldom rarely, hardly等否定副词引导的倒装句。理解倒装句,就要把它转换成普通语句,把倒装语序还原为自然语序,在自然语序下理解句子。例句1:In a dispute, not only do the interests of one party not coincide with those of the other party, but they are in conflict.分析:该句中,not only.but

10、also.引导了倒装句,把其中的句子换成正常语序就是:the interests of one party do not coincide with those of the other party.整句的意思是:在一个争论中,不仅一方的利益和另外一方不一致,而且它们是相互矛盾的。例句2:Hardly had we arrived in Shanghai when it began to snow.分析:此句是由hardly.when引导出了倒装,意思是:我们一到上海天就开始下雪。以上就是雅思阅读中的复杂句句型结构分析的全部内容。文中就这些复杂句当中的一些特殊结构进行的专门的讲解,基本上来说,

11、如果能理解这些特殊结构的逻辑和意义,这个复杂句也就迎刃而解。如果还不知道怎样去分析复杂句的同学,不妨同分析这些特殊结构入手。雅思阅读中的思维转换:熟练度是根本问:Hi Jennie,我的一个英语很好的朋友曾经跟我说,依我现在的水平,在做雅思阅读时可以不用转到中文,直接用英语去理解原文。我尝试过,简单的*或句子我完全可以直接理解,不用在大脑中再用中文中转一下,但遇到长难句,必须得用中文中转,否则肯定晕。想请您推荐比较适合的一种阅读方式。当阅读速度越来越快时,是否就自然而然的进入到了无中文思维状态了?老师:短句子容易懂是因为你熟,长句子不容易懂是因为你不熟,所有的问题归根结底就这个原因而已。当然,

12、阅读时的好习惯,例如我们在课上说过的克服指读、唇读和心读等耗费时间的做法会有一定帮助,此外就是要熟悉英语长难句的结构和构成方法。再长的句子也无非是由若干短句子拼接而成的,只要明白了这个道理,在阅读长难句的时候有意识地寻找这些连接处,主动地把它们分解还原成短小的句子,习惯以后,阅读速度自然而然地就会上去了。英语长难句的构成主要来自于两个渠道:连接和从句,认出了连接词和从句的线索,再长的句子我们也就都不会害怕了。值得注意的是,刚开始练习的时候,其实不必过于追求速度,先扎实地理解了每一个长句子构成的原理,在理解的基础上再提高速度才是王道。雅思考试阅读材料精选Tide PowerThe inventi

13、on of writing and in particular of alphabetic writing拼音文字 marked a milestone in cultural development. It provided humanity人类 with a new means of communication that literally确切地 inscribed雕刻 in stone the spoken word. Communication could now span跨越 both space and time. Space, because writing could be s

14、ent from one place to another. Time, because writing could preserve the words for generations to comePSince the art of writing was discovered, nearly every form of writing material has been used. Some were intended to ensure permanence 永久while others were simple and inexpensive but temporary暂时的. Fro

15、m the wax notepad记事本 of the schoolboy to the grand重要的 inscriptions 碑铭 on monuments纪念碑, almost everything we know about antiquity古代 is derived from源自于 writings such as those written on animal hide/s兽皮and minerals.LStone was mainly used for writing on permanent monuments and public buildings. The writ

16、ing on stone usually requires the use of hammer锤子 and chisel凿子. The most comfortable, accurate and hence productive多产的 manner 方式 of carving雕刻stone inscriptions题字 is to hold the chisel in one hand and hit it with the hammer held in the other hand. Although this sounds like too simple an explanation,

17、one must consider that as most people are right handed then there would be a tendency倾向 to cut the letters from right to left. Therefore, we find that the flow of ancient Semitic闪族人 languages such as Hebrew希伯来人 and Arabic阿拉伯的 run from right to left. Stone is one of the oldest forms of writing materi

18、al.Sheets of metal金属片 were rarely used for writing or are rarely found. For one, they were expensive to manufacture制造 and secondly, the metal was often re-smelted 冶炼 for use as weapons in times of war, so few sheets remain. Royal houses sometimes used silver or gold and examples of writing on gold h

19、as been excavated挖掘 from the Second Temple 神殿period in Jerusalem耶路撒冷/以色列的首都. More commonly, bronze青铜 tablets牌匾and copper sheets铜片 were used to provide semi-permanence永久 and could be stored more easily than cumbersome 讨厌的/笨重的rock. Archaeologists have discovered row upon row of bronze tablets from anc

20、ient Roman archives档案/公文 that contain details about treaties条约/谈判 and decrees法令.As written forms of language slowly developed the materials upon which the text was applied also changed to become more user friendly. Early writing materials consisted of stone, metal sheets, wooden boards木板, wax tablet

21、s and ostraca陶片. All of these materials are rigid刚硬的 and rather primitive原始的 in kind. As the need for better communication and recording occurred so too developed better forms of writing materials.Clay tablets are probably the invention of the Sumerians苏美尔人 of southern Babylonia. The use of soft cla

22、y tablets was popular right up until the Christian Era基督纪元. Use of clay tablets became widespread 分布广泛的/普遍的and was the general means of written communication throughout Mesopotamia美索不达米亚/现伊拉克境内 and the entire ancient East.The system of use involved two parts: was fashioned as a letter and formed the

23、 inner core of the communication. Shrouding覆盖 the inner tablet was a folded clay envelope that completely enclosed 装入/围绕 the inner tablet. The message to be sent was first written on the smaller, inner tablet, while the clay was soft using a thin, sharpened tool to inscribe记下 wedge-shaped楔形的 cuneifo

24、rm letters楔形文字that comprised组成 the text. This tablet was then fired to harden it and make the message permanent.It was then wrapped包装 in a thin sheet of clay that was folded around the main message like a modern envelope信封. This was inscribed with the name of the recipient接受者, the contents of the in

25、ner tablet and the name (and possibly the seal封印) of the author.tablets have been excavated by the thousand, from archaeological sites all over the East. There are at least one million tablets held and displayed in various museums throughout the world.|WThe envelope system provided privacy隐私 to the writer and if the seal had not been broken, the recipient 接受者would know that no one had read his mail邮件.雅思阅读中的复杂句句型结构分析

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