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1、计算机图形学常见问题1Archive-Name: graphics/opengl-faq/part1 Lines: 747 Xref: comp.answers:14596 news.answers:54156 View all headersNewsgroups: comp.answers,,news.answersPath:!!grapevi

2、!!usc!!swrinde!sgi!phoFrom: pho (Paul Ho)Subject: OpenGL Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1/3Message-ID: Followup-To: posterLast-Modified: 1995 September 18Summary: This contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions about OpenGL (R)Keywords: FAQ, OpenGLSen

3、der: phoReply-To: phoOrganization: Silicon Graphics Inc.Posting-Frequency: twice a monthDate: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 08:00:20 GMTApproved: mailnewsView main headersSee reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledgeThis FAQ is posted twice a month, on the 2nd, 16th of ever

4、y month. You may also want to see the OpenGL Web Page:WWW URL * marks recently modified answers or new questionsThe FAQ has been split into 3 parts.Part 1 are general questions about OpenGL documentation,implementations, licensing, and other general productinformation. Part 2 is about OpenGL governa

5、nce and the ARB.Part 3 are technical questions, including where source codeexamples can be found.Part 1Q1: How do I submit changes or additions to this FAQ?Q2: What is OpenGL?Q3: Where are World Wide Web sites with information about OpenGL?Q4: What does the .gl or .GL file format have to do with Ope

6、nGL?Q5: What documentation is available for OpenGL? (A bibliography of OpenGL documents is listed here.) Q6: Where can I get the OpenGL specification? Q7: Which vendors are licensing OpenGL? *Q8: What OpenGL implementations are available?Part 2Q9: Who needs to license OpenGL? Who doesnt? Q10: What a

7、re the conformance tests?Q11: What is Silicon Graphics policy on free implementations of APIs which resemble the OpenGL API? Q12: What is Mesa 3D and where can I get it?Q13: How does a university or research institution acquire access to OpenGL source code?Q14: How is a commercial license acquired?Q

8、15: How is the OpenGL governed? Who decides what changes can be made?Q16: Who are the current ARB members?Q17: What is the philosophy behind the structure of the ARB?Q18: How does the OpenGL ARB operate logistically? When does the ARB have meetings?Q19: How do additional members join the OpenGL ARB?

9、Q20: So if Im not a member of the ARB, am I shut out of the decision making process?Q21: Are ARB meetings open to observers?Part 3Q22: Where can I find OpenGL source code examples? For instance, where is an example which combines OpenGL with Motif, using the Motif widget?Q23: How do I contribute Ope

10、nGL code examples to a publicly accessible archive?Q24: What is the GLUT toolkit? Where do I get it?Q25: What is the relationship between IRIS GL and OpenGL? Is OpenGL source code or binary code compatible with IRIS GL?Q26: Why should I port my IRIS GL application to OpenGL?Q27: How much work is it

11、to convert an IRIS GL program to OpenGL? What are the major differences between them?Q28: When using Xlib, how do I create a borderless window?Q29: How do I switch between single buffer and double buffer mode?Q30: On my machine, it appears that glXChooseVisual is only able to match double-buffered v

12、isuals. I want to have more bits of color resolution, so how do I render in single buffer mode?Q31: Ive got a 24-bit machine, but my OpenGL windows are not using the full color resolution. Whats wrong? My program looks fine on one machine, but the depth buffer doesnt work on another. Whats wrong?Q32

13、: What information is available about OpenGL extensions?Q33: How do I make shadows in OpenGL?Q34: How can I use 16 bit X fonts?Q35: Whats in the new GLU 1.2 tesselator?-Subject: Q1: How do I submit changes or additions to this FAQ?A: To request changes or additions, please send e-mail tothe FAQ main

14、tainer. See the Reply-To: field in the header forthe e-mail address.OpenGL licensees may want to contribute information to thequestion: What OpenGL implementations are available? Thatspace is available for any company who wishes to state statusreports, release dates, contact names and phone numbers,

15、 or otherinformation for their OpenGL implementation. It is asked that this information be relatively brief. Also, forthe sake of civility, each implementor is asked not to makecomparisons of their implementations against others. Note that although a Silicon Graphics employee maintains thisFAQ, Sili

16、con Graphics does not speak for any other company, nor does it uphold the veracity of anyone elses information.-Subject: Q2: What is OpenGL?A: OpenGL(R) is the software interface for graphics hardware that allowsgraphics programmers to produce high-quality color images of 3Dobjects. OpenGL is a rend

17、ering only, vendor neutral API providing 2Dand 3D graphics functions, including modelling, transformations,color, lighting, smooth shading, as well as advanced features liketexture mapping, NURBS, fog, alpha blending and motion blur. OpenGLworks in both immediate and retained (display list) graphics

18、 modes.OpenGL is window system and operating system independent. OpenGL has been integrated with Windows NT and with the X Window System underUNIX. Also, OpenGL is network transparent. A defined common extensionto the X Window System allows an OpenGL client on one vendors platformto run across a net

19、work to another vendors OpenGL server. -Subject: Q3: Where are World Wide Web sites with information about OpenGL?A: OpenGL-The Integration of Windowing and 3D GraphicsWWW URL http:/ by Harry Shamansky. OpenGL WWW CenterWWW URL Maintained by

20、Thomas McReynolds .IBM WWW Center for OpenGLWWW URL Template Graphics Software WWW Center for OpenGLWWW URL Microsoft Developer Network OffRamp Web ServerWWW URL -Subject: Q4: What does the .gl or .GL file format have to do with OpenGL?A: .gl files have nothing to do with OpenGL, but are sometimesco

21、nfused with it. .gl is a file format for images, which has norelationship to IRIS GL or OpenGL.- Subject: Q5: What documentation is available for OpenGL?(A bibliography of OpenGL documents is listed here.)A: A 2 volume set, The OpenGL Technical Library (The OpenGLProgramming Guide and The OpenGL Ref

22、erence Manual) is publishedby Addison-Wesley. The ISBN numbers for both English andJapanese versions are listed below. You can purchase the booksin extremely large volume by calling Addison-Wesley (+1-617-944-3700).What follows is a bibliography of articles, books, and papers writtenabout OpenGL.Boo

23、ks (in English)-Neider, Jackie, Tom Davis, and Mason Woo, OpenGL ProgrammingGuide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Release 1,Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1993 (ISBN 0-201-63274-8).OpenGL Architecture Review Board, OpenGL Reference Manual: TheOfficial Reference Document for OpenGL,

24、Release 1,Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1992 (ISBN 0-201-63276-4).Magazine articles-Bruno, Lee. Graphics Users Debate Three Hot Topics, Open Systems Today,December 12, 1994, p. HP3, HP8.Bruno, Lee. Sun Continues to Resist OpenGL Tide, Open Systems Today,November 28, 1994, p. SF1, SF5-6.Dav

25、is, Tom. Moving to OpenGL, IRIS Universe, Number 25,Summer, 1993.Deffeyes, Suzy and John Spitzer. OpenGL on OS/2, OS/2 Developer Magazine,Nov/Dec 94, pages 34-45.Glazier, Bill. The Best Principle: Why OpenGL is emerging as the 3Dgraphics standard, Computer Graphics World, April, 1992.Industry group

26、pushing 3-D graphics standard, Computer Design,July, 1994, p. 50, 52.Karlton, Phil. Integrating the GL into the X environment: ahigh performance rendering extension working with and not againstX, The X Resource: Proceeding of the 6th Annual X TechnicalConference, OReilly Associates, Issue 1, Winter,

27、 1992.Kilgard, Mark, Simon Hui, Allen Leinwand, and Dave Spalding. XServer Multi-rendering for OpenGL and PEX, The X ResourceProceedings of the 8th Annual X Technical Conference, OReilyand Associates, Sebastopol, California, January 1994.Kilgard, Mark J. OpenGL & X: An Introduction, The X Journal.No

28、vember-December, 1993, page 36-51.Kilgard, Mark J. Using OpenGL with Xlib, The X Journal.January-February, 1994, page 46-65.Kilgard, Mark J. Using OpenGL with Motif, The X Journal.July-August, 1994.OpenGL Programs a New Horizon for Sun, SunWorld, January, 1994,page 15-17.Prosise, Jeff. Advanced 3-D

29、Graphics for Windows NT 3.5:Introducing the OpenGL Interface, Part I, Microsoft Systems Journal,October, 1994, Vol. 9, Number 10, pages 15-29.Prosise, Jeff. Advanced 3-D Graphics for Windows NT 3.5: Introducing the OpenGL Interface, Part II, Microsoft Systems Journal,November, 1994, Vol. 9, Number 1

30、1.Prosise, Jeff. Understanding Modelview Transformations inOpenGL for Windows NT, Microsoft Systems Journal,February, 1995, Vol. 10, Number 2.Japanese language magazine articles and books-Interview with Masamichi Tachi about OpenGL_Japan, Nikkei Computer Graphics, 3/1995, p. 56-57.Matsumoto, Masayuki, PIXEL, OpenGL, A 3D Graphics Standard,10/1994, p. 138-1

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