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1、采购员必须掌握的英语词汇 Revised as of 23 November 2020采购员必须掌握的英语词汇采购员必须掌握的英语词汇1. R&D (research&design) 研发2. APS (automated purchasing system) 自动采购系统3. CAD (computer automated design) 计算机辅助设计4. EDI (electronic data interchange) 电子数据交换系统5. ERP (enterprise resource planning) 企业资源计划6. ANX (automotive network excha

2、nge) 自动网络交换7. CPO (chief procurement officers) 采购总监8. CPE (collaborative planning and execution) 合作计划和执行9. TCA (total cost of acquisition) 总获取成本10. CPFR (collaborative,planning,forecasting,replenishment) 合作,计划,预测,补充11. SCM (supply chain management) 供应链管理12. VMI (vendor managed inventory) 卖方管理库存13. V

3、MR (vendor managed replenishment) 卖方管理补货14. SCOR (supply chain operations reference) 供应链管理指南15. LEW (least ex works) 最小离岸价16. MOM (markup over coat model) 成本变动17. 3PL (third party logistics) 第三方后勤服务18. MRP (material requirements planning) 物料需求计划19. CIO (computer information officers) 信息主管20. PDCA (p

4、lan-do-check action cycle) 计划-实施-检查循环国际结算常用英语词汇1、 Promissory Note本票2、Check or Check支票3、Remittance汇付4、Mail Transfer,M/T信汇5、Telegraphic Transfer,T/T电汇6、Demand Draft,D/D票汇7、Payment in Advance预付货款8、Payment after Arrival of Goods货到付款9、Collection托收10、Principal委托人11、Remitting Bank托收银行12、Collecting Bank代收银行

5、13、Presenting Bank提示行14、Documents against Payment,D/P付款交单15、Documents against Payment at sight,D/P sight即期付款交单16、Documents against Payment after sight,D/P after sight远期付款交单17、Documents against Acceptance,D/A承兑交单企业外贸业务用语大全一:基本短语 Time to volume 及时大量生产 Time to money 及时大量交货FOUR CONTROL YSTEM 四大管制系统 Engi

6、neering control system 工程管制系统Quality control system质量管理系统 Manufacturing control system生产管制系统Management control system经营管制系统 Classification整理(sorting, organization)-seiriRegulation整顿(arrangement, tidiness)-seitonCleanliness 清扫(sweeping, purity)-seisoConservation清洁(cleaning, cleanliness)-seiktsu Cultu

7、re教养(discipline)-shitsukeSave 节约Safety安全二:英文缩写1、质量人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员 FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA qu

8、ality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 质量工程人员2、质量保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商质量评估FMEA failure model effectiv

9、eness analysis 失效模式分析3、FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收质量水平S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 质量/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Insp

10、ection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一4、制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数三:其它质量术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 质量改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点

11、QI Quality Improvement 质量改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法1、通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan

12、生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面2、系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准CGOO China General PCE龙华厂文件IWS International Workman St

13、andard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格3、部门类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 质量工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 质量

14、保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部专业外贸术语的英文表达在外贸业务中,从报价到支付条件,再到催开信用证 ,再到后来的单据结汇,涉及到很多专业术语 。1.支付条件(Terms of payment)(1)Our usual way of payment is by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit available b

15、y draft at sight for the full amount of the contracted goods to be established in our favour through a bank acceptable to the sellers.我们的一般付款方式是保兑的、不可撤销的、以我公司为受益人的、足额 信用证 ,见票即付。信用证应通过为卖方认可的银行开出。(2)For payment,we require 100% value,confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit with partial shipment and

16、transhipment allowed clause,available by draft at sight,payable against surrendering the full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank here.我们要求用100%金额的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,并 规定 允许转船和分批装运,凭 汇票 向议付行交单即期付款。(3)The letter of credit should be established with its clauses in confirmation with the terms

17、and conditions of the contract.信用证所开 条款 ,必须与合约 条款 相符。通常我们接受即期信用证付款或电汇。我们从不接受货到付款的 办法 。2.催开信用证(Pressing for L/C)(1)As the goods against your order have been ready for shipment for quite some time,it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering credit established as soon as possib

18、le.由于贵方定单第111号之货已备待运有相当长时间了,贵方必须立即行动尽快开出信用证。(2)We repeatedly requested you by faxes to expedite the opening of the relative letter of credit so that we might effect shipment for the above mentioned order,but after the lapse of 3 months,we have not yet received the covering L/C.我们已经多次传真要求贵方从速开来有关信用证,

19、以使我们装运上述定单之货。但是三个月过去了,仍未收到有关信用证。(3)We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open L/C at once,otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising therefrom.希望贵方认真考虑商业信誉,立即开证,否则,由此产生的一切损失均由贵方负责。(4)The shipment time for your order is approaching,but

20、we have not yet received the covering L/ do your utmost to expedite the same to reach here before the end of this month so that shipment may be effected without dealy.贵方定单的装船期已经临近,但我们尚未收入到有关信用证,请尽最大努力从速将信用证在本月底开到,以便及时装运。 3.修改信用证 (Amendment to L/C)(1)Pls amend the foregoing L/C to read piece length i

21、n 30 yards instead of 40 yards.请把上述信用证条款中匹长40码改为30码。我们提请贵方注意,我方坯布的规格为32X32 78X65,而贵方信用证却 规定 30X30 78X65,故请按照合约规定修改信用证。(3)Pls extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C to the end of Jan. and ,2006 respectively,and see to it that the amendment adivce will reach us before the end of .请将信用证1

22、11号的装运船和议付期分别展延至2006年1月底及2月15日,并请注意把修改书于2005年12月底前寄达我们这里。上述合约项下的信用证111号已收到。但是经过核对条款,发现该证规定装期不迟于2005年11月,而合约规定装期为2005年12月份,为此请把该证装期展延至2005年12月15日,议付期展延至12月31日。外贸单证常用词汇200句外贸单证词汇1一致性证书 cettificate of conformity质量证书 certificate of quality测试报告 test report产品性能报告 product performance report产品规格型号报告 product

23、 specification report工艺数据报告 process data report首样测试报告 first sample test report价格销售目录 price sales catalogue参与方信息 party information农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate邮政收据 post receipt重量证书 weight certificate重量单 weight list证书 cerificate价值与原产地综合证书 combined certificate of value adn origin移动声明ATR1 movement certifica

24、te ATR1数量证书 certificate of quantity质量数据报文 quality data message查询 query查询回复 response to query订购单 purchase order制造说明 manufacturing instructions领料单 stores requisition产品售价单 invoicing data sheet包装说明 packing instruction内部运输单 internal transport order统计及其他管理用内部单证 statistical and oter administrative internal

25、 docu-ments直接支付估价申请 direct payment valuation request直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation支付估价单 payment valuation外贸单证 词汇2数量估价单 quantity valuation request数量估价申请 quantity valuation request合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ不祭价投标数量单 unpriced tender BOQ标价投标数量单 priced ten

26、der BOQ询价单 enquiry临时支付申请 interim application for payment支付协议 agreement to pay意向书 letter of intent订单 order总订单 blanket order现货订单 sport order租赁单 lease order紧急订单 rush order修理单 repair order分订单 call off order寄售单 consignment order样品订单 sample order换货单 swap order订购单变更请求 purchase order change request订购单回复 pur

27、chase order response租用单 hire order备件订单 spare parts order交货说明 delivery instructions交货计划表 delivery schedule按时交货 delivery just-in-time发货通知 delivery release交货通知 delivery note装箱单 packing list发盘报价 offerquotation报价申请 request for quote合同 contract订单确认 acknowledgement of order形式发票 proforma invoice部分发票 partial

28、 invoice操作说明 operating instructions铭牌 nameproduct plate交货说明请求 request for delivery instructions订舱申请 booking request装运说明 shipping instructions托运人说明书( 空运 ) shippers letter of instructions(air) 短途货运单 cartage order(local transport)待运通知 ready for despatch advice发运单 despatch order发运通知 despatch advice单证分发通

29、知 advice of distrbution of document商业发票 commercial invoice贷记单 credit note佣金单 commission note借记单 debit note更正发票 corrected invoice合并发票 consolidated invoice预付发票 prepayment invoice租用发票 hire invoice税务发票 tax invoice自用发票 self-billed invoice保兑发票 delcredere invoice代理发票 factored invoice租赁发票 lease invoice寄售发票

30、consignment invoice代理贷记单 factored credit note银行转帐指示 instructions for bank transfer银行汇票申请书 application for bankers draft托收支付通知书 collection payment advice跟单信用证支付通知书 documentry credit payment advice跟单信用证承兑通知书 documentry credit acceptance advice跟单信用证议付通知书 documentry credit negotiation advice银行担保申请书 appl

31、ication for bankers guarantee银行担保 bankers guarantee跟单信用证赔偿单 documentry credit letter of indemnity信用证预先通知书 preadvice of a credit托收单 collection order单证提交单 document presentation form付款单 payment order扩展付款单 extended payment order多重付款单 multiple payment order贷记通知书 credit advice扩展贷记通知书 extended credit advice借记通知书 debit advice借记撤消 reversal of debit贷记撤消 reversal of credit跟单信用证申请书 documentry credit application跟单信用证 documentry credit跟单信用证通知书 documentry credit notification跟单信用证转让通知 documentry credit transfer advice跟

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