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外研版高中英语必修二备课Module 2 No Drugs单元教案.docx

1、外研版高中英语必修二备课Module 2 No Drugs单元教案Module 2 No drugs一、教材分析本课时所教的是外研版高一上学期使用的必修Module2中的Listeningandvocabulary和speaking部分的内容,是本模块的第三课时。要求通过听的活动了解和学习有关吸毒和犯罪的词汇,培养表达结果,作总结逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力。Speaking讨论抽烟带来的危害,为了与听力部分的内容衔接,我对Speaking中的话题作个修改,把讨论吸烟的危害改编成毒品的危害。在这节听说课之前,学生学习了Reading and vocabulary,通过阅读文章,已经掌握了部分抽

2、烟、吸毒及其危害的词汇,本课时由复习旧课入手,引入新课的新词汇,并以听说为主线,对吸毒这一主题进行延伸和拓展。二、教学目标本模块是通过学习表达吸毒及其危害的词语和其它语言形式,养成优良生活习惯,教育学生关爱社会,关爱他人,远离毒品。三、语言知识目标:1、词汇有:burglary, connection, crime, criminal, illegal, ratio, shoplifting,treatment 2、语言技能目标:听懂有关吸毒及其危害的话语并获取信息,学会抓住关键意见,进行summarizing,并用英语讨论,表达吸毒的危害。3、情感目标:提高自我保护意识,养成优良生活习惯,爱

3、护生命,远离毒品。4、学习策略方面:通过组织学生预测问题、听辩问题,培养抓住和辨别信息要点的能力。通过拓展讨论问题,培养学生独立思考,自主学习的能力。以individual work, pair work, group work等形式加强合作学习,从网上或其它媒体了解吸毒危害,学会分析、归纳。文化意识方面:通过听、说,还有一些补充材料加强学生为毒品危害的认识,提高自我保护意识。Period 1 Introduction; Speaking; Writing一.确定目标1.学习与吸烟相关的单词2.了解吸烟的危害3.坚强禁止吸烟的态度,维护公共康健二.基础自学1翻译bronchitis _ can

4、cer _ cigarette _heart disease _ injured _ tobacco_在20世纪90年代_由于_prematurely _2.Do the following exercises.(1)._ means the end of life.(2).When someone stops living, he _.(3).People smoke things like _ and _.(4).Smoking can cause illnesses like _, _ and _.(5).When you get hurt, you are _.三.情景解疑Explai

5、n some language points1.During the 1990s, 21 million people died as a result of smoking a result of because of + n. pron. v-ing因为,由于由于大意驾驶的结果,他最后被送进了医院.He ended up in hospital as a result of his careless a result表示结果; as a result of表示前面的原因.There was a terrible accident, _ ,

6、I was late for school.Many people died _ smoking.2. Thirteen people die every hour from illnesses related to smoking tobacco, suchas cancer, bronchitis and heart disease.die of (内因) cold, hunger, sadness, cancer, old age, thirstdie from(外因) wound, lack of food, accident, smokingrelate vt.联系relate A

7、to with B将联系起来be related to = be connected with与有联系The matter _ your career can not be taken for granted.A. relates to B. related to C. connects D. connected四合作探究小组活动,讨论人们吸烟的原因及其造成的危害。五巩固检测Write a reply to Paul about smoking in China.六学习收获Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary一.确定目标1.学习一些介绍抽烟、吸毒及其危害性的词语2.培

8、养联想、理解、前后联系能力和逻辑分析能力3.坚强抵制毒品的信念二.基础自学blood pressure _ break into _ cannabis _crack cocaine _ drug addict_ drug dealer_heart attack_ heart rate_ immediately_increase_ inject _ needle_powerful_ reduce_非常痛苦_处于危险中_对成瘾_附近的_采纳某人的建议_三.情景解疑1.dangern.危险;风险eg. In war, a soldier“s life is full of danger.在战争中,士

9、兵的生命填塞了危险。in danger处于危险中out of danger脱险eg. She fell into a river and was in danger.她跌入河中,处于危险之中。构词辨析:danger n.危险;危险的人或物dangerous adj.危险的dangerously ad.危险地endanger vt.危及;危害;使遭到危险Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1)The tiger in the mountain is a danger to villagers.2)He is in danger of lo

10、sing his job.3)The river is dangerous for swimmers.2. I used to be a drug addict.我曾经是个瘾君子。used to be:过去曾经是used to do sth:过去常常做某事(现在不做了)eg. He used to tell lies.他过去常常撒谎。(现在不撒谎了)She used to be an attractive lady.她曾经是位迷人的女郎。(现在不是了)be/ get used to sth/ doing sth习惯做某事be used to do sth/ for doing sth被用来做某

11、事eg.She is not used to the food in this country.她不习惯这个国家的食物。Are you used to living here?你习惯住在这吗?This piece of wood can be used to make a small table/for making a small table.这块木头可被用来做个小桌子。Complete the following sentences.1) He has _ _ _(习惯)the country life.2) We _ _ _(过去曾是)good friends.3) Bob _ _ _(

12、过去常玩)computer games.4) My car _ _(被用做)for working.addictn.上瘾的人;vt使上瘾addictionn.上瘾;沉溺(对.上瘾,用to. )eg. I believe you can overcome your addiction to drugs.我相信你能克服毒瘾。构词解析:addictive adj.使人上瘾的addicted adj. (to) (对. )上瘾Complete the following sentences5)Coffee is _ (使人上瘾的) in a mild way.6)He is a heroin _ (上

13、瘾者).7)Its hard to overcome the _ _ alcohol.3.The next day, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder.break into破门而入break down停止运转,崩溃,瓦解,(身体)跨掉,分成几部分break up解散,击碎,打碎,结束break out(战争火灾)爆发break off中断,停止1)To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _ into parts.A.

14、down B.up D.out2)The police had to employ force to _ the crowd.A.break B.break off C.break up D.break down四.合作探究小组活动,讨论下面问题。1. the dangers of using drugs (to drug addicts, family and society)2. attitude to them3. reasons for them to become drug addicts4. measures to take五.巩固检测复述Adam Rouse的故事.你

15、可能用到以下这些关键词:drugaddict,drugdealer,crackcocaine,breakinto,beaddictedto, thepolicestation, take the doctors advice六.学习收获Period 3 Grammar1; Grammar2; Function一.确定目标1.了解so和such的区别,并能确凿运用2.学习动词不定式作目的状语3.学习表示结果的方法二.基础自学Read the following sentences. Pay more attention to the words in bold.1.ThedoctortoldAd

16、amthathecoulddieifhedidntstoptakingcrackcocaine,soAdam took the doctors advice and stoppedimmediately2.About 21 million people died during the 1990sas a result ofsmoking3.As a result,cocaine users sometimes have heart attacks试着总结so, as a result和as a result of的用法三.情景解疑不定式作目的状语The lady got lost. She s

17、topped to ask the way.1.单独的不定式作状语:I stayed there to see what would happen.2.有时为了强调,不定式前可加in order或so as。eg. Bob took down my telephone number so as / in order to remember it.有时为强调目的状语可把in order to或不定式置于句首,但so as to不能这样用。例如:He got up very early in order to/so as to catch the first bus.In order to cat

18、ch the bus, he got up early.(此时不能用so as to)in order to和so as to的否定形式是在to的前面加notin order to /so as to不定式部分可转换为so that, in order that,成为目的状语从句。如:We should work hard in order that (so that) we can pass the exam.为了能通过考试,我们应该努力学习。Do the following exercise.1) People must eat _ live.人们必须吃饭才能生活。2)_ get home

19、 on time, he didnt rest on his way .为了能够准时回到家,他在路上都没有休息。3) Speak clearly _everybody can understand you .请说清晰点,这样每个人都能明白你。四.合作探究讨论并总结so和such的用法1.Taking drugs isso dangerous!2.They are behavingso badly!3.Some people feelso nervous thatthey call the police.5.It wassuch a dangerous drug thathe nearly di

20、ed6.It wassuch loud music thatwe couldnt hear ourselves speak.7.Adam wassuch an unhappy boy.8.Adam wasso unhappy a boy.注意:名词前如果有many, much, few, little(少)修饰时,要用so.There was so little food left that we had to starve the next day.只有这么一点食物,我们第二天不得不挨饿了。五.巩固检测1. The teacher told him to speak louder _ by

21、everyone.A. so as to be heard B. so as to hearC. in order that heard D. in order to hear2. It is_ difficult for us to do_ much work. We need more hands.A. so; such B. so; soC. such; so D. such; such3. Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report_ her boss could readit first the next morning

22、.A. so that B. because C. before D. or else4. Robert got up early_ catch the early bus to GuangZhou.A. for B. in order thatC. in order toD. so that5. _ late, he set his alarm clock at 5:00 tomorrow morning.A. To beB. So as to beC. In order not to beD. Not in order to6. _ the illness pneumonia, Jacks

23、on couldnt go on teaching.A. As a resultB. As the resultC. As result ofD. As a result of7. _ little water is no enough for _ many people.A.such; so B.So; so C.Such; such D.So; such六.学习收获Period4Listening and Vocabulary; Pronunciation一.确定目标1.了解和学习有关吸毒和犯罪的词汇2.培养逻辑思维能力和获取信息的能力3.学会在句中表达语气和情感二.基础自学activit

24、y_ criminal_illegal_ ratio_burglary_ connection_crime _ estimate _break the law _ treatment_shopping centre _三.情景解疑Listen again and try to fill in the of the intervieweejob of the womannumberofthepeoplewhouseillegaldrugsin Britainnumberofthepeoplewhobreakthelawtopay for drugsnumberofthead

25、dictswhogototreatmentcenters四.合作探究两人活动。朗读一些表达mood或feeling的句子五.巩固检测Do the following exercise.1.Users become a_ to crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it.2.He has tried lots of t_ , but none of them can cure his illness.3.Is there a c_ between smoking and lung cancer?4.The climate _(影响) the a

26、mount of the rainful.5.He has no _(犯罪) record.6.It is _ (不合法)to park a car here.7.Some drug users _(注射)cocaine , others smoke it.六.学习收获Period 5 Cultural Corner一.确定目标1.了解戒烟的方法2.提高阅读能力3.坚强自己远离香烟、毒品的信念二.基础自学Translatedistraction _ smoking triggers_participants_ jogging_组织_呼吸_设定日期_制定计划_列出单子_培养兴趣_上体操课_三.情

27、景解疑1.Participants learn to recognise smoking triggers and they try to set a date inthe future when they stop smoking参与者认清了引起吸烟的诱因,他们设法确定一个将来戒烟的日期。when引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词daterecognise 1)“认出”eg. I recognised headmaster Sun in the photograph.2)“承认,认可,确认recognise sb/sth as承认是,确认是.人们认为汤姆是一个热心肠的人。翻译:2. Whateve

28、r youre doing when you want to smokedo something else!当你想抽烟时,无论你在做什么,停下来去做点别的事。whatever在本句中是连接代词,相当于no matter what,引导让步状语从句。e.g:Whatever you will say, Ill have a try.No matter what you will say , Ill have a try.Do the following exercises.1.设定个日期戒烟吧。_ _ _ on which you are going to stop smoking.2.我必需列

29、个购物清单。I must _ _ _ of things to buy.3.为了不丢掉工作,汤姆对那个无意保持沉默。Tom kept silent about the accident _ _ _ _ lose his job.4.他正在考虑戒烟。He is thinking of_ _ _.5.所有人都承认新政府是他们唯一的政府。All the citizens _ the new government _ their only government.6._ wins on Sunday will get a medal.(不管谁)。四.合作探究总结文中给出的戒烟办法,你认为哪种方法最佳,是否还有其他好的戒烟方法?五.巩固检测假设你的父亲是一名吸烟者,请你写一封信劝其戒烟。Dear father,I a

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