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1、英语专业四级考试全真模拟试题14年英语专业四级考试全真模拟试题PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) 1、听录音:MP3:/imgcache/attached/media/202*0302/202*0302162710_5835.mp3 回答1-1题: Listen to the following passageAltogether the passage will be read to you four times During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to un

2、derstand the meaningFor the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your workYou will then be given 2 minutes to check through

3、 your work once more Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONEPART LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20 MIN) SECTION A CONVERSATIONS 2、听录音,回答以下问题: What is the woman doing? AMoving to a new place BChecking her balance CReturning insufficient funds DOpening an account in a bank3、What is the current in

4、terest rate in the bank? A25 percent B4 percent C7 percent DIts hard to say4、In which case will the bank charge a fee? AIf the balance is below five hundred dollars BIf the interest rate varies CIf the customers open a new account DIf the customers want to check their account5、听录音,回答以下问题: What are t

5、he two speakers going to do? APlay tennis BBuy tickets for the tennis match CGo for picnics DWatch a tennis match6、 What are they worrying about? ATheir favorite player will not turn up for the match BThe bad weather will affect the players performance CTheir favorite player may be beaten down by hi

6、s opponent DThe match will last for a long time7、 What does the woman say about their favorite player? AHe always plays best in the first part BHe cant play well in a wet day CNo matter how hard the game will be,he always wins the game finally DHe lost last time because the court is Slippery8、听录音,回答

7、以下问题: Whats the womans purpose of going to New York? ATo go sightseeing BTo have meetings CTo promote a new champagne DTo join in a training program9、 What does the woman say about the well-being in the air program? AIt can reduce the number of passenger complaints BIt can make air travel more enter

8、taining CIt can cut down the expenses for air travel DIt can lessen the discomfort caused by air travel10、 What did the woman do to follow the well-being menu? ATook balanced meals with champagne BAte vegetables and fruit only CRefrained from fish or meat DAvoided eating rich food11、 What did the wo

9、man say about other passengers? AMany of them found it difficult to exercise on a plane BMany of them were concerned with their well-being CNot many of them chose to do what she did DNot many of them understood the program SECTION B PASSAGES 12、听录音,回答以下问题: Which of the following are NOT resources in

10、 the library? ABooks and periodicals BNewspapers CAudio and video materials D24 personal computers13、 What service must be paid for? AComputer classes BTraining sessions CLaser printing DPackage borrowing14、 The talk is mainly about_ Acomputer lab services Bcollege library facilities Cthe use of mic

11、ro-computers Dprintouts from the laser printer15、听录音,回答以下问题: We can learn from the passage that when twisting around, _ Apeople cant fall asleep Bpeople may feel relaxed Cpeoples blood pressure increases Dpeople may find a more comfortable position16、 What is NOT mentioned as a factor contributing t

12、o insomnia? AResting frequently during the day BDoing little exercise CSleeping late on weekends DHaving heart disease17、 According to the speaker, sleeping pills may_ Aease insomnia Bhelp keep the bodys natural rhythm Clead to worse insomnia later Dhave no effect at all18、Whats the relationship bet

13、ween John and Sue now? AClassmates BColleagues CBoss and secretary DPR representative and client19、听录音,回答以下问题: Whats the relationship between John and Sue now? AClassmates BColleagues CBoss and secretary DPR representative and client20、 Why was John furious after he finished his first assignment? AH

14、e felt his assignment was tougher than Sues BHis clients complained about his service CHe thought the boss was unfair to him DHis boss was always finding fault with his work21、 Whats Sues attitude to difficult tasks? AShe is unwilling to undertake them BShe complains about her bad luck CShe always a

15、ccepts them cheerfully DShe takes them on, though reluctantly SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST 22、听录音,回答以下问题: Augusto Pinochet will be officially honored as_ Aa former dictator of Chile Ba head of the country Ca great national hero Da former army chief 23、 Augusto Pinochets funeral will be _ Awith full mili

16、tary honors Ba state funeral Cheld in the army Daccompanied by a national period of mourning24、听录音,回答以下问题: What did Lebanese protestors demand? AA mass demonstration BA national unity government CThree fourths of the seats in Congress DCooperation of the government25、听录音,回答以下问题: What did Philips fea

17、r according to the police in Texas? AHe would be sentenced to death BHe would die in prison CHe would be fired DHe would be discriminated26、 How many people were taken hostage by Philips? A1 B2 C3 D427、听录音,回答以下问题: What did the killer do after killing the first two victims? AHe recorded a video BHe r

18、an away CHe called one of his friends DHe sent a short message to his father28、听录音,回答以下问题: The Palestinian government needs _ in aid this year A$3 million B$13 million C$3 billion D$13 billion29、 What was MrFayyads interaction with senior European Union officials? AAttending business parties BHoldin

19、g talks CDining together DTexting messages30、听录音,回答以下问题: Those logging contracts mentioned involve _ hectares of forest in Congo A15 million B50 million C15 million D5 million31、 What did some logging companies do? AThey gave local communities $100,000 BThey did not keep promises to local communitie

20、s CThey offered local communities precious gifts DThey fought with local communitiesPART CLOZE (15 MIN) 32、根据以下资料,回答32-51题: corresponding blanksMark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in pr

21、ominent cases 31_ the trial of Rosemary West In a significant 32 _ of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a 33 _bill that will propose making payments to witnesses34 _and will strictly control the amount of 35 _ that can be given to a case 36 _ a trial beg

22、ins In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine saidhe 37 _ a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not 38 _ sufficient control 39 _ of the letter came two days after Lordlrvine 40 _ a storm of media protest when he sai

23、d the 41 _of privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to judges 42 _ to Parliament The Lord Chancellor said 43 _ of the Human Rights Bill, which makes the European Convention on Human Rights legally 44 _in Britain, laid down that everybody was 45 _ to privacy and that public

24、figures could go to court to protect themselves and their familiesPress freedoms will be in 46 _ hands with our British judges, he said Witness payments became an issue 47 _ West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995Up to 19 witnesses were 48 _ to have received payments for telling their storie

25、s to newspapersConcerns were raised 49 _ witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to 50 _ guilty verdicts 请在第(31)处选择正确答案_ Asuch as Bin particular Cfor instance Das regards33、请在第(32)处选择正确答案_ Afastening Bintensifying Cfocusing Dtightening34、请在第(33)处选择正确答案_ Asketch Brough Cpre

26、ceding Ddraft35、请在第(34)处选择正确答案_ Aillogical Billegal Cimpossible Dinappropriate 36、请在第(35)处选择正确答案_ Aattraction Bhighlight Cconcentration Dpublicity37、请在第(36)处选择正确答案_ Aif Bsince Cbefore Das38、请在第(37)处选择正确答案_ Aagreed with Bbacked up Ctook to Dmade after 39、请在第(38)处选择正确答案_ Aindicate Boffer Cfoster Dpres

27、ent40、请在第(39)处选择正确答案_ ARelease BPublication CPrinting DExposure 41、请在第(40)处选择正确答案_ Amade Bcaused Craised Dled42、请在第(41)处选择正确答案_ Ademonstration Binterpretation Cexhibition Dtranslation 43、请在第(42)处选择正确答案_ Aother than Bbetter than Csooner than Drather than 44、请在第(43)处选择正确答案_ Aappearance Bmanifestation

28、Cintroduction Dperformance45、请在第(44)处选择正确答案_ Asustaining Bconvincing Crestraining Dbinding46、请在第(45)处选择正确答案_ Agranted Bendowed Centitled Dqualified 47、请在第(46)处选择正确答案_ Asafe Bdirect Cinfluential Dpowerful 48、请在第(47)处选择正确答案_ Aalthough Bbecause Cafter Dfor49、请在第(48)处选择正确答案_ Aremarked Bsaid Ctold Dstate

29、d 50、请在第(49)处选择正确答案_ Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dhow 51、请在第(50)处选择正确答案_ Aassure Bguarantee Censure Dsecure PART GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN) 52、They lost their way in the forest, and _made matters worse was that night began to fall Athat Bit Cwhat Dwhich 53、 The business of each day, _selling goods or ship

30、ping them, went quite smoothly Ait being Bbe it Cwas it Dit was54、 Most electronic devices of this kind, _manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed Athat are Bas are Cwhich is Dit is55、 You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting _ you dont mind taking the night train Aprovided Bunless Cthough Duntil56、 I will give this dictionary to _wants to have it Awhomever Bsomeone Cwhoever Danyone 57、 Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, _obta

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