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八年级上Unit7第3课时教案 讲解分析 习题设计.docx

1、八年级上Unit7 第3课时 教案 讲解分析 习题设计Period : Grammar&Integrated skills (第三课时)第一部分教案设计教学内容Grammar(第8586页),灵活掌握句子成分的划分以及简单句的五种句子结构类型。Integrated skills(第8788页),从听力材料中获取所需要的信息,能用一些功能用语谈论季节,学习一些构词法的常识,了解并掌握一些通过加后缀“-y”构成的单词。教材分析本课时语法课,主要介绍英语句子成分的划分以及简单句的五种句子结构类型,要求学生掌握句子成分的相关知识以及能够辨别简单句的五种句子结构类型。Ingrated skills部分主

2、要通过出示图片、播放录音让学生学习一些描述天气的词汇。本课时重点为听、说技能的训练,要求学生能用一些功能用语谈论季节。Study skills部分主要介绍了一些构同法的常识,让学生了解并掌握一些通过加后缀“-y”构成的单词。教学目标基础知识掌握词汇:cloud, cough, kick, awful, fever, snowstorm, wind, around, rest, degree, bit, blow, loud, ring词组:from morning till night, kick the ball, cough a lot, have a high fever,an awfu

3、l day, turn more cloudy, in the thirties, the rest of, a bit句型:The clouds became dark. Luckily, it didnt rain. How are you doing?基本技能:1.会划分句子的成分并能区别简单句的五种句子结构类型。2.听录音,获取具体信息。3.根据从录音中获取的信息完成记录。综合素质:1.能认识五种句子结构,熟练使用不同的句型结构表达自己的想法。 2.学会谈论不同地方的天气,能运用适当的形容词来描述天气或事物的特性。教学重难点及突破重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型。难点:掌握句子成分

4、的相关知识以及能够辨别简单句的五种句子结构类型, 运用适当的形容词来描述天气或事物的特性。教学突破:通过教师的讲解,开展多种形式的活动,帮助学生自己总结知识,应用知识。教学准备教师准备:多媒体课件。学生准备:1.有关澳大利亚四季的图片。2.一些关于不同天气状况的图片。教学设计Step I Presentation(呈现)1 Were going to look at three sentences. Pay attention to the verbs.The snowy season will begin.Children can eat ice cream.The autumn leave

5、s turn brown.2 There are three kinds of verbs. They are intransitive verbs, transitive verbs and linking verbs.3归纳出判断及物动词、不及物动词和系动词的基本规律-(1) An intransitive verb does not take an object, but can have a prepositionalA transitive verb takes an object. 及物动词后面能直接加宾语。(3) A linking verb links the subject

6、and the adjective phrase or noun phrase that describes it.系动词包括:be/become/feel/get/look/seem/sound/stay/smell/taste/turn 等。Step II Practice (操练)1 Read sentences. Pay attention to the underlined verbs. Which are transitive verbs? Which are intransitive verbs? And which are linking verbs?2每人在纸上写五个动词,相

7、互交换并说出这五个动词分别属于什么类型。Step III Presentation (呈现)1 Weve learnt about three kinds of verbs. Each word or phrase after a verb plays a different role in the sentence because of the type of the verb. 2总结以上三个基本句型,特别指出这三个句型是由谓语动词来决定的。当谓语动词是不及物动词时,句子结构是S + V,当谓语动词是及物动词时,句子结构是S + V + O,当谓语动词是系动词时,句子结构是S + V +

8、P。Step IV操练1完成A部分的练习,然后核对答案,并说出如何根据谓语动词来判断句子结构。2呈现S + V、S + V + 0、S + V + P的结构,根据结构造句。Step V Presentation (呈现)1呈现句子并加以介绍:(1)Kitty gives Simon some books.这个句子的基本结构:S + V + IO + DO (主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语)。此处Simon和some books分别是动词give的间接宾语和直接宾语。(2)Simon found the weather warm.这个句子的基本结构:S + V + DO + OC (主语+及

9、物动词+直接宾语+宾语补足语)。此处the weather和warm分别是宾语和宾语补足语。2呈现句子,用to来改写S + V + IO + DO结构,如:Hobo gave Eddie some ice cream.=Hobe gave some ice cream to Eddie.归纳:如果动词是bring、give、hand、lend、offer, pass、pay、 post、read、sell、send、show、take、teach, tell、write等,可以用to来改写句子。3呈现句子,用for来改写S + V + IO + DO结构,如:Hobo built Eddie

10、a tent.=Hobo built a tent for Eddie.归纳:如果动词是bring、build、buy、cook、find、get、leave、 make、order、pick、save等,可以用for来改写句子。Step VI Practice(操练)1 Discuss:“Kitty gives Simon some books.” 和“Simon found the weather warm.两个句子,试图发现区分这两种句型的规律。2辨析S + V + IO + DO与S + V + DO + OC这两个不同的句型结构。Step VII Activity(活动)给出谓语动词

11、,让学生两人一组,一位学生造句,另一位学生说出句子的结构:Make sentences according to the five basic sentence structures. Work in pairs. One student will make a sentence. The other will tell us the sentence structureStep VIII Practice(操练)1呈现句子,让学生进一步操练,说出划线部分在句子中的成分。2完成B部分的练习,然后核对答案,并说出如何来判断句子结构。3补充练习,翻译句子,并判断句子结构。Integrated sk

12、ills (学习Integrated skills)Step I Presentation(新授)1播放一段中国不同地区冬季的天气报道,China is a big country. In the south of China, its warm in winter. But in the north, its cold in winter.2完成A1部分的练习。认真读北京四个季节的天气预报,并为这四篇预报匹配对应的季节。3 Look at the pictures of Australia. The beaches there are very famous. Do you like goi

13、ng to the beach to lie in the sun and eat ice cream? In Australia, you can go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine in December. 学When its winter in China, its summer in Australia.呈现澳大利亚四季的图片,了解两地的差异之处。Step II听力Now were going to listen to the weather report about four cities. Listen carefully and comp

14、lete the table on page 87.Step III Practice(操练)1通过问答形式进行核对,核对答案的同时巩固知识- 2显示答案,把题目对应答案的录音再播放一遍,并加以解释。Step IV Listening(听力)1完成A3部分的练习。Annie is writing about the weather in different places in her diary entry. Listen to her conversation with Simon. Help her complete her diary entry.2 Have you finished

15、Annies diary entry? First, please check the answers in pairs. Then well check as a class.3集体朗读短文,加深印象。4教师对天气预报中常用的词组进行解释。Step V Activity(活动)1听一段中国四个不同地区的天气预报,然后把学生分成两人小组,其中一个扮演记者,另一个扮演学生接受采访。2提供采访中可能用到的问题,促使每个学生参与课堂活动。B Speak up: Hows the weather in Nanjing?Step I Present Speak up(新授Speak up)1 We kn

16、ow that in winter the weather in Beijing is different from that in Nanjing.让学生谈论两地的天气,导入B部分的话题。2 Its a bit cold today. The wind is blowing hard. The leaves are falling.板书a bit、blow,让学生根据语境猜测词义。板书loud,让学生根据语境猜测词义。Step II Listening(听力)1 Daniel is in Beijing now. Hes talking about the weather on the ph

17、one with his aunt in Nanjing. Listen to the tape and tell me what his aunts name is. 2带着问题听录音并找出答案:Its Jane. 3提供T/F判断题,要求他们再次听录音并完成正误判断。4核对答案的同时鼓励能力较强的学生订正其中的错误。Step III Practice(操练)1播放B部分的录音,跟读:Please repeat after the tape. 2 Now this half of the class will read.Daniels part and the other half will

18、 read Aunt Janes part. Then change parts. 3先把学生分成两人小组,然后呈现不同地区的天气情况,让学生选择其中两个地方作交流。教材习题教材第85页 Part A 1. S+V+O 2.S+V+P 3.S+V+P 4.S+V+O 5. S+V+O 6.S+V+P 7.S+V 8.S+V教材第86页Part B 2.S+V+P, S+V+O, S+V 3.S+V+IO+DO,S+V+P,S+V+O 4.S+V,S+V+DO+OC+advervial教材第87页Part A1 1.winter 2.autumn 3.summer 4.spring Part A

19、2 Beijing snowstorm -2C-9CNew York sunny 9C5CLondon cloudy 3C-1CSydney showers 26C21C教材第88页Part A3 1.snowstorm 2.sunny 3. cloudy 4. 9C 5.-1C 6.summer 7.showers 8. 26C随堂小练习根据所提供的首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子1. Tomorrow, it will be warmer with the temperature of 20 _(度)。2. Throw the _(余下) rubbish away.3. Its too col

20、d. The temperature drops b_ zero.4. The boys like winter because they like snowball f_ on snow days.5. When I walked home yesterday, I saw you _(站) on side of the road.6. They were playing _(吵闹) in the playground.7. In summer, there is always a s_ heavy rain. 8. The girls hair looks s_ in the sun.9.

21、 Tom felt so s_. He couldt see the blackboard clearly.10.The little boy always plays with the little cat, its so f_.【keys】1.degrees 3.below 4.fights 5.standing 6.noisily 7.sudden 8.shiny 9.sleepy 10. funnyStep IX Homework(家庭作业)1复习语法部分内容,掌握其中出现的语法知识。2记忆本课时所卞的词汇、词组和句型。板书设计 Unit 7 SeasonsGrammar

22、&Integrated skills Words:cloud, cough, kick, awful, fever, snowstorm, wind, around, rest, degree, bit, blow, loud, ringPhrases:turn more cloudy, in the thirties, the rest of, a bit, an awful day,from morning till night, kick the ball, cough a lot, have a high feverSentences: The clouds became dark.

23、Luckily, it didnt rain. How are you doing?教学探讨与反思:本课时主要讲解句子成分和结构,语法教学不仅有实用的目的,而且也有实施素质教育的目的。句子结构产生于人们的语言实践,又反过来指导人们的语言实践,使人们的语言实践更符合规律、更科学。我们要重视句子结构对语言实践的指导作用,这还有利于学生的综合素质的提高。因此,我们应不断地向学生阐明掌握句子结构的重要性,并努力在各种教学活动中培养学生掌握句子结构的意识和能力。第二部分讲解分析一、新词的导学与解读1. fight【应用】打架;与打仗;与斗争 n. 打架;战斗,斗志【举例】People must figh

24、t on until the end. 人们必须继续斗争到底。The solders have to fight for our country. 士兵们必须为我们的祖国战斗。The robots have joined the fight as well.机器人也加人了战斗。【拓展】1. fight (against /with sb. /sth.) “与搏斗;打架,作战”,过去式和过去分词为fought,fought。如:In World War Two,Britain fought against Germany with France.在二战中,英国与法国联合抗击德国。Have Tom

25、 fought with his brother again? 汤姆又和弟弟打架了吗?2. fight( about /over sth.)“因为某事而争论,争夺”。如: Dont always fight about small things. 不要总是为琐事争吵。The two dogs were fighting over a bone in the street. 街上有两只狗为一块骨头撕咬。3. fight for sth. “争取获得或完成某事”。如:fight for freedom,independence,human rights 争取获得自由、独立、人权等【实践】根据汉语意

26、思完成句子他将为他的孩子们而战斗。He will _his children.【点译】 fight for 2. taste【应用】n.味道;品味;审美 vi.尝起来;有的味道【举例】This dish is to my taste. 这道菜合我的口味。The ripe tomatoes taste sweet and sour. 成熟的西红柿尝起来又酸又甜。【拓展】动词taste, smell,look, sound和feel可用作连系动词,后面只能接形容词作表语,表示主语所具有的特征。这时它们都相当于不及物动词,因此不可用被动语态,也不可用在迸行时态中。【举例】Millies idea s

27、ounded great. 米莉的主意听起来很不错。The flowers in the garden smell sweet. 这些花芳香袭人。My mother looked a little tired. 我妈妈看起来有点疲倦。【实践】单项选择These oranges on the table taste_.A. good B. well C. to be good be well【点译】A3. till【应用】prep. 直到 conj. 直到为止【举例】We willkeep up the struggle till we succeed. 我们将继续战斗直到我们取得胜利

28、。The students reviewed for the term examination till late at night. 学生们们为期未考试复习功课直到深夜。【辨析】till,untiltill和until般情况下两者可以互换,但是在强调句型中多用until。并且要注意的是:如果主句中的谓语动词是瞬时性动词时,必须用否定形式;如果主句中的谓语动词是延续性动词时,用肯定或否定形式都可以,但表达的意思不同。【举例】I didnt go to bed until (till) my mother came back. 直到我父亲回来我才上床睡觉。It was not until the

29、 meeting was over that Mr. Gao began to teach me English.直到散会之后高老师才开始教我英语。I worked until my father came back. 我工作到我爸爸回来为止。He didnt work until I came back. 我回来他才开始工作。Please wait until I arrived at the stop. 在我到达车站之前请等我。注意:用在一些固定组合里的时候.till/until是不能替换的,如:“from morning till night【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子这个医生昨晚直到十

30、二点钟才睡觉。_【点译】The doctor didnt go to sleep until/till 12 last night?4. awful【应用】adj.可怕的;糟糕的【举例】Was he an awful friend? 他是不是一个可怕的朋友?I opened it to see a truly awful looking woman.我打开门,看见一个确实长得很吓人的女人。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子我的弟弟做了很糟糕的事情。My brother carried on something_.【点译】awful二、课文对译Speak up: Hows the weather in

31、 Naijing?大声说:南京的天气如何?Aunt: Hi, Daniel This is Aunt Jan speaking.阿姨:你好,丹尼尔。我是简阿姨。Daniel: Hi, Aunt Jane.丹尼尔:你好,简阿姨。Aunt: How are you doing?阿姨:你好吗?Daniel: Im fine,but its really cold. 丹尼尔:我很好,但天气真的很冷,There was a strong snowstorm here in Beijing yesterday.昨天北京这儿下了一场暴风雪。Hows the weather in Nanjing?南京的天气怎么样啊?Aunt: Its a hit cold and dry ,but there are no snowstorms

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