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1、反渗透EDI超滤设计计算16页文档资料Content1.0 Component Calculation 单元计算1.1 Raw Water Tank 原水罐According to the operation parameter from the supplyer:根据供应商提供的运行参数:So we choose the Raw Water Tank :5 m31.2 Raw Water Pump原水泵According to the operation parameter from the supplyer:根据供应商提供的运行参数:The pressure loss of the UF

2、during the normal operation is about 0.2 bar 1.4 bar. Because the distance between the vessels is very short, pressure loss of the pipes could be ignored.超滤的正常运行压力损失在0.2bar1.4bar,由于单体设备的管道距离短,管道的压力损失可忽略不计。The water should keep the pressure at least 0.51.0 bar to reach the inlet of RO unit最后水到达RO 单元的

3、压力至少保持在0.51.0 bar.So we choose the raw water pump: Q=10m3/h,H=30m.所以我们选择泵:Q=10m3/h,H=30m.1.3 Back Wash Pump反洗水泵According to the operation parameter from the supplyer:根据供应商提供的运行参数:The water flow quantity of the Ultra Filtration,during the normal operation is about 10 m3/h. The water flow quantity of

4、their backwash is about 18 m3/h Because the distance between the vessels is very short, pressure loss of the pipes could be ignored.超滤正常运行时流量为10 m3/h, 反洗时所需流量为约为18 m3/h. 由于单体设备的管道距离短,管道的压力损失可忽略不计。So we choose the raw water pump: Q=18m3/h,H=20mH.1.4 Ultra Filtration: 超滤:According to the operation par

5、ameter from the supplyer:根据供应商提供的运行参数:Detailed UF Design please see the attachment A详细UF计算书请见附件A1.5 Softener Filter:软化器:The total harness of the raw water is 150mg/L, about 3 mEq/l; Regeneration Period is 16 hour; Work exchange capacity is 1000 mol/m3原水进水的总硬度小于等于160PPM,故按最大值160mg/L计算, 相当于3.2mEq/l;再生

6、周期定为16小时;树脂的交换容量为1000 mol/m3T-再生周期(h) T- Regeneration Period (h)Q-额定流量(m3/h) Q-Water Capacity(m3/h)v-树脂体积(m3) V- Resin Volume(m3)E-树脂工作交换容量(mol/m3) E-Work exchange capacity(mol/m3)E0-硬度(meq/l) E0-Total Hardness(meq/l)V=16*9*3/1000=0.46m3The volumn of the resin is 460L.树脂的容量为:460LThe running capacity

7、 of the softener is 9 m3/hr;Operation Flowrat is 20 m/h.软化器的额定流量为9m3/hr;软化器运行流速此处定为20m/h。D-过滤器直径(m) D-Diameter of the Filter(m)Q-额定流量(m3/h) Q-Water Capacity(m3/h)v-软化器运行流速(m/h) V-Operation Flowrat(m/h)D2= 4Q/v=4*9/3.14/20=0.57m2 D=0.75m So choose the softener filter with 750mm diameter.因此选择D=750mm的过

8、滤罐Selected regeneration level is 120kg (Nacl)/m3 (Resin)选择树脂的再生水平为:120kg (Nacl)/m3 (树脂)Total Nacl(100%)=120*0.460=55kg100%氯化钠=120*0.460=55 kgSaturation Nacl weight percent is 26.5% at 25 The Weight of Saturation Nacl is 52/0.265=197 kg Density of Concentrated Regenerant is 1.33kg/L at 25 Saturation

9、Nacl (26%) to regenerate softener once is 197/1.33=147 L 25饱和氯化钠盐水质量百分比浓度:26.5%饱和食盐水重量:52/0.265=197 kg 25饱和食盐水密度:1.33kg/L再生一次的饱和食盐水用量: 197/1.33=147 LWe choose the brine tank 350L to satisfy the regeneration of softener twice.这里选择350L的盐箱满足再生两次的用量。1.5 RO High Pressure Pump1st 高压泵According to the techn

10、ical and control requestion, The capacity and head of the high pressure pump is Q=93/h,H=150m根据工艺与控制要求:High pressure pump: Q=9m3/h,H=150mThe pressure before the RO high pressure pump should be decreased to 0.51.0 bar, which will archieved by the pressure reducing valve. This could allow the producti

11、on of the EDI return to the point before RO high pressure pump when the level of the pure water tank is high.高压泵前的进水压力需通过减压阀减至0.5bar-1.0bar,以便纯水箱高液位时EDI出水顺利回水至高压泵前。The pressure at the outlet of RO high pressure pump is about 15 bar. The permeate is about 0.51.0 bar.高压泵出水压力15bar左右,经过RO膜的产水压力在0.5bar-1

12、.0bar2nd 高压泵According to the technical and control requestion:High pressure pump:Q=6.5m3/h,H=140m根据工艺与控制要求:High pressure pump: Q=6.5m3/h,H=140mThe pressure at the outlet of RO high pressure pump is about 14bar. The permeate is about 2.03.0 bar.高压泵出水压力14bar左右,经过RO膜的产水压力在2.0bar-3.0barThe pressure at t

13、he inlet of the EDI modules is about 2.03.0 bar. The outlet pressure is about 1.02.0 bar.EDI进水压力在 2.0bar-3.0bar,EDI出水压力在1.0bar-2.0bar1.6 RO design calculation反渗透设计计算Detailed RO Design please see the attachment B详细RO计算书请见附件B1.7 EDI design calculationEDI设计计算N=Q/qN-EDI膜块总数(PCS) N-Total EDI Modules(PCS)

14、 Q-EDI水量(m3/h) Q-EDI capacity(m3/h) q-Capacity of per module(m3/h) q-每支膜块的产水(m3/h)N=Q/q=5.5/3.3=2So we choose 3 EDI modules. 所以这里我们选择2个EDI模块。1.8 Osmostar Heat Exchanger Osmostar消毒热交换器电加热器功耗计算: 1、水的比重:1000kg/m32、水的比热:1kcal/kg KW=C2M3T/864我初步设定一小时循环加热到25C1M1T = 110*1000(255) = 200000 kcal(考虑20%的富裕量)20

15、0000X1.2=240000kcalP=240000/864=277kw 约等于280KW 2.0 Piping Design Calculation管路设计计算2.1 Piping Calculation of Ultra Filtration超滤管道设计:Operate piping of UF管理运行管道:ID-Pipe diameter(m) ID-管道直径(m) Q-Maximum flowrate(m3/h) Q-最大流量(m3/h)v- Flowrate inside the pipe(m/s) v-管道内水流速(m/s)ID2=4Q/3.14/3600/v=10*4/3.14

16、/3600/1.5 =0.00236ID=0.0486According to the DIN piping standard, choose the UPVC operate pipe size DN50 根据DIN管道标准,因此选择DN50,UPVC的运行管道。Backwashing of UF:超滤反洗管道:ID-Pipe diameter(m) ID-管道直径(m) Q-Maximum flowrate(m3/h) Q-最大流量(m3/h)v- Flowrate inside the pipe(m/s) v-管道内水流速(m/s)ID2=4Q/3.14/3600/v=18*4/3.14

17、/3600/2.5 =0.0025ID=0.050 According to the DIN piping standard, choose the UPVC backwash pipe size DN50根据DIN管道标准,因此选择DN50,UPVC的运行管道。2.2 Piping for Softener Filter:软化器管道:ID-Pipe diameter(m) ID-管道直径(m) Q-Maximum flowrate(m3/h) Q-最大流量(m3/h)v- Flowrate inside the pipe(m/s) v-管道内水流速(m/s)ID2=4Q/3.14/3600/

18、v=9*4/3.14/3600/1.5 =0.0021ID=0.046According to the ISO piping standard, choose the UPVC operation pipe size DN50根据DIN管道标准,因此选择DN50, UPVC的运行管道。2.3 Piping In front of the RO High Pressure Pump高压泵前管道:ID- Pipe diameter(m) ID- 管道直径(m) Q- Maximum flowrate(m3/h) Q- 最大流量(m3/h)v- Flowrate inside the pipe(m/

19、s) v- 管道内水流速(m/s)ID2=4Q/3.14/3600/v=9*4/3.14/3600/2 =0.0016ID=0.039According to the SMS piping standard, choose the SS304 operation pipe size DN40根据SMS管道标准,因此选择DN40, SS304不锈钢的运行管道。2.4 Piping behind the RO High Pressure Pump高压泵后管道:ID-Pipe diameter(m) ID-管道直径(m) Q-Maximum flowrate(m3/h) Q-最大流量(m3/h)v-

20、 Flowrate inside the pipe(m/s) v-管道内水流速(m/s)ID2=4Q/3.14/3600/v=9*4/3.14/3600/2 =0.0016ID=0.039According to the BPE piping standard, choose the SS316L operation pipe size DN40根据BPE管道标准,因此选择DN40, SS316L不锈钢的运行管道。2.5 1st RO outlet Piping:一级RO出口管道:ID-Pipe diameter(m) ID-管道直径(m) Q-Maximum flowrate(m3/h) Q

21、-最大流量(m3/h)v- Flowrate inside the pipe(m/s) v-管道内水流速(m/s)ID2=4Q/3.14/3600/v=6.5*4/3.14/3600/2 =0.0012ID=0.034According to the BPE piping standard, choose the SS316L operation pipe size DN40。根据BPE管道标准,因此选择DN40, SS316L不锈钢的运行管道。2.6 2nd RO outlet Piping:二级RO出口管道:ID-Pipe diameter(m) ID-管道直径(m) Q-Maximum

22、flowrate(m3/h) Q-最大流量(m3/h)v- Flowrate inside the pipe(m/s) v-管道内水流速(m/s)ID2=4Q/3.14/3600/v=5.5*4/3.14/3600/2 =0.00096ID=0.031According to the BPE piping standard, choose the SS316L operation pipe size DN40。根据BPE管道标准,因此选择DN40, SS316L不锈钢的运行管道。2.7 EDI outlet Piping:EDI出口管道:ID-Pipe diameter(m) ID-管道直径(

23、m) Q-Maximum flowrate(m3/h) Q-最大流量(m3/h)v- Flowrate inside the pipe(m/s) v-管道内水流速(m/s)ID2=4Q/3.14/3600/v=5*4/3.14/3600/1.5 =0.0012ID=0.0343According to the BPEpiping standard, choose the SS316L operation pipe size DN40根据BPE管道标准,因此选择DN40, SS316L不锈钢的运行管道。3.0 Appendix附录3.1 Appendix A- UF Calculation附录A 超滤计算书3.2 Appendix BRO Design Calculation附录B RO设计计算希望以上资料对你有所帮助,附励志名3条:1、积金遗于子孙,子孙未必能守;积书于子孙,子孙未必能读。不如积阴德于冥冥之中,此乃万世传家之宝训也。2、积德为产业,强胜于美宅良田。3、能付出爱心就是福,能消除烦恼就是慧。

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