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1、英译汉中石化英译汉考纲解读通过分析总结历年中石化职称英语考试的翻译部分试题,我们发现中石化职称英语考试翻译部分考查的目的和要求很明确:考生需具备的一定的技巧和能力,掌握必备的专业词汇,能够运用一定的翻译策略进行英译汉,且译文通顺,用词准确,无明显语法错误、错译和漏译。本部分正是根据中石化职称英语考试真题的能力要求编写而成的,力求在提高考生的快速提高、正确进行英译汉,培养考生的翻译技巧和能力等方面给予考生尽可能多的、有效的指导和启发。第一章 科技英语的特点及文体风格1. 科技英语的语言特点概述任何作品均有自己特定的文体,文体不同,翻译方法也要因之而异。试观察下列片断的原文及译文。 You are

2、 quiet tonight, Steve. Did something happen at work today?You bet it did. The company is having some real problems. I may lose my job.Oh, Steve, tell me all about it.Its so depressing. I hate talking about it. Sales have dropped during the last year.But youve been the top salesman for three years in

3、 a row. I know, but they are talking about letting all the newer employees go.That is not fair. You have brought in a lot of money.I agree. But its got to do with the politics of the company.“斯蒂夫。你今晚一言不发。是不是工作出了什么问题?”“没错。公司出了一些严重的问题。我可能会丢了饭碗。”“哦,斯蒂夫。把一切都告诉我。”“这真令人沮但是你连续3年都是顶尖的业务员啊。”“这真令人沮丧。我真不想提这件事,

4、去年业绩下降了。”“我知道。但是他们说要解雇所有资历不够老的员工。”“这不公平,你替公司赚了很多钱。”“没错。但是这和工司的决策有关。”这是小说中的一段对说,属于口语文体。其特点是:用词自由,句法结构简单,短句与省略句多,自然朴素,生活气息浓厚。在译文中进一步体现汉语口语的特点,省去主语“你”、“我”;将英语的一个句子You bet it did。干脆译成两个字“没错”,显得简洁有力。Because of its geographical position, unique topography and terrain; unknown but existent original customs

5、 and natural scenery; and various propagandas brought back by foreign explorers, all these render people possible to form a mysterious of Tibet.由于其地理位置、地形地貌特征,原始的自然风光和鲜为人知的民俗风情,以及本世纪初一些外国探险家回去的种种宣传,这一切可能使人们对西藏形成一种神秘感。上面三十六词的片断,运用了多重并列成分,将西藏的神秘生动地展现于人们面前。Perhaps the most contentious issue in modern U

6、.S. -Korea relations stems from a little-known pastime called short-track speed skating. Earlier this year at Salt Lake City, the nations top hope Kim Dong Sung was disqualified for blocking a U.S. skater. In a move that most Koreans consider fixed, the American, Apolo Anton Ohno, took the gold inst

7、ead.或许现今美韩关系中最大的争端源于一个不起眼的消遣短道速滑。在今年早些时候的盐湖城冬奥会上,韩国夺金希望最大的选手金东圣因阻挡美国选手被取消比赛资格,而这枚大多数韩国人认为胜券在握的金牌则被美国选手阿波罗安东奥诺夺走。这是属于应用文的新闻文体,其特点是简明扼要,短小精悍,结构紧凑,笔锋犀利。上述这则电讯只有两个句子,却把一场比赛所附和的背景描绘得淋漓尽致,富于吸引力。In the early 1900s drillers finally realized that petroleum occurred in the tiny pore spaces in subsurface reser

8、voir rocks and was concentrated in traps within the reservoir rocks. According to the so-called anticlinal theory, oil accumulates in large, upward folds formed in reservoir rocks. Anticlines are often identified by the pattern of rock layers cropping out onto the surface of the ground. In the early

9、 1900s oil and gas were found by mapping and drilling anticlines and domes identified at the grounds surface. 十九世纪初,钻探家最终认识到石油存在于地下储集岩的微小孔隙中,并且聚集在储集岩的圈闭中。根据所谓的背斜理论,石油聚集在储集岩石中形成的大型上隆褶皱中。背斜构造通常可根据出露地面的岩层产状来识别。十九世纪初,油气就是通过对地表上识别的背斜和穹窿构造的绘图和钻探而发现的。这是一段科技文章,不难看出其文体与修辞手段与前面列举的文艺小说,新闻报道等迥然不同。科技文体崇尚严谨周密,概念准

10、确,逻辑性强,行文简练,重点突出,句式严整,少有变化,常用前置性陈述,即在句中将主要信息尽量前置,通过主语传递主要信息。2. 科技英语的语言特点及具体表现一、大量使用名词化结构 当代英语语法(A Grammar of Contemporary)在论述科技英语时提出,大量使用名词化结构(nominalization)是科技英语的特点之一。因为科技文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实,而非某一行为。Geophysicists use three methods of oil exploration: magnetic, gravity, and seismic explo

11、ration.地球物理学家通过三种方法进行石油勘探:磁力、重力和地震勘探。句中of oil exploration系名词化结构,一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方强调exploration这一目的。The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night.地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜的变化。名词化结构the rotation of the earth on its own axis使复合句简化成简单句,而且使表达的概念更加确切严密。科技英语的表述要体现客观、公正性,因而要尽量避免使用第一、二人称;此外,要使

12、主要的信息置于句首。The exploration and production of petroleum are largely concerned with the geological interpretation of geophysical data, especially in offshore areas.对石油的勘探和生产很大程度上与地球物理资料的地质解释密切相关,特别是在海上区域。名词化结构the exploration and production of petroleum 强调客观事实,而谓语动词则着重其与后者的关系。二、广泛使用被动语句根据相关的统计,科技英语中的谓语至

13、少三分之一是被动态。科技人员在研究和解决科技问题时重视事物本身的客观规律、主观事实和方法、性能和特征,在讨论科技问题是力求客观而准确的陈述。第一、二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。因此,在科技文献中通常以非人称的语气作客观的叙述,从而较多使用被动句。例如:Extensive research has been undertaken in the exploration for and production of shale gas.在页岩气勘探和生产领域已经开展了广泛的研究。此外,如前所述,科技文章将主要信息前置,放在主语部份。这也是广泛使用被动态的主要原因。试观察并比较下列两段短文的主语

14、。We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy is capacitance. It is measured in farads. Electrical energy is stored in two metal plates separated by an insulating me

15、dium. Such a device is called a capacitor, or a condenser. Its ability to store electrical energy is capacitance which is measured in farads.电能可储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,其储存电能的能力称为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。这一段短文中各句的主语分别为:Electrical energySuch a deviceIts ability to store electrical energyIt (Capacitance )

16、这些主语都是句子的核心信息,并且处于句首的位置,非常醒目。四个主语完全不同,避免了单调重复,前后连贯,自然流畅,符合英语的表达法。足见被动结构可收简洁客观之效。三、非限定动词如上所述,科技文章要求行文简练,结构紧凑,为此,往往使用分词短语代替定语从句或状语从句;使用分词独立结构代替状语从句或并列分句;使用不定式短语代替各种从句;介词+动名词短语代替定语从句或状语从句。这样可缩短句子,又比较醒目。试比较下列各组句子。Instead of seismologists poring painfully over a few bunched galvanometer traces, vast amou

17、nts of data could be displayed on continuous seismic sections.地震学家不再对几束检波器记录苦思冥想,大量数据可以显示在连续的地震剖面上。In addition to the permanent area H2S monitors, personnel working in the plant should carry H2S monitors at all times during normal plant operation.除了这些H2S固定的监测仪外,在厂区工作的职工在正常生产期间必须一直携带个人H2S监测仪。Petrophy

18、sical properties of the lithofacies have been varied by altering the flow properties, thus generating different scenarios and realizations for comparison.通过改变流体特性可以改变岩相的岩石物理特征,因此生成不同的模拟情景来进行对比。The functions of the first three essential elements are obvious, however, the function of the overburden ro

19、ck is subtler because, in addition to providing the overburden necessary to thermally mature the source rock, it can also have considerable impact on the geometry of the underlying migration path and trap.前三种基本要素的作用是显而易见的,但上覆岩系的作用比较难以捉摸,它不仅提供烃源岩热成熟必须的上覆条件,而且还对其下伏的运移通道和圈闭的几何形态产生很大的影响。One of the main

20、objectives of enhanced recovery is to maintain or reestablish the original reservoir pressure.提高采收率的主要目标之一是保持或者重新恢复原始油藏压力。这个目标可以通过好几种方式来实现。Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions.结构材料的选择应使其在外界条件中保持其弹性。Specific methods of sho

21、oting and processing seismic data have now been developed.特定的激发和地震资料的处理方法现在已经发展起来了。In making the radio waves correspond to each sound in turn, messages are carried from a broadcasting station to a receiving set.使无线电波依次对每一个声音作出相应变化时,信息就由广播电台传递到接收机。四、后置定语 在英语的各种从句中,定语从句最为复杂,因此翻译时难度也往往最大。我们知道,在句中作定语的从句

22、,称为定语从句,由关系代词和关系副词引导,置于被修饰语之后。但现代汉语里,但现代汉语里,却没有关系代词和关系副词。英语中定义从句后置的这种语言现象,汉语里也是没有的。英语定语从句的后置使句子长而复杂。而汉语的定语一般是前置定义,句子较短。英汉两种语言句子结构上的这些差异给翻译定语从句带来了较大困难。有些定语从句不仅结构复杂,而且含义繁多,与主句之间存在着状语关系,具有补充、原因、转折、结果、条件等意义。在科技英语中,定语从句和被动语态一样,出现的频率很高。大量使用后置定语也是科技文章的特点之一。常见的结构不以下五种:1、介词短语Pipelines used to transmit natura

23、l gas from well head to gathering station and purification station are called gathering pipe network. 用于把天然气从井口传输到集气站和净化站的管道称为集气管网。Stations for gathering and pre-treatment of natural gas are the specific sites, including gathering station (single well station included), dehydration station, pressure

24、-adjusting and metering station, distribution station, booster station, storage station, valves room, pipe cleaner station and cathode protection station, etc.天然气采集和预处理厂站包括集气站(含单井站)、脱水站、调压计量站、分输站、增压站、储配站、阀室、清管站和阴极保护站等。2、形容词及形容词短语。In Brazil the fuel most available is hydroenergy.巴西水能资源丰富。In radiation

25、, thermal energy can be transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.热能在辐射时,能转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。3、副词The air outside pressed the side in .外面的空气将桶壁压得凹进去了。The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level.向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度。4、单个分词,但仍保持校强的动词意义。The South Af

26、rican state oil company (SOEKOR) was under a statutory obligation imposed by its government to test every claim to an oil-finding method, be it dowsing or some sophisticated scientific technique.南非国家石油公司在国家政府法律的强行规定下,对每种发现石油的方法必须进行验证,以便确认它们是找矿方法还是复杂的科学技术。Oil and gas result mostly from dead microorga

27、nisms buried quickly in anoxic environments, where oxygen is so scarce that they do not decompose.石油和天然气大多是由缺氧环境下迅速被掩埋的死亡微生物生成的。这种环境氧气奇缺致使这些微生物无法分解。 5、定语从句 A petroleum system is defined as a natural system that encompasses a pod of active source rock and all related oil and gas and which includes al

28、l the geologic elements and processes that are essential if a hydrocarbon accumulation is to exist.含油气系统可以定义为一个天然系统,该系统包括一套有效烃源岩和与之相关的所有石油和天然气,以及油气藏存在所必需的所有地质要素和地质作用。For freshwater or oil-based muds which have a low resistivity a third type of device is used. 对于电阻率较低的淡水和油基泥浆,要采用第三种设备,即感应测井。This devi

29、ce is the induction log, in which transmitter and receiver coils are placed at two ends of a sonde and are used to transmit a high-frequency alternating current.感应测井中,发射和接收线圈被安置在探测器的两端,并且发射出高频交变电流。五、常用句型科技文章中经常使用某些特定的句型,从而形成科技文体区别于其他文体的标志。例如It.that.结构句型;被动态结构句型;as短语结构;分词短语结构句型,省略句结构句型等。举例如下:It is no

30、w known that the regional distribution of shale gas is controlled by the quantity, quality, and level of the maturation of organic matter in the shale formations.现在已知页岩气的区域分布是由页岩层中有机质的数量、质量和成熟度水平来控制的。It seems that these two branches of science are mutually dependent and interacting .看来这两个科学分支是相互依存,相

31、互作用的。It was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.直到十九世纪人们才认识到热是能量的一种形式。In the old days wells could be deviated from vertical by dropping a steel wedge or whipstock down the borehole.以前可以通过向井眼里放入一个钢楔或者“造斜器”的方法来造斜。As oil is removed from the rock, the pressure of the

32、reservoir will decrease, and consequently the rate of production will tend to decline unless the pressure is sustained by a natural water drive.随着石油的开采,油藏的压力就会降低,如果没有天然水驱来维持压力,石油的产量就会降低。In water sound travels nearly five times as fast as in air .声音在水中的传播速度几乎是在空气中传播速度的五倍。Compared with hydrogen, oxygen is nearly 16 times as heavy .氧与氢比较,重量大约是它的十六倍。六、长句为了表述一个复杂概念,使之逻辑严密,结构紧凑,科技文章中往往出现许多长句。有的长句多达七八个词,以下即是一例。The efforts that

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