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1、词汇精练PET词汇精练(1)1. I wrote down the number so that I ( ) remember it.A. couldB. shouldC. mightD. needed2. Richard is American, john is British they have different ( ).A. nationsB. countriesC. nationalitiesD. lands3. She made ( ) to tell her mother the good news.A. speedB. hasteC. hurryD. urge4. Are yo

2、u ( )?No, Im serious.A. deceivingB. cheatingC. foolingD. kidding5. A ( ) of humour is a great asset for a person.A. feelingB. senseC. meaningD. judgment6. The ( ) person is liable to succeed in the challenge.A. socialB. graciousC. friendlyD. sociable7. The police showed responsibility ( ) the preser

3、vation of public order and security.A. forB. toC. inD. on8. He doesnt feel ( ) when he is left ( ).A. alonealoneB. lonelylonelyC. alonelonelyD. lonelyalone9. Take a hat with you ( ) the sun is very hot.A. in caseB. thoughC. for fearD. in that case10. A ( ) of the camel is its ability to live for a l

4、ong time without water.A. qualityB. featureC. characteristicD. character答案:1. A2. C3. B4. D5. B6. D7. A8. D9. A10. C【知识点】1. could/can 不能与be able to 连用这首题考查的是could的用法,在复习could这个单词时要重点搞清楚他和其他情态动词的区别,尤其在虚拟语气中。考试可以常考的2. 第二题就不讲了,大家查字典知道每个词的定义之后就OK了3. haste, hurry和speed的同义词辨析。首先,haste是指急速的行动,其原因可能是环境压力,也可

5、能是强烈的愿望。然后,hurry是指仓促、忙乱的动作。最后,speed是指快速的动作,它还暗指不忙乱,有效率。那么,大家懂了没4. kidn. 小孩,儿?,少年v. 欺骗,开玩笑:Dont kid me.别欺骗我。5. 熟记sense的常考短语make sense有意义;意思清楚;有道理make no sense无意义make sense of 理解;懂;明白in a sense在某一方面;就某种意义来说a sense of humor幽默感6. social和sociable的辨析7. 这词考的是responsibility的搭配,show/shoulder/take/assume resp

6、onsibility for 对负责8. 区别alone和lonely。alone指独自一人的,而lonely指孤单的、孤独的。(个人觉得lonely有感情色彩,而alone只是叙述事实而已)9. in case 以防10. quality, characteristic和feature的辨析:quality系常用词,指表现于某人或某物与其他不同特质或特点characteristic指特殊的、易于辨认的特性或特征feature指引人注意的显著特征或细节character常指性格或某事特的风格PET词汇精练(2)1. They have three dogs to find a home for

7、, not to( )that cat and the bird.A. referB. nameC. commentD. mention2. She likes to quarrel( )neighbors( )the little things.A. withforB. toaboutC. withaboutD. aboutwith3. You mustnt joke( )him( )religious belief.A. withtoB. toaboutC. aboutwithD. withabout4. Tom, youre not( )to go out tonight. Its ra

8、ining heavily now.A. supposedB. oughtC. thoughtD. considered5. The village is( )by the hills.A. shut offB. shut inC. shut upD. shut out6. I cant( )him to those people; I dont think he knows them at all.A. joinB. linkC. connectD. collect7. Peter is confident( )winning the post as the assistant to the

9、 managing director.A. ofB. inC. onD. to8. We described him( )the cleverest student in the class.A. toB. asC. withD. on9. So,( ), weve got to try further funding.A. in sum upB. in summaryC. summing inD. on summary10. Her words left us( ).A. lostB. lossC. at a lossD. losing( )【参考答案】1. D2.C3. D4. A5. B

10、6. B7. A8.B9. B10. C【知识点】1. 这题容易误选为A,因为refer与mention是近义词,但大家注意:not to mention为固定搭配。2. 本题考查quarrel的常用短语用法。quarrel与about连用后接内容,不与for连用。3. joke with sb. About sth.扩展:play a joke on为固定搭配4. be supposed to do sth. 应该这道题容易误选B,之所以不选B是因为ought to 不能于be动词连用。5. 记住几个和shut相关的词组shut off 切断(水、电等)shut out 把排斥在外shut

11、in 把关在里面shut up 住口6. join to把连接到link to与相联系connect常与with连用,意为把与连接扩展:link up with 与相连接7. 这首题考固定搭配,记住就好:be confident of 对有信心注:名词confident后接in,但形容词confident后却接of.8. describeas 把说成9. to sum up、in summary、summing up意思均为总的来说.10. at a loss困惑,不知所措PET词汇精练(3)1. He told me that the firm could not afford( )such

12、 large salaries.A. payingB. to payC. to have paidD. being paid2. She has travelled in( )countries.A. southB. northC. northernD. northwest3. The plane was then able to( )and it cleared the moutains by 400 feet.A. riseB. raiseC. ariseD. rouse4. He had( )to go because he doesnt get on well with others.

13、A. everywhereB. anywhereC. somewhereD. nowhere5. Dont be so( ); Im not telling you what Ive promised not to say.A.oddB.shockedC.strangeD.curious6. He( )his previous best performance in the 1000 meters.A. improvesB. improves onC. bettersD. proves7. I( )to interrupt a man when hes busy working.A. envy

14、B. hateC. admireD. improve8. he was astonished( )what he found.A. atB. toC. forD. on9. They made no effort to hide their amusement( )I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.A. whateverB. whereverC. whoeverD. whenever10. I had hoped to get $1000 for my old car but had to( )a lot less.A. settle d

15、ownB. settle inC. settle forD. settle on【参考答案】1. B2. C3. A4. D5. D6. B7. B8. A9. D10. C【知识点】1. afford 后常接动词的不定式,所以应该选B:to pay.3. 此处只能选择一个不及物动词作答案4. 句子的意思为:他没有什么地方去因为与别人相处不好everywhere:每处anywhere:无论何处somewhere:某处所以,只有nowhere符合题意。5. odd、strange均为奇特的,shocked意为惊讶的,curious既有奇特的,还有好奇的意思。6. better和improve均有

16、提高、改善之意,better主要指改善地位或经济状况;improve指提高文化水平。8. astonish后接动词时常用不定式。be astonished at 对很惊讶10. settle down 定居;settle in 在新居安定下来;settle for 勉强认可;settle on 选定,决定。PET词汇精练(4)1. Ill meet you at the place in the forest where the paths( ).A. acrossB. crossC. connectingD. crossing2. Children are taught to( )their

17、 parents and teachers with respect.A. retreatB. considerC. regardD. treat3. It( )our family for a long time.A. has been belonged toB. has belonged toC. belongs toD. is belonged to4. Our teacher is strict( )us; we have to do what she says.A. inB. onC. withD. about5. The astronauts succeeded( )from th

18、e moon to the earth according to the plan.A. in returningB. to returnC. on returningD. to returning6. I cant be bothered( )him; he cant be bothered to say hello.A. withB. forC. onD. to7. The boys attempted( )for camping but were stopped by their parents.A. leavingB. to leavingC. to leaveD. for leavi

19、ng8. We have( )time to catch the train.A. manyB. plenty ofC. a number ofD. the number of9. The smell of roses( )me( )our old house.A. remindstoB. thinksofC. thinksaboutD. remindsof10. Because of weather, the school had to delay( )the sports meeting.A. holdingB. to holdC. for holdingD. to holding【参考答

20、案】1. B2. D3. B4. C5. A6. A7. C8. B9. D10. A【知识点】1. 本题中从句为一般现代时,必须用动词原形,只有选项cross符合题意。2. 本题考查近意词辨析。句意:教育孩子们对父母师长要尊敬。retreat退却consider和regard均为认为、当作的意思treat看待、对待;把视为扩展:treatas 把当作3. 句意:它成为我们的家产已很多年了。Belong to 总是用主动语态,另外因为后面有时间状语for a long time,所以需用完成时态。4. 由于后面的宾语是人us,所以这里的介词只能选with.5. 本题考查固定搭配:succeed

21、 in (sth. / doing sth.)成功succeed to sth. 继承6. 句意:我才不为他操心,他连打声招呼都不肯。be bothered with sb.为某人操心bother to do sth. 因做某事而添麻烦7. attempt比try稍正式一些,常暗含不成功的意味,而manage则一般指设法成功地做了某事。8. plenty of 可以修饰不可数名词,而其他短语只能修饰可数名词。9. 句意:玫瑰花香总是使我想起我闪的旧宅。使某人想起用remindof,结构相当于makethink about. 10. delay后应接动名词。PET词汇精练(5)1. He lik

22、es bread, cake, and other( )foods.A. alikeB. sameC. similarD. like2. Everybody( )him for his fine sense of humour.A. admiresB. respectsC. fearsD. support3. They warned the boy to( )his way.A. repairB. correctC. debateD. mend4. We all( )that we not rest until we finish the work.A. stickB. stick toC.

23、insistD. insist on5. He feels its difficult to( )such a big family with five children.A. helpB. aidC. assistD. support6. She( )into tears when she heard the bad news.A. fellB. burstC. cameD. went7. Peter became a judge but John( )a fisherman.A. keptB. continuedC. remainedD. followed8. They set out i

24、n search of( ).A. dangerB. adventureC. ventureD. loss9. When he left university, he found it hard to choose between the( )offers of work that were make to him.A. variedB. variableC. variousD. varying10. You must ask( )if you want to leave early.A. permitB. permissionC. admissionD. argument【参考答案】1. C

25、2. A3. D4. C5. D6. B7. C8. B9. C10. B【知识点】1. 本题为近义词辨析。alike:相像的same:相同的,常构成the same as结构。like:介词,意为像一样。similar:相似的,类似的。句意:他爱吃面包,蛋糕和其他类似的食品。扩展:similar to 与相似;2. 句意:人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。respect:尊敬fear:害怕support:支持admires:钦佩,羡慕所以这里用admire最为合适。3. 这道题考查mend ones way的固定搭配。4. 句意:大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息。stick没有坚持的意思,stick

26、to意为坚持.insist与insist on的区别在于前者接从句,后者接名词或动词。5. 句意:他感到很难支撑这个有五个孩子的大家庭。Help,aid和assist都有帮助的意思,而support除了有帮助的意思之外,还有支持,赡养的意思。6. 句意:他听到这个坏消息时猛然哭了起来。Burst into tears为固定搭配。7. keep:保持continue:继续follow:跟随句意:彼得当了法官,但约翰仍旧是个渔民。8. 生命危险或经济风险大时用venture;想使人心振奋、寻求刺激性的冒险用adventure;danger意为危险;loss意为损失。句意:他们踏上了历险征程。9.

27、这四个词均为vary的派生词。varied:多变的;variable:可变的,易变的;varying:正在变化的;various:各种各样的。句意:他大学毕业时,面对各种各样的工作机会。10. ask permission from sb.得到某人的许可;permit许可证;admission准许;argument论点。句意:如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。PET词汇精练(6)1. Each college student must take part in the military( )at the beginning of the first term.A. trainB. trainer

28、C. trainingD. trainee2. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an( )$100 a year!A. spareB. extraC. surplusD. more3. Why dont you( )your spare room to other people, and earn some money?A. hireB. fireC. useD. hire out4. Everyone had two( )of paper to draw on.A. sheetsB. typesC. kindsD. varieties5.

29、 He passed the( )examinations to become a doctor.A. requiredB. requiringC. inquiringD. inquired6. Tonight you can see the Rolling Stones( ).A. at concertB. in concertC. on concertD. with concert7. The boy was determined( )a sailor.A. not becomeB. not to becomeD. not becoming8. He shouted insults( )the woman who had cheated him the other day.A. inB. atC. forD. on9. She waved her hand( )good-bye.A. to sayB. sayingC. to sayingD. for saying10. We all insist that we( )until we finish the work.A. not restB. dont restC. didnt rest

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