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外研社八年级上册英语 Module 6 词汇与语法基础解析版.docx

1、外研社八年级上册英语 Module 6 词汇与语法基础解析版知识图谱Module 6 Animals in danger知识精讲一、必背词汇1、snake sneik n. 蛇2、neck nek n. 脖子;脖子3、thin in adj. 细长的;瘦的4、danger deind n. 危险;危害5、symbol simbl n. 象征;标志6、feed fi:d vt. (fed fed)喂养;饲养7、interested intristid adj. 关心的,感兴趣的8、allow lau vt. 允许;准许9、develop divelp v. 研制;制定10、protect pru

2、tekt vt. 保护,防卫11、wild waild adj. 野生的; n.野生环境12、grow gru v. grew ru: (逐渐)变得;生长13、nature park 自然公园14、enough inf adj. 充分的;足够的15、peace pi:s n. 和平;太平16、nature neit n. 大自然;自然界17、notice nutis n. 告示,布告18、set set v.设置;设定19、raise reiz vt. 抚养;筹集(钱款);养育;20、research ris:t n. 研究;探讨21、baby beibi n. 婴儿,婴孩22、situati

3、on sitjuein n. 情况;形势23、scientist saintist n. 科学家24、produce prdju:s vt. 生育;繁殖25、southwest ,sauwest n. 西南 adj. 西南的;朝西南的26、government vnmnt n. 政府二、重点词汇1. interested adjective /n.trstd/wanting to give your attention to something and discover more about it感兴趣的;关注的1). He didnt seem very interested in what

4、 I was saying.他好像对我的话不怎么感兴趣。2). Shes at that age where shes starting to get interested in boys.她正处于开始对男孩子发生兴趣的年龄。2. allow verb /la/to give permission for someone to do something, or to not prevent something from happening使有可能;允许,准许;容许1). + to infinitive Do you think Dad will allow you to go to Jamie

5、s party?你认为爸爸会允许你去参加杰米的聚会吗?2). Youre not allowed to talk during the exam.考试期间不许交谈。3. develop verb /dvel.p/to (cause something to) grow or change into a more advanced, larger, or stronger form(使)发展;(使)发育;(使)成长1). It became clear that he wasnt developing like all the other little boys.显然他没有像其他小男孩那样正常生

6、长发育。2). Over time, their acquaintance developed into a lasting friendship.随着时间的推移,他们的泛泛之交变成了牢固的友谊。4. protect verb /prtekt/to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage, or loss保护,防护1). clothing that protects you against the cold.御寒的衣服2). Its important to protect your skin from the harmful ef

7、fects of the sun.保护皮肤不受太阳的伤害是很重要的。5. raise verb /rez/to lift something to a higher position举起;抬起;提起1). Would all those in favour please raise their hands?赞成的人请举手好吗?2). He raised the window and leaned out.他把窗户推上去后探出身子。三、必背短语in danger 处于危险中at last 终于;最后think of 想到;想出take away 夺走;拿走in peace和平地;平静地look

8、after 照顾、照料in order to 为了set up开办;设立;创办;建立四、重点句型1. We need to protect them better.我们需要更好地保护他们。2. Lets find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible.让我们明白我们能做其它的事情尽可能多得保护动物。3. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live.科学家做了大

9、量的研究来帮助熊猫产更多的小熊猫并且帮助熊猫宝宝生活。4. In order to perotect pandas in the wild, the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans.为了保护野生大熊猫,政府建立自然公园和开发其它的植物。5. But I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve, because it allows people to get closer to them.但我更感兴趣的是在卧龙

10、熊猫保护区能看到熊猫,因为它允许人们更加近距离的接近它们。三点剖析一、考点:动词不定式是一种活跃的非谓语动词。它的形式是“to+动词原形”,但to有时也可以省略。现在就让我们一起来看一下动词不定式的形式和由用法。1. 作主语作主语时,现代英语倾向于用it作形式主语,放在句首,而把真正的主语动词不定式(短语)后置,如:Its hard for me to learn English. 对我来说,学英语很难。2. 作定语动词不定式作定语,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词的后面。如:I have nothing to say on this question. 关于这个问题,我无话可说。3. 作宾语不定式

11、可以作某些动词的宾语,如want, like, try, decide等。有的及物动词要求跟复合宾语,如果其中的宾语是不定式短语,则必须将形式宾语it放在宾语的位置上,而将不定式短语放在宾语补足语之后。如:I want to have a rest. 我想要休息一下。I find it useful to learn English well. 我发现学好英语很有用。4. 作宾语补足语动词不定式作宾语补足语是动词不定式用法的一个重点,学习时要注意。如:He asked me to wait for him at the gate. 他要我在大门口等他。5. 作状语动词不定式可以作目的状语,也可

12、以作结果状语。如:Ill write down the number so as not to forget it.为了不忘记这个数字,我讲把它写下来。二、易错点:find out, find与look forfind out多指通过调查、询问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚;弄明白”,通常指找出无形的、抽象的东西。find通常表示找到具体的东西,也可以指偶然发现某物或某种情况,强调“找”的结果。look for 表示有目的地找,强调“找”的动作。题模精选题模一:动词不定式例1.1.1 Though he often made his little sister _, today he was mad

13、e _ by his little sister.A. cry; to cryB. crying; cryingC. cry; cryD. to cry; cry例1.1.2 The boy went to the hospital _ after his mother.A. lookedB. lookC. to lookD. looks题模二:find out的用法例1.2.1 1. 请帮我查一下飞机几点着陆。Please help me _ what tine the plane will land.2. 请查一下火车什么时候离站。Please _ when the train leave

14、s.例1.2.2 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(1)We should take an active part in _(保护) environment(2)Which animals are in _(危险)? Do you know, Mike?(3)They are doing a lot of _(研究) to protect animals(4)We hate war and love the _(和平)(5)His English teacher looks kind of _(瘦的)随堂练习随练1.1 Its necessary for us _ English well.A. t

15、o learnB. learningC. learnD. learns随练1.2 -So beautiful flowers! I cant decide _ for my mom.-For Mothers Day, it cant be better to take some carnations (康乃馨).A. when to chooseB. which to chooseC. how to chooseD. what to choose随练1.3 根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词。1. We should take an active part in _ (保护) the envir

16、onment.2. Dont worry. My mother is out of _ (危险).3. We hate the war and love the _ (和平).4. I am _ (感兴趣的) in your story.5. We are afraid of_ (蛇). You know, they are dangerous.6. They decided to save the animals in the _ (野生状态).随练1.4 翻译(1)我们必须告诉李明他处境危险。We must tell LiMing that he is _。(2)没有什么可担心的。Ther

17、es nothing to _ _ _随练1.5 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式, 每词限用一次(1)Tom usually buys sausages to _ his dog(2)Yunnan and Sichuan are in the _ of China(3)Dont worryMr. Wang will help us in all kinds of _(4)They did lots of _ about India to know about this country(5)The two _ were born at the same time随练1.6

18、根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话A: Hi, Dave! _B: I m looking up some information about Asian elephantsA: Really? _B: They can live for about sixty yearsA: _B: Grass, leaves and fruitA: Where do they live?B: _ But now some of them dont have safe places to liveA: Why not?B: Because people are cutting down

19、forests and killing them for their ivory (象牙)A: _B: Stop people cutting down forests and killing themA: I see能力拓展拓展1 In order _ for the meeting, my sister forced herself to get up early this morning.A. not to be lateB. not Beijing lateC. to be lateD. being late拓展2 Spring bud Project is an organizati

20、on that raises money _ poor young girls return to school.A. to saveB. savingC. helpingD. to help拓展3 The children decide _ their schoolyard this Friday afternoon.A. cleanB. to cleanC. cleaningD. cleaned拓展4 根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词。1. Lily is a fat girl. She wants to lose some weight and be t_.2. Im not a_ t

21、o go out at night. So I wont go to the movie with you.3. I want to be a teacher when I g_ up.4. We havent got e_ money to buy it. Its too expensive.5. Your bedroom is very d_. You should clean it up.拓展5 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 谁把这些椅子拿走了?Who _ _ these chairs?2. 这个女孩病得很重,生命垂危。The gril is very ill and her life i

22、s _ _.3. 我们决定保护这些小树。We decide _ _ the young trees.4. 我终于见到大熊猫了。I saw the pandas _ _.5. 他们决定不考虑那件事。They decided _ _ about that thing.6. 我会查明真相的。I will _ _ the truth.拓展6 句型转换(1)My father got up early so that he could catch the first subway(改为同义句)My father got up early _ _ _ catch the first subway(2)Th

23、anks for taking care of my little son(改为同义句)Thanks for _ _my little son(3)The boy needs to see the doctor(改为一般疑问句)_ the boy _ to see the doctor?(4)Most birds have a safe place to live in(改为否定句)Most birds _ _ a safe place to live in(5)To think of that poor man is sad(改为同义句)_ _to think of that poor ma

24、n拓展7 根据上下文意思,用所给单词的恰当形式完成下列短文。 Toby came back from England yesterdayTwo months ago, Toby and his classmate _(enter) a robot competition for his schoolMore than one hundred _(school) around the country joined in it, and Tobys school _(win) the first prizeAs captain of his team, Toby felt very proudHe

25、 said it was a wonderful experienceBut the prize sounded more fantasticIt was a holiday in England“When the plane took off, I still _(do) think it was realIt was like a dream Toby saidSomeone told Toby that the first prize of the robot competition next time _(be) a holiday in AmericaToby hoped to en

26、ter it then拓展8 根据短文理解,选择正确答案。 The largest animal living on the earth is the blue whaleIt weighs about 80 tons-more than 24 elephantsIt is more than 30 meters longA newborn baby whale weighs as heavy as a big elephant Cats can survive(存活) when they fall down from a very high place because they can ke

27、ep their bodies safeOne cat fell 32 floors onto the street, but it was just hurt a little A bear can run as fast as a horse A newborn panda is smaller than a mouse, and weighs about 100 grams Elephants are the most careful animals in their loveA male elephant may show his love to a lady for up to th

28、ree years until the lady accepts his loveThey often show their love by touching each others body Usually, wolves dont attack(攻击) peopleAnd wolves dont usually go together, but they may do this in winter(1)Cats can survive when they fall down from a very high place because _ during the process of fallAthey are smallBthey can keep themselves safeCthey can keep themselves awayDthey can put something under their bodies(2)Elephants often show their love by _ each others bodyAlooking atBtouchingCsmellingDmoving(3)What is the largest animal living on the earth? _

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