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1、新目标英语九年级Unit10学案 九年级英语 Unit10 Section A (1a2c) 导学案 设计 :【预习目标】1.Knowing : get -got-got ,go-went-gone , leave-left , rang-rung , start-started-started 2. Master: by the time ;oversleep3.Understanding : The past Perfect Tense .【预习重点】初步认知by 和 when 开头的完成时态。【课前预习】Task 1 英汉互译跑回家_睡过头_到-时候_准时_ 回到家_ 走进教室_ 开始教

2、课_leave my backpack at home_ take a quick shower_返回到学校_Task2: 翻译下列句子并注意划线部分。1.But when I got home ,I realized I had left my keys in the backpack . _2 .And by the time I got back to school ,the bell had rung ._【预习检测】一、写出下列词的过去式和过去分词:oversleep _ ring _ run_ get_ forget_ go _ leave _ start_二、完成句子: 1.他匆

3、匆洗了个澡就跑去公共车站了。He _the bus station after _ _. _2.他告诉我,他把书落在家里了。He told me that he _ _ his books at home. 3.早上当我醒来的时候,我妈妈已经上班了。_I _in the morning ,mum _to work .4.当我返回到教室的时候,铃已经响了。_ _ _ I got back to school, the bell _【课中探究】1.leave/forget 指“忘记”的用法区别:leave_forget_Mary is forgetful. She always_ her thin

4、gs here and there .Dont _to turn off the light when you leave the classroom . 2.过去完成时态的构成是:_【当堂达标】选词填空 :get, have, leave, walk, start, run, take, oversleep, go, realize, ring Tina _ a bad morning. She _.By the time she got up, her brother_ in the shower, after he got out of the shower, she _ a quick

5、 shower, and got dressed. By the time she _ outside, the bus _.She ran all the way to school, but she _ she _ her backpack at home, so she _ to get her backpack. She had to got back to school, the bell _.By the time she _ into class, the teacher _teaching already.九年级英语Unit10 Section A ( 3a3c)导学案设计 :

6、【预习目标】1. Master: go off , rush , run off, on time , lock, relative, broke, break down2.Understanding: Meaning of the article in 3a3. Practising: 1. Retell the story 2. Use the phrases in this lesson.4 Communicating : Talk about the questions in 3b according to 3c.【预习重点】 1 Understanding 3a and retell

7、 it. 2. Ask and answer the questions in 3b like 3c.【预习任务】 Task 1 Read the story and find out the phrases.上学迟到_ 发出响声_醒来_ 等待_出来_很快的冲洗_跑掉,迅速离开_ 到校_ 按时_ 搭车_Task 2 Read the story again , write the events (事件)in the correct order on the right of 3a【预习检测】汉译英 1.昨天我睡过了头,幸运的是,爸爸让我搭便车上学。I _yesterday , _, Dad _

8、to school .2.他工作如此忙,以至于经常忘记亲人的生日。He is so busy that he often _.【课中探究】1. I came very close .中的close意思是:_如:He lives close to the station .他住的接近车站。/他住在车站附近。2. I only just made it to my class. 中的made it意思是:_如:The flight leaves in 20 minuteswell not make it .再过20分钟飞机就要起飞了咱们赶不上了。【当堂达标】一、 单项选择( )1 By the t

9、ime he arrived the air plane, the plane_A has taken off B was taking off C. had taken off D would take off( )2 -Tomorrow is Fathers day ,what will you do for your father ? - I will say I love you , Daddy as soon as he _up .A .will wake B .is waking C. wakes D. woke( )3 My clock doesnt work well, it

10、didnt _ this morning.A come out B go off C take off D set off( )4 The teacher told us that he _ in London before he came here. A lives B lived C has lived D had lived( )5 _the man _the famous actor by the end of last year ?A Has , seen B Had , seen C Did , see D Were, seeing二、根据句意及首字母的提示,填写所缺的单词 1.

11、By the time I got up , my mother _(cook ) the breakfast .2. Before I got home , my brother Tony _(turn) on the TV .3. Who are you _(wait) for here ?4. By the time I_ (wake) up , the school bus had left . 5. After a _(quickly ) breakfast , I went to school .九年级英语Unit10 Section B ( 1a2c)导学案设计 :【预习目标】1

12、.Knowing: fool, costume, embarrassed, empty, show up , etc.2. Be able to understand the listening materials in 2b .3.通过本课时学习,了解有关愚人节的情况。.【预习重点】Be able to understand the listening materials.【预习任务】 读1a部分单词或短语理解并记忆:愚弄_邀请_ 戏装_尴尬的_发出声音;响了_ 起床_穿衣服_空的_出席;出面_认识到;意识到_ 精疲力竭的_熬夜_【预习检测】根据首字母及句意补全单词1. We felt e_

13、 after I stayed up really late.2. Last Sunday my friend i_ me to his home for dinner.3. This morning his alarm w_ off, but he didnt hear that.4. The little girl has gottten d_ herself.5. My father a_ that he had given up smoking .【课中探究】 1.Read through the listening part 2a, 2b, retell the story abou

14、t Dave, Nick, or Joe being as a April fool.(复述Dave, Nick, 或者 Joe被愚弄的经历) 2. 通过本课时学习,你了解了哪些有关愚人节的情况。.【当堂达标】一、单选( )1.-Did you see the film Chicken ,Run last night ? -Yes ,but when I got to the cinema , the film _for early half an hour . A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. had been on ( )2.-Im s

15、orry , I _my homework at home . -Thats all right .Dont forget _it to school this afternoon .A. forget , to take B.forget , to bring C.left , to take D.left , to bring( )3.At the party ,everyone _with their wives ,but I was alone .A. put up B. showed up C . looked up D. got up( )4.I feel _ by his_ wo

16、rds.A. embarrassed ,embarrassed B. embarrassing ,embarrassedC. embarrassed ,embarrassing D. embarrassing ,embarrassing二、选择短语或单词填空 go off , on time , lock , bring , broke down 1.We must get to school _.Its important.2.Dont forget to _the door before you leave .3.On the way to my uncles , the car _.Ba

17、d luck .4.Why didnt the alarm clock _this morning 、5.Joe ,could you _me some coffee ?九年级英语Unit10 Section B ( 3a4)导学案设计 :【预习目标】1、掌握本课的单词、短语。 2、理解3a短文。预习重点:理解3a短文。【预习任务】Read 3a, find out the phrases登陆地球_如此.以致于_激起,引起,_ 逃离_停止做某事_和.一样_卖完_在愚人节_要求某人做某事_有个好的结局_ 结婚_【预习检测】一、总结下列动词的过去式及过去分词take_ make set_ sell

18、_ _put_ run_ flee_ 二、汉译英1.当权威机构认识到这是个骗局时,数以千记的人们已经离开了家乡。_2.当人们意识到这是个玩笑时,整个国家的意大利面已经售完了。_3.这个电视明星既失去了他的女朋友,又失去了他的节目。_【课中探究】1.sothat如此以至于,so之后跟形容词或副词,that之后跟从句。如:He is so young that he cant go to school.2.marry的用法:(1) get married结婚,表示动作。如:They got married last year.(2)be married结婚,常用于婚姻状况,表示状态。如:They

19、have been married for three years .(3)在表达与某人结婚时,不可以使用marry with sb .而要用marry sb .如:Bill married Mary on January 1,1994.1994年1月1日,比尔娶了玛丽。【当堂达标】1.在愚人节那天,David邀请我参加一个化妆晚会。_2. 英语如此重要,我们不能放弃它。_3 .尼克一听到这个消息就冲了过去。As soon as Nick _ the news , he _._4.那个漂亮的女孩上个月嫁给了一个有钱人。5 ().More than eight percent of the wo

20、rk _ before he came. A. was finished B. has finished C. had finished D. had been finished6.( ) When is April Fools Day ?A. January 1 B. February 14 C. April 1 D.July 1九年级英语 Unit10 Self Check 导学案 设计 :【预习目标】1. Master : rush; realize; invite ; show up; stay up2. Using : The past Perfect Tense .【预习重点】 b

21、y 和 when 开头的完成时态。【课前预习】1. 5个单词和短语达到默写,理解并且会自己造句子。2. 复习总结一般过去时态和过去完成时态。【预习任务】我的展示台:1.rush_2.realize_3.invite_ up_ 5.stay up_【预习检测】根据图片提示,口头描述一下Lou Mings day,让我们PK一下,看谁描述的最连贯,精彩。【课中探究】本单元就要接近尾声了,你觉得:在这一单元里我们应该掌握哪些知识?你都掌握了吗?还有哪些知识点应该在探讨一下?Lets have a discussion.【当堂达标】一、单选()1. By the time I arriv

22、ed at the station, the train _.A. has left B. left C. had left D. is leaving()2.- Do you know where Tony is? -He said he was going to meet me, but he didnt_A. go off B. show up C. stay up D. set off( )3、My parents _ for 16 years. A. married B. got married C. have been married D. have married()4. - Im sorry I _ your books at home . - Thats Ok. Dont forget _ them to school tomorrow.A. forget; to bring B. left; to take C. forget; to take D. left; to bring5.我不想熬夜那么晚,尽管今晚有好的电视节目。I dont want to _that late , _there is a good TV _ 二你有没有觉得过去的哪一天很(不)开心,那一天都发生了一些什么事?把它告诉大家,让我们跟你一起分享你的快乐或者分担你的忧愁。

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