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本文(江苏省苏州市届九年级初中毕业暨升学考试模拟考试英语试题.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、江苏省苏州市届九年级初中毕业暨升学考试模拟考试英语试题2015年苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试模拟考试试卷 英语选择题 (共40分)一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Have you got an iPhone 6?No, many young people now say “No” to it because of follow-up service. A. its B. it C. its D. itself2. Some students often enjoy music to relax themselves

2、classes. A. among B. over C. during D. between 3. Look! Hes running so fast! Hard to his legs were once broken.A. know B. imagine C. think D. understand4. How do you like the apple pie I made yesterday? Great! Its one I have ever had.A. delicious B. the least delicious C. more delicious D. the most

3、delicious5. do you do Yoga exercise, Linda? Twice every week.A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. How far6. Hanggai Band got the first prize in the competition of Sing My Song. They are very with many people who like their style.A. strict B. popular C. similar D. welcome7. A quiet boy like Daniel

4、 would like to stay at home doing nothing going out.A. instead of B. less than C. such as D. together with 8. weather! It has rained the whole afternoon. Ive heard it will not stop until the next few days.A. What a bad B. What bad C. How bad D. How bad a9. Tim is crazy about exploring. He continues

5、doing it he meets up with many difficulties.A. though B. so C. but D. or10. Must I finish the exercise in class?No, you . You may leave it as homework.A. cant B. neednt C. shouldnt D. mustnt 11. Its said that the 3-D film The Great Wall will at the end of 2016.A. come out B. come down C. come up D.

6、come back12. What do you think of my new dress?Sorry, but what did you say? I about something else. A. think B. thought C. am thinking D. was thinking 13. Can you tell me ? This afternoon. A. when we will try Nanjing Metro Line 3 B. where we can take Nanjing Metro Line 3 C. how many stations Nanjing

7、 Metro Line 3 hasD. whether Nanjing Metro Line 3 has come into use 14. I think Mr Brown is a nice headmaster. . He has his own ways to satisfy our teachers and students.A. Im not sure B. Im afraid not C. I dont think so D. I agree15. Shall we ask more friends to help raise money for charity?Good ide

8、a. As an old saying goes, . A. never too late to learn B. no pains, no gains C. many hands make light work D. dont put all your eggs in one basket二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Are we humans alone in space? Scientists have been working on this question for a l

9、ong time. And recently, new 16 offer more hope that some form of life was on Mars in the past and perhaps is still there 17 .According to a new report in the book Science, the Mars Explorer Curiosity has found more methane(甲烷) in 18 air. It might suggest the possibility of life.During the last 20 mo

10、nths, Curiosity has found methane many times, and four of them, it tested at a level 10 times 19 than usual. “Its a great increase,” said Christopher Webster, the lead scientist.This new finding has made a big change. In September 2013, Curiosity found almost 20 sign of methane on Mars. Just weeks l

11、ater, however, Curiosity 21 the gas. If theres methane in Mars air, where is it coming from? Scientists arent sure. Methane is also found in Earths air and comes from animal and plant life, as well as from the environment 22 .“There are many 23 sources(来源), such as actions between water and rock,” g

12、uessed Sushil, a scientist of the Curiosity team.Also, for the first time, Curiosity found some other organisms(有机物) in the rocks of Mars. Organisms are thought to be the necessary things to form life. Scientists arent sure where these organisms come from. They could have formed on Mars 24 landed on

13、 Mars by meteorites.For the next three years, Curiosity will 25 looking for more organisms in rocks and exploring Mars. There is still a long way to go!16. A. discoveries B. inventions C. books D. magazines17. A. in time B. at present C. at once D. in future18. A. Earths B. Suns C. Moons D. Mars19.

14、A. high B. low C. higher D. lower20. A. all B. no C. every D. much 21. A. picked up B. put up C. gave up D. opened up22. A. himself B. themselves C. herself D. itself23. A. possible B. necessary C. certain D. important 24. A. and B. but C. so D. or25. A. stop B. practice C. keep D. remember三、阅读理解(共1

15、5小题, 每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。(A)May Day is coming. Why not go to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum? Enjoy yourself and learn about science and technology. Its really amazing. Activities Visiting eleven theme pavilions Watching films in four different kinds of hi-tech cine

16、mas, 4-D films, for example Learning about great scientists by visiting the art gallery Trying interesting experimentsTime9:00-17:15 from Tuesday to Sunday and all the national legal holidaysTicket 60 yuan for adults 75 percent of the full price for students Free for people over 70 and kids under 1.

17、3 metres(You can book the ticket on different websites such as Lvmama, Nuomi and Dazhongdianping or you can buy the ticket in the ticket office.)Location2000 Century Avenue26. If your parents take you to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum on May Day, how much money should you pay?A. 180 yuan. B.

18、 165 yuan. C. 135 yuan. D. 130 yuan. 27. What cant visitors do in the museum?A. Try interesting experiments. B. Watch 4-D films.C. Visit twelve theme pavilions. D. Visit the art gallery.28. According to the passage, how many ways can visitors get the ticket?A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5. (B)You might think

19、 that Olympic athletes are the healthiest people in the world. Its true that many are. However, its also true that many Olympic athletes had to overcome illnesses early in their lives. One excellent example is Wilma Rudolph. She competed in track-and-field events in the 1960 Olympics. She didnt win

20、just one gold medal. She won three. At the time, people called her “the fastest woman in the world.”As a young child, Wilma could not take part in sports. She had a series of serious illnesses, and then, at the age of 4, she got polio. She lost the use of her left leg, and the doctor said she would

21、never walk again. The people in Wilmas family did everything they could to help her walk again. Wilma and her mother often traveled 100 miles to get treatments for her leg. Her brothers and sisters took turns giving her leg a daily massage. Four times a day, they helped her do special exercises for

22、her leg. Amazingly, by the time Wilma was 9 years old, she was able to walk again. Before long, she started playing basketball and running. In high school, she was a track star and then she went to the Olympics. Wilma stopped being a runner when she was 22 years old. She then became a teacher and tr

23、ack coach. Her story encouraged many people to work hard and to overcome difficulties. 29. The underlined word “polio” in paragraph 3 means in Chinese. A. 小儿麻痹症 B. 禽流感 C. 哮喘 D. 肺炎30. Of the following, which order is right according to the passage?Her left leg couldnt be used because of serious illne

24、sses. She didnt win one but three golds in the 1960 Olympics.Her family members tried their best to help her walk again.She stopped being a runner and became a teacher and track coach. A. B. C. D. 31. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Wilma Rudolphs family helped her overcome polio. B. Wilma Rud

25、olph was seriously sick when she was a young girl. C. Wilma Rudolph was a great Olympic athlete, coach and teacher.D. Wilma Rudolph overcame many difficulties to become a great athlete.(C)Do you want to live another 100 years or more? Some experts say that scientific advances will one day enable hum

26、ans to last tens of years beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span.“I think we are knocking at the door of immortality(永生),” said Michael Zey, a Montclair State University business professor and author of two books on the future. “I think by 2075 we will see it and thats a

27、 conservative estimate(保守的估计).”At the conference in San Francisco, Donald Louria, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark said advances in using genes as well as nanotechnology(纳米技术) make it likely that humans will live in the future beyond what has been possible in the past. “There is a

28、great push so that people can live from 120 to 180 years,” he said. “Some have suggested that there is no limit and that people could live to 200 or 300 or 500 years.”However, many scientists who study in ageing are doubtful about it and say the human body is just not designed to last past about 120

29、 years. Even with healthier lifestyles and less disease, they say failure of the brain and organs will finally lead all humans to death.Scientists also differ on what kind of life the super aged might live. “It remains to be seen if you pass 120, you know; could you be healthy enough to have good qu

30、ality of life?” said Leonard Pooh, director of the University of Georgia Gerontology Centre. “At present people who could get to that point are not in good health at all.”32. By saying “we are knocking at the door of immortality”, Michael Zey means .A. they believe that there is no limit of livingB.

31、 they have got some ideas about living foreverC. they are sure to find the truth about long livingD. they are able to make people live past the present life span33. Donald Lourias attitude towards long living is that .A. people can only live from 120 to 180B. it is still doubtful how long humans can liveC. it is possible for humans to live longer in the future D. the human body is designed to last past about 120 years34. The underlined “it” i

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