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1、初三英语305个短语1 1. a bit 有一点,一会儿Im afraid Ill be a bit late tonight.恐怕今晚我要晚一点儿。Could you move forward a bit?请你向前挪一点好吗?2.a few 一些,少量I have to buy a few things at the supermarket.我必须在这家超市买几种东西。3.a kind of 一种、一类It startedalmostasakindofgame.刚开始的时候几乎就像一场游戏。4. a little一点,少许She speaks a little Japanese.她会说一点儿

2、日语。I feel a little cool in the autumn night. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。My cousin is a little lazier than me.5.a lot of 许多They paid a lot of money for that house.他们花了很多钱买那所房子。I eat a lot of vegetables.我常吃很多蔬菜。6.a number of许多、大量We have been friends for a number of years.我们已经是多年的朋友了。7. a pair of一双、一对We have five

3、pairs of free tickets我有五张免费票。8.a piece of一张、一片He broke off a piece of bread and gave it to her.他掰下一块面包,给了她。9. above all最重要的是Max is hardworking, cheerful, and above all, honest.马克思很勤奋、乐观而且最重要的是守信。10. according to 根据、按照According to the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt blnt instrument.据警方称,袭

4、击者用钝器打败他的。11. after all毕竟;终究He wrote to say they couldnt give me a job after all.他写信说他们终究不会给我工作。12. after class课后What do you do after class?课后你通常干什么?13. again and again 反复、再三Ive told you again and again, dont do that!我已经反复告诉你,不要那样做。14. agree to do 同意作.If two people agree to differ dif, they accept t

5、hat they have different opinions about something.如果两个人各自保留不同意见,他们接受他们对某事有不同的看法。15. agree with sb.同意某人的意见I dont agree with hitting children.我不同意打孩子们16. all kinds of 各种各样Social workers have to deal with all kinds of problems.工人们必须处理各种问题。17. all over到处There were bits of paper all over the floor.地板上到处是纸

6、屑。18. all right好吧-Could you please help me with my study?-All right.你帮我学习好吗? 好的。19. arrive at /in到达A young student newly arrived in England from New Zealand. 从新西兰初次来到英格兰的年轻学生When the visitors arrive at your office, would you send them round? 访问者到达你的办公室时, 你请他们过来好 吗 ?After discussion, we have arrived

7、at a decision.经过讨论,我们达成了决定。20. as a result结果He lost his job as a result of the mistake. 由于这次错误,他丢掉了工作.He got up late, as a result, he missed his first class.他起晚了,结果没赶上第一节课。21. as far as.表示程度或范围)就,尽,至于Ill walk with you as far as the bus stop.我送你到公共汽车站.Fields of corn spread out as far as the eye could

8、 see. 玉米地延伸到看不到边的地方As far as I know hell be away for three months. 据我所知,他将外出三个月.22. as if.好像、似乎He shook his head as if to say “Dont trust her”他摇了摇头,似乎说:“别信任她.23. as long as只要As long as we keep playing well, well keep winning games.只要我们坚持好好打,我们就会赢得比赛。24. as soon as 一.就.Ill come over to your place as

9、soon as I can.我会尽快过你这里来。25. as usual 像往常一样They were late for class, as usual.他们像以往一样上课迟到了。26. as well as同时、也They own a house in France as well as a villavl in Spain.他们在法国有房同时在西班牙拥有一套别墅。27. as well也Why dont you come as well?为什么你不一起来呢?28. as.as和.一样Tom is as tall as Jim。汤姆和吉姆一样高。 proud of因.而自豪Who

10、is proud of you?谁会因你而自豪?30. be strict with对.严格要求The Greens are strict with their children.格林夫妇对孩子们要求很严。31. belong to属于The house belongs to my grandfather.这套房子属于我爷爷奶奶。32. both .and.既.有.,两者都Both father and mother are farmers.父母亲都是农民。33. break down抛锚、损坏The car broke down on the way home.这辆汽车在回家的路上坏了。34

11、.break in闯入Thieves broke in last night and stole jewelrydu:lri: .昨晚有小偷闯入盗走了珠宝。35. break out突然爆发Fire broke out in the neighborhood last night.昨天夜里社区了发生了火灾。36. bring up养育Shes brought up three children.她已经养大三个孩子。 up建立、增强It is easier to pull down than to build up. 拆房容易盖房难.Dr. Lee and his mother

12、have been trying to build him up physically. 李医生和他母亲一直试图增强他的体质。 accident偶然I met her by accident in a crowded bus.在一辆拥挤的公交上偶然遇到她。 air乘飞机Which do you prefer traveling, by train or by air?你喜欢那种旅行方式,坐飞机还是坐火车? day在白天He works by night and sleeps by day.他夜里上班白天睡觉。 the way顺便问一下By the way

13、, where did he go?顺便问一下,他去过哪?42. call in 邀请;召来:How many friends will you call in? 你将邀请多少位朋友? Wed better call in a specialist at this criticalkritikl moment.在这个关键时刻我们最好请一位专家来。 on号召、拜访I will now call on Tom for an answer.我现在将请汤姆回答。In case of difficulty, just call on me. 如有困难, 找我好了.Im going to c

14、all on one of my former classmates. 我要去看望我的一位老同学 up使想起;提出The music calls up old times.这首音乐使人想起旧时代。 for关心、在乎I dont care for his feeling.我不在乎他的感受。46.carry on 执行下去Despite all the noise, he carried on reading!尽管很吵,他还是坚持读书。47.carry out开展,执行 The plan should be carried out immediately.这项计划应立

15、即执行。48.catch up with赶上Go on ahead, please. Ill soon catch up with you请先走,我会很快赶上。49.change into把.变成.Can I change pounds into dollars?我可以把英镑换成美元吗?50.check in登记、检票Its time to check in for my room at the hotel.该到酒店登记办理入住手续了。We must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves. 我们必须飞机起飞前一小时到达

16、机场登记检票.51.check out(从旅馆等)结账离开:They checked out ten minutes ago.他们十分钟前结账退房了。52.clear up放晴The sky cleared up after the rain.雨后天放晴了。e across偶遇、碰巧I came across his name on the list.在名单中碰巧看到他的名字。54. come back回来Has he come back yet?他已经回来没?e down下降,落下:Her temperature came down in the evening.到了晚上她的体温就降下来了。

17、e from来自于The tree comes from Africa.这种树产自非洲。e in进入、进来Will the train come in on time?火车会准时进站吗?e on 快点、加油Come on. You can make it!加油,你能做到的!e out出来;The moon has come out.月亮已经出来了。(书等)出版、发行Jack has a new movie coming out next month in which he plays a hero.杰克下个月有部新电影上映,他在里面扮演一个英雄。The book comes out this

18、week.这本书本周出版。e to共计,达到How much do all these books come to? 这些共计多少钱?说到、谈及You may be good at basketball. When it comes to tennis, you cant beat her.你也许篮球打得很好。谈到网球, 你肯定打不过她。e true变成现实Our dream must come true.我们会梦想成真。e up with想出、赶上Youve come up with a good idea.你已有想出一个好主意。I hope you can come up with a b

19、etter plan than this. 我希望你们能提出一个比这个更好的计划.e up上来,上升, It will be so great watching the sun come up. 看着太阳冉冉升起将是十分美妙的事情。抬头pare .to.把.和.相比He rudely compared my homemade bread to a piece of rock.他粗鲁地把我自制的面包比作一块岩石。pare. with.把.和.相比My works cant compare with yours.我的工作不能和你的相比。66.congratulate.on.因.而祝贺I congr

20、atulate you on your success.恭喜你成功了。67.connect. with.把.和.相联系Many people connect Germany with beer.许多人把德国和啤酒相联系。68.cut down砍到The apple tree was dead and he cut it down.这颗苹果树死了,他砍了它。69.cut off切断Just when we were connected and had said hello we were cut off. 就在我们接通互相问好时,电话就被切断了。 and night日日夜夜The m

21、other cared for the sick child day and night. 母亲日夜照料着生病的孩子 with处理、对付He knows well how to deal with children.他非常清楚如何对付小孩。72.depend on(upon)依靠You cannot depend on your parents forever.你不能永远依靠父母亲.73.die out灭绝I want to teach Irish so that it wont die out. 我想教爱尔兰语,这样它就不会彻底消失。74.different from与.不同

22、My opinion is different from yours.我的建议与你的不同。75.divide.into.把.分成.Lets divide the cake into three.咱们把这块蛋糕分成三份。76. do some cleaning (shopping)扫除、购物This evening Ill do some cleaning (shopping).今晚我要扫除一下(去买点东西)。 ones best尽最大努力He does his best to finish the task in time.他尽力及时完成了这项任务。78.each other互相We

23、 should learn to help each other.我们应学会互相帮助。79.earn ones living谋生He earns his living by teaching at a language school.他靠在一家语言学校教书谋生。80.either .or.或者.或者.Either you or she is wrong.不是你就是她错了。Come either today or tomorrow please.请你今天或者明天来。81.enjoy oneself玩的开心All the teenagers enjoyed themselves last Chri

24、stmas.去年圣诞节年轻人玩得都很开心。82.even if 尽管Even if he is 3 years old, he can read newspaper in English.尽管他只有三岁,但是一能看英文报纸。83.even though虽然Eventhough he is away fromushisspiritwas stillwithus.他尽管离开了我们,但他的灵魂还是与我们同在。84.ever since自从.以来Ive known her ever since she was a baby.大小我就认识她。85.face to face面对面He came face

25、to face with death。他敢于面对死亡。86.fall asleep入睡He got into bed and soon fell asleep.他上床倒下就睡。87.fall ill暴病I was told that she fell ill.我听说她突然病了。88.far away远离The north pole is far away from us.北极离我们很远。89.far from距.远I have to take a bus to school because its far from my home.Im far from happy in my present

26、 job.我对目前的工作很不满意。90.feel like doing想做某事I feel like having a drink now.我现在想喝一杯。91.fill.with.用.装满The news filled her with excitement.这个消息令她异常兴奋。92.fill in填入Let me fill in the form for you.让我帮您填写这个表格。93.find out查明、找出You should find out the answer for yourself.你应该自己找答案。94.first of all首先First of all, I m

27、ust check the number.首先我要核对号码。95.for ever永远Who will love you for ever?谁会永远爱你?96.for example举例This winter vocation I have read several books, for example, The Long March.这个寒假我读了几本书,如:长征。97.from now on从今以后You should be more careful from now on.从今后你要更加仔细。98.from then on从那时起We have been in Hong Kong fro

28、m then on.从那时起我就住在香港。99.from time to time 不时From time to time he fired questions at me. 他不时向我提出许多问题.From time to time, she gave him an encouraging nod. 她不时对他点头鼓励。从.到.From beginning to end, she keeps trying.自始至终,她都在努力。101get along with与相处How do you get along with others? 你和别人相处得怎样? 102.get away逃脱I caught three mice, but one got away.我逮住了三只耗子,但有一只逃脱了。离开She didnt get away until nine last night.昨晚九点她才离开。103.get ba

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