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1、食品专业英语复习资料整理版按PPT食品专业英语复习资料(祝你好运)1姓名:名在前、姓在后;作者地址:由小到大的顺序书写,科室,所在单位,所在地(城市、省、国名),邮编等。E.g. Department of Food Quality and Safety, School of Food Science and Technology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China, 5240882述语、组织、团体名称:LC =lethal concentration 致死浓度 EAA =Essential amino acids 必需氨基酸DH = d

2、egree of hydrolysis 水解度 DNA =deozyrebonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸USDA=US Department of Agriculture 美国农业部 IFT=Institute of Food Technologists 食品科技协会CEO=chief executive officer 总经理3数字+度量衡单位词15ft (footfeet) 50rpm (revolutions per minute) cal (calorie) 卡C(centigrade)摄氏温度 etc=et cetera=and others(等 物)et al.=et a

3、lii=and others(等 人) i.e.=id est=that is e.g.=exampli gratia=for example4.公式: plus 加号;正号 minus 减号;负号 plus or minus 正负号 is multiplied by 乘号 is divided by 除号 is equal to 等于号 per cent 百分之 degree Celsius /centigrade摄氏度273 273 Celsius or 273 degree Celsius5 The inhibition ratio(%)was calculated using the

4、following formula:Inhibition ratio(%)= (A-A1)/A100% Where A was the absorbance of the control, and A1 was the absorbance of the test sample.由下面的公式计算其抑制率(%):抑制率(%)=(A-A1)/A100% 式中:A是对照的吸收度,A1是试样的吸收度。公式读法:Where the inhibition ratio is equal to the value of A minus A1 ,then divided by A and multiplied

5、by 100%.6 凡数字,一般读成one, two, three等,但紧跟在圆括号右下方的,读成twice, three times, four times等.;() round bracket or bracket ,但在分子式中的()可以不读,而前后用pause表示 ; square brackets ;络合物中的方括号可以不读7 (OH)2 读法:pause O H pause twice ;Open bracket O H close bracket twice ;O H in brackets twice8 A+BC+D:A plus B gives C plus D9 9.关于地

6、址的翻译:201室: Room 201;12号: No.12;2单元: Unit 2;3号楼: Building No.3;长安街: Chang An street;南京路: Nanjing road;长安公司: Chang An Company;宝山区: BaoShan District;赵家酒店: ZhaoJia hotel;钱家花园: Qianjia garden;孙家县: Sunjia county;李家镇: Lijia town;广州市: Guangzhou city;广东省: Guangdong province;中国: China 第4课:WHO Strategy on Food

7、 Safety-Biotechnology and its implications to foodsNew words:1.herb :草,草本植物,药草;herbicide n.除草剂;herbage: n.牧草,草本植物;herbal: a. 草的 草本的Chinese herbal medicine ;Western medicine ;herbalist: 中医师2.allergen n.变态反应素,能引起过敏症的物质,过敏原;allergy: n. 过敏;have allergy: 过敏3 antibiotic n.抗生素 adj.抗菌的,抗生素的; biotic a. 有关生命的

8、4.agro-: 田野,土壤 ;agronomic adj. 农学的,农艺的;agrobiology n. 土壤生物学;agrology n. 土壤学5.agri- 农业的;agriculture n. 农业;agrimotor n. 农用拖拉机6.carotene n.胡萝卜素; carrot n. 胡萝卜7.fermentation n.发酵;ferment v. 发酵;fermentation food 发酵食品8.bioreactor n. 生物反应器 ;bio- 生物;bioactive peptide 活性肽;biochemist test 生化试验 assessm

9、ent 安全评估;GMO genetically modified organism 转基因生物;Recombination DNA technology 重组DNA技术;CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission 食品法典委员会 ;FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (联合国) 粮农组织;FDA(food and drug administration):(美国)食品药品管理局 ;CFR(code of federal regulation)(美国)联邦法规 ;AOAC (Association of Official Anal

10、ytical Chemists)分析化学家协会10.recombinant DNA techniques重组DNA技术;DNA=deoxyribonucleic acid级脱氧核糖核酸; herbicide-tolerant 耐药性除草剂;insect-resistant crops 抗虫农作物重要段落:1.WHO has been actively participating in the development of principles and recommendations for (the safety assessment )of GM foods (derived from ge

11、netically modified organisms (GMO). 世界卫生组织积极参与到由转基因生物(GMO)生产的转基因食品的安全性评估的原则和推荐标准的开发工作中。 (participate in 参与,参加,分享; safety assessment 安全评估)2.The results (developed in the course of various expert consultations) form the basis for guidelines on national levels and are presently being incorporated into

12、internationally recognized standards。专家磋商结果为国家标准的制定奠定了基础,并正在被编入国际认可的标准。(incorporate into 合并,编入)3.The approach (based on the principle of “substantial equivalence” 实质等同 )proved to be adequate for the safety assessment of (the first generation of GM crops). 以“实质等同”原理为基础的评估方法完全可以对第一代转基因作物的安全性进行评价。 (bas

13、e on 基于; on the principle of 根据的原则; adequate for 适合,足够)4.Nevertheless, the concept is subject to ongoing criticism. Contemporary activities have to take these arguments into account and contribute to the development of science-based adjustments and improvements. 然而,这一概念也一直受到批评。现在(我们)必须考虑这些争议,科学地调整和改

14、进我们的行动。(be subject to 使遭受; take into account 考虑; contribute to 促成)5.The next generation of genetically modified foods will be crops with improved nutritional value, thus crossing the borderline to “functional foods” and “nutriceuticals”. 下一代的转基因食品将是改进营养价值的作物,它将超出“功能食品”或“营养药物”的边界。6.Future food safety

15、 assessment strategies will have to cope with the more complex metabolic changes (caused by the genetic modification). 未来的食品安全性评估策略,必须解决由转基因带来的更复杂的代谢变化。7.Evaluations will increasingly have to consider the impact of a GM food on the overall nutritional status (taking into account the different needs

16、in developed and developing countries. )评价工作必须从发达国家和发展中国家不同需要的角度出发,更多地考虑转基因食品对整个营养状况的影响。 8.Labeling of GM foods, although not related to food safety, can be used as a tool to increase the transparency of food production processes and thus, in conjunction with traceability strategies, to contribute i

17、ndirectly to food safety in general.尽管与食品的安全性无关,转基因食品的标签作为一种工具,可以提高食品生产过程的透明度,因此,大体上,它可以与可追溯策略一道,间接地提高食品安全性。 (in conjunction with与协力)9.So far there is no report on any adverse effects on humans (resulting from the consumption of foods produced by application of recombinant DNA techniques).(so far 到目

18、前为止,迄今;report on 有关的报道:adverse effects on对有不良影响)迄今,还没有关于食用利用DNA重组技术生产的食品对人体造成不良影响的报道。 10.However, the benefits expected from the next generation of GM crops (improved nutritional value, functional foods) will result in new issues (complex metabolic changes, significant impact on overall nutritional

19、status) and thus will pose new challenges in terms of food safety assessment. 第5课 Alcoholic BeveragesNew words1.poly- 多的 ; polysaccharide 多糖;polyacid 多元酸; polyatomic 多原子的;多酸的2. -ose 糖 ;sucrose蔗糖;fructose果糖;maltose麦芽糖;glucose葡萄糖;lactose乳糖;galactose半乳糖3. glyco- 甜,糖原;glycine Gly 甘氨酸;glycogen肝糖原 动物淀粉;gl

20、ycolysis 糖酵解4.-ase 酶 ;invertase 转化酶;permease透性酶;amylase淀粉酶;enzyme 酶5. oxid- 氧化物的;oxide 氧化物;oxidase 氧化酶;oxidant 氧化剂;oxidative 氧化作用6. pyruv- 丙酮的;pyruvate丙酮酸盐或酯;pyruvate oxidase丙酮酸氧化酶;pyruvic acid丙酮酸pyruvic alcohol丙酮醇;pyruvic aldehyde丙酮醛7. acid 酸性的;basic 碱性的;ethanol 醇,乙醇(alcohol);aldehyde 醛;ketone 酮8.

21、spirit n. 酒精(溶液),烈酒,蒸馏酒。spirits n. 酒精饮料 烈性酒; neutral a.酸碱中和的,酸碱平衡的,中性的; neutral spirits(酒精):Ethyl alcohol distilled, often used in blended alcoholic beverages.9. fortified a. 加强的; fortified wines 加白兰地的葡萄酒; fortified bread 强化面包; fortified food 强化食品; alcohol content 酒度 酒精含量; alcohol strength 酒精浓度; by

22、addition of 增加10. strain n. 品系 菌株; CO2 carbon dioxide ; di- 二 disaccharide; dipeptide 重要段落:1.Alcoholic beverages are produced from a range of raw materials but especially from cereal, fruits and sugar crops.(cereal 谷类; crop 农作物 ; cane 甘庶, beet 甜菜)2. Theoretical yields from 1g glucose are 0.51g ethan

23、ol and 0.49g CO2. However, in practice , approximately 10% of the glucose is converted to biomass and yields of ethanol and CO2 reach 90% of theoretical values.(biomass: 生物量)3.The yeast-cell envelope contains a plasma membrane, a periplasmic space and a cell wall (consisting mainly of polysaccharide

24、s with a small amount of peptide material). (envelope 外膜;plasma membrane 质膜;periplasmic 外周胞质, 周质)4.The wall component is a semi-rigid but solute permeable structure (which provides considerably compressional and tensile strength to yeasts)细胞壁成份是一种半固体、可透性结构,使酵母可承受一定的压力与张力。 5.Carboxyl groups of cell-w

25、all peptides confer important flocculating characteristics on brewing yeasts, facilitating post-fermentation solid-liquid separation. (flocculating characteristics 絮凝特性;brewing yeasts 酿造酵母;post-fermentation 后发酵)位于酿造酵母细胞壁上的肽的羧基具有重要的絮凝特征,这有利于发酵后物质的固液分离6.Interest has developed in the use of high alcoho

26、l tolerant yeasts in high-gravity brewing processes and in alcohol production for distillation with a view to increasing plant productivity and decreasing distillation costs.其它:1.当表示一种微生物的名称时,通常将属名放于前,种名放于后。而且以斜体字表示。 Saccharomyces uvarum 葡萄酒酵母 亦写作:S. uvarum2. a2 a square or a squared; b3 b cube or b

27、 cubed;c4 c (raise) to the fourth;f-1 f to the minus one;0.4 zero point four;0.01 point nought one;10.34 ten point three four3. g gramme ;kg kilogramme;mg milligramme ;t tonne 4. solute 溶质solu. ;solution 溶液sol.;solvent 溶剂 solv.5. 厌氧的 anaerobic;好氧的 aerobic6. phospholipids 磷脂; PHLphos- 磷酸盐的;lipid 脂质第6

28、课 Amino AcidsNew words :1.amino- 氨基的;amino group 氨基 -NH2 ;amino nitrogen 氨基态氮;amino acid 2.-yl 基; acyl 酰基;acetyl 乙酰基;methyl甲基;ethyl 乙基;propyl 丙基;carboxyl 羧基;carbonyl 羰基 group 基团3. aminoacylase 氨基酰化酶 ;peptidase肽酶 ;carboxymethyl- 羧甲基; ethyl alcohol 乙醇 ; tricarboxylic acid cycle 4. meta- 变化, 代谢; metabo

29、lic adj.代谢作用的,新陈代谢的; metabolic rate代谢率;metabolic activity代谢能力metabolic balance 代谢平衡; metabolite n. 代谢(产)物; metabolism n.新陈代谢; metabolize v.使代谢,使同化metabolizable adj.可代谢的5. precursor n. 前体;先驱; genus n. 种类、属; genera pl.; excrete vt. 排泄;分泌; isolates n. 种群 ; feedback 反馈;feedback inhibition 反馈抑制;mutant n.

30、;突变异种;substrate n. 底物;ant. 终产物: end products6.Amino AcidNeutralNonpolarAminoAcidsGlycineGlyGAlanineAlaAValineValVLeucineLeuLIsoleucineIleIPhenylalaninePhePTryptophanTryWMethionineMetMCysteineCysCProlineProPNeutralpolarAminoAcidsSerineSerSThreonineThrTTyrosineTyrYAsparagineAsnNGlutamineGlnQAcidicA.AA

31、spartic acidAspDGlutamic acidGluEBasicA.ALysineLysLArginineArgRHistidineHisH7. Flavour enhancer 风味加强剂;Baking antioxidant焙烤抗氧化剂;Sweetener component甜味成分;Feed additive食品添加剂8.purification 纯化;purifier 纯化装置;purify v. 纯化;purificant 净化剂9.iso- 等,同,异.(P126);isomer 同分异构体;optical : 光学的;optically-inactive:无光学活性的10. Essential amino acids (EAA) 必需氨基酸;Dispensable (nonessential ) amino acids (DAA, NEAA) 非必需氨基酸Conditionally dispensable amino acids条件非必需氨基酸;Cysteine 半胱氨酸Methionine ;Tyrosine 酪氨酸 Phenylalanine ; Taurine 牛磺酸重要段落:1.Amino acids are produced using a range

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