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1、高口真题答案199891998.9上海市英语高级口译资格证书第一阶段考试参考答案:SECTION 1: LISTENING TESTPart A: Spot Dictation1. one-sixth /1/6 2. the oceans tides3. the occurrence of earthquakes 4. affect our behavior5. moons phases 6. easier or harder to catch7. famous astronomer 8. has an effect9. strange and unpredictable 10. really

2、 a connection11. police and fire 12. crime an unusual behavior13. car accidents 14. welfare checks15. is convinced 16. very hard to prove17. 1984 18. crime rates and the full moon19. deal directly with 20. specify exactlyPart B: Listening Comprehension1-5 C C B A D 6-10 B A A A B11-15 C B C D D 16-2

3、0 C A A C ?SECTION 2: READING TEST1-5 D C C B A 6-10 B D B A C11-15 B A B D D 6-20 D C B C CSECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST英语是一种多么崇高的工具!我们每写下一页,都不可能不对祖国语言的丰富多彩、灵便精深产生一种赞同的喜悦。如果某个英国作家不能用英语,不能用简明的英语说出自己必须说的话,那么这样的话也许就不值得说。英语没有更广泛地得到学习是何等憾事。我不是在攻击古典教育。凡自命对文学有一丁点鉴赏力的人都不可能对古典教育的吸引力无动于衷。但我承认,我国目前的教育制度使人忧心忡忡。我

4、无法相信这是一种最佳的制度,甚至无法相信这是一种合理的制度,因为这个制度把那种唯有少数特权人物和天才人物才能欣赏的文学珍品,全数摆在很不情愿且又很不理解的普通大众面前。对公立党校的广大学童来说,古典教育从头至尾是冗长的、毫无意义的、毫无用处的。倘若有人告诉我,古典课程是学习英语的最好准备,那我的回答便是,迄今为止这个准备阶段不完善,它未能收到所承诺的任何成效。SECTION 4: LISTENING TESTPart A: Note-taking and Gap-filling1. manufacturing 2. service3. five 4. utility5. wholesales

5、6. retail7. insurance 8. personal9. accounting 10. ninety11. growing 12. competition13. advertising 14. women / females15. restaurant / dining-room / food 16. old / elderly / aged17. health-care 18. fall / drop /decrease19. low 20. securityPart B: Listening and Translation. Sentence Translation1. 销售

6、经理正考虑在这个城里再留几天。2. 艺术教学主要是鼓励每个学生的想象力,让他们尽可能自由地表达自己的思想。3. 中国是这位总统四国之行的第一站,他还将访问日本、南朝鲜和菲律宾。4. 与日本和欧洲各国相比,在每千人拥有的医生数方面,美国遥遥领先。5. 我将谈谈这个城里发生的道路事故数字,在1995年到1997年期间事故数量上下波动很大。. Passage Translation1. 传统美国家庭由于活挣钱的父亲、当家庭妇女的母亲和两到三个孩子组成。但在近来2025年中,这情景发生了变化。现在除了传统模式的家庭外,还有许多不同类型的家庭。例如,有许多单身母亲或父亲独力扶养孩子;有结婚的夫妇决定不要

7、孩子。有时候已成年的孩子可能又回家与父母同住。有时候你还会发现有些老年人合住一所房子,以节约开支。2. 如果你因公出差,你最感困难的问题不是语言障碍或飞行时差综合症,而是午餐。每个国家都有不同的习俗,你可马乎不得。在欧洲南部,午餐休息时间很长。例如在意大利,可能会长达三小时。有些午餐分量比其他地方小。如果你到斯堪的纳维亚,工作午餐就是一份三明治。如果你的主人拒绝饮酒而只喝牛奶,千万别大惊小怪。不是所有地方都如此有健康意识。美国人总抱怨抽烟喝酒,但在俄罗斯人们在午餐时又抽烟又喝酒。SECTION 5: READING TEST1. The AP program offers college-le

8、vel courses in high schools. The program offers 31 tests in 18 subjects and the tests are conducted / administered by the College Board. And colleges usually give credit to students who pass the AP tests.2. Low-income high school students who receive federal school lunch subsidies can receive such g

9、rants. Students are encouraged to take the AP tests so that they will work / study harder / more diligently and learn more from AP courses.3. Both McDonalds and Burger King are fast food restaurants and are of the same industry, and Bill Bixby uses this comparison / simile to express his dissatisfac

10、tion with the governments decision. His conclusion is that the International Baccalaureate Program should also be supported by the federal government / receive the support from the federal government.4. SSSIs are sites / areas where precious wildlife / animals / water birds /water-loving species liv

11、e and where they are / should be protected. Much damage is being done to SSSIs. Some are becoming dry because of overabstraction of water, some are being polluted from waste water treatment works and the number and species of wildlife animals / birds living in these areas are declining.5. The major

12、dispute is whether all SSSIs should be protected and saved. According to the spending plans of water companies drawn under the governments guidance, only 9 out of the 79 sites would be saved, whereas English Nature holds that all sites should be protected and saved.6. Sarah Fowler thinks that the da

13、mage to wildlife areas has caused the decline of water-loving animals, the improvement of wildlife sites should be given much attention and all wildlife sites should be protected and saved.7. Short Story is a well-known / established radio broadcast programme / short story reading programme. Both ne

14、w writers and distinguished authors have contributed to the programme and over the decades the programme have nurtured a number of writers.8. The literary people are much concerned about the issue as they cherish / love the programme. They oppose such schedule changes and hope the programme will con

15、tinue.9. The programme is considered “labour-intensive” as 15000 short stories are received every year and only a small portion will be used. Reading of so many stories and writing back to authors need much effort / time and it is planned to be cut to “save money.”SECTION 6: TRANSLATION TESTOur gove

16、rnment has stronger control over foreign trade, and strengthened the service and coordinating functions of such intermediary organizations as chambers of commerce. We hope to continue to strengthen reform in our foreign trade system in order to gradually open foreign trade to competition and to get

17、it under control by both legal means and economic measures, such as tariffs, foreign exchange rates and interest rates. All this should help speed up the internationalization of Chinas foreign trade and create a better environment for bringing about a macro economic and trade prospect. By promoting

18、a closer cooperation among business and trade communities, manufacturing industries, agriculture, technology industries and banks, we will be able to produce more and better export commodities for the international market. Given this situation, China cant help but be a large market.听力测试题录音文字稿:SECTIO

19、N 1:LISTENING TESTPart A:Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWERBOOKLET. Remember

20、 you will hear the passage only once. Now lets begin Part A with Spot Dictation.The earths moon, which has always been an object of worship and mystery to people of all cultures and religions, is located an average of 239,000 miles from the earth. It has a diameter of 2,136 miles, and its gravity is

21、 one-sixth that of earths. Scientists know that the moon, as well as the sun, affects the oceans tides. It is also possible that the moon is related to the occurrence of earthquakes. But today we are going to discuss another fascinating question with respect to the moon. Does it affect our behavior?

22、To begin with, many observers say that the moons phases definitely affect the behavior of animals. For example, fishermen know that fish are easier or harder to catch, depending on what stage the moon is in. But what about people? Carl Sagan, the famous astronomer, says, “I have no doubt the moon ha

23、s an effect on human behavior.” There are stories in almost every society about people who do strange and unpredictable things during the time of the full moon, which comes approximately every twenty-nine days. Is there really a connection?In Los Angeles, some members of the police and fire departme

24、nts agree that the full moon is associated with more crime and unusual behavior. According to the fire department, the highest number of car accidents occurs on two occasions: when welfare checks are distributed and when the moon is full. A Los Angeles police sergeant named Bob Kenney is convinced t

25、hat the full moon has some effects on people, though he agrees that this is very hard to prove. Still, according to the Los Angeles Times of January 20, 1984, he says that most of the police officers he knows believe there is a connection between crime rates and the full moon.Many airline pilots, wa

26、itresses, bartenders, and newspaper reporters, all of whom deal directly with the public, agree that people behave oddly during periods of the full moon, though they cant specify exactly how or why it happens.Part B:Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test, there will be some shor

27、t talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken only once. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space

28、 in your ANSWER BOOKLET. .Questions 15 are based on the following conversationJ=Jim; B=Mrs. BeneventoB: Hello?J: Hi. Um Im calling about uh the apartment that was advertised in the Gazette? Is that still available?B: Yes, it is.J: Now, thats a two-bedroom?B: Thats right. Its two bedrooms, a kitchen,

29、 a living room, and the living room can also be used as a dining room.J: Uh-huh. Uh, whats the rent on that?B: Its four hundred and twenty-five dollars a month.J: Uh, does that include heat and electricity?B: No. The tenants have to pay their own utilities.J: Huh. Uh, whats uh the average cost of ut

30、ilities, do you know?B: Oh, I guess between thirty-five and forty dollars a month.J: Mm-hmm. Uh do you have uh washers and dryers in the building?B: Well, yes. Theres good. Where we live now is its really noisy. I is this like a fairly quiet building?J: Uh-huh. Thats good. Where we live now is its r

31、eally noisy. I is this like a fairly quiet building?B: Oh, yes! Well, the neighbors are really considerate, and no pets are allowed.J: Oh, thats good. What floor is the aqartment on?B: Well, its on the second floor, but theres no elevator. But its its all right. I live on the third floor and I dont

32、mind the stairs. Look why dont you just come down and see for yourself?J: Yeah, Id like to see it, uh whats the address?B: Forty-four Turner Drive. North side of Highland Boulevard.J: Is that close, uh, to Highland Shopping Center?B: Oh, yes. Were only a ten-minute walk away, just a couple of minutes by car.J: Oh, tha

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