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九年级英语上册 Module7 教案外研版.docx

1、九年级英语上册 Module7 教案外研版1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,找出重点短语和句式。3.读、记后完成学案中自学导练作业。Step 1 情景导入T:Who do you think is more well- known as a writer, Shakespeare or Confucius?S1:I think Shakespeare is more- known. Confucius was more a thinker than a writer.S2:I think Confucius is as well-known as Shakespeare.S

2、tep 2 完成教材 Activity 4的任务Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. (Activity 4)(1)学生个体活动,完成填空。(2)两人一组核对答案,检査单词拼写。(答案:1.discussing 3.accepts 4.thinker 5.wise 6.influenced 7.sense)(3)全班核对答案,集体朗读短文。环节说明:本活动旨在考査学生对所学词汇的掌握情况。对于这些词汇,学生应该达到准确朗读、理解并熟练运用的程度。Step 3小结训练1.That

3、book influenced him much, Because he became more polite after reading it.2.It is well-known to people all over/around the world (全世界).3.The words of our English teacher makes sense(有意义/合情理) to all of us.4.By the way (顺便提一下), you will be late for your plane if you dont go now.5.I suppose that hell co

4、me back tomorrow.Step 4 完成教材 Activities 5,6的任务1.Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. Now listen again and repeat. (Activity 5)(1)学生个体活动,听录音,给重读单词加下划线。(2)再次听录音,跟读并检査答案。(3)教师点名,部分学生朗读句子,全班反馈。2.Work in groups. Do you agree with the following opinions?Give your reasons. Now report the id

5、eas of your group to the whole class. (Activity 6)(1)学生个体活动,阅读活动所给的三个观点,组织语言表达自己的看法。(2)小组讨论,组内选出一名学生归纳并记录本小组的意见。(3)每组推举一名学生向全班同学汇报。 Step 5 问题探究(B)1.In the art show, a lot of enjoyment giving givenC. will give D. has given(B)2.Fan Bingbing is _ an actress.A.known of B.known as C.known to

6、D.famous for(C)3.How many hours _to fly to New York from Paris? you spend B. does it costC. does it take you take(D)4.Britain English is_ American English. people are learning American English.A. same to; Million ofB. similar to; 5 millionsC. same as; 5 millionsD. similar to; Millions of St

7、ep 6 家庭作业完成学案中的相关练习。本节课活动的目的是让学生初步接触被动语态,同时掌握本单元的词汇、短语及重点句子,进一步加强学生的听力训练,被动语态还需在后一单元进一步巩固。1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,找出重点短语和句式。3.读、记后完成学案中自学导练作业。Step 1 情景导入T:There are many famous writers and thinkers in the world. How many do you know?S1:Lu Xun is a great writer.T:Youre right. Who else?S1:Shakespea

8、re is a great writer.T:Do you know Confucius?S2:Yes, I do. He was a teacher, a thinker. He was also a writer.T:Today, we will learn more about them.Step 2 完成教材 Activities 1,2的任务1.Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Say who the people are and why they are famous. Now listen and check your answers. (

9、Activity 1)(1)教师先提供一些词汇,供学生讨论使用。例如:great, influence, play, poem, respect, story, thinker, thought, wise, writer 等。(2)两人一组讨论。(3)教师点名,部分小组展示,全班反馈。2.Listen again and complete the sentences. (Activity 2)(1)学生个体活动,听录音,完成句子。(2)全班核对答案。(3)如果学生程度较好的话,教师还可以让学生试着记录对话要点,并作口头反馈。例如:Confucius: a great thinker, 2,0

10、00 years ago, wellknown.Shakespeare: an Englishman, plays and poems, 400 years ago.Mark Twain: an American, stories, set in the south of the US, 100 years ago.Step 3完成教材 Activity 3 的任务 1.Listen and read. Now match the people with the descriptions.(1)学生个体完成活动。(2)核对答案。在核对答案时,教师应鼓励学生根据所获得的信息,尽量详细地对三个人物

11、进行描述。(答案:1-a,d,e;2-c;3-b)环节说明:本活动由两部分构成:目的在于培养学生良好的语音语调和训练学生从听力材料中获取信息的能力。2.Everyday English(1)让学生在对话中找到这些常用语,老师告诉学生这些语言的含义。(2)熟读这些常用语。3.读对话,记住重点词、短语及句子。Step 4 小结训练(D)1.We _greatly by our teachers.A.influence B.Influenced C.are influencing D.are influenced (A)2.I think Lu Xun is _Confucius and Shake

12、 well known as well know asC.more know than more known asStep 5 问题探究1.我母亲昨天列好了购物清单。The shopping list was made by my mother yesterday.2.与其说他是老师不如说他是作家。He is more a writer than a teacher.Step 6 家庭作业完成学案中的相关练习。本节课活动的目的是培养学生良好的语音语调,听并获取细节信息的能力,并帮助学生进一步熟悉主要词汇。学生通过听获取细节信息的能力还可以。但是语音语调

13、有待提高。1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,找出重点短语和句式。3.读、记后完成学案中自学导练作业。Step 1 情景导入T:There are many great books in the world. Can you tell me how many of them you have ?S1:I have 3 books.S2:I have only one.T:What is it?S2:Its Jane Eyre.S3:I have read Harry Potter.T:Has anyone read The Adventure of Tom Sawyer?Ss

14、:No, we havent.T:Would you like to know about it?Ss:Yes, of course.T:Good.We will learn about it this period.Step 2 完成教材 Activities 1,2的任务1.Work in pairs. Read the first paragraph of the passage in Activity 2 quickly and try to answer the questions. Use the words and expression in the box to help yo

15、u. (Activity 1)(1)学生浏览方框中给出的单词和词组,然后快速阅读文段,了解段落大意。 (2)两人一组问答。(答案:1.It is an adventure story.2.The story is set in the town of St Petersburg, Missouri, in the US, in the nineteenth century.)(3)教师点名,部分小组展示,全班反馈。环节说明:本活动旨在培养学生快速浏览文段,获取段落大意的能力。 2.Read the passage and check your answers to Activity 1. (A

16、ctivity 2)(1)学生个体活动,阅读全文,理解每段的大意并标出一些细节信息。(2)重新回答活动1的问题,和自己初次得出的答案进行比较。 (3)全班核对答案。(4)处理 Learning to learn.(5)学生再读短文,找出重点词和表达。可能有如下词汇及表达:exciting stories, gets into trouble, has more trouble, a bad man, escapes (from a cave), hide, suddenly appear, alive.(6)如果学生不理解这些词和表达,教师作适当的解析。 环节说明:本活动旨在培养学生获取文章细

17、节信息的能力。阅读中,学生要重点了解小说的背景、主要故事情节、人物和主题,并且学习新的词汇、短语和句式。Step 3小结训练(B)1.Who_ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? Mark ; Write by B.wrote; ; Written by D.wrote; With(B)2.The animals are_ .We must pay our actions.A.die; to B.dying; forC.death; to D.died; for(B)3._,I didnt believe it was a true

18、story.A.At last; set B.At first; set inC.At times; set D.At least; setting inStep 4问题探究1.He is pleased (please) to read the great book.2.That is a dead (die) dog.Take it away.3.Is Mark Twain alive (live) or dead?4.You must pay for your bad actions (act).5.Mark Twain is thought (think) to be the grea

19、test writer.Step 5 家庭作业完成学案中的相关练习。本节课活动的目的是记住文中词汇、短语,培养学生获取文章细节信息的能力。学生表现不错,下课时用活动3检查学生对文章的理解。1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,找出重点短语和句式。3.读、记后完成学案中自学导练作业。Step 1 情景导入T:Do you like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?Ss:Yes.T:Who can tell me its writer, place where the story is set, main characters, theme, featur

20、es and reasons why it is great? If you cant do that, please read the passage again.Step 2 完成教材Activities 3,4的任务1.Complete the table with the information about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.(Activity 3)(1)学生个体活动,细读课文,完成活动。两人一组问答,核对答案。例如:A:Who is the writer of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?B:Mark Twain.

21、(2)教师点名,部分小组展示,全班核对答案。2.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. (Activity 4)(1)学生个体活动,完成短文填空。(2)全班核对答案,集体朗读短文。(3)教师也可以让学生试着用方框中的单词造句,从而强化学生对这些词的理解。用几个例句帮助学生理解everyday和every day的用法。如:We all have the problems of everyday life.They see each other every day.Step 3 小结训练1.The b

22、ook is written in simple everyday(日常的) language.2.Our life is full of (充满)happiness and difficulties.3.He lives in the southern (南方的)part of China.Step 4 完成教材Activities 58的任务1.Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Would you like to read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? Why/Why not? (Activity 5)(1)学生两人一组,讨论是否喜

23、欢阅读汤姆索耶历险记,并说出原因。(2)让学生谈论活动2短文介绍的内容。 2.Complete the Your favourite book column in the table in Activity 3. (Activity 6)(1)学生个体活动,选择一部自己喜欢的作品,填写活动3表格右栏。(2)两人一组活动,交流读书收获。 3.Write a passage about your favourite book. Use the passage in Activity 2 and the information in Activity 6 to help you.(Activity

24、7)(1)学生小组活动,参照课文,讨论写作内容和结构等。(2)个体活动,整理活动6中所填信息,并连句成段,完成短文。Possible answer:4.Work in pairs. Talk about your favourite book.(Activity 8)Step 5 问题探究点评学生作文。.Step 6 家庭作业完成学案中的相关练习。本节课活动的目的是培养学生的阅读理解及写作能力。学生在写作上欠缺,有待加强训练。1.学生自学生词,并记住单词拼写和拼读。2.预习课本,找出重点短语和句式。3.读、记后完成学案中自学导练作业。Step 1 完成教材 Activities 17的任务1.

25、Work in pairs. Compare the sentences below with the sentences in the grammar box above. (Activity 1)(1)学生两人一组活动,观察例句,比较主动语态与被动语态的异同。(2)个体活动,用所给单词的适当形式填空。(3)核对答案,学生朗读句子,加深理解。(答案;are read 2.influences;are;influenced 3.writes;is written;are given)2.Complete the passage with the correct f

26、orm of the words and expression in brackets.(Activities 2)学生个体活动,阅读短文,完成填空,核对答案。(答案 told watched 3.laughed at helped 5.are allowed)3.Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets. (Activity 3)学生个体活动,完成填空。两人一组核对答案,朗读对话。(答案:1.are; made 2.are; known 3.are; chan

27、ged 4.are; changed; changed)4.Complete the conversation with the words in the box. (Activity 4)(1)学生个体浏览方框中的单词,理解其含义。(2)学生通读对话,完成填空。(3)两人一组核对答案,朗读对话。(答案:1.discuss 2.dialogue 3.writers 4.wise 5.accept 6.influence 7.society 8.sense)5.Complete the conversation with the correct form of the expressi

28、ons in the box.(Activity 5)(1)学生个体阅读对话,根据语境,填写正确的短语。(2)全班核对答案。学生大声朗读对话。(答案 the middle of2.grew up3.all over the world4.look for5.get into trouble6.runs away7.isnt afraid of8.join in)6.Listen and check () the books that Daming likes. (Activity 6)(1)学生个体浏览信息,看看都有哪些书,推测每本书大致的内容。(2)听录音,选择大明喜欢的书。(3)

29、两人一组交流,尝试着复述所听到的内容,为活动7的开展作好铺垫。全班核对答案。7.Work in pairs. Talk about the best stories to read. (Activity 7)(1)教师让学生说出他们喜爱的故事,并将故事名列在黑板上。(2)找两位程度较好的学生示范对话,要求使用I think/dont think, I agree/dont agree等表达个人观点的句式。(3)学生两人一组操练对话。Step 2 小结训练1.Tom made a mistake in class,but his classmates didnt laught at (嘲笑) h

30、im.2.What can we do in return (回报) for your kindness?3.I used to live (过去住) here.4.My son got lost (迷路了) in the street yesterday.Step 3 Around the world环节说明:教师课前可以给学生布置预习任务,如查找柏拉图和与柏拉图同时代的其他著名哲学家及其主要思想和著作,在开展教学活动时,教师可以让学生展示这些信息,以达到扩大学生知识面和资源共享的目的。Step 4完成教材 Activities 810的任务1.Work in groups. Prepare

31、 a talk. (Activity 8)(1)学生小组活动,小组成员针对“电影比书籍对我们的影响大”这一观点展开讨论。(2)以具体的一部电影或小说为例,说明它如何影响了你。小组统一观点,记录大家讨论的内容。2.Plan your talk. (Activity 9)教师引导学生作好发言计划,并列发言提纲。3.Present your talk to the class. Use your notes to help you. (Activity 10)(1)每个小组选出一位代表,在全班阐述本组的观点。(2)其他同学认真听,听完后全班交流、反馈,教师点评。Step 5 家庭作业完成学案中的相关练习。本节课活动的目的是培养学生的综合能力,但学生在说的能力上欠缺。在后期教学上注意训练。各位评委老师:大家上午好!今天我说课的题目是:

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