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1、英语写作讲义英语写作序列讲座第一单元 段落简介11段落段落是构成文章的一组句子。段落必须表达完整的意思:或描写事物(describe something),或争论某事(argue about something),或对某事提出疑问(question something),或要求什么(demand something),或给事物下定义(define something),或驳斥某观点(reject something)。12典型段落的构成一个典型的段落通常由三部分组成:(1)主题句(the topic sentence);(2)说明或支持主题的推展句( supporting sentences)

2、;(3)结论句(the concluding sentence)(有些段落没有该部分)。示范段落1-1We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit because it causes health problems Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs In addition, it can bring about other

3、health problems such as heart and lung diseases It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society13示范段落分析这是一个典型的段落,可概括提纲如下:主题句: We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit,because it causes health problems推展句: 1 Doctors say it can be a direc cause of cancer of t

4、he lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs2 It can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases结论句: It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society从以上提纲可见,主题句提出了一个问题: What kind of health problems does cigarette smoking cause

5、?随后的两个推展句回答了这个问题,结论句总结了推展句并再一次强调主题句。Exercise 1-1Directions: Read the following paragraphs and find out the topic sentence, the supporting details and the concluding sentence, if there is one(1)The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever beforeAbout a thousand species of animals are in

6、danger of extinction,,and the rate at which they are being destroyed has increased With mammals, for instance, the rate of extinction is now about one species every year; from A D 1 to 1800, the ratewas about one species every fifty years Everywhere, men are trying o solve the problem of preserving

7、wildlife while caring at the same time for the worlds growing populationTopic Sentence:_Details: 1_2_Concluding Sentence:_(2)The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customsFor example, in both America and England, people shake hands when

8、 they meet each other for the first time Also, most English men will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans Promptness is important both in England and in America That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 oclock, the dinner guest either arrives close to tha

9、t time or calls up to explain his delayTopic Sentence:_Details: 1_2_3_Concluding Sentence:_(3)Birds use many different materials to build nestsSome birds use bits of grass The tailor-bird of Africa and India uses grass to sew leaves together Other birds find twigs and pebbles usefulTopic Sentence:_D

10、etails: 1_2_3_Concluding Sentence:_第二单元 主题句简介21主题句 作者的首要任务是让读者知道所写段落要谈的是什么,这就是每段的主题句的作用。因此主题句应该阐明段落的主要思想,所有支持主题句的细节和描述都与这一主要思想有关。22主题句的形式主题句通常有以下三种形式:1)肯定句(Affirmative Sentence)Example: The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before2)反诘句(Rhetorical Sentence)Example: How do you thin

11、k people will solve the problem of wildlife protection?3)不完整句(Fragments)Example: And the workingman?初学者最好使用肯定句作为主题句。23主题句的位置主题句出现的位置有以下四种情况:1)段首(At the beginning)主题句经常居于段首,以便读者浏览主题句就可掌握文章的概要。这个位置适用于写提供信息或解释观点的段落。2)段末(At the end)用推理方法展开段落时,主题句往往位于句末。3)段中(In the middle)有时为了使段落多样化,主题句也可以居于段中。4)隐含(Impli

12、ed)有时候,尤其在写叙述性或描写性段落时,当所有的细节都围绕着一个显而易见的主题时可以不用主题句。Exercise 2-1Directions: Read the following paragraphs and identify the topic sentence If it is implied, summarize it yourself(1)But no matter what it is called, all polyester has certain good points It does not wrinkle easily It dries quickly after i

13、t is washed It holds its shape It is strong and keeps its colors wellTopic Sentence:_Position:_(2)Black is the colour of mourning Red symbolizes danger,violence,or bloodshed If you are afraid, you are yellow None of these sayings is true outside the English speaking world In China and Korea, white i

14、s the color of mourning In Russia red stands for beauty and life In Italy and Germany you are yellow with anger,not with fearTopic Sentence:_Position:_(3)Our chief source of fresh water is rainfall that collects in lakes,rivers, and reservoirs Recently, however, we have discovered anew source, aquif

15、ers, which are rock formations containing waterEven under deserts, vast aquifers may be waiting to be tappedCompanies drilling for oil in the Middle East have sometimes struck aquifers, which provide unexpected water supplies for arid regionsTopic Sentence:_Position:_(4)Suppose youre playing a game

16、You make a silly mistake and lose Do you become angry? Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time? Suppose you are at a special dinnerYou accidentally spill some foodWhy keep worrying about how clumsy you look?Why not laugh it off and enjoy yourself anyway?If you can, its good sign

17、 youve really grown up Topic Sentence:_Position:_(5)Young men sometimes bring edelweiss back for their girlfriends The girls think of the flowers as a proof of true loveMountain climbers, guides, and hunters pick edelweiss tooThey wear it on their hats To them it is a sign of courage and daringTopic

18、 Sentence:_Position:_第三单元 如何写好主题句31关于写主题句的建议 1)要写合乎语法的句子Example 1: Two causes of the American Civil War这个句子是个不完整的句子,不合乎语法,因此不能用作主题句。Example 2: There were two causes that led to the American Civil War重写后的句子合乎语法,是个较好的主题句。2)要使用限写词限定主题为了正确表达观点,好的主题句经常使用关键词或词组,即限制词(controllers)限制这一观点。Example 3: Air trave

19、l is more convenient than train for at least three reasons从上例主题句我们得知作者将要写“air travel”( topic),他将要把 “train”( aspect)和“ air travel”作比较,并且陈述“reasons”。由此可见,作者在“aspect”(方面)和“reason”(原因)两方面限制他的主题。3)要注意主题的可写性所定的主题不能太笼统,也不能太具体。Example 4: In Hemingways story “Soldiers Home”,Krebs tells his mother that he wan

20、ts no part of Gods Kingdom这个句子太具体以至于无东西可写,无法展开段落。Example 5: In Hemingways story “Soldiers Home”, Kreb is a lonely, cynical veteran这个句子可作为主题句,因为可以围绕“lonely,cynical”展开段落。Example 6: Let me tell you something about overpopulation这个句子太笼统,作为一个段落的主题太大,难于驾驭。Example 7: Why has the world population been incre

21、asing sorapidly in the last decades?这个句子是个较好的主题句,作者用“the reasons for overpopulation in the last decades”,从“原因”(cause)和“时间”(time)两方面限制了主题,能在一个段落内论述。Exercise 3-1Directions: Identify the areas which limit the topic sentences311 Soccer has become increasingly popular in the U S in the last ten yearsTopi

22、c:_Limitations:_312 Pollution has caused three major problems in the last decadesTopic:_Limitations:_313There are two kinds of memory: short-term and long-termTopic:_Limitations:_314 Women are playing an increasingly important part in society todayTopic:_Limitations:_315 Women are paid less for equa

23、l work than men in some companiesTopic:_Limitations:_Exercise 3-2Directions: Write two topic sentences for each of the topics,limiting the topic in different ways3 2 1 Topic: the study of EnglishTopic Sentence 1:_Topic Sentence 2:_322 Topic: college students todayTopic Sentence 1:_Topic Sentence 2:_323 Topic: women in ChinaTopic Sentence 1:_Topic Sentence 2:_324 Topic:crimeTopic Sentence 1:_Topic Sentence 2:_Exercise 3-3Directions: Read the following paragraphs and supply the missing topic sente

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