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Renaissance Science and Invention合并修改了一点by张上.docx

1、Renaissance Science and Invention合并修改了一点by张上OK, boss, lets take a look at what we have so far in the Renaissance.好了boss,让我们看一下到此为止关于文艺复兴我们都了解些什么。This is a story about an age historians call the Renaissance.这是一个关于被历史学家称作文艺复兴的时代的故事。The name is from the French word meaning rebirth.文艺复兴这个词来源于法语,意思是重生。Th

2、ere was a rebirth of interest in the past achievement of the ancient Greece and Rome.当时对于古希腊和古罗马的过去的成就的兴趣被重新燃起。当时的人们重新燃起对古罗马和古希腊所取成就的兴趣The Renaissance began in Italy in the 1300s and spread through Europe over the next three centuries.文艺复兴发源于十四世纪的意大利,并在接下来的三个世纪,扩展至欧洲各国。The world we live in is still

3、shaped by the discoveries and spirit of the Renaissance.我们现在所生活的这个世界依然受到文艺复兴时期的发现和精神的极大影响。文艺复兴时期的发现和精神对我们现在所生活的这个世界仍有很大影响OK, lets hold it a minute.让我们先暂停一下。If we are gonna produce a series of the Renaissance, we need to show the excitement, get the texture of what was really like.如果我们要制作一个文艺复兴系列,就需要

4、展现出那种兴奋和真实。Absolutely right, boss, and that why we get our best producer and camera crew over in Europe right now, with orders to give the real story on this Renaissance thing.太对了,boss,所以现在我们派了最好的制片人和摄影团队去欧洲,来取得关于文艺复兴最真实的故事。The Renaissance for Students文艺复兴学生版Renaissance Science & Invention文艺复兴时期的科学和

5、发明Fred, are you getting a clear shot of the tower?Fred,你能拍到塔的完整画面吗?Yeah, just move a little bit here right? Thats good.可以,再往右边挪一点好吗?这样就行了。Boss, its day one. We are in the city of Pisa Italy on a trail of one of the great milestones in Renaissance science.boss,这是我们的第一天。我们现在来到了文艺复兴科学历程上的一个重要里程碑意大利的比萨城

6、。I think a good place to pick up the story is in the 1580s, thats what the mathematics professor here in the University of Pisa set to view this local landmark to conduct a little demonstration.我认为以十六世纪八十年代作为故事的开端再好不过了,因为这是比萨大学的数学教授在这个地标性建筑物上做了一个小演示的地方。The story goes Professor Galileo Galilei arrang

7、ed to take two objects: a big heavy iron weight and a smaller lighter one to the top of the tower and drop them over the edge.故事是这样的,伽利略把两个重量不同的铁球带到塔顶并同时抛下。Looking at those two objects, you might expect the big one to fall faster, right?看着这两个铁球,你也许会认为大的会落得快一些,对不对?But the two weights hit the ground a

8、t virtually the same instant.但是这两个铁球同时落地。Big deal!这没什么大不了的!Oh, but was a big deal, Fred!哦,这很重要,Fred!Professor Galileo Galilei had just demonstrated an important discovery in the science of physics.伽利略刚刚展示了物理学中一个很重要的发现。All objects fall at virtually the same rate regardless of how much they weigh.所有的物

9、体下落速度是一样的,不管它们有多重。Galileos law of falling bodies became the foundation for the study of physics.伽利略的质量相异者同时落地学说成为物理研究的基础。But heres why the story is a good starting place for looking at Renaissance science.这就是为何这里是探寻文艺复兴科学的好开端。Its not just what Galileo discovered, its how he discovered that stirred t

10、he rock case.不仅是因为伽利略的发现,更是因为他的研究方式如何颠覆世界。He didnt look all this up in a book, he wanted to see for himself.他并没有通过查阅书籍发现这些原理,而是用自己的眼睛来证实。And thats a big deal because.所以这很重要是因为Because it demonstrates a big change in the way people look at the world.因为这展现了人们在观察世界的方式上的一个重大改变。Ill tell you what, now migh

11、t be a good time to show you the big picture.我来告诉你,现在也许是该看正片的时候了。Lets roll the tape.开始放映吧。Big Picture正片During the years leading up to the Renaissance, three important developments were on the way. 文艺复兴之前的这些年中,三大重要发展已经在铺垫之中了。First, university scholars began studying the work of Greek and Roman thinke

12、rs, 首先,大学学者们开始学习希腊和罗马思想家的著作,because at this time, ancient writings were the most advanced and accurate resources on many technical subjects.因为在当时,古籍是许多技术科目最先进和精准的资源。One of the most influential of these ancient thinkers was the great philosopher Aristotle whose philosophy tried to combine all of the

13、existence into one logical system.其中影响最大的古思想家之一伟大的哲学家亚里士多德曾试着将所有的存在都概括进同一个逻辑系统中。The writings of philosophers and scientists from the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome along with the teachings of the Christian church inspired scholars to develop new systems for using reason and logic to explai

14、n the world around them.哲学家与科学家们关于希腊和罗马的古老文明的著作及基督教的教义启发了学者们去开发新的系统来通过推理和逻辑解释我们所在的世界。(哲学家与科学家们写了许多关于古希腊和古罗马古老文明以及基督教教义的著作。这些著作启发了学者们开发新的系统并通过推理和逻辑来解释这个世界。)The second important development was the growing demand for reliable technology.第二个重要的发展在于人们对可靠技术的需求在持续增长。European merchants were building ships

15、and sending them to uncharted seas looking for gold and trade goods.欧洲商人?建造了船只并把它们送去未知海域寻找黄金和货物。That meant a demand for designing and building better ships and a demand for more reliable maps and more skillful navigators.这意味着又出现了(一种需求)对于设计和建造更好的船只(的需求)及对更可靠的地图和更熟练的海员的需求。The money from those trading

16、expeditions helped pay for building bigger and grander cities.而通过这些贸易远征赚来的钱,用在了更多大城市的建造中。In military, engineers where demand tool to develop more powerful weapons to protect those cities.在军事上则需求更具威力的武器来保护这些城市。That kind of activity call for practical hands on understanding how things worked.此类工作要求对事物

17、如何运作有很好理解并能够实际操作的专业人士。此类工作要求工作人员对事物的运作有很好理解并且能够进行实际操作。It was the craftsman who developed new technology that applied at practical subjects like engineering and navigation.工匠开发出了新的技术并应用于工程和导航之类的实用学科上。4:28-8:26Those developments helped encouraged, intensified interest and the use of mathematics found

18、in ancient texts. 那些发展极大激励了人们对古书中数学的兴趣。From aiming a gun, to building a church, to navigating ocean voyages, mathematics became a powerful tool for making things work more effectively. 无论是制造枪支,修建教堂,还是航海旅行,数学都是很有用的一个工具,它能使工作更有效率。The breakthrough of Renaissance science came reasoning the university sc

19、holars. 文艺复兴科技领域重大突破使大学学者们受到了很大的启发。The development of the new technology and the tools of mathematics all combined to transform the world. 新技术和数学工具的发展一起改变着这个世界。Okay, now look again at what Galileo was doing here in the tower Pisa.好的,现在我们再看看伽利略在比萨斜塔做了些什么吧。Aristotle thought it made sense that a heavie

20、r object would fall faster than a lighter one, so thats what he wrote. 亚里士多德认为较重的物体比较轻的物体下降得更快是合理的,他也确实这样写过。And for centuries, what Aristotle had written was what people believed. But, by 1589, things were changing. 因而,几个世纪以来,人们都十分相信亚里士多德所说的观点。Thats when Galileo became the new mathematics professor

21、at University of Pisa.但是,到了1589年,事情发生了变化,因为伽利略成为比萨大学一名新的数学教授。And Boss, this is a lecture from which Professor Galileo Galilei taught the scientists from 1592 to 1610 here in the University of Padua. 博斯,在1592年到1610年期间,伽利略在帕多瓦大学给科学家们做的一个演讲。Isnt that cool?是不是很酷啊?Galileo was not only a great mathematici

22、an; he was part of that new generation.伽利略不仅是一位伟大的数学家,他也是新一代的一部分。He believed that ancient books told us how to use our reason, so was only reasonable to measure and experiment and find out what works.他认为,古代的书籍能教会人们进行推理,而且只有通过实际测量和实验才能得出结论。So it came out with the test and performed in a way that anyo

23、ne could measure the result and boom. 因此,他用实验来验证事物的运作,而且任何人都可以自己做这样的试验来检验他的结论。And, boom! The test showed that the ancient book could be wrong.这个试验表明,古书也有可能是错误的。Galileos experiment is just one example of what was happening in Europe during the Renaissance.伽利略的试验仅仅是欧洲文艺复兴时期发展的例子之一。People were using th

24、e tools of mathematics, measurement and experimentation to reexamine the things that ancient book had supposedly settled forever on the earth and even in the sky. 我们的古籍书中记录了许多地球上本就存在的东西,包括天空,人们可以利用数学工具、测量方法和实验对那些已经固定的知识重新审查。For centuries, Europeans have relied on the work of an ancient astronomer Pt

25、olemy to understand the stars and planets. 托勒密是一位古老的天文学家,欧洲人几个世纪以来一直依靠他来了解行星。Ptolemy topped the earth stands still as the center of the universe while everything in the sky, the sun, the moon and the stars moves around it in perfect circles. 托勒密认为地球仍然是宇宙的中心,而天空中的其他一切比如太阳,天空,月亮,都围绕地球做周期运动。Everybody k

26、nows that the earth moves around the sun. 每个人都应该是知道地球绕着太阳转的吧。Think about it, Fred, take a look around: Do you see the earth moving? 想想吧,弗莱德,看看你的周围:你看到他们在动了吗?Well, no. And if people see the sun and moon are rising and setting every day.嗯,不,人们每天都能看到太阳和月亮的升落。 What might they think? That the sun and the

27、 moon are moving? 他们会怎么想?他们认为太阳和月亮都在动吗?Bingo. It was common sense to think the earth stands still as the center of everything.对的!人们很容易认为地球是一切事物的中心。And since Aristotle taught that the heavens were perfect, it also made sense to assume the sun, moon and planets move in perfect circles. 自从亚里士多德提出天体的运动是

28、呈完美的弧形的,人们就开始假设太阳,月亮和其他星球都在做着完美的圆周运动。But by the 1500s, more and more people were looking carefully at the relationship between the sun, the moon and the planets, and improvements in mathematics help them to be more precise in their calculation than ever before.但到了16世纪,越来越多的人仔细地研究太阳,月球和行星之间的关系。数学上的进步

29、帮助人们在那些方面的计算比以往任何时候都更精确。But something didnt add up. Things werent moving in perfect circles.但有些情况并不适用于这个结论。他们并没有完美的运行轨道。In 1543 and the country, thats now Poland, a scholar named Nicolaus Copernicus published a book saying the way things actually move in the heavens would make a lot more sense, if y

30、ou figure the earth and the other planets are all moving around the sun.1543年,在波兰学者哥白尼出版了一本书,如果人们从中知道地球和其他行星都围绕太阳运动,那么这对运行天体的研究更有意义。And if you figure it too that the earth moves around the sun, it is also spinning like a top. But you can guess what most people would think of that idea. 如果你也认为地球绕着太阳像

31、陀螺一样旋转的话那么你就会猜出大多数人当时的想法。Theyd say, you are right. I guess its kinda crazy.他们会说,你是对的,我想这是疯了。Exactly, so most people stuck with Ptolemys model for quite a while.没错。在很长一段时间内,人们都坚信托勒密的模型。The people who are were using mathematics to check the calculations Copernicus made began to see his model actually

32、worked better than Ptolemys.然而,在人们开始用数学来检查哥白尼的精确度的时候,人们开始认为他的模型实际上比托勒密的更好。Problem was the numbers still didnt quite add up and about 50 years later, this man, a German named Johann Kepler came up with what seemed like and even crazier idea that only did he agreed that the earth turns and that moves with other planets around the sun.问题是数字仍然无法精确地合计起来。大约50年后,一个名叫约翰开普勒

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