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1、学年冀教版英语九年级上Unit2单元试题含答案2016-2017学年冀教版英语九年级上Unit2 Great People单元练习 一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) .听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。 (5分) .听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。 (5分) 6. A. She is a nice girl. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. What a pity! 7. A. Thank you. B. I dont like them at all. C. Coffee,please. 8. A. Thats all right.

2、B. Thats wrong. C. You are welcome. 9. A. Yes,Id love to. B. I dont mind. C. I feel terrible.10. A. Red roses. B. Sounds good. C. I like white. .听短文及问题,选择正确答案。短文及问题读两遍。 (5分)11. A. Ann. B. Mary. C. His sister.12. A. One. B. Two. C. Three.13. A. The boy. B. The girl. C. Ann.14. A. She liked good looki

3、ng. B. She liked her mother. C. She was beautiful.15. A. Their mother loved the girl. B. It is better to be good than to be just good-looking. C. Their mother was not kind to them. .听短文,完成表格信息。短文读两遍。(5分)The Voice of the School (校园之声) What timeIts 16. oclock now. Its time for you to have a break.What

4、Music can help you forget all the 17. .HowYou and your classmates must be very 18. to hear your favorite music.What kindWestern classical(经典的) music makes people feel richer and 19. music makes people do things faster.WhoMost of the middle school 20. like pop music best.16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 二、单项选择(共1

5、2小题;共12分)21. Although he has worked for only two years, he has with many problems. A. succeeded on dealing B. succeeded in dealing C. successed in dealing22. After he finished his homework, he went on some stories. A. to read B. reading C. reads D. readed23. Youve made this year. A. a progress B. pr

6、ogress C. progresses D. progressed24. - What should we do for the disabled children in the Childrens Home? - Youre supposed to a study group to help them. A. take up B. fix up C. set up D. stay up25. -Dear, you need to by next week, to go to university at home or to go abroad. You are going on eight

7、een. -OK, Mum. I am considering it. A. make an appointment B. make a suggestion C. make a decision26. Mo Yan is famous now, but he a true son of soil(土地). A. keeps B. stays C. remains D. maybe27. They were all very tired, but stopped to have a rest. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody28. P

8、lease remember to turn off the TV you leave the room. A. ago B. after C. since D. before29. - When did you leave the bus station? - I saw him get on the bus and sit down. A. Before B. After C. Since D. Until30. Mary and Allen talked happily they walked. A. after B. while C. as D. before31. The camel

9、 I rode had a bad temper, and I got very tired. A. that B. whose C. who D. where32. Mr. Smith is an excellent teacher always gives us lively lessons. A. whose B. which C. whom D. who三、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Benjamin Franklin is an inventor, author, statesman, and signer of the Declaration of Independence(

10、独立宣言). But all great people were kids once and 33 . In writing about his 34 , Franklin remembered a youthful 35 that he later regretted. Franklin was born in Boston. His father, whom Ben admired and 36 , was a soap and candle maker. When he was ten, Ben was taken out of 37 and put to work in the sho

11、p. Franklins family lived near the 38 , so Ben learned to swim well and to handle small boats. He was a leader among the boys in his neighbourhood and they were naughty. Sometimes they got hurt. There was a pool. On the edge of the pool, we 39 stand to fish. Because of standing there many times, we

12、made it mire(软泥). In the evening, when the workmen there were gone, I asked a number of my friends to take stones all away and built a little 40 to stand on it. The next morning the workmen were surprised at 41 the stones, which were found in our stage. I explained that it was good for us to do that

13、. 42 was useful which was not honest. My father let me know it.33. A. poor B. honest C. naughty D. rude34. A. way B. life C. day D. time35. A. event B. turning C. history D. past36. A. respected B. afraid C. needed D. hated37. A. boat B. shop C. home D. school38. A. hill B. water C. field D. factory

14、39. A. use to B. used to C. be used to D. get used to40. A. house B. product C. stage D. company41. A. selecting B. gathering C. missing D. having42. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing四、阅读理解(共15小题;共30分)A Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A. She was a great woman. When Helen was a baby, sh

15、e got very sick. After many weeks, the doctor said, “She is better, but now she cant see or cant hear.” Her mother and father were very sad. After a few years, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak with other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didnt understand anything.

16、Then one day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was a very bright child and soon she learned to spell her first word. When she was older, she went to college(大学). Helen was very famous. She helped many blind(盲) and deaf(聋) people. She

17、traveled around the world and helped many people. Helen was a very old woman when she died. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.43. Helen Keller got very sick when . A. she was a baby B. she went to college C. her

18、 teacher came to her home D. she was very old44. taught Helen Keller her first world. A. Her mother B. Her teacher C. Her father D. The doctor45. Helen Keller was famous because . A. she was an American B. she traveled around the world C. her teacher taught her many things D. she learned to read and

19、 write and helped many people in the word46. The world remembers Helen Keller today because . A. she was very bright B. she was blind and deaf C. she was a brave and wonderful person D. she went to college47. Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but . A. she found a way to understand the world B. her mo

20、ther and father didnt feel sad C. she found a way to travel around the world D. she found out how people became blind and deafB Stephen Hawking, a world famous British physicist, will write a childrens book with his daughter. Hawking said the book will be “a bit like Harry Potter” but without the ma

21、gic. “It explains the wonders of the universe(宇宙),” said Hawking, while he was on a visit to Hong Kong last week. Hawking, 64, is probably the worlds most famous scientist after Albert Einstein. He is an expert on black holes. He has put his whole life into digging into the beginning(and the end) of

22、 the universe. “My goal is simple,” Hawking once said. “It is to completely understand the universe, why it is as it is and why it is there at all.” Hawking has a bad illness that stops him from moving or talking. For a period of time, he had no way to communicate except by blinking(眨眼). Now he sits

23、 on a wheelchair with a computer by his side. To communicate, he moves two fingers to control the computers mouse. He selects his words from the screen, which are then spoken by a voice synthesizer (音响合成器). “I have had the disease for most of my life,” Hawking once said. “Yet it has not stopped me f

24、rom being successful at my work.” Although Hawking is such a disabled man, he made great achievements. He has received many awards and prizes for his work over the years. This includes winning the Albert Einstein Award. It is the highest achievement in theoretical physics (理论物理).48. The book that St

25、ephen Hawking will write is . A. the same as Harry Potter B. is quite different from Harry Potter C. about the magic D. about science49. From text we can learn . A. Hawking is more famous than Einstein B. Hawking is less famous than Einstein C. Both Hawking and Einstein are very famous D. Neither Ha

26、wking nor Einstein is famous50. What does the underlined pronoun “it” stand for? A. The goal. B. The magic. C. The universe. D. The book.51. According to the text, which of the following statements is the fact? A. Hawking has received many awards and prices except the Albert Einstein Award. B. The i

27、llness keeps him from moving and talking. C. He communicates with others by speaking. D. The illness stopped him from being successful.52. What is the best title for the text? A. Stephen Hawking B. A Famous Book C. Live as Hawking Does D. A Clever ManC Microsoft founder Bill Gates has talked about t

28、o be a good parent, saying that 13 is a right age for a childs first mobile phone. The 57-year-old father of three said on the Today show that his children Jennifer and Rory were not allowed phones until their thirteen birthday and his youngest daughter Phoebe is still waiting for one. Weve made a r

29、ule in our family that its 13 when you get a phone. He also said as a result his child often returned home from school complaining, All the other kids have it, Im the only without it, its so embarrassing. Asked if he keeps passwords(密码) to his son and daughters e-mail and Facebook accounts(帐号). Mr.

30、Gates said that he doesnt for Jennifer, 16, who he says is old enough. Besides their wealth Mr. and Mrs. Gates, who live in Lake Medina, have said they want to raise their three children as usually as possible. It is said that their kids have to do housework at home after school and arent given much

31、 pocket money. And in 2010 Mr. Gates said that he wanted to give most of his $61 billion away rather than hand it down. That wouldnt be good either for my kids or society, he said. Mr. Gates left Microsoft in 2008 to put his heart to charity. During the Today interview with host Matt Lauer, he said that helping others made him feel as happy as creating software. What you really feel is what youve achieved. If a piece of software gets out there and lots of people love itit lets them get their work down in better waysthats exci

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