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第一讲 怎样使译文确切.docx

1、第一讲 怎样使译文确切第一讲 词汇的选择1、概说A用词要忠于原文,不能凭“大概”、“差不多”。这就要求真正弄懂汉语的意思和所用英文词汇的真正准确含义。如:1)技术革新受到鼓励。Technical innovations are urged.()Technical innovations are encouraged.2) 他在上业余大学。He is attending a spare-time university. ()He is attending a spare-time college. B. 翻译时,要注意汉英词汇广义、狭义、具体义、抽象义的不同,如:汉语的“抓”字有时作狭义的用手抓

2、,如:“狗把他的手抓了(The dog scratched his hand)”,有时作抽象的意义解,如 “瞎抓(find oneself at a loss)”。而英语的grasp含义狭窄,指用手去抓或心理理解,所以把“抓革命”译为grasp revolution就不合适了。C. 不要对字进行死译,要考虑英文的真正含义。如果对字死译则读者会看不懂你的译文。如:他们省吃俭用,为的是为国家多积累资金。They save food and expenses to accumulate more funds for the country. ().They live frugally to accu

3、mulate more funds for the country.2、去掉不适当的夸张译文要确切,严谨,不要夸张,不要言过其实。只有在要达到夸张目的时,译文才采取相应的夸张手段。在严肃的政府声明、议论文、说明文等文章中,用词一定要准确。如果在这种场合乱夸张,读者会认为你在撒谎。如:1) 该市的人都赞成。(领导人的报告)Everyone in the city agree with it. ()Almost everyone in the city is in favor of it .2) 世界上公认他是伟大的政治家(社论)。He is everybodys choice as the wo

4、rlds greatest statesman. ()He is generally acknowledged as the worlds greatest statesman.3) 和这里的人们一样,他也喜欢吃土豆。Like all people here, he likes to eat potatoes. ()Like most people here, he likes to eat potatoes.3、用词要注意轻重和范围的大小。例如:1)我们必须广泛地利用现代科学技术的新成就。We must utilize the results of modern science and te

5、chnology on a wide scale. 这里的results太轻了,可改为achievements.2)她吓得魂不附体。 She was very afraid.改为:She was terrified out of her senses.4、用词要注意褒贬例如:1)听到你母亲逝世的消息我非常悲痛。I am deeply grieved to hear that your mother kicked the bucket. 2) 在战争期间他私藏了许多珍贵的物品。In wartime, he accumulated many scarce items.可以改为:hoard 3) 他

6、是一个有独立见解的思想家。He holds himself aloof from others. ()改为:He is an independent thinker.5、用词要具体无论翻译或写文章,用词要具体、准确,不要太笼统、太抽象、太概括。只有用词具体、准确,才能使译文鲜明、生动有力,才能达到写作或翻译的目的。认识事物主要是识别其个性。如:1)站在那儿的那个人是一个土木工程师。The man standing there is an engineer.2)在火车离开的前几分钟他阔步穿进火车站。He walked through the station a few minutes befor

7、e the trains departure.6、同义词、近义词的选择在动手翻译之前,首先要弄清汉语的含义。在汉语里往往一词多义,如果把汉语含义理解错了,那么就不能翻译得正确。如;1)这个大厅能容纳一千多人。The hall is able to seat over a thousand people. ()The hall is capable of seating over a thousand peopple.2)事都干的出来。He is able to do anything .()3)不过,我们以后还要调查这件事。However, we will look into the matt

8、er later. ()We will, however, look into the matter later.第二讲 词汇的增减,用词的灵活性为了忠实于原文,有时需要加词,有时需要减词,有时需要改变原文的字词。增词一是为了保证译文语法结构的完整性而进行的增补;二是为了保证译文意思的明确而进行的增补。一、增词(代词、名词、连词、介词和冠词)1.我们的古人林黛玉讲Lin Daiyu, a character in a classical Chinese novel, said,2.我们总要相信,全世界也好,中国也好,多数人是好人。We must believe that in China, a

9、s everywhere else in the world, the majority of the people are good.3.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag dehind.4.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。So long as green hill remains, there will never be a shortage of firewood. 5、 三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined

10、 equal Zhu Geliang the mater mind.二、减词减词的原则:1)在译文中看来可有可无,或是多余的;2)其意思已经包含于上下文中;3)其含义在译文中是不言而喻的。如:A: 删减重复出现的词语1)这些问题就是他提出的关于美国政治制度的问题。These are his questions on the American political system.2)国际上议论纷纷,国内也有各种意见。There are various opinions on this question both at home and abroad.3)每条河流都有上游、中游和下游。Every r

11、iver has its upper, middle and lower reaches.B: 删减表示范畴的词语1)收入分配关系没有理顺。The distribution of income needs to be straightened out.2)国家要加大对中西部地区的支持力度。The state will increase its support for the central and western parts.3)中国的现代化建设离不开与世界各国的经济合作与贸易往来。Chinas modernization is inseparable from her economic an

12、d trade ties with other nations.4)多年来哪个国家一直有严重的失业现象。For many years there has been serious unemployment in that country.C: 删减影响修辞效果的词语1)反对铺张浪费,制止挥霍奢侈之风。We should oppose and put a stop to the unhealthy tendency of being extravagant or wasteful.2)公园里那些年轻人楼搂抱抱的,真让人看不上去。Its plain an eye-sore seeing those

13、 youngsters playing kissy-poo in the park. 练习题1、交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方。2、天气这样闷热,十有八九要下雨。3、前怕龙后怕虎的态度不能造就干部。4、生也好,死也好,我们要忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国。5、我们必须培养分析问题、解决问题的能力。6、我已经提前完成了交给我的任务,他也提前完成了交给他的任务。7、我厂生产的地毯图案新颖、色调雅致、美丽大方、富丽堂皇。第三讲 汉语词类的转换处理词类转换如果运用得当,可以使译文变得通顺流畅,符合英语的表达习惯;否则就可能使译文变得不伦不类。汉语词类的转换主要涉及名词、动词、形容词和副词

14、等的处理问题,其中以动词的转换居多,现分别介绍如下:1、汉语名词转换成英语动词在翻译过程中汉语名词一般是不改变其词性的,但有时某些汉语名词如“形状”、“地位”、“态度 ”、“特点”、“印象”、“目的”、“定义”等,以及较为正式的文体中的名词,在英语中往往可用动词来表示,同时修饰这些名词的形容词往往也要转换成副词。1)雄伟的人民大会堂给我们留下了深刻的印象。The magnificent Great Hall of the People impressed us tremendously.2)社会主义革命的目的是为了解放生产力。Socialist revolution aims at liber

15、ating the productive forces.3)自然保护区的划定和管理应按照国务院有关规定办理。Nature reserves shall be designated and administered according to the relevant provisions of the State Councils.2、汉语动词转换成英语名词英语中名词用得多,而汉语中动词用得多,所以在汉译英的过程中往往要伴随着汉语动词向英语名词的转换。如果这些汉语动词有副词修饰时,副词一般也要相应转换成形容词。1)中国政府承诺不对无核武器的国家使用核武器。The Chinese governme

16、nt undertakes non-use of nuclear weapons against nonnuclear countries.2)中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。Chinas successful explosion of its first atom bomb caused tremendous repercussions throughout the world.3)他在讲话中特别强调提高产品质量。In his speech he laid special stress on raising the quality of the products.3、

17、汉语动词转换成英语形容词1)他们怀疑自己是否能负担得起儿子的学费。They are doubtful whether they could afford their sons tuition fee.2)她母亲为她的健康担忧。Her mother was anxious about her health.3)我们决不满足于现有的成就。We are not content with our present achievements.4、汉语动词转换成英语介词或介词词组1)他们不顾一切困难、挫折,坚持战斗。They kept on fighting in spite of all difficul

18、ties and setbacks.2)我们对待世界大战这个问题的态度是:第一,反对;第二,不怕。Our attitude toward the question of the world war is, first, we are against it; second, we are not afraid of it.3)我们全体赞成他的提议。We are all in favor of his suggestion.5、汉语形容词或副词转换成英语名词有时候出于语法结构或修辞上的需要,也可以将汉语的某些形容词或副词转换成英语的名词。1)街上的一切逐渐消失在灰暗的暮色里。Everything

19、was gradually disappearing into a pall of grey.2)他试图用热情的款待把他的窘态遮盖过去。He tried to cover up his embarrassment with the enthusiasm of his hospitality.3)空气是这样的清香,使人感到分外凉爽、舒适。The air was fresh and fragrant; it gave people a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort.练习题:1、徐悲鸿画马画得特别好。2、绝对不容许违反这个原则。3、他的演讲给

20、听众留下的印象很深。4、该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。5、大部分学生对新来的英语老师很恭敬。6、采用这种新装置可以大大地降低废品率。7、汉语的特点之一是动词占优势。第四讲 汉语词组的英译处理汉语中的词组很多,翻译的方法也各不相同。本节主要针对的是那些在英译过程中较为常见而又有些难度的汉语词组,包括名词性词组、修饰性词组和四字排比结构三个方面。一、汉语名词性词组的英译处理下面就名词性词组中的修饰语的处理逐一说明:1、形容词作修饰语形容词是常见的修饰语,也较为容易掌握,但要注意两点:一要辨析词义,不能用错形容词;二当有多个形容词作修饰语时要正确处理形容词之间的关系。通常是描述性的形容词在

21、前,限制性的形容词在后。如:淡 季:low(dull/off/slack) season额外收费:extra charge/additional charge保暖内衣:thermal underwear伪劣产品:counterfeit goods/shoddy goods人际交流:interpersonal communication2、分词作修饰语固定资产:fixed assets有保留的赞扬:qualified praise全力支持:unqualified support/full support有关部门:the departments concerned/relevant authori

22、ties预定到达时间:expected time of arrival/scheduled arriving time3、介词短语作修饰语介词短语作修饰语时,通常要放在中心词的后面。如:停留时间:duration of stay成功而持久减肥的奥妙:the secret of successful and lasting weight loss很有背景的人:a man with powerful emergencies/a person with high-level connections.4、名词作修饰语要注意英语的习惯表达;要注意中心词与修饰语的位置。如:平价商店:discount st

23、ore休闲场所:leisure facilities经济作物:cash crop基础学科:foundation subjects/basic subjects人员不足:shortage of staff/staff shortage5、动词不定式作修饰语动词不定式作修饰语时,要放到中心词的后面。如:即将为众多商家采用的营销战略:a marketing strategy soon to be adopted by numerous businesses.6、副词短语作修饰语副词不能单独修饰中心词,而必须同其他成分如形容词或分词共同构成修饰语。如:难以置信的好运气:incredibly good

24、luck幼稚可笑的问题:ridiculously nave question高收入工作:a well paid job7、连字符构词作修饰语在职培训:on-the-job training售后服务:after-sale service利益集团:special-interest group节能冰箱:energy-efficient refrigerator最新式的设备:state-of-the-art equipment二、汉语修饰语词组的英译处理汉语中的修饰性词组同英语一样,在句法中也相当活跃。其中定语性词组和状语性词组的种类繁多,没有必要也不可能在这里详细讨论。我们只是选取其中较为重要的散动

25、式定语性词组和散动式状语性词组,在这里略加讨论。从散动式定语性词组和散动式状语性词组的英译处理方法来看,通常将其转化成从句、动词不定式、分词短语和介词短语等,下面逐一举例说明:1、转化为从句1)以上就是我们同意继续进行两岸对话的条件。The afore-said are conditions under which we will agree to continue talks between both sides of the Strait.2)中共中央总书记江泽民今天在钓鱼台国宾馆会见了正在中国进行正式访问的联合国秘书长加利。The General Secretory of the CPC

26、 Jiang Zemin met at Diayutai State Guesthouse this afternoon with the U.N. Secretery General Ghali who was on an official visit to China.3)找不找人帮忙的事由你来决定。Its up to you to decide whether we should look for helping hands or not.2、转化为动词不定式1)为什么人服务的问题,是一个根本的问题,原则的问题。To serve for whom is a cardinal proble

27、m, a matter of principle.2)皮肤不那么容易受到细菌感染。Skin is not liable to be affected by bacteria.3)四川是首先实行社会保险改革的省份之一。Sichuan is one of the first provinces to introduce a social insurance reform.3、转化为分词或分词短语1)他抽出枪就开始向敌人射击。Snatching his gun, he began to fire at the enemy.2)企业要建立风险资金以补偿因管理不善而造成的亏损。Risk funds wi

28、ll be set up to compensate for losses incurred because of poor management.3)他们扛起铁锹和锄头就下地了。They left for the fields, shouldering spades and hoes.4、转化为介词短语1)尽管有好多缺点,他是个勤奋的人。With all his shortcomings, he is a hard-working man.2)他是个眼睛大、鼻子很高的男孩。He is a little boy with a high nose and two big eyes.3)看见他我就

29、恶心。I feel sick at the sight of him.5、惯用法灵活处理1)她人长得好看,脑子又聪明。She is as pretty as wise.2)这件事说起来容易做起来难。Its easier said than done.3)物价飞涨的事实说明非洲人民饱受战争之苦。The skyrocketing prices are indicative of the untold bitterness of the African people in the depth of war.三、汉语四字排比结构的英译处理1、并列关系的英译处理1)形容词名词1大峡弯的谷地山峦交错、峡谷

30、相连、江水汹涌。The valley of the Grand Bend is full of multi-peaked mountains, joined canyons and turbulent waters.2我国政府愿意在平等互利、相互开放、长期合作、共同发展的基础上,进一步加强同亚洲各国的经济合作和贸易交流。The Chinese government stands ready to further strengthen economic cooperation and trade ties with other Asian nations on the basis of equa

31、lity, mutual benefit, mutual openness, long-term cooperation and common progress.2)名词或形容词in名词1由于这台仪器性能稳定、操作可靠、维修方便,因此受到用户的好评。The instrument has been welcomed by the users because of its stability in service, reliability in operation and simpilcity in maintenance.2这些女式衬衫系采用上等纯丝制成,价格公道,工艺精湛,设计独特。These silk blouses are made of pure silk of best quality. They are moderate in price, excellent in craftsmanship and unique in designs.3)介词短语1这里那里,螺号阵阵,渔歌声声;近近远远,红旗飘扬,白帆

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