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1、名词性从句基础训练200题名词性从句基础训练200题1. _ well go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where2. I remember _ this used to be a quiet village. A. when B. how C. where D. what3. Its generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D

2、. whenever4. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter5. Go and get your coat. Its _ you left it. A. there B. where C. there where D. where there6. _ we cant get seems better than _ we have. A. What; what B. What; that C. That; that D. That; wha

3、t7. It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning gray. A. while B. if C. that D. for8. -Do you remember _ he came? -Yes, I do. He came by air. A. how B. when C. that D. if9. You may do _ you take interest in. A. that B. which C. whatever D. however10. The old gentleman never fails to help _ is in nee

4、d of his help. A. whom B. who C. whomever D. whoever11. You can depend on _ promise he makes. A. anything that B. which C. whatever D. whose12. _ a plan to deal with it is important. A. What we should work out B. We should work out C. That we should work out D. That what we should work out13. _ disc

5、overed America is well known. A. That who B. Those who C. Who that D. Who14. _ is a good meal and a good rest. A. That you really need B. What are you really need C. That you are really need D. What you really need15. _ shall finish the work before May Day is possible. A. What we B. That we C. Becau

6、se we D. We16. Can you tell me _? A. who is that woman B. who the woman is C. whom is the woman D. that woman is17. The fact _ she works hard is well known to us all. A. that B. what C. why D. which18. The mountain is no longer _ it used to be. A. which B. that C. what D. as19. Jack said _ to meet t

7、he American friends. A. which he pleased B. he is pleased C. that he was pleased D. what he was pleased20. Lei Feng was always thinking of _ he could help others. A. that B. how C. whom D. which21. I have not found my bike yet, in fact, Im not sure _ I could have done with it. A. whether B. where C.

8、 how D. what22. Can you tell me _ exercise is the easiest? A. what B. if C. which D. that23. -Doesnt Helen live on this street? -No, this is _ Leon lives. A. which B. where C. who D. that24. The question is _ you should do next. A. what B. that C. how D. why25. I know nothing about her but _ she is

9、from Canada. A. if B. when C. that D. why26. It depends on _ we have enough time. A. if B. if or not C. that D. whether27. _ he doesnt like them is very clear. A. What B. That C. Which D. Where 28. _ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It29. C

10、an you tell me _ the railway station? A. how I can get to B. how can I get to C. where I can get to D. where can I get to30. They want to know _ do to help us. A. what can they B. how they can C. what they can D. how can they31. These photographs will show you _. A. what does our village look like B

11、. what our village looks like C. how does our village look like D. how our village looks like32. Can you make sure _ the gold ring? A. where Alice has put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice had put D. where had Alice put33. George _ he could get his best, but he did not have enough time to study.

12、 A. knew when B. knew where C. knew how D. knew what34. _ he is a rich man is known to all in the city. A. Because B. That C. / D. Who35. The reason why he has been such a success _ he never gives up. A. is B. is because C. is that D. is what36. Sophia said _ Alice would like to marry a tall man. A.

13、 if B. whether C. how D. that37. Difficulty lies _ we have no money. A. that B. in that C. in the fact D. in the fact that38. I dont think the question of _ they are old or young is important. A. which B. whether C. how D. why39. _ the 2016 Olympic Games will be held in the city is not known yet. A.

14、 Whether B. If C. When D. That 40. _ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. A. Anyone B. The person C. Whoever D. Who41._ you may do, you must do it well. A. What B. Where C. Wherever D. Whatever42. The fact _ he was successful proves his ability. A. that B. what C. which D. why43. A mans

15、 worth lies not so much in _ he has as in _ he is. A. that; what B. what; what C. that; that D. what; that44. _ may say so, it is a lie. A. Who B. No matter whoever C. Whoever D. Whatever45. The question he asked was _ the electrical equipment should be stored. A. what B. which C. where D. because46

16、. _ the earth goes round the sun is known to all. A. That B. Whether C. If D. It is47. _ she will come or not doesnt matter too much. A. Whether B. When C. That D. If48. Do _ you think is right. A. that B. which C. what D. where49. _ he was chosen made us very happy. A. What B. That C. Which D. /50.

17、 The problem is _ he will be willing to help us. A. if B. what C. whether D. which51. There is no doubt _ our team will win the game. A. what B. why C. about D. that52. I doubt _ our team will win the game. A. what B. that C. whether D. /53. Im thirsty. _ we need is water. A. All what B. Which C. Al

18、l D. That54. -He was late for school. Whats the reason? -This was _ he got up late. A. how B. that C. why D. because55. This is _ they want for the experiment. A. what B. how C. which D. because56. _ troubling me is _ I dont have experience in this kind of job. A. Whos; what B. All that; which C. Wh

19、ats; that D. Which; when57. _ they succeed or fail is not yet known. A. Whether B. If C. What D. As58. _ we shall spend the night hasnt been decided. A. What B. That C. When D. Where59. They have no idea at all _. A. where he has gone B. which place he has gone C. where has he gone D. where did he g

20、o60. It happened _ they were absent. A. what B. that C. where D. if61. The news _ he was kidnapped surprised us greatly. A. what B. that C. why D. when62. He didnt live up to _ had been expected of him. A. which B. what C. that D. all what63. Could you tell me _ you have bought this fur coat? A. by

21、whom B. to whom C. with whom D. for whom64. Spring is _ the countryside is most beautiful. A. how B. where C. when D. why65. Thats _ I was born. A. where B. place where C. the place D. the place which66. His suggestion _ the meeting be delayed was turned down. A. which B. that C. / D. it67. The fire

22、 destroyed _ was in the building. A. all B. what C. that D. which68. -Whats your problem? -The problem is _ we can get so much money. A. that B. if C. that how D. where69. -The green typewriter is mine. -Do you know whose typewriter _? A. is this blue one B. this blue one C. it is this blue one D. t

23、his blue one is70. Please give the book to _ wins the first prize. A. whom B. who C. whoever D. whomever71. _ is not decided _ we shall put off the meeting. A. It; that B. That; weather C. It; if D. It; whether72. The reason _ nothing on earth is motionless is _ the earth is in constant motion(运动).

24、A. why; that B. that; why C. of; that D. that; because73. _ was a well-known fact. A. That their team was weak B. That their team being weak C. As their team was weak D. Their team as being weak74. When _ our sports meet is still a question. A. shall we have B. do we have C. we shall have D. did we

25、have75. _ plastics can be widely used in industries. A. Finding B. To find C. The finding D. It has been found that76. _ proves that my advice is right. A. It will happen that B. That has happened C. What has happened D. What it happens77. It makes no difference _ you will go today or tomorrow. A. i

26、f B. whether C. that D. either78. All the books are here. You may borrow _ you like. A. which B. that C. what D. whichever79. What a pity _ is _ you didnt arrive by daylight. A. there; because B. it; that C. he; when D. that; for80. He hoped _. A. that Jenny would go with him B. Jenny to go with him

27、 C. Jennys to go with him D. Jenny go with him81. Energy is _ makes things work. A. what B. something C. anything D. that82. Our city has changed a lot, and now it is quite different from _- a few years ago. A. what it used to be B. that it used to be C. which it used to be D. what was it83. -I beli

28、eve _ you have done your best and _ things will improved. -Thank you. A. that; / B. / ; / C. what; that D. /; that84. It was true _ she did delighted every one of us. A. that B. what C. that what D. what which85. We must do _ the Party _ us. A. as; tell B. as; tells C. what; tells D. that; tells86.

29、Which of the following sentences is right? _. A. Is when the meeting will be held decided yet? B. Is it decided when the meeting will be held?C. Is it decided when will the meeting be held? D. Has it decided when the meeting will be held?87. _ his father was? A. What did you suppose B. You supposed

30、what C. What you suppose D. What did you suppose that88. Ask him how much the pen he bought _.A. did it cost B. does it cost C. it costs D. it cost89. What you like is _ I dont like. A. that B. which C. what D. no which 90. _ we need more practice is quite obvious. A. What B. When C. That D. /91. He ran back into the room to se

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