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1、届高考英语一轮复习Unit1HopeandLove学案重庆大学版必修3Unit 1Hope and Love一、单词写 得 准用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.flowvi.流动;川流不息;溢过2.stilladj. 静止的;不动的3.livingadj. 活的;活着的;有生命的;活生生的4.joyn. 快乐;愉快;喜悦5.attackn. 攻击;袭击;进攻6.darknessn. 黑暗;阴暗7.recover vi.康复recoveryn康复8.distinguish vt.区别,辨别distinguishedadj.(外表或举止)高贵的;卓越的,杰出的9.puzzle vt.使迷惑;

2、使困惑 n谜;难题puzzledadj.困惑的puzzlingadj.令人困惑的10.simply adv.仅仅;只是;简单地simpleadj.简单的;单纯的prehend vi.理解uncomprehendingadj.不理解的comprehendingn理解12.connect vt.连接;联结;联系connectionn连接;联结;联系13.permanently adv.永久地;长期不变地permanentadj.永久(性)的;固定的;永恒的14.founder n创始人foundv创建,建立foundationn基金会;基础15.disappoint vt.使(人)失望disapp

3、ointmentn失望disappointedadj.失望的;沮丧的;失意的disappointingadj.令人失望的16.sweet adj.甜的sweetnessn甜;芬芳1.The Chinese Nation which is distinguished (distinguish) for its diligence and courage has attracted the attention from the world.2.The doctors had given her up but she made an excellent recovery. It was a mira

4、cle that she recovered from her illness.(recover)3.People usually think heart disease is connected with smoking. Do you believe that theres a connection between them? (connect)4.I think that he simply asked me a simple question just now.(simple)5.There was a puzzled look on the little girls face bec

5、ause a puzzling problem puzzled her.(puzzle)6.The disappointing news that he failed the exam not only made him very disappointed but also disappointed his parents.(disappoint)7.A wealthy merchant founded a special foundation to award scientists who make great achievements in their fields. But many y

6、ears went by, no one knows exactly who the founder is.(found)1.“静”之不同表达still静止的quiet 安静的calm 镇静的cool 冷静的silent 沉默的2.后缀ness名词集锦darkness黑暗loneliness 孤独,寂寞sickness/illness 疾病kindness 善良sadness 悲伤happiness 快乐3.不一样的“心情”disappointing adj.令人失望的disappointed adj.失望的frightening adj.令人害怕的frightened adj.感到害怕的te

7、rrifying adj.令人恐惧的terrified adj.感到恐惧的embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的embarrassed adj.尴尬的touching adj.触动人心的touched adj.感动的astonishing adj.令人惊讶的astonished adj.感到惊讶的二、短语写 得 准用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.have no way of knowing .无法知道2.lead_.into 把领/带进3.succeed_in 在中获得成功4.be_flushed_with 因而脸变红5.a_great_many 很多;许多 释放

8、;使变得自由7.give_birth_to 孕育;产仔;引起8.at_the_close_of 在结束时9.long_for 渴望;向往10.shine_on (使)照射在上11.back_up 支持12.at_the_beginning_of 在的开始13.in_a_flash 立刻,一瞬间14.in_the_light_of 鉴于;由于;按照15.a_little_while 不久;一会儿1.If you persevere with work, youll succeed_in your bussiness in the end.2.They try their best to back

9、_up the educational cause.3.Two arrests were made, but they were later set_free without charge.4.His face was_flushed_with excitement and his hands trembled. 5.She gave_birth_to a baby when she was fortyfive.6.She is longing_for a chance to speak to him in private.7.At_the_close_of the term we shall

10、 have a general review. 8.The policeman arrived in time and caught the thief in_a_flash. 1.“立刻”短语小结in a flash立刻;一瞬间in an instant 马上,立刻right now 立刻at once 立刻right away 立刻2.“支持”与“反对”词汇集释back up支持favour n. 赞成support vt. 支持approve v. 赞同in favour of 支持oppose vt.反对object (to) vi. 反对disapprove v. 反对be oppo

11、sed to 反对be against 反对三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.但我和我的老师在一起几周后,我才明白每样东西都有一个名字。before 引导时间状语从句。如果你错过了这次机会,可能需要很多年你才能再获得一次。(2015重庆高考单选)If you miss this chance, it may be years before_you_get_another_one.2.I left the

12、 wellhouse, eager to learn.我离开汲水房,渴望学习更多的东西。形容词(短语)作状语。女孩激动又欣喜地跑向她的妈妈。Excited_and_overjoyed,_the girl rushed to her mother.3.Her words puzzled me very much because I did not understand anything at that time unless I touched it.她的话使我感到非常困惑,因为那时除非我用手接触它,否则我就什么都不理解。 unless“除非;如果不”是从属连词,引导条件状语从句。除非你努力学习

13、,否则考试会不及格。Youll fail in the exam unless_you_study_hard.第一板块核心单词归纳集释1attack v/n.攻击;袭击;进攻教材原句At nineteen months anattack of fever left her permanently blind and deaf.在她十九个月大时,因为一次高烧使她永久失明和失聪。(1)attack sb./sth. with sth. 用某物攻击某人或某物be attacked with 受到的侵袭;患病(2)make an attack on/upon 对发起进攻;攻击be/come under

14、 attack 遭到攻击;遭到抨击heart attack 心脏病He was attacked with a cold because he was caught in the rain. 他因淋了雨而得了感冒。When an animal is/comes under attack, it can run away or fight back.当动物受到攻击时,它会逃跑或还击。The dog got angry and made an attack on/upon the naughty boy.这只狗发怒了,袭击了这个调皮的小男孩。2distinguish vt.区别经典例句It is

15、hard for young children to distinguish right from wrong.对于小孩来说,分辨是非是困难的。(1)distinguish between .and .区分/辨别和distinguish .from . 使有别于distinguish oneself (as .) (作为)表现突出(2)distinguished adj. 卓越的;著名的;杰出的be distinguished for . 因而出名It is the superior intelligence and the use of language that distinguish man from the ot

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