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本文(完整版广东省广州市八年级英语下册Unit2系统复习无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、完整版广东省广州市八年级英语下册Unit2系统复习无答案广东省广州市七年级英语下U2系统复习【Part 1 8下Unit2系统复习】一.重点单词及短语Unit2中文英文中文英文n.语言v.使交叉;使交叠adv.以后;后来v.拒绝接受;不予考虑n.交流;交际v.点头v.提醒;使想起n.意义;意思n.芭蕾舞 v.(shook, shaken)握手;摇头n.颈;脖子 n.手势v.接受(建议、邀请等) adj.确信;肯定n.(书面或口头的)信息;消息n.身势语;肢体语言 adj.(对某人、某物)厌倦的;烦闷的发生adj.兼职的 坐起来,坐直adj.衣着入时的;穿着讲究的 给.留下好印象n.女士;女子提

2、醒某人某事v.叹气;叹息 n.外貌;外表n.怎么了n.印象 n.表情;神色prep.向;朝;对着v.(held;held)使保持(在某位置)二.重点语法U2动名词动名词是非限定动词的一种形式,由动词原形+ing构成。它既有动词的特征,又有名词的特征, 在句中可以有自己的宾语和状语,可作主语、宾语、表语。动词ing形式: 1)直接加ing(going,being,seeing); 2)以不发音的e结尾的动词,须去掉e再加ing(coming writing taking); 3)动词是闭音节的单音节词,重读闭音节结尾的多音节,末尾只有一个辅音时,辅音字母须双写,然后加ing(sitting be

3、ginning running stopping)用法:1.动名词作主语:动名词用法之一是可在句中作主语,与不定式作主语一样也可用it作形式主语,例如: 1.Learning Chinese is not an easy thing学中文不是一件容易的事。Seeing is believing.眼见为实。2.动名词作宾语 (1)动词后加动名词doing作宾语V. + doing sth admit承认 appreciate感激,赞赏 avoid避免 complete完成 consider认为 delay耽误 deny否认 detest讨厌 endure忍受 enjoy喜欢 escape逃脱 p

4、reven阻止 fancy想象 finish完成 imagine想象 mind介意 miss想念 postpone推迟 practice训练 recall回忆 resent讨厌 resist抵抗 resume继续 risk冒险 suggest建议 face面对 keep继续 include包括 stand忍受 understand理想 forgive宽恕3. 动名词作表语 例如: The best exercise for your health is swimming. His only hobby was sleeping.【动名词结构形式总结】 动名词一般形式:动词原形+ing形式 动名

5、词作宾语: 动词后加动名词doing作宾语V. + doing sth 动名词作宾语:如果有名词或代词作宾语,构成“V.名词/代词不定式(宾语补足语)”形式三.巩固练习1.单项选择1.Ill tell you about this thing _ . A. late B. before C. later D. latest 2.This photo reminds me _ my school days . A. of B. at C. to D. in 3.In order to change attitudes _ mploying women , the government is br

6、inging in new laws . A. about B. of C. towards D. on 4.She _ a good impression on his mother . A. gave B. made C. got D. had 5.The girls voice is sweet , but she doesnt sing with much _ . A. impression B. instruction C. expression D. misleading 6.- Children here are _from different illnesses. - We m

7、ust do something _ them. A. suffering; to help B. suffering help C. running; to help D. running; help 7.We must do everything we can _ waste water from running into rivers. A. keep B. kept C. to keep D. keeping 8.-_ more about tomorrows weather, call 121. -OK, I will. Thank you. A. Know B. Knowing C

8、. To know D. Known9.Tom is the first _ to school. A . get B . to get C. getting D .got 10.There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know _. A. where to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which 11.Yesterday I _ an invitation from Tom but I didnt _it. A. received;

9、receive B. accepted; accept C. accepted; receive D. received; accept12.Im _ with the homework, Mom. A. bore B. bored C. boring D. to bore 13.- In this example, _is not important. - Yes. We shouldnt judge a person _his or her look. A. appearance; by B. appearance; for C. expression; by D. expression;

10、 for 14. - Whats the _with you? - I didnt know the _of this sentence. A. wrong; communication B. matter; communication C. wrong; meaning D. matter; meaning 15.-How is your English study? -Not bad. But I _ learning English grammar. A. am interested in B. am good at C. have difficulty D. have no troub

11、le 2.语法填空 Hi! I am a Chinese midge school student 1 Li PingI am writing to tell you about an ex- periment We are doing at school with our science teacherAt the beginning of this school yearMrWang showed 2 films and we read articles(文章)about problems in the environmentOne day he said“1 want to know 3

12、 you inkPlease 4 me what We should do or must doTell me what each of you will do to protect the environment”Some students said that they thought 5 Was possible for each person to protect the environment if he really wanted toSomeone 6 said that scientists should work harder to find new ways to produ

13、ce energy Next week,1 will think about how 7 water or keep it cleanI am planning to try and use 8 water every dayand also not to use so much of the things that make it dirtyEach time I turn on the tapI must think about how much water 9 If you 10 to know more or join US,please write an e-mail to the

14、following address:Ping Li163com1.Aname Bnamed Cnames Dnaming 2.Awe Bour CUS Dours 3.Awhat Bhow Cwhen Dwhere 4.Anot tell Bnot to tell Cto not tell Ddont tell 5.Ait Bthat Cthis Dits 6.Aother Belse Canother Dothers 7.Asaving Bsave Csaved Dto save 8.Alittle Ba little Cless Dthe least 9.Ais used Busing C

15、used Duse 10.Awants Bwant Cwanted Dare wanting 3.单词拼写1.The young l_ in a red dress is our English teacher. 2.Whats the m_ with you? You look sick today.3.She gets b_ with her job. She wants to find a more interesting one. 4.The fans were very excited to s_ hands with the super star5.Im going to play

16、 t_. 6. Im p_ to teach them to sing. 7.Im going to visit d_ children in hospital. 8.You need to write a letter to your head teacher to ask p_. 9. Language is a chief means 主要手段 of c_ 10. Whats the m_ of this word ? 11.You look worried. Whats the m_ ? 4.完成句子1.请提醒一下我的家庭作业 _ me _ my homework , please .

17、2.他们给老师留下了好的印象 They made a good _ _ their teachers .3.你的肢体语言很重要 Your _ _ is very important . 4.这个男孩想找一份兼职工作 The boy wants to _ _ _ _ .5. 这个好消息使我们精神振奋。The good news _ _ _.6. 我觉得你在使用杰克的电脑前,需要请求他的批准。I think you need to _ _ before you use Jacks computer.7. 我不想在这么短的一个假期过去巴黎,我宁愿待在家里和我的孩子一起。I dont want to

18、go to Paris for such a short holiday. Id rather stay at home and _ _ _ my kids.8. 学生们将会在下周为非洲的孩子们筹募。The students will _ _ for the children in Africa next week.【Part2 能力大爆发】一.阅读第一节 阅读理解AFreda:Nowadays,moreandmorepeoplepreferonlineshopping.IspendalmostallmytimeontheInternetandIhaveboughtmanythingsonli


20、osavelotsoftimethatwewouldnormallyspendgoinghereandthereforproductsindifferentshops.Themainbenefitof onlineshoppingisthatwhenyoubuyanythingyouareabletocompareproductpricesandfeatures atthesametime.Elihu:Idontlikepayingforthingstobedeliveredtome,soIdoverylittleonlineshopping.Harriet:Ilikeshoppingonli

21、ne,becauseitismuchmoreconvenientandeasiertochoosemyfavoritethings.NowIhaveanonlinestorecalledKarenMillen,whichsellsKarenMillenclothes.1. Who doesnt like online shopping?A. Freda B. Dennis C. Anthea D. Elihu2. WhatdoesHarrietdoaccordingtothepassage?A.Sheisasinger B.SheisacollegestudentC.Sheisadesigne

22、r D.Sheisanonlineshopowner3. WhichofthefollowingbenefitsofshoppingonlineisNOTmentionedinthepassage?A.PeopledonthavetowaitinastoreforalongtimeB.PeoplecanhavemorechoicesC.PeoplecanmakemanyfriendswhenshoppingonlineD.Peoplecancompareproductpricesandfeaturesatthesametime4.Fromthepassage,wecanlearnthat_A.

23、Fredaoftenvisitsonlinestores,butsheseldombuysthethingsB.DennishasbeenshoppingonlineformanyyearsC.AnthealikesbothshoppingonlineandinrealstoresD.PeoplecanbuyallkindsofthingsinKarenMillenBRobots are smart. They can help people do some difficult jobs. Some robots do everyday. People use them in many way

24、s. They are different from people and they never get tired and dont need sleep. And they can do dangerous and dirty jobs! They also do the job nicely again and again.People use robots in space, too. It is much cheaper to send an unmanned spacecraft into space than to send a manned one. In space, rob

25、ots can take photos of things in space, do experiments (实验), and send the information back to the earth.Robots are also useful in hospital. Now with the improvement of science, doctors only need to make a small hole when they operate on a sick person. A tiny robot can be put into the persons body. T

26、hen doctors can watch what it is doing on a computer. The robot deep inside the body listens to the instructions and do as the doctors says.1.Which of the following CANT a robot do in a space ?A. Take photos of the things in space B. Doing experimentsC. Sending the information back to the earth D. T

27、alk with the workers2. How can the doctors know what the robot is doing in the sick persons body?A. By talking to the robot B. By listening to the robotC. By watching a computer D. By listening to the radio3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Robots are very useful in our li

28、fe B. Robots cant do the job well again and againC. Robots cant work in dangerous places D. Robots cant be used in hospitals4.What does the underlined word “tiny” mean ?A. quite big B. quite small C. quite long D. quite heavy5. What is the main idea of the passage?A. People are not as smart as robotsB. Robot

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