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九年级英语全册《Unit 8 It must belong to Carla》同步练习 新版人教新目标版.docx

1、九年级英语全册Unit 8 It must belong to Carla同步练习 新版人教新目标版Unit 8 It must belong to Carla一、单项选择(共20小题;共20分) 1. - Two hundred yuan for such a T-shirt! You be joking! - Im not joking. Its made of silk. A. cant B. can C. need D. must 2. - I dont really like James. Why did you invite him? - Dont worry. He come.

2、He will be on the plane then. A. mustnt B. neednt C. may not D. cant 3. it be true that Albert passed the test in geography? A. May B. Should C. Could D. Would 4. Eric likes science. He become a scientist when he grows up. Im not sure. A. can B. must C. should D. might 5. They did many things to the

3、 storm from destroying their houses. A. make B. get C. prevent D. take 6. Today, when we use QQ or MSN, we messages across thousands of miles in a few seconds. A. speak and talk B. use and accept C. send and receive D. ask and answer 7. I am greatly interested in this painting. It the painters deep

4、love for nature. A. expresses B. discusses C. expects D. imagines 8. - Must I get up early tomorrow morning? - No, . A. you mustnt B. I dont think you have to C. you cant D. you need 9. - Must I return the hook tomorrow morning? - No, you . You can keep it longer. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. coul

5、dnt10. - May I go out now. Dad? - No. You let your mother know first. A. can B. may C. need D. must11. - Difficulties always go with me! - Cheer up! If God closes a door in front of you, there be a window opened for you. A. would B. must C. could D. can12. - Is that Mr. Green? - Impossible. He has g

6、one to America. It be him. A. could B. must C. cant D. might13. - Wheres David? - He be in the playground because he likes playing basketball. A. will B. could C. cant D. mustnt14. - How nice the building is! What is it for? - It be a hotel. But Im not sure. A. must B. have to C. might D. can15. - I

7、 was from going to Mikes birthday party by the heavy rain. - Really? What a pity! A. caused B. allowed C. ordered D. prevented16. I a strange gift yesterday, and I still dont know who it was from. A. took B. accepted C. received D. bought17. - He has some trouble himself in English. - He should do m

8、ore practice. A. explaining B. expressing C. expecting D. exchanging18. - Can we run across the road now? - No, we . We have to wait until the light turns green. A. neednt B. mustnt C. couldnt D. shouldnt19. - Do we have to finish our homework this afternoon? - Yes, you . A. must B. can C. may D. ne

9、ed20. - Mum, can I finish the work tomorrow? - No, you finish it today. Dont put off todays work till tomorrow. A. may B. can C. might D. must二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共20小题;共20分)21. Is it necessary to a the meeting?22. The watch cost me 1,000 dollars. Its v .23. Helen didnt go to bed until 11:30 last night.

10、She feels s now.24. Obama is the l of America.25. - Why do you come here?- The p of my coming here is to see you.26. The boy is full of e and never feels tired.27. I cant e my feelings, because I am too happy.28. The bed used to be in this p . Now it isnt here.29. The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics is a

11、 v for world sport.30. Who is more h at school? Are you both lazy?31. My father is going to a the meeting in Shanghai next Monday.32. Can you offer me some advice? They will be the most v .33. After lunch, the children are s so they go to bed.34. He is the l of the group. We should listen to him.35.

12、 He went to town with the p of buying a computer.36. She is full of e . She never feels tired.37. We should e our thanks to others when they help us.38. Microsoft has taken the leading p in the world.39. Our teacher led our class to v in this football match.40. He is really h with his study, so he a

13、lways gets the best results.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共20小题;共20分)41. Thanks for (出席) the charity show, ladies and gentlemen!42. They should get (医疗的) help immediately.43. Helping others is the most (有价值的) thing in the world.44. She can (表达) herself in good clear English,45. The (目的) of the meeting is to te

14、ll us to control the population.46. He is (勤奋的) than his brother.47. He took up his (位置) by the door.48. Dont make a (噪音) while we are studying.49. Have you ever (收到) a present that you really hated?50. His father has the ability to be one of the best (领导).51. I promise to (参加) the meeting.52. He ga

15、ve all his money to (医学的) research.53. Its nice of you to provide us with the (有价值的) information.54. The little girl has learned to (表达) herself by email.55. Do you know what the (目的) of this passage is?56. We should be (勤勉的) students and work hard at all our lessons.57. Will you show me the (位置) of

16、 the city on the map?58. She looked round when she heard so much (噪音) behind her.59. Dick r (收到) a lot of presents on his birthday, and felt very excited.60. We need a confident (领导者) to help us deal with these difficulties.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;共20分)61. 这个笔记本一定是明的。它在她的书桌上。 The notebook Mings. It w

17、as on her desk.62. 这支钢笔不可能是刘颖的。她的钢笔是蓝色的。This pen Liu Yings. Her pen is blue.63. 这把吉他也许是爱丽丝的。她弹吉他。 The guitar Alice. She plays the guitar.64. Look! The alien is (追赶) the man.65. 我认为老师不会阻止我在周末玩电脑游戏。I dont think my teacher will computer games at weekends.66. 那个年轻女士一定是在跑步锻炼。The young woman for exercise.

18、67. 这个包不可能是本的,里面的书是比尔的。(仅限2词)The bag Bens. The books in it are Bills.68. 如果你知道它可能在哪儿,请给我打电话。If you have any idea where it , please call me.69. 警察追着那个黑衣人,进了一条小巷。The policemen the man in black a lane.70. 我们必须阻止这件事的发生。We must it happening.五、完形填空(共12小题;共18分) In a small village in Parkville, there is an

19、unlocked(未锁的) shop that has no workers in it. The shop is run(经营) in a telephone box. Lewis Cooke, who provides goods(商品) for the shop, said, Nothing has been stolen 71 it opened. In 1998, the only shop in the village 72 . The villagers had great difficulty in getting goods. To solve this problem, h

20、e 73 to change a telephone box into a shop. In the shop, you 74 find many kinds of goods. Mr. Cooke brings goods to the shop every morning before 7 a.m. He puts 75 the things the shop has in the shop. People can call him if 76 want anything else. The next day, they can go to the phone box to 77 . Mr

21、. Cooke will write down the name of the people who want the goods and put the 78 beside the goods. When the customers come to the shop, they will be able to find their goods 79 . People can either leave 80 or a cheque(支票) for the goods. The phone box isnt locked and people can go there whenever they

22、 want, 81 no one has stolen a thing. This shows how 82 everyone around here is, said Mr. Cooke.71. A. when B. until C. before D. since72. A. opened B. disappeared C. closed D. started73. A. promised B. decided C. refused D. forgot74. A. might B. can C. must D. need75. A. a number of B. a couple of C

23、. a pair of D. a list of76. A. we B. I C. they D. you77. A. try it out B. take it off C. write it down D. pick it up78. A. report B. menu C. paper D. news79. A. easily B. safely C. regularly D. suddenly80. A. messages B. advice C. money D. letters81. A. so B. and C. or D. but82. A. honest B. rude C.

24、 brave D. polite六、阅读理解(共16小题;共32分)A When Linda was cleaning her bookcase, a book fell off from the top. Then Linda remembered that she borrowed(借) the book from her friend Kate two months ago. Linda felt really sorry. Last month, Kate moved to America. What should she do now? Linda thought hard. Cou

25、ld she keep the book and never say anything? Or could she find a way to give back (归还) the book to Kate? Its Kates book. I must give it back to her, Linda thought. So she wrote Kate a letter and sent(寄出) the book with it:Dear Kate, How are you? How is America? Do you have any new friends there? Im v

26、ery sorry that I didnt give back this book to you in time. I hope(希望) you can forgive(原谅) me. I miss you very much.Yours,Linda Two weeks later, Linda got a letter and some books from America. The letter said:Dear Linda, Thank you for the letter and the book. I came here about a month ago and I made

27、some new friends. People here are very friendly. Im sorry for not talking to you. Im very busy. Here are some books about America. I hope you will enjoy them. You dont have to give back these books to me. Miss you!Yours,Kate 83. Why did Linda feel sorry? A. Because she lost Kates book. B. Because Ka

28、te was angry with her. C. Because she could never meet Kate again. D. Because she forgot to give back Kates book.84. How long did Linda keep the book? A. For about two weeks. B. For about one month. C. For about two months. D. For about three months.85. What does the underlined word them refer to (指

29、的是)? A. Americans. B. Letters from Kate. C. Some new friends in America. D. Some books about America.86. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Linda doesnt have time to give back the book. B. Linda hopes to visit America with Kate. C. Kate sent Linda a letter with some books ab

30、out America. D. Kate forgave Linda because she gave back the book.BAt 7:35 p.m. March 28To: The manager Clothes Horse StoreDear Madam/Sir, I am writing to tell you about an annoying experience I have just had in your store. Yesterday morning I bought a shirt from your store. The product was a red shirt, size 12, prize $140. When I returned home and took it out of the bag, the sleeve was almost completely off. I had traveled home in the train with the bag and treated it carefully. I went back to the store in the afternoon to return the shirt and exchange it for another. The shop assistant ref

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