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1、电大春人文英语3练习Listening and Speaking 1理解细节,判断准确信息,Mary的有利条件是什么选择一项或多项:A. Her mother did a lot to help her take care of the children.B. She is satisfied with her four-year marriage.C. She takes care of her children all the time.D. She has two children.E. She loves her kids, but she regrets having babies

2、so early.F. She has less experience with kids.G. Now she has a new job and works hard.The correct answers are: She has two children., She loves her kids, but she regrets having babies so early., She takes care of her children all the time., She is satisfied with her four-year marriage.Listening and

3、Speaking 2根据对话,判断老年人的优势有哪些选择一项或多项:A.You cant do what you used to.B. You understand where you have been.C. Youre glad to be part of the life.D. Now its hard to be as quick as you used to beE. Its a little inconvenient.F. You understand the changes around you.Reading 1This graph shows there has been a

4、 decrease in the number of couples _(生三个或更多孩子).who have three or more children反馈正确答案:who have three or more children题目2完成满分题干If this trend continues, couples will have_(更少的孩子)fewer children反馈正确答案:fewer children题目3完成满分题干Proportion of couples with two children_(保持稳定)from 1986 to 2006.remained steady反馈

5、正确答案:remained steady题目4完成满分标记题目题干From the graph, we can see that the number of women with three or more children_(明显减少)in 1996 compared with that in 1986.decreased dramatically反馈正确答案:decreased dramatically题目5完成满分标记题目题干We can infer that the number of women with a single child will_(将会增长)go up.反馈正确答案:

6、go up.Reading 2When youre managing children, it can be difficult to remember that they are still learning当你管教孩子时,很容易忘记他们仍处在学习阶段。反馈答案:当你管教孩子时,很容易忘记他们仍处在学习阶段。题目2完成满分标记题目题干One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate expectations.你最大的一个纠结就是提醒自己对孩子要有合理的期望。反馈答案:你最大的一个纠结就是提醒自己对孩子要有合理

7、的期望。题目3完成满分标记题目题干It gives both of you time to think and really listen to each other, which is important.给双方时间去思考和认真倾听对方的心声,这是非常重要的。反馈答案:给双方时间去思考和认真倾听对方的心声,这是非常重要的。题目4完成满分标记题目题干Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better youll get at communicating with them.除此之外,你陪伴孩子的时间越长,你就越能更好地和他们沟

8、通。反馈答案:除此之外,你陪伴孩子的时间越长,你就越能更好地和他们沟通。题目5完成满分标记题目题干You cant expect that your youngest acts as responsibly as your oldest.你不应该期望你最小的孩子能和最大的孩子一样做事认真负责。反馈答案:你不应该期望你最小的孩子能和最大的孩子一样做事认真负责。单元2ooListening and Speaking 1略Listening and Speaking 2听文中录音,将问题与回答相匹配选项:A. She feels sad.B. Her grandmother hurt herself

9、. C. His grandfather. D. Being a good listener.E. His grandfather.1.How is Bai Meis weekend回答2.Why is Bai Mei upset回答3.Who did Zhuang Hua use to look after回答4.Whats important when we are looking after the elderly回答5. What can we do when the elderly feels lonely回答reading1根据短文大意判断正误。题目1正确获得分中的分标记题目题干E

10、lderly people always obey the routine structure.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。题目2正确获得分中的分标记题目题干To provide elderly people with better care, we need to know them more.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。题目3正确获得分中的分标记题目题干We neednt respect elderly people when caring them.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。题目4正确获得分中的分标记题目题干Discussion with them can

11、t make elderly people feel needed.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。题目5正确获得分中的分标记题目题干It is necessary for elderly people to make friends选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。Reading2What does GDP stand for选择一项:A. Government document publishing.B. General domestic product.C. Gross domestic product.反馈你的回答正确正确答案是:Gross domestic product.

12、题目2正确获得分中的分标记题目题干What does the word “decreasing” in Para. 2 mean选择一项:A. It means “peaking”.B. It means “falling”.C. It means “rising”.反馈你的回答正确正确答案是:It means “falling”.题目3正确获得分中的分标记题目题干What was Chinas GDP per capita in 2012选择一项:A. It was 1,000 . dollars.B. It was 6,000 . dollars.C. It was 10,000 . do

13、llars.反馈你的回答正确正确答案是:It was 6,000 . dollars.题目4正确获得分中的分标记题目题干Why is Chinas economic foundation for an elderly society fragile选择一项:A. Because when China was classed as an aging society, our GDP per capita is high.B. Because of its increasing aging population and its low GDP per capita.C. Because of it

14、s decreasing aging population and its high GDP per capita.反馈你的回答正确正确答案是:Because of its increasing aging population and its low GDP per capita.Writing请尝试将下列词汇填入合适的位置,将健康问候卡补充完整。enjoy Dear sorry recovery miss回答 Grandpa,I am so回答 that you havent been feeling well. You must hurry and get well! I回答 you v

15、ery much, and hope you回答 the fruits and beautiful flowers I sent to take good care of yourself. I wish you a quick回答单元三Listening and speaking1根据文中内容进行词义匹配。选项:A. a feeling of anxiousnessB. very bad or unpleasantC. a diplomatic building where ambassadors live or workD. circulate or distribute or equip

16、 withE. a statement that represents something in wordsF. relating to a city or town or district1. awful回答2. embassy回答3. issue回答4. description回答5. local回答6. upset回答Listening and speaking2根据文中的对话内容,给出下面单词的具体含义。选项: owned suite of rooms usually on one floor of a house a danger to something around someon

17、es mouth in order to silence him or her structure supporting or containing something sound made by a dogG. get or find back1. apartment回答2. threaten回答3. gag回答4. frame回答5. bark回答6. recover回答7. property回答Reading1根据短文大意判断正误。题目1正确获得分中的分标记题目题干The Wichita Falls Police Department is planning sterner measur

18、es to combat crime.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。题目2正确获得分中的分标记题目题干According to Hughes, one of the biggest ways of crime prevention is through environmental design选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。题目3正确获得分中的分标记题目题干The biggest site that police are approving fully is .选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。题目4正确获得分中的分标记题目题干The purpose of is to hel

19、p locals set up a real community.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。题目5正确获得分中的分标记题目题干If you use the site, you have to pay for it.选择一项:对错Reading2What is the topic discussed in the text选择一项:A. How to keep your valuables or cash safe.B. Be suspicious of strangers.C. Ways to keep your home safe.反馈你的回答正确正确答案是:Ways to ke

20、ep your home safe.题目2正确获得分中的分标记题目题干Which statement is true according to the text选择一项:A. It is not necessary to lock the door and windows when you are inside the house.B. Hide the valuables or cash out of sight because they may attract burglars.C. It is easy for you to recognize who is going to break

21、 in your home.反馈你的回答正确正确答案是:Hide the valuables or cash out of sight because they may attract burglars.题目3正确获得分中的分标记题目题干Which statement is NOT true according to the text选择一项:A. Installing an alarm system may drive the burglars away before they steal anything from your home.B. It is very easy for the

22、burglars to find the door key under planters, doormat.C. Well-lit homes may help the burglars to break into the house.反馈你的回答正确正确答案是:Well-lit homes may help the burglars to break into the house.题目4正确获得分中的分标记题目题干By saying “Be suspicious of strangers” in Para. 3, the writer means .选择一项:A. never trustin

23、g strangersB. keeping the strangers away from usC. catching the suspected strangersWritingA Crime Happened in the SchoolAt 12:30 last night, when all the people were sleeping, two thieves broke into a lab on the second floor where they discovered some expensive equipment. When they were trying to mo

24、ve the equipment out of the building, the doorkeeper heard the sound and immediately called the police nearby the school. The two thieves were at last caught/arrested 20 minutes later. The policemen warned everyone to keep away from thieves.单元4Listening and speaking1词义匹配,学习词汇含义。选项: single element of

25、 data from a collection undertaken by a group of people in order to achieve a particular goal or overcome a particular difficulty action or actions taken to stop somebody from doing something or to stop something from happening use of physical force to injure somebody or damage something act of prev

26、enting somebody or something from being harmed or damaged, or the state of being kept safe barely sufficient in quality or quantity to meet a need or qualify for somethingG. somebody who has committed a crime1. effort回答2. prevention回答3. violence回答4. protection回答5. inadequate回答6. criminal回答7. statist

27、ic回答Listening and speaking2正确答案是:appropriate fitting,cause reason,juvenile youngster,operating running,filter clean,influence effect,supervision management,environment surroundings词义匹配,学习词汇含义。cause答案 1influence答案 2supervision答案 3filter答案 4appropriate答案 5operating答案 6juvenile答案 7environment答案 8Readin

28、g1根据短文大意判断正误题目1正确获得分中的分标记题目题干The court would consider youthful offenders as “criminals” if they commit offenses.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。题目2正确获得分中的分标记题目题干You must meet with school officials to prevent your children from delinquency.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“错”。题目3正确获得分中的分标记题目题干If you cannot control your children, a

29、sk for help from the local service agencies.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。题目4正确获得分中的分标记题目题干Inform your children that you will not tolerate drug use and drug offenses can have serious results for your children.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。题目5正确获得分中的分标记题目题干Children always involved in positive activities are more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency.选择一项:对错反馈正确的答案是“对”。题目6正确获得分中的分标记题目题干Keep your children away from juvenile delinquents.选择一项:对错阅读理解,完成句子。选项: supervision dangers of drugs your c

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